Isis 2 Documentation

Release Notes:

ISIS Release Notes

ISIS RELEASE NOTES for the August 19, 1996 release of ISIS

The ISIS system has been revised as of August 19, 1996. the following is a list of changes and enhancements that have occurred since the last version was released on May 15, 1996.

clemgroup has been checked into the system. REMINDER: clemgroup only works on UVVIS.

The CV display program has been updated to add the capability of specifying an arbitrary region of interest (ROI). You can then compute statistics (average, standard deviation, etc.) for the region and then plot the results and/or list the numerical values. Also, the average spectrum plot window (used for both the ROI average and the rectangular box average) has a new item in its "Functions" menu that lists the numerical values for the average spectrum. The label keywords in the output average spectrum table file have been changed to better describe both the ROI and rectangular box averages. As usual, the file $ISISEXE/cv.hlp has been updated to describe these new CV features. The file $ISISEXE/cv_roicon.hlp describes the new region of interests features. This file is displayed on-line by the "Help" button in the ROI Control Panel. (Writing the statistics listing to a text file and saving/restoring the ROI definitions in backplanes are not implemented yet. These will be implemented next.) This CV update also includes a couple bug fixes, e.g., using the zoom window with a cube file that is very small.

The CV program has been updated to add the capability of writing an average spectrum listing out to a text file. You can write the file either with or without header information.

The CV display program has been updated to add the capability of saving a set of ROIs by writing them out to a backplane of the cube file. Also, a set of ROIs can be read in from a backplane. Another CV change is that most of the windows are created with a request to the window manager that the windows cannot be deleted by using the "Close" function of the window manager. This works properly if you are using the Motif window manager. Unfortunately, this does not work if you are using Sun's Open Look window manager because it ignores the request. User's should remember that windows must be deleted by using the control buttons in the program rather than using the window manager "Close" function. If you have any problems please see Jim Torson.

A bug in the Region of Interest (ROI) handling of the CV display program was fixed. (It was not correctly plotting all the mean spectra when multiple regions were defined.)

eanorm and vlonorm
A bug was found and fixed in eanorm and vlonorm. It occurred when requesting storage of average in a new core plane (which is appended).

The level2 help in equalizer.pdf was incorrectly formatted. The problem has been fixed.

A new program, fixlucas, has been checked into the system that will translate the mapping labels from Lucas Kamp cubes after they have been converted to ISIS cubes to our standard mapping labels. (This program will not handle the general VICAR mapping labels only ones from Lucas).

"geom" was generating null pixels in the case that the t-file grid spacing was not equal to 1 on the right or lower edge of the output image. The problem has been fixed.

geom.pdf was also updated.

An updated version of geom_trans was placed in the system.

A new version of grid is in the system. Note that it now creates two temporary files that are automatically deleted by the program.

grid will now plot grid lines on the edges of cubes.

"jigsaw" has been modified so that it reports the line and samples values of the match points in distorted space to match the values on the labels of the images.

jigsaw.pdf was also updated.

Libker was updated with a new version of ker_naifclock.

Labels will now let you initialize the history without printing any labels information out to the terminal or log file.

Bug fix in universal mask operation.

Bug fix when converting input type and scale to mosaic type and scale. Also, mosaic now prints out the number and percentage of pixels saturated when doing the conversion.

"naiflab" has been updated to compute the START_TIME from either the GMT or the IMAGE_NUMBER if START_TIME is not on the labels of the cube. If the START_TIME is not on the labels, you will get a warning, but the program will look for GMT or IMAGE_NUMBER to calculate it, and if successful will update the labels.
The Galileo SSI SPICE for G2 is now in place and can be accessed through naiflab.

naiflab.pdf was also updated

nimsboomsten.pdf and nimstplane.pdf were also updated.

More documentation about the UTM has been added to NUPROJ.

A minor change was made in the documentation in NUPROJ.

Two subroutines have been updated that are used by photompr. The hapke function was modified so the local variables are now REAL*8 instead of REAL*4.

photostat has been changed to send more information to the print file. The north angle value has been added and if the center of the image is off the planet, the emission angle, incidence angle and phase angle values will be reported at the subspacecraft point.

Fix MARINER_10 image number calculation.

"quadplot" was affected by the move of the data files to mission specific directories. It has been fixed so that it looks for the data files in the new directories.

Changed the way special pixels are handled. See pdf for more info.

A new version of sedrsort has been checked into the system. Two parameters have been added: TO and OPTION. TO can be used to extract a list of FSCs or PICNOs to a separate file. If TO is used and OPTION=IMAGE_NO, the TO file will contain a list of IMAGE_NUMBERs (FSCs) only.
If TO is used and OPTION=PRODID, the TO file will contain a list of PRODUCT_IDs (PICNOs) only.

sedrsort.pdf was also updated.

shade has been moved from PICS.

shade can be used to create a cube that looks approximately like an aerial photograph of the topographic cube. The sides of hills will be shaded or brightened depending on the sun direction, but no shadows will be cast. This can be used to get an impression of the shape of the land. Other data besides topography, such as gravity or magnetic data, can be used in this program, as long as it is a continuous data set.

A new program has been created that will (hopefully) help with the correction of camera pointing for the rest of the UVVIS filters called shiftcube.

shiftcube will replace the camera pointing in the first cube (FROM) with the camera pointing in the second cube (FROM2). The assumption is that both cubes were exposed close to the same time and the second cube has been controlled. This will improve the chances for a good correlation by MATCHPT when these two cubes are compared. Then JIGSAW can be used to make the final correction in the camera pointing on the first cube.

A small change in error tolerances was made in spi_photoch. This will affect planorth and plansinu.

A part of spi_photoch.F has been changed to test for the occurence of limbs of planets differently. Some images were getting artifacts at the edges when using plansinu (which calls spi_photoch). This routine will affect plansinu and planorth and several other programs, but any problem will be most obvious in these two.

A bug has been found and fixed in tic. When a line, sample position for a tic mark was too far outside the image area, the program was bombing. (The center of the tic mark may be off the image.)

There is a new version of uvviscal with the following changes:

  1. Bug fix when converting to reflectance.
  2. New flat-field files.
  3. New dark current file.
  4. New coefficients for the conversion to reflectance.

(Note: There will probably be a new flat-field file for the A filter sometime in the future.

pics2isis and isis2pics
pics2isis and isis2pics have been updated to convert the EXPOSURE_TIME(pics) and EXPOSURE_DURATION(isis) keywords to the proper dimensions. EXPOSURE_TIME in pics is measured in seconds and EXPOSURE_DURATION in isis is measured in milliseconds. The programs will now convert the time into the proper dimensions for each system.

The default for the master list has been changed to look in ISISCLEMDATA.

expmrg.pdf is very similar to calmrg.pdf in merging clementine image exposure pairs. calmrg is intended to run on the lub(750 band) images in order to be consistent and used with the lub(750) control base. expmrg is recommended for merging all other clementine filters.

Additional parameters have been added to this new version.

Some bugs were fixed in hstret dealing with the way 32-bit pixel data are handled.

A new program fixlucas has been added to the system. "fixlucas" converts mapping labels created by Lucas Kamp to ISIS mapping labels for point perspective only.

The following non-program specific changes were also made.

The data files in $ISISDATA has been moved to mission specific directories where appropriate. The programs have been changed to find the data in the mission directories. Please report any problems to Kay or Debbie.

PICS DOIO applications will now allow (and resolve) file specifications longer than 32 characters. Note that environment variables are allowed in file paths. All PICS applications should be able to resolve error messages using the ERRMES facility. Error files were not being found previously.

The ISIS environment variable that redefines the log/print file, print.prt, has be changed to ISIS_LOG_FILE (it used to be ISISLOG_FILE). This is to maintain consistancy in ISIS environment variable names.

A bug was fixed in the subcube parsing routine where reading a subcube from a text file did not work at all. It now works correctly.

Mission parameters were added to mission.sav for the Russian mission. Phobos and the distortion routines were updated for this mission.

Last updated: Oct 24 2003
File: release_notes.html

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