Isis 2 Documentation

Release Notes:

For June 15, 1999 ISIS Release

This document describes the changes and enhancements that have been made to ISIS since the previous release on November 15, 1997. This is divided into several sections:

  1. Supported Platforms and Miscellaneous Notes
  2. Notes on Use of Shell ISIS
  3. Notes on the IDL Display Programs
  4. Documentation Updates
  5. New Programs
  6. Program-Specific Updates
  7. Updates Applicable to Multiple Programs
  8. Data File Updates
  9. Changes of Interest to ISIS Programmers


There have been two major changes made to the ISIS system since the last release (1997-11-15). We have added the ability to execute ISIS applications from the command line without the use of the TAE user interface. And, we have added the PC/Linux operating system to our list of offically supported platforms. These two events are a big reason why there has not been more timely releases of ISIS. We have spent a great deal of time working out issues due to the integration of ISIS code resulting from the PC/Linux port.

We currently support Sun Solaris 2.x, Compaq Alpha running Compaq Tru64 Unix V4.0E (previously known as DEC Alpha Digital Unix), SGI IRIX 6.2, and Linux 2.0.35 (libc5 based). (The Sun SunOS operating system is no longer supported.)

With this release, we are offically supporting the Linux operating system. We performed the Linux port last year and have been testing it since then. We plan to do most of our Clementine NIR camera processing with Linux ISIS so it is actively getting quite a bit of use now.

The standard ISIS set-up will define the environment variable ISISVERSION with the date of the current ISIS release that you are running.

There is a new environment variable ISISD that is the root directory that contains all the ISIS data files. In this release, the data files might be contained in a root directory that is different from the root directory that contains the ISIS programs.

The standard ISIS installation now looks for ISIS programs in the directory defined by the $USERTAEBIN environment variable in addition to the $ISISEXE directory, which contains the standard distributed programs. This allows use of a directory to contain special project-specific programs and procedure PDFs. See the "Overview of ISIS Architecture" for details.

This release of ISIS contains the information needed for users to write their own specialized ISIS application programs, including the ISIS System Design document and complete source code for ISIS. See the new ISIS Programmer Documentation section of the web-based documention for details.

Although we do not expect that ISIS will encounter significant Y2K problems, we have not yet performed Y2K testing. We expect to do this testing prior to the next ISIS release, which we plan to make available before the end of 1999.


With this new release, you no longer need to use TAE to execute ISIS applications. We do not see TAE going away anytime soon, rather, this feature supplements the choices you have when running ISIS. We are already actively using "Shell ISIS" in Perl scripts and CGI web programming activities.

The activation of this feature of ISIS is done automatically when you run the ISIS initialization script "isispgmdef". This script appends ISIS executable paths to your existing PATH variable making all ISIS applications runable from your favorite shell, perl or CGI script. There are probably other uses of this feature.

Note that there may well be conflicts with ISIS applications and system programs and applications with the same names. For example, we know that $ISISEXE/convert conflicts with /usr/X11R6/bin/convert on some Linux systems.

If any of you have written ISIS applications of your own, these will need to be rebuilt under the new system. C applications will require a minor modification. FORTRAN applications require no code modifications to use Shell ISIS. If anyone has his own applications and would like to make them compatable with this feature, you should contact isis-support and we will be able to help you with this.

For Linux systems, the /proc file system *MUST* be in use in order for this feature to be utilized. See your Linux system adminstrator if you have problems or questions about this.

When running ISIS applications from the shell, you will need to be conscious of shell substitutions. The easiest way to avoid problems is to enclose arguments in single quotes so shell substitution is not performed. Here is and example of how to run an ISIS application from the shell:

% zero to=zero.cub dims='(100,100,1)'

In this example, the ISIS "zero" application creates a floating point ISIS cube file with 100 samples, 100 lines and 1 band in Band SeQuential (BSQ) storage order and fills it with 0.0. (The "%" should not be typed as it is the Unix prompt.)

All ISIS applications exit with status indicating success or failure. The shell can test the exit status of any ISIS application and take appropriate action. An exit code of 0 indicates success. Error conditions are normally returned as negative values.

isisparam - This new application is provided to complete the ability to pass parameters back from ISIS applications to the calling shell. It is an additional feature of Shell ISIS. This application will parse the contents of the file created when an ISIS application is executed *and* it transfers values to the caller.

All ISIS applications that perform the transfer of values to the caller create a file called "isis_param.out" by default in the current directory. Note that this file is ONLY generated when an ISIS application returns a variable to the calling PDF. It is not generated after every ISIS applications is run! This file is always created in the default directory you are running the application from. You can change the file name by setting the ISIS_PARAM_FILE environment to the path and name of the file you prefer. At any time you can set ISIS_PARAM_FILE to a new file. However, when retrieving the parameters the "isisparam" program uses the file specified by ISIS_PARAM_FILE. Thus, you cannot alter ISIS_PARAM_FILE between the time a program writes the parameter file and "isisparam" fetches values from the file. The system will determine if ISIS_PARAM_FILE is set, if so the file named here is used for all operations. If it is not set then "isis_param.out" is used as the file name for all operations.

Below are the options that can be provided to "isisparam" as reported via "isisparam -help":

isisparam -h              Print help message (or -help)
isisparam -file           Report name of param file
isisparam -rm             Remove param file (may be combined with other options)
isisparam param           Report value of given param, (separate lines
                          if needed)
isisparam -i 3 param      Report 4th element of given param (0 based)
isisparam -n param        Report number of elements in given param
isisparam -test param     Report 1 if param exists or 0 if not
isisparam -v param        Report value of given param verbatim from the file
isisparam -s param        Do not print errors that are encountered, exit with
                          status code only
Here is an example of how the application works:

Note that when you call "getkey" from the shell command line, you *MUST* give non-sensical values for the "keyval" and "nvals" parameters to circumvent a generated error.

> isisparam -rm
> getkey from=/work1/kbecker/671L.cub obj=qube key=axis_name keytype=l \
           keyval=v nvals=n
  ISISVERSION = "1998-08-01"
  VERSION_DATE = 1996-05-07
  DATE_TIME = 1999-02-19T10:29:02
  NODE_NAME = "bonzo"
  USER_NAME = "kbecker"
  SOFTWARE_DESC = "Get a keyword value from a cube file label"
    FROM = "/work1/kbecker/671L.cub"
    OBJNAM = "qube"
    KEY = "axis_name"
    KEYTYPE = "L"
    CONNECT_TIME = 0:00:00.00
    CPU_TIME = 0:00:00.00
    DIRECT_IO = 0
> isisparam -file
> cat isis_param.out                                                    
> isisparam axis_name
Parameter 'axis_name' not found.
> isisparam keyval
> isisparam nvals
> isisparam -i 1 keyval
> isisparam -n keyval
> isisparam -v keyval
> isisparam -test keyval
> isisparam -test axis_name
> isisparam -rm
> isisparam keyval
Unable to open parameter file.
Parameter 'keyval' not found.
> isisparam -s keyval
Unable to open parameter file.
> echo $status
The following is an example Perl script that uses "isisparam":
# This perl program demonstrates how to use the new "isisparam" Shell
# ISIS application.
   $input = $ARGV[0];

#  Get the name of the core and print it out
   system("getkey from=$input obj=qube key=core_name keytype=l keyval=v nvals=n");
   $cname = `isisparam KEYVAL`;

   print "Core Name: $cname\n";
The following is an example Shell script that uses "isisparam":
# This C shell program demonstrates how to use the new "isisparam" Shell
# ISIS application.
   set input = $1

#  Get the name of the core and print it out
   getkey from=$input obj=qube key=core_name keytype=l keyval=v nvals=n
   set cname = `isisparam KEYVAL`

   echo "Core Name: $cname"


The IDL display programs in this ISIS release are compatible with IDL Version 5.1. Although we have done extremely limited testing, there is a possibility that the IDL display programs will also be compatible with IDL Version 5.2.



The $ISISDOC directory contains Release Notes for each release of ISIS. These are contained in files named "isisYYMMDD_release.notes", where YYMMDD is the date of the ISIS release. Each Release Notes file describes changes in the system since the previous release.

The current documentation for a release of ISIS is contained in a set of files in the $ISISHTML directory, which is part of the local ISIS installation. These are in a format that can be accessed with a web browser. For example, to view the local copy of the ISIS documentation with netscape, type:

    netscape $ISISHTML/documentation.html

You can also access the ISIS documentation over the Internet ISIS web site. However, note that the documentation on the ISIS web site is updated each time updates are made to our internal developmental version of ISIS. Thus, the web site documentation might contain information on new or modified programs that are not yet contained in the public release of ISIS that is described in your local $ISISHTML directory. However, the web site can be used for registering to receive update notices and for looking at the latest version of the Frequently Asked Questions list.


In addition to new documentation for the new programs and minor updates to documentation for previously existing programs, the following are some additional program documentation updates:

add.pdf - the level2 help was updated to better describe the use of the "BAND" parameter.

base2l1 - an updated program. Documentation has been updated.

cubestack - Corrected a typo in the .pdf file.

findrx.pdf - the documentation has been updated to explain the RESEAU_VALID keyword that is written to the output cube label.

isisparam - A special .pdf file for this program has been added so that the documentation for the program can be accessed through TAE (even though the program is run from the Unix shell prompt rather than through TAE).

jigsaw - the documentation in the pdf now includes a note about what to do when the program dies with a floating point exception error ("[TAE-PRCSTRM] Abnormal process termination; process status code = 6").

maplab - Some documentation has been added that explains using maplab to work from the -180 to 180 degree longitude system to the 0 to 360 degree longitude system.

matchplot - documentation has been updated.

mosaic - Documention in the pdf on the "backchk" option was updated.

spice2rand11000 - the pdf has been updated.

vik7track - documentation has been updated.


What's New on the ISIS Web Site - NEW summary of additions to the ISIS web site.

Policy on Support for External ISIS Users - Important NEW page that describes our policy on support for ISIS users at other institutions.

ISIS Overview - Updated the list of supported platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions - Updated the list of supported platforms. Added additional questions/answers.

Notes on ISIS Documentation - NEW page that includes instructions on producing a hard-copy program reference manual and other miscellaneous documentation notes.

Overview of ISIS Architecture - Updated to more accurately describe the current state of the system, including invoking ISIS programs from the Unix shell prompt. Also added a link to the JPL VICAR documentation page that describes the TAE Terminal Control Language (TCL), which is use for writing procedure PDFs that automatically run a series of application programs.

Appendix A - Example Cube Label - Updated to illustrate a current example of a cube label.

Appendix B - Example Cube History - Updated to illustrate a current example of a cube history.

Appendix E - Environment Variables - NEW appendix to the Overview of ISIS Architecture that contains a summary of environment variables that can be used to control ISIS processing.

Appendix F - Example ISL Label - NEW appendix that contains an example Instrument Spectral Library label.

Appendix G - ISL Spectral Header Structure - NEW appendix that describes the structure of the spectral headers on entries in an Instrument Spectral Library.

Notes on Use of IDL Display Programs - NEW page that includes information on required set-up for running the IDL display programs, information on running "tvtie"/"tvimp" on smaller screens, information on using different versions of IDL, etc.

Display Program Summary - Updated to include the READBACKPLANE IDL routine.

ISIS Program List - Alphabetical - Updated to include new programs.

ISIS Program List - Menu Categories - Updated to include new programs, including new category for the Mars Global Surveor MOC instrument.

ISIS Spectral Libraries - NEW page that describes available SPECPR and SPAM format spectral libraries that can be converted to ISIS Instrument Spectral Library (ISL) files.

Exchanging Data with Other Software Systems - NEW page that contains suggestions on techniques for exchanging data between ISIS and other software systems.

Clementine Image Processing with ISIS - Updated to describe the programs and PDFs that are currently being used in the system.

Voyager and Galileo SSI Image Processing with ISIS - Updated to describe the programs and PDFs that are currently being used in the system. This includes the addition of information on processing Galileo SSI data sets.

Viking Image Processing with ISIS - Updated to describe the programs and PDFs that are currently being used in the system.

Requested Changes/Features - Updated to list additional requests.

June 15, 1999 Release Notes - Description of updates included in this release. (This document.)

Known Bugs - Updated to include new information and to remove references to bugs that have been fixed.

Credits and Acknowledgements- Updated to acknowledge technology obtained from the JPL VICAR system

Policy on ISIS Programming - NEW page that describes our policy on ISIS programming support.

Programmer Documentation - NEW page that describes available documentation on writing ISIS programs.

Distribution and Support Policy - Updated to describe the new distribution and support policies.

Installation Guide - Updated for this release.


clemphot - This new TAE procedure executes photompr and photom with the appropriate parameter values set for Clementine UVVIS images. The moonpr function is selected in photompr and the albedo option in photom. The filter-dependent values are included. Refer to the TAE help for further details and references.

ddd2isis - New program to convert raw MOC ddd image into an ISIS cube.

fx - "fx" is a new ISIS application. It allows the user to use ISIS cube files in algebraic equations. It ingests from 0 to 18 input ISIS cubes and outputs one final cube containing the result of the equation. It is similar in functionality to the VICAR application, f2. Unfortunately, it is a bit inefficient currently, but this will be corrected with the next revision.

getcol - This is a new program that was written in support of the Clementine project to return a list of filenames from a text file. This program should only be called from a TAE procedure.

gllfixlabel - This new program should be run on the output ISIS cube created by running "pds2isis" on a PDS Galileo SSI image file. It performs Galileo SSI-specific corrections to the labels of an ISIS cube.

hdrkeys - New program (ported from the VAX/VMS version of ISIS) that is intended to set or update keyword values in the label of a Table file that contains a spectrum. This information will then be used by the "tbl2isl" program for setting the Instrument Spectral Library (ISL) header fields when the spectrum is inserted into an ISL file.

hilomatch - This is a new program written for the Clementine project to match a uvvis high exposure image to a uvvis low exposure image.

imp_fixlabel - A new program that should be run on the output ISIS cube created by running "pds2isis" on a PDS IMP image file. It performs IMP-specific corrections to the labels and data of an ISIS cube.

isisdiff - A new program that takes in two cubes (or sub-cubes) and checks the differences between pixel values. This program is intended for checking differences between versions of ISIS, such as program runs on different platforms, or between compiler changes, etc.

isisparam - A new program that is run from the shell prompt to handle values returned from an application. For details, see the section on Shell ISIS above. A special .pdf file for this program has been added so that the documentation for the program can be accessed through TAE (even though the program is run from the Unix shell prompt rather than through TAE).

mirror - This is a new program which flips a cube from left-to-right. That is, it swaps sample one with the last sample, sample two with the second to last sample, and so on. Please note the program will erase SPICE and/or map projection labels as the geometric integrity is destroyed.

moc_fixlabel - A new program that should be run on the output ISIS cube created by running "pds2isis" on a PDS MOC image file. It performs MOC-specific corrections to the labels of an ISIS cube.

moccal - New program that performs radiometric calibration on Mars Global Surveyor images.

mocevenodd - New program that removes the even/odd pixel noise pattern from Moc images.

mocnoise50 - New program that corrects the noise spike that appears in some MOC images approximately every 50 pixels.

multcs - New program that will multiply each spectrum in a cube file by a spectrum contained in a Table file.

nav2isis - This is a new program that will translate IMP-specific output from the PDS Navigator database to a list of ISIS IMP data file names for use in the generation of a PDF.

nearq2cam - This is a new program that converts the NEAR quaternions to camera angles and adds an offset to the camera pointing.

newmap - This is a new program that can be used to change the lat/lon ranges, clon, or clat (simp only) on an image in a sinusoidal or simple cylindrical projection instead of "nuproj" and "geom".

nomrgfile - A new PDF file that is used by "calmrg" and "expmrg".

nullsat - This program has been moved out of the local area and into the general application area. This program will NULL all the pixel values in the same column (sample) as a pixel with a high saturation value.

pds2isis - A new program that translates a PDS image file to an ISIS cube. The program currently handles only uncompressed single-band PDS image files and compressed Voyager ISS data (VOYAGER_1 and VOYAGER_2) and compressed Galileo SSI data.

planspace - This is a new program that creates the transformation data file (TFILE) for "geom" (see "geom" for more information) to project LEVEL 1 cubes to a Simple Cylindrical projection of the right ascension and declination area covered by the cube. (Camera distortions are also removed.) The right ascension will be plotted as longitude and declination will be plotted as latitude.

readbackplane - A new routine that can be called from an IDL program. This will read a selected backplane into an array in an IDL program.

specmsk - This is a new program written to serve a special processing function for the production of the Clementine multi-spectral cube data. The specmsk program assumes a multi-band image is being processed. If a pixel in a band contains a valid value then the corresponding pixels from the other bands are interrogated. If any of the pixels from the other bands contain a null value then the null value is assigned the "specval" value provide by user input.

specundo - This program was written to serve a special processing function for the production of the Clementine multi-spectral cube data. The "specundo" program works in tandem with the "specmsk" program. "specundo" removes the special pixel values that were inserted by "specmsk" after compilation of a mosaic.

specpix - This is a new program that will convert user specified valid pixel values to special pixel values.

tbl2isl - New program (ported from the VAX/VMS version of ISIS) that reads a spectrum from an ISIS binary Table file and inserts it into an Instrument Spectral Library (ISL). It will either create a new ISL file or update an existing ISL file.

trimangle - A new program that is performing the same function as "trimang" but some paraameters have changed:

Parms    defaults          defaults
         trimang           trimangle
INC        89.0            --   (null value)
EMA        89.0            --   (null value)
TRIMANG   180.0            --   (null value)
CLAT        0.0            --   (null value)
CLON        0.0            --   (null value)
RLAT      NA               --   (null value)       (1)
          ""                                       (2).
RLON      NA               --   (null value)       (1)
          ""                                       (2).

"trimangle" now defaults to not trimming at all. INC and EMA are now separate trimming functions and the user can use one, both or neither. The TRIMANG option in "trimangle" is also separate and the default, which is to not trim by a trim angle, is equivalent to the old default of a TRIMANG of 180.0 degrees. There is also a new option to set a trimming window or latitude and longitude range, RLAT & RLON. These parameters can be used on a mosaic, as can the TRIMANG with CLAT & CLON, however the INC & EMA options CANNOT be used on a mosaic because the program can only get useful SPICE to calculate INC and EMA for the first image in the mosaic. Note that at this time the program does not check your cub to see if it is a mosaic so it is up to you, the user, not to use the program in a way that produces bogus output.

vik7track - a new program that has been brought over from vax/PICS. It was called 'vik7trk'. This program allows the user to NULL spurious pixels in known tracks on Viking images that have spurious data on atleast one of seven tracks. The user may NULL up to 4 tracks. The output can then be filtered appropriately.

voyfixlabel - This new program should be run on the output ISIS cube created by running "pds2isis" on a PDS Voyager ISS compressed image file. It performs Voyager ISS-specific corrections to the labels of an ISIS cube.


add - A bug was found in the handling of the second additive file (band) when a special pixel is encountered.

avg_sd - a bug was fixed in the standard deviation calculation.

base2l1 - an updated program with a change to subroutine calls that should be transparent to the user.

base2l1 - matching pdf added to the system.

base2l1 - an updated program that now gets the filter from the level1 cube to match and writes it to the labels of the output level1 cube. This will avoid the error message:

    Error finding filter number & filter name.
when running "qview" on output from "base2l1".

boxfilter - Some internal parameters were not being initialized properly that could cause some floating point exceptions and terminate the program abnormally. This problem has been fixed.

boxfilter - Made minor corrections to calculations of variance and standard deviation. This change affects the STD, STDZ, and VAR filters.

calmrg.pdf - The default master file has been renamed from rand1-8.lis to clemcontrolid.lis in the $ISISCLEMDATA area. The master file contains additional month 1 north pole images, as well as a few images with refined control. Calmrg now also creates two ascii files that contain information regarding the pairs of images that had a successful merge or unsuccessful merge. These files are for reference only.

cd2pics - A problem has been fixed where compressed images could not be processed. It would seem to work correctly on Solaris systems but all other OSes would have problems. This application is used by the cd2isis routine to process PDS files. You should rerun any images that have been processed by cd2isis since the last release.

cd2pics - removed some obsolete code

cd2pics - a bug was fixed for processing pixel data types other than 8-bit. An incorrect offset was being used.

clem2isis - Added a correction for duplicate image numbers. For these special images, the digit following the orbit is changed to a "9". For example, the duplicate image number 09110850 would becom 09190850.

clemgroup - This program has been updated to allow the user to enter a master sort file. The default is to use the system file, CLEMENTINE_1_UVVIS_SORT.sav.

convert - Updated so that it changes the data type of the START_TIME, STOP_TIME and INSTRUMENT_ID label keywords from literal to string when converting from VAX/VMS format to a Unix format. (This eliminates the need to run the "fixlucas" program.) Note that the program is not yet able to change the data types of these keywords when converting from Unix format back to VAX/VMS format.

coreg - Added a new PDF parameter that allows the user to register only to the best whole pixel (REGLEV). Added PDF return parameter that will provide the computed offset in line and sample to the user (DYX). Now allows for no output file to be specified in TO so that only the correlation is computed whilst eliminating the output file if not needed.

cosi - Updated to fix a bug that caused it to fail on some platforms, e.g., PC/Linux.

cpylab - The real variables used to copy the keywords from the input file to the output file were changed from REAL*4 to REAL*8 so that no precision would be lost when copying the keywords from one label to another.

cpylab - a bug was fixed in cpylab so that the program will now copy the RAW_TIE_POINT keywords correctly when the ADD option is selected.

cpylab - PHOTO_RAD_POINTs will now be copied from the input file label to the output file label.

cpylab - Added a new parameter which overrides error checking of the labels. The old version would not copy labels to cubes which did not have the same image number. The BESAFE parameter can be used override the error check. This effectively allows a user to transfer SPICE labels between two cubes which have been geometrically registered.

cpylab - Updated to include the following changes:

  1. It will copy all the keywords in the BAND_BIN and IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION groups for COPY=LIST.
  2. It will copy the exact characters in the input file label keyword values for COPY=LIST.
  3. The COPY=IMPSUB option has been added to copy a subset of the IMP-specific keywords.
  4. It will copy all the IMP-specific keywords for COPY=LIST. (This was done by adding the IMP keywords to the $ISISDATA/isis_keywords.sav file.)
  5. It will process all entries in the $ISISDATA/isis_keywords.sav file for COPY=LIST. (Program does not need to be updated when the list file is updated.)
  6. The maximum allowable length of keyword names for the COPY=LIST option has been increased from 30 to 40. (Necessary because a few of the IMP keyword names are longer than 30 characters.)
  7. The maximum allowable length of a string keyword value for COPY=LIST has been increased from 500 to 2000 characters.

cubeit - A bug in the handling of the BAND_BIN keywords has been fixed.

cubelook - Made minor corrections to calculations of standard deviation. Made a few other minor fixes. You can now get hexidecimal listings for floating point cubes including special pixels (use the undocumented "=" option).

cv - Several updates were made:

  1. For plotting an average spectrum for a rectangular region, the "Ave Mode" menu button was added to the spectrum plot window to allow controlling how averages are computed. The "Valid Required" option (which is the default), requires that for each band, all pixels within the averaging box must be valid in order to compute the average. If the region contains any special pixel values, then the average is NULL. The "Special Allowed" option allows special pixels to be included in the averaging box. The average is computed using only the valid pixels within the box. The average is NULL only when there are no valid pixels within the box. (This is the way the program previously operated.)
  2. For computing/plotting an average spectrum of an ROI (Region of Interest), a selector button was added to allow selecting the desired averaging mode, "Valid Required" or "Special Allowed." The default is "Valid Required," which is different from the way the program previously operated.
  3. The cross-hair markers that show the locations of the slice plane intersections are now always turned on when the program is started.
  4. The horizontal/vertical profile plots are now updated when a different band is selected with the band slider. Also, the band number was added to the name of the horizontal/vertical profile plots.
  5. For all data plots, the default plot symbol was changed from "None" to "Period." This will insure that a valid data value will be plotted with a dot even if the two adjacent data values are special pixel values.
  6. The default image display colors for the special pixel values were changed so that all types of Low Saturation are displayed as black, all types of High Saturation are displayed as white, and NULL is displayed as blue.
  7. When loading a new cube file, the default display range when "Specified Range" is selected was changed to 0.0-2.0. (This is appropriate for displaying normalized cube files.)
  8. The default file filter for selecting a new cube to be loaded was changed from "*.cub" to "*ub*".
  9. If the user cancels the loading of a new cube file, the previous file path will now be remembered rather than being lost.
  10. The range of data values that can be plotted on the data plot windows was increased to -1.0E35 to 1.0E35.
  11. A sensible error message will now be given if there are not enough available colorcells in the public colormap for proper operation.
  12. Dragging the cursor with the middle mouse button will now result in the reported slice location being updated properly.
  13. Fixed bug in marker drawing on profile plots - the markers are now always drawn at disk file coords rather than virtual coords.
  14. Fixed bug in ROI point deleting - when a point is deleted, the correct image pixel is now displayed.
  15. Fixed bug in ROI drawing that had caused an extraneous error message if the polygon delete function was used when there were no points currently defined in the region.
  16. Fixed so that the Instrument Spectral Library Viewer will not fail on the second invocation. (This problem occurred due to a design change in IDL Version 5.1.)
  17. Made the size of the PostScript data plot a little smaller. This will help prevent parts of the plot from being cut off when printing on different printers.

equalizer - This program has been fixed to check the photo rad point ratios and averages for all bands now instead of just band 1. If a point does have a bad ratio or average value, then that point is ignored for all bands and processing continues. A message is written to the screen and the print.prt file whenever a point is ignored.

equalizer - This program will now allocate memory for the work arrays dynamically. Program results should not be affected by the change.

expmrg.pdf - This procedure now also creates two ascii files, similar to the files that calmrge creates. These files contain information regarding the pairs of images that had a successful merge or unsuccessful merge. These files are for reference only.

findmatch - An existing program that has a new parameter added to it. HIST parameter disables the processing history text. This will improve the efficiency if a large number of images are being matched. findmatch2500 - will also have the new parameter.

findmatch - an updated program with a change to subroutine calls that should be transparent to the user.

geoback - an updated program with two new backplanes added: slope and aspect.

geoback - This program has a new option that will create geometry backplanes based on topography.

geoback - an updated program with an option to use topo to find ema, inc and phase angle.

geoback - an updated version that has a parameter that was in "geoback" on old ISIS (in the development area). This parameter is BAND and defaults to one, which makes the program run as it did before if nothing is input for BAND. The value of BAND determines which band of the input cube is used to find the backplanes. This allows a user to skip over band one if it has all NULLS in it or the user can just select a band that is the most valid from which to determine the backplanes.

geom - An argument was added to this program to allow the user to specify the number of valid pixels required to interpolate an output pixel. The default has been set to the maximum value of 4. The old version output a valid pixel if only one of the nearest input pixels was valid. This change does not affect nearest neighbor geoms.

geom - This program was modified to handle more label lines in the tfile. The limit has been raised from 20 to 25 label lines.

getkey - When "getkey" retrieves REAL values it now fetches and returns them to the caller using the double precision internal routines. This will allow fetching of values that require double precision. "getkey" now handles a maximium of 1024 binary values but only 300 string values.

getrange - an updated program with a change to subroutine calls that should be transparent to the user.

hidim - an updated program. A parameter PROJFLG has been added to "hidim" that allows the user to end processing with a Polar projection rather than a Transverse Mercator projection. This helps alleviate problems with polar area mosaicking that can produce a very large image in the Sinusoidal projection used to produce the Transverse Mercator. "hidim" also has a parameter RNGFLAG added to it that defaults to "get", allowing the program to run as it did before. If the user would like to input the range rather than letting "getrange" get the range, then set RNGFLAG="INPUT" and input the values for RLAT and RLON.

hidim - an updated program. The parameter PROJFLG has been changed to PROJFLAG. Also, some of the documentation in hidim has been updated.

hilev3a.pdf, hilev3b.pdf, hilev4.pdf, hicut.pdf - These pdf's were modified to use nuproj and geom instead of newmap. There were also problems with the label program because of a new parameter. keyv was changed to keyvalue in the pdf's.

hilev3a.pdf - an updated pdf that has a new parameter, PROJFLG, that defaults to TRAN, which will allow the pdf to run as it did before. Using PROJFLG="POLA" in "hidim" will set PROJFLG in hilev3a.pdf to POLA also, thus allowing slightly different processing to result in the Polar Projection as the final output from the "hidim" processing.

hilev3a.pdf - an updated pdf. The parameter, PROJFLG, has been changed to PROJFLAG. Also, some of the documentation in hilev3a has been updated.

hilomatch - Fixed bug which caused output to be same as input. Also print out normalization value.

histplane - This program was modified to fix some formats that would not work under SGI and Linux.

histplane - Two bugs were corrected in this program. The program will no longer attempt to plot a backplane that does not have UNSIGNED_INTEGER, INTEGER, or REAL data in it. Instead it issues a message to the user and continues processing the other planes. Also the program no longer bombs when the input plane has a single dn value.

hstret - Updated because a parameter was added to one of the called subroutines. (No functional change to the program.)

impcal - Extensively revised program that performs radiometric calibration on the Mars Pathfinder Lander images.

imp2prj - This is an updated program that has changes to subroutine calls. The changes should be transparent to the user.

imp2prj - An Imager for Mars Pathfinder program that had been updated with the redesigned projection algorithms. The program has been updated to use the new map library.

isis2std - Updated to fix a bug in the interactive modification of the display range stretch. (Previously, when you pushed the left mouse button in a transfer function plot window, the stretch min/max would sometimes jump to new values rather than starting at the previous values.)

isisdoc - A bug was fixed for pdfs with continuing PARM lines.

isisdoc - Logical units were not being released after closing files which caused "isisdoc" to bomb when processing a large list of pdf's.

jigsaw - The "jigsaw51", "jigsaw150", "jigsaw600", and "jigsaw1000" programs (which were necessary for handling different numbers of images) have been eliminated. The "jigsaw" program will now do dynamic memory allocation to adjust for different numbers of images.

jigsaw - an updated program with a change to subroutine calls that should be transparent to the user.

jigsaw - This program would not run when the fromlist parameter was used. The problem has been fixed.

jigsaw - The matrix array was increased in size to handle large listed of images without overflowing memory.

jigsaw - an updated program that will calculate working memory allocation rather than estimating it, thus avoiding some situations with insufficient memory. A bug that affects a "jigsaw" output with images from more than one mission has been fixed. Also, "jigsaw" will keep track of the distortion status of each image.

jigsaw - a program that will now keep track of the distortion correction status of each image due to a change in a subroutine.

jigsaw - The documentation was updated and a bug fix was made.

jigsaw - This program has a new option called HOLDPTS. The default, HOLDPTS=YES will cause the program to run as the old version did, using the points on held images as truth points. A value of HOLDPTS=NO will cause the program to run with all points weighted equally and in most cases yield a better fit. The program was also changed to update the local radius for each point as the lat/lon values iterate. For spherical bodies, this change should not produce any different results, but for triaxial bodies this change was necessary. The final change to this program was to fix a bug that kept the program from running when all the input images were held.

jigsaw - A bug was fixed.

labels - Keywords of 40 characters are now allowed.

labels - A bug has been fixed in handling scientific notation for double precision keywords given in the parameter KEYWORD.

labels - The size of the variable for translating the environment variable, ISISDATA, was increased, and the program will now exit gracefully in case the above environment variable cannot be translated.

level2.pdf - an updated pdf that has a new parameter, PROJFLG, that defaults to TRAN, which will allow the pdf to run as it did before. Using PROJFLG="POLA" in "hidim" will set PROJFLG in leve2.pdf to POLA also, thus allowing slightly different processing to result in the Polar Projection as the final output from the "hidim" processing.

level2.pdf - an updated pdf. The parameter, PROJFLG, has been changed to PROJFLAG. Also, some of the documentation in level2 has been updated.

list - Updated to reflect change in low level system routine interface (q_get_suffix_keys)

magcube - Fixed error which occured in rare cases when scaling down cubes. Also, added VPER parameter which is used when scaling down cubes. The use of the parameter is given in the following example: assuming a 0.2 value for lscale and sscale. The cube will be reduced by a factor of 5 (1/.2) and thus each group of 5x5 (25) pixels will be averaged to one pixel in the output cube. VPER allows the user to specify a percentage of the 25 pixels which must be valid (not special pixels) for the averaging to occur. If there are not enough valid pixels the center pixel will be output to the cube.

magcube - Fixed problem with magcube when scaling down cubes.

makeflat - A problem was fixed in the initialization of the internal sum arrays. They were (more than likely) initialized with an incorrect value.

maplab - an updated program. EROS and MATHILDE have benn added to the list of planets.

maplab - an updated program. Some documentation has been added that explains using maplab to work from the -180 to 180 degree longitude system to the 0 to 360 degree longitude system.

mask-A bug was fixed when the stencil plane was a backplane from a second input file.

matchpt - A new tae parameter, "HIST", has been added to matchpt. HIST tells the program whether to disable the history text processing. A "YES" value will disable the history text processing and a "NO" value, which is the default value, will enable the history text processing.

matchpt - Updated because a parameter was added to one of the called subroutines. (No functional change to the program.)

mergermb - This program had a bug that caused the program to leave the output table file in a dirty state.

mosaic - A subroutine has been updated which had a bug affecting the average option.

mosaic - Updated internal documentation for a couple routines and fixed bug in the saturation option for 16-bit data. Also, fixed a bug with using the mossat option.

mosaic - A bug has been fixed which caused a 1 pixel error in placement of an input image into the mosaic when the input image does not fit completely within the mosaic.

mosaic - Implement changes for compatiability on the Linux system and for changes made to the file.

mosaic-A bug was fixed in mosaic which caused mosaic to bomb when the input image was entirely off the output mosaic instead of just printing a warning message. This bug was introduced in a change made to mosaic 11/06/98.

mosaic - Fixed bug resulting from the correction of the offset problem that was fixed back in November. This new bug caused mosaic to bomb if the input image was entirely off of the mosaic rather than printing a warning.

mosaic - A bug has been fixed which caused the rectangular option to work incorrectly if a sub-cube specifier was entered.

mosaic - A bug was fixed when calculating the number of samples and lines to process.

mosaic-A bug was fixed when calculating the number of samples and lines to process.

mosaic - Updated error check to reflect a change made to an ISIS system routine.

msi2isis - The instument id label was converted from integer to string.

msi2isis - A new keyword, DPU_DECK_TEMPERATURE is written to the ISIS labels.

msi2isis - This program was updated to fix a bug. The wrong temperature was put on the image labels for DPU_DECK_TEMPERATURE.

msi2isis - This is an updated program. A subroutine call has been changed.

mult - The C2C option, which multiplies the core of one file by the core of the other, has been added. A bug was found in the handling of the second multiplicative file (band) when a special pixel is encountered.

naiflab - This program was updated to create NEAR MSI SPICE labels. The change should not affect other missions. Also a bug was corrected that truncated the fractional seconds when converting from GMT to UTC. In addition a new option was added to retrieve SPICE based on the shutter center time instead of the default time tag for the mission. The time tag (START_TIME in the ISIS labels) is not always shutter open as the name would imply. The START_TIME for Voyager frames is actually shutter close.

naiflab - This program was updated to used the DPU_DECK_TEMPERATURE to make a correction to the camera pointing for NEAR. The routines ker_naifcam and ldnear were also updated for this change.

naiflab - This is an updated program with a change that should be transparent to the user.

naiflab - This program was changed to allow longer directory names for the standard ISIS data directories (ISISDATA, etc.)

naiflab - an updated program. EROS and MATHILDE have been added to the list of TARGETS.

naiflab - This is an updated program. A subroutine call has been changed to accommodate the large size of our SPICE look-up file.

nearq2cam - The calculation for the twist angle was corrected since it was coming out in the wrong quadrant. The offsets for up and right were also changed to comply with the twist angle change.

nearq2cam - an updated program with a change to subroutine calls that should be transparent to the user.

nimsboomsten - This program was updated to read both the old and new versions of the NATIVE_START_TIME keyword.

nimsgeom - This program was updated to read both the old and new versions of the NATIVE_START_TIME keyword.

nimsgeoplane - This program was updated to read both the old and new versions of the NATIVE_START_TIME keyword.

noproj - an updated program with a change to subroutine calls that should be transparent to the user.

nuproj - updated program is being re-checked in. It will run as it previously did if the SPACE parameter is allowed to default to -- (null value). However, in some instances, the default will result in the program failing to find the planet in a round projection such as an orthographic projection. So the new SPACE parameter allows the user to select a grid spacing for the program that will result in not losing data. If a run with "nuproj" results in an image with all null dn's, then try SPACE = 1 or 4. Other allowed values are 16, and 64, but the bigger the SPACE, the less accurate the output. (Although bigger SPACE settings run faster.)

nuproj - updated program; when making a 'SINU' projection "nuproj" will calculate the output image lines and samples more accurately. Output sizes should always now match the output from "plansinu".

photompr - an updated program with the capability of using backplane values of ema, inc and phase for photometric function calclulation.

photompr - matching pdf added to the system.

photompr - an updated program where the addition of a photometric backplane option has been changed to improve the logic. This would only have affected anyone using the photometric angles in the backplanes option.

photompr - an updated program. The moonpr option in photompr has had a bug fixed. The reference at 30 degrees will now be calculated correctly.

photosort - an updated program with a change to subroutine calls that should be transparent to the user.

photostat - an updated program with a change to subroutine calls that should be transparent to the user.

photostat - This program bombed when the input file was a level 2 image. The problem has been corrected.

pics2isis - A bug was fixed in the conversion of 16-bit PICS pixel values to ISIS pixel values. Under certain conditions, valid PICS values were previously being incorrectly converted to ISIS NULL values.

plancd - This is an updated program. A subroutine call has been changed.

plancd - This is an updated program. Changes are transparent to the user.

planlab - This program now initializes the PARS array to zero if no planet radii are on the labels of the input cube file.

planlab - an updated program. EROS and MATHILDE have been added to the list of PLANETS.

planlab - This is an updated program. A subroutine call has been changed.

planlab - Error handling of the case when the selected planet was not in the ISIS planet.sav file was improved.

planlab - This program was bombing when the user selected the option SYS=YES. The problem has been corrected. In addition if the keyword COORDINATE_SYSTEM_NAME = 1950 and SYS=YES, the keyword will be removed.

planorth - an updated program with a change to subroutine calls that should be transparent to the user.

plansinu - an updated program. 'plansinu' has a frame group calculation warning that just alerts the user that the frame group is being calculated. Until 'geom' is also changed, the frame group will not actually be written to the output cube. The change to 'plansinu' that allows the default latitude and longitude range to produce the same image size that inputting the same lat & lon range produces is also included in this version. The removal of the feature that produced some smaller images when the lat & lon range were allowed to default means that some images, especially near the poles, will be bigger than they would have been from the old 'plansinu'.

planspace - an updated program with a change to subroutine calls that should be transparent to the user.

pointvu - an updated program with a change to subroutine calls that should be transparent to the user.

pointvu - This program had a few minor bugs that were corrected.

pointvu - an updated program with a change to fix the limitation of topography only in kilometers. The user can now input topo in kilometers, meters or feet.

pointvu - an updated program that has been altered to conform with some of the recent ISIS changes. Dummy labels have been added to output images for the "movie" option for camera, start_time, sun_vector and filter. The TOP2IMG option has been changed to allow topography to be projected for movies.

pola.pdf - a new pdf that will be called by the "hidim" pdf if PROJFLG="POLA", rather than tran.pdf being called. The output is a Polar Projection. (Note: this should not normally be directly called by the user.)

qview - This program was reporting lat/lon values incorrectly on level 2 (projected) images. The problem has been corrected.

qview - A bug was fixed in the measure tool which was not handling images that were POSITIVE_LONGITUDE = EAST. This was only a problem when printing lat/lon coordinates in cartographic terms rather than ISIS terms.

qview - "qview" has the following changes: The reseau application has additional documentation printed in the dialog box. A fix was made to a few messages so that they would be printed correctly on the Linux system. A bug was fixed which sometimes caused the wrong DN values to be printed in the List tool.

qview - a change has been made to a subroutine that "qview" calls that will allow "qview" to display NIMS cubes, although the diplayed latitude and longitude will be wrong.

qview - a program that will now keep track of the distortion correction status of each image due to a change in a subroutine.

qview - a program that will now keep track of the distortion correction status of each image due to a change in a subroutine.

random - an updated version that has a fix for a bug that caused the program to die ugly if a subroutine returned a zero matrix.

random - a bug was fixed in a write statement.

random - was modified to allow for more variety in the format of the control point file. The modifications will work for old control point files and will allow for either a "," or " " as a separator between fields in new control point files.

ratio - A call to open the cube had an error in one of the parameters which showed up in the Linux OS.

ratio - A bug was fixed. It will now properly set the CORE_NAME and CORE_UNIT keywords rather than appending to existing values.

raw2isis - There is a new TAE parameter, IN_ARCH, which indicates the platform the raw image was created on. "raw2isis" will convert the raw image to the host platform if necessary.

raw2isis - Modified how the labels were being updated so it will be more efficient. Also will correctly display percentage done now. Increased the number of bands it can handle to 100000.

sedrsort.F - This is an updated program. A subroutine call has been changed.

sedrsort - This program was fixed to prevent fields following an empty field from being dropped in the output list.

shade - an updated program that has the shading direction swapped to match the documentation. Also, sun angle will be measured from horizon instead of zenith so that 0 sun is at the horizon and SUN=90 is overhead.

shiftorb - an updated program with a change to subroutine calls that should be transparent to the user.

solardiv - The default value of the MULT parameter has been changed to 0.3183099, which is 1.0/pi. This will result in computing IOF when dividing radiance by the solar flux. Also, the option of multiplying by the solar flux (as well as dividing by the solar flux) has been added.

specfix - Several updates were made:

  1. The REPNULL and RECURSIV parameters were changed from integers to strings (with valid values YES, NO).
  2. Changed the name of the VPER parameter to VFRAC.
  3. The PFILE parameter can now be specified as the TAE NULL value.
  4. The LISTFILE parameter can now be specified as the TAE NULL value.
  5. The KDEL parameter can now be specified as the TAE NULL value (which is now the default).
  6. Corrected so it will not increment the SPECFIX backplane by 1000.0 when the number of valid pixels in a brick is too small for a spectrum already marked with -2.
  7. Corrected so that the SPECFIX backplane will not be initialized if it exists already.

specpr2isl - Updated to make the Linux Fortran compiler happy. (No functional change to the program.)

spice2rand - "spice2rand" was corrected again to allow more characters for the pointid.

spice2rand - This is an updated program that includes a bug fix.

spice2rand - This is an updated program. A subroutine call has been changed.

spice2rand - This program was updated to correctly convert a UTC calendar time string to at ET julian date.

spice2rand and spice2rand11000 - These programs were fixed to correct a problem writing to the CHECK file.

spice2rand - Added user option to specify starting matchpoint id instead of always starting at 1001. Put an F in front of the point id's for Flagstaff; Added an option to allow the user to identify the image either by the FSC or the product ID. Voyager no longer defaults to FSC. Add an option SHUTCENT to allow the user to use SHUTTER_CENTER_TIME instead of START_TIME.

spice2rand - bug fixed.

spice2rand - matching pdf added to the system.

spice2rand and spice2rand11000 - These programs have been updated to add a matchpoint prefix (of "F" or whatever the user desires) as an option. To enter a prefix, use the parameter MATPRE. The default is to not add a prefix.

spice2rand - This family of programs had a bug that caused the program to bomb when it began processing the first file in the input list sometimes when run on Alpha and Linux systems. The bug has been fixed.

spicelab - This program used to report no matches if the PLANET, MISSION, or INST were entered lower case. The problem has been corrected so that these parameters are no longer case sensitive.

spicelab - This is an updated program. A subroutine call has been changed.

spicelab - the existing program has had a bug fixed.

spicelab - This program was changed again to correctly convert Rand julian dates to UTC calendar dates.

spicelab - This program had a bug that caused incorrect START_TIMEs to be written to the cube labels if the TBLFROM value was an ascii spice table (like from RAND). The bug did not manifest on Solaris machines.

ssical - Updated the check for a valid CAL_TARGET_CODE in the labels.

ssical - A few changes were made to "ssical" to make it compatible with Linux. There should be no changes to the output results.

stretch - A bug was fixed in the "stretch" program that occurred when STRTYPE=TMINMAX was used and a special pixel value was encountered. The program would terminate with a segmentation violation.

submit -There is a new option called SKIPSHEL which will, if set to YES, NOT execute the user's startup scripts each time the TAE command "ush" is used.

This may greatly speed up the batch job, however, care must be given when taking advantage of this option. If you are using an alias that is set in your login scripts it will not be recognized. For example: I have "copy" aliased to the UNIX command "cp". During the run of this batch file my aliased command "copy" will not work. This will crash the batch job.

If this option is set to default NO your batch job will run in its' normal operation and your start up scripts will be executed each time you use the "ush" command.

tiept - This is an updated program. A subroutine call has been changed.

tiept - The call to ker_naifcam was updated in this program to include the TEMP argument.

tiept - This program was missing a call to load a time data base. The problem has been fixed.

tran.pdf - Added another check for input map scale, there was a minor problem with the scale selection.

tvimp - Updated so that it will work with IDL 5.1. (No functional change to the program.)

tvtie - Was updated to correct the "Useage" message that is printed if you do not supply the correct number of parameters.

tvtie - a program that will now keep track of the distortion correction status of each image due to a change in a subroutine.

uax2isis - "uax2isis" has been updated to align its generation of ISIS IMP image cubes with other existing applications where the raw image source is from other systems (PDS). This application processes images generated from U. of Arizona's processing system.

uax2isis - Updated to reflect recent changes in ISIS libraries.

unmix - A couple bugs were fixed. (These bugs had prevented the program from working at all.) Also, when processing a spectrum,if the maximum number of iterations (currently 5000) is exceeded in the AMOEBA routine, then the output data for that spectrum are set to all NULLs.

vikcal - Check to make sure input cube is correct size.

vlev1.pdf - added an option in "spicelab" so that the program will check to see if the latest geometry information for a particular image exists in the rmb spice file, if not it will automatically get the information from the gem spice file.

vlev1 - This TAE procedure has been updated to be more consistent with the website processing help for Viking and Voyager.

voycal - Check to make sure input cube is correct size.

warp2 - This program had a bug that caused it to crash if a control point matched the center of a pixel. The bug has been fixed.

warp2 - was modified to allow for more variety in the format of the control point file. The modifications will work for old control point files and will allow for either a "," or " " as a separator between fields in new control point files.


TAE Menus - The program menus (obtained by typing "menu" (without the quotes) at the TAE prompt) have been updated to include the new programs.

u_conv_16.c - This routine is responsible for converting 16-bit pixels to other ISIS data types. There was a problem when not using a lookup table and converting the "reserved" section of pixels in the special pixel range. Unassigned values would usually result. All values that are not special pixels and are less than VALID_MIN2 are now set to the NULL special pixel value. They do not affect saturation counts. (This subroutine fix affects many of the ISIS application programs.)

Floating Point Exceptions - The routine that initializes floating point exceptions in ISIS has been modified to allow underflows to round to 0.0. Currently, divide by zero, invalid operands and overflow IEEE exceptions are trapped and result in abnormal process termination (core dump). All others are essentially ignored.

ALL PROGRAMS - A change was made to the ISIS exit routine (ui_exit.c) to call the TAE exit routine. Several tasks are done in this routine that should result in better normal ISIS application termination (such as update the TAE global variable, $SFI).

ALL PROGRAMS - ui_exit.c is a routine that is the last one called when every ISIS program exits. It has been modified to pass a value ("ISIS-EXIT") that eventually gets assigned to the TAE $SKEY global variable. This is a fix to a problem that seemed to be limited to the Alpha version of TAE that occured on normal program exit (maplab, specifically and possibly others). A TAE error ("Bad string size") resulted when exiting because of a bad string initialization.

ALL PROGRAMS - u_get_user_info.c - This routine is responsible for collecting and returning information about the user and system. It was found to have problems on Linux systems where retrieval of the user name failed. This led to programs crashing with very little clues as to why. Characteristics included seeing about 2 blank lines and then the application dies (dumps core). One source of this problem has been identified as an inproperly formatted password file (/etc/passwd). This file cannot contain any blank lines! Blank lines in the password file can lead to all sorts of other problems as well. Steps have been taken in this routine to trap this case and use alternatives to resolve user names. At least this routine should no longer fail that severely. It now also truncates domain names from the machine's node name and reports only the root machine node name.



de405.bsp - has been moved from $ISISIMPDATA to $ISISDATA

de405.bsp - a new IMP file in $ISISDATA

pck00005.tpc - a new IMP file in $ISISDATA

pck00005.tpc - The w0 value for Callisto has been changed from 259.73 to Rand's latest solution of 259.566.

pck00005.tpc - This file was updated to include the asteroids MATHILDE and EROS.

naif_kernels.sav - the lookup file in $ISISDATA has been updated.

mission.sav - This file has been updated to include NEAR MSI.

mission.sav - A comment line which was causing a mismatch when reading the file has been fixed.

mission.sav - This data file was updated to use the December 21, 1997 focal length solution for the NIR camera filters.

mission_2.sav - This file is a temporary version of mission.sav to be used with the Clementine NIR data, which has a different focal length for each filter.

mission_2.sav - The Clementine UVVIS focal length in this file contained the value from Tom Duxbury's December 1997 camera model solution. It has been changed to the focal length used to process the 750 mosaic. This file is only being used by "plansinu" in the development area at this time.

isis_keywords.sav - Updated to include 104 additional keywords that are specific to the IMP (Imager for Mars Pathfinder) instrument. Also, the maximum allowable length of a keyword name was increased from 30 to 40 characters. (Needed because a few of the IMP keywords are longer than 30 characters.) This file is used by the "labels" program. It is also used by the "cpylab" program for the COPY=LIST option.

isis_keywords.sav - has been updated to include two new keywords: STOP_TIME and LINE_EXPOSURE_DURATION. These keywords can now be copied from one cube file to another using the CPYLAB program.

isis_keywords.sav - A new keyword for the NEAR mission, DPU_DECK_TEMPERATURE has been added.

isis_keywords.sav - A new keyword, PHOTOPT_MEAN, has been added. This keyword will now be copied from one file to another when cpylab is run.

instid.sav - This file now includes the MSI NEAR camera.

clem_keywords.sav - A keyword needed by "nircal" in the calibration of Clementine NIR images was added to the list.

planet.sav - This file was updated to include the Near asteroids MATHILDE and EROS.

bodid.sav - This file was updated to include the Near spacecraft and the asteroids MATHILDE and EROS.


Galileo SPICE files have been updated.

s990201a.bsp - is an old Galileo mission trajectory reconstruction for E-12 to E-18 01-DEC-1997 to 20-Dec-1998 that needed to be rebuilt for the Alphas/Linux systems.

s990114a.bsp - is a new Galileo mission reference trajectory.
s990201a.bsp - is a new Galileo mission trajectory reconstruction for E-12 to E-18 01-DEC-1997 to 20-Dec-1998 and a preliminary reconstruction for E-19 and predict to end of GEM mission. s981116a.bsp - deleted
cke19ahc.plt - is a Galileo mission E-19 predict.

cke18f.plt - is a Galileo mission E-18 final.
cke18bqk.plt - has been deleted.

ckc09b.plt - is a new Galileo mission C-09 final.
ckc10b.plt - is a new Galileo mission C-10 final
cke12alc.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-12 predict
s971125a.bsp - is a new Galileo mission reconstruction from beginning of mission to E-11, 9-NOV-1997, and predict for remainder of Orbit 11 and reference trajectory 971125 to end of GEM mission.

ckmn38aa.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-11 predict that replaces ckmn37aa.plt.
s971217a.bsp - is a new Galileo mission reconstruction from 27 Nov 97 to 14 Jan 97.

cke11b.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-11 final
ckmn39aa.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-12 predict
s971107a.bsp - has been deleted.

ckmn40ab.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-12 predict.
s980127a.bsp - is a new Galileo mission trajectory reconstruction from initial orbit to E-12 thruogh 01-JAN-1998 and a predict for remainder of mission, which replaces 971217a.bsp & s971125a.bsp

cke14aje.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-14 predict
cke14bgd.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-14 predict
s980326a.bsp - is a new Galileo mission reconstruction from initial orbiter trajectory to Europa 12. This file is a compilation of reconstructed trajectory segments for the nominal satellite tour. This file begins 1-JULY-1995 and ends on 1-JAN-1998.Reconstruction and predicts for the GEM tour will now be provided separately and updated twice per orbit.

s980330a.bsp - is a new Galileo mission trajectory reconstruction for E-12 & E-13 from 01-DEC-1997 to 14-Mar-1998 and a preliminary reconstruction for E-14 and predict to end of GEM mission. No files have been replaced or deleted.

ckmn39aa.plt - is a Galileo mission E-12 predict that was removed from the sytem and is being put back in.
ckmn40ab.plt - has been deleted

s980518a.bsp - is a new Galileo mission trajectory reconstruction for E-12, E-13 & E-14 from 01-DEC-1997 to 13-May-1998 and a predict for E-15 to end of GEM mission. No files have been replaced or deleted.

s980602a.bsp - a new Galileo mission preliminary reconstruction for E-12 through E-15 and predict for Europa 16 encounter and reference trajectory 980518 to end of GEM mission, which goes in $ISISGALDATA. It replaces s980518a.bsp.
ckmn47ab.plt - a new Galileo mission E-14 predict which replaces cke14bgd.plt in $ISISGALDATA.
cke15ahb.plt - a new Galileo mission E-15 predict in $ISISGALDATA.

Files s980518a.bsp & cke14bgd.plt have been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

mk98135a.tsc - a new Galileo mission SPICE SCLK Kernel file, which replaces mk97239a.tsc.
mk97239a.tsc - the previous Galileo mission SPICE clock file, which has been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.
mkc09fix.tsc - a temporary Galileo mission SPICE fix file, which has been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

cke15f.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-15 final.
s980723a.bsp - is a new Galileo mission trajectory reconstruction from initial orbit to E-16 through 98-07-20 and a predict for ref traj 980723 to end GEM mission.
s980330a.bsp - deleted.
s980602a.bsp - deleted.

cke17afc.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-17 predict.
cke17bfb.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-17 predict.
s980928a.bsp - is a new Galileo mission trajectory reconstruction E12--E16 to 98-09-01; Preliminary reconstruction for E-17; and the rest predict for ref traj 980928 to end GEM mission. mk98267a.tsc - is a new Galileo mission spacecraft clock kernel.
mk98264a.tls - is a new leapseconds file for all missions.
s980723a.bsp - deleted.
mk97111a.tls - deleted.
mk98135a.tsc - deleted.

cke17f.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-17 final
cke18bqk.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-18 predict

mission.sav - The Galileo SSI focal length was updated from the pre-lense cap removal value to Klasaan's 1997 value.

s990607a.bsp - a new Galileo mission preliminary reconstruction for E-12 through E-20 and predict for reference trajectory T-990426 to end of GEM mission, which goes in $ISISGALDATA. It replaces s990426a.bsp.
ckmn63aa.plt - a new Galileo mission E-20 predict which replaces ckc20bfe.plt in $ISISGALDATA.

Files s990426a.bsp & ckc20bfe.plt have been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.

cke19f.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-19 - final.
ckmn65aa.plt - is a new Galileo mission E-20 - predict.
ckmn63aa.plt - has been deleted from $ISISGALDATA.


flatfields - New flatfields have been generated using the most recent photometry coefficients for the Clementine UVVIS camera. The files are applied in 'uvviscal'. There is a very low percentage of difference between these new flatfields and what was previously in the system, but are consistent with the coefficients that are being applied to the global multi-band mosaic.

nira.back, nirb.back, nirc.back, nird.back, nire.back, nirf.back - New files in the $ISISCLEMDATA data area. These are ascii files used for the thermal background correction in the calibration of Clementine NIR images.

badpix_nir.cub - New files in the $ISISCLEMDATA area. This is a bad pixel map for the NIR camera of Clementine.

badpix_nir.v2.cub,nirflata.v3.cub,nirflatb.v3.cub,nirflatc.v3.cub, nirflatd.v3.cub,nirflate.v3.cub,nirflatf.v3.cub-New versions of files in the $ISISCLEMDATA data area. These contain the badpixel file and the flat-field files for the NIR instrument of Clementine.

badpix_nir.v2.cub- A slight change was made to the bad pixel file for the Nir camera of the Clementine spacecraft.

badpix_nir.v3.cub - A new file in the $ISISCLEMDATA data area. This is a bad pixel mask for the NIR dataset of Clementine.

nir008.ti - The Clementine NIR I-kernel has been updated.


mar033.2.bsp - a new IMP file in $ISISIMPDATA
mpf_lander_970704_980705.970704.bsp - a new IMP file in $ISISIMPDATA
mpf_ll_970704_980705.970717.bck - a new IMP file in $ISISIMPDATA
mpf_lnd_970704_980705.970807.bck - a new IMP file in $ISISIMPDATA
mpf_ls_970704_980705.970704.bsp - a new IMP file in $ISISIMPDATA
mpf_sf_970704_980705.970717.bck - a new IMP file in $ISISIMPDATA
mpf.tsc - a new IMP file in $ISISIMPDATA

imp_camera.sav - This file has been updated to include a twist angle of -.21 degrees on the gimbal.


vik1_ext.bsp - is a new file for Viking processing for the extended mission of the Viking Orbiter 1. It is a special product for VO-1 created by NAIF, using the state vectors available from the Imaging SEDRs. It starts at the end of the other VO-1 SPK file (1978 DEC 26) and goes into 1980 JUL 30. How good these data are is unknown, but they are apparently the only data available of which JPL has knowledge for the extended mission.


SATURN_VOYAGER*.pho - All the photostatistic table files for Saturn have been installed. These files are the database files used by the program sedrsort. This includes the files SATURN_VOYAGER_1_NA.pho, SATURN_VOYAGER_1_WA.pho, SATURN_VOYAGER_2_NA.pho, and SATURN_VOYAGER_2_WA.pho.

Saturn system photometric table files - These files were updated due to a problem with the filter.

SATURN_VOYAGER_(1 or 2)_(NA or WA).evt - These files were recreated from the VAX PICS versions.
SATURN_VOYAGER_(1 or 2)_(NA or WA).gem - These files were recreated from the VAX PICS versions. The geometry values were converted from B1950 to J2000 and the planet angles were updated when available.
SATURN_VOYAGER_(1 or 2)_(NA or WA).pho - These files were regenerated from the updated evt and gem files.

Saturn system photometric wide angle table files - These files were updated due to a problem with the filter still.

Voyager Jupiter SPICE tables - The complete set of Voyager Jupiter SPICE tables (both gem and evt) have been replaced. The old versions used ET instead of UTC time causing a small error in the STIME, SPACECRAFT VECTOR, SUN VECTOR, and PLANET ANGLE fields.

Voyager ISIS SPICE table files for Jupiter - These files have been updated. The start_time column has been corrected.

Ganymede med files - The Ganymede med files,,,, and from VAX PICS were converted and installed on all systems. These files contain the Mert Davies geometry for a set of Ganymede frames. All vectors and angles are in J2000.

JUPITER_VOYAGER_1_NA.evt - The start time field has been verifed to be the shutter close time.

JUPITER_VOYAGER_1_NA.gem - The start time field has been verifed to be the shutter close time.

JUPITER_VOYAGER_1_WA.evt - The start time field has been verifed to be the shutter close time. The image number field was updated to match the values in the index files on the Voyager CDs, so it now is the spacecraft clock time of the read out. BOTSIM and BSIMAN frames are now identified in camera_state(2).

JUPITER_VOYAGER_1_WA.gem - The start time field has been verifed to be the shutter close time. The image number field was updated to match the values in the index files on the Voyager CDs, so it now is the spacecraft clock time of the read out.

JUPITER_VOYAGER_2_NA.evt - The start time field has been verifed to be the shutter close time.

JUPITER_VOYAGER_2_NA.gem - The start time field has been verifed to be the shutter close time.

JUPITER_VOYAGER_2_WA.evt - The start time field has been verifed to be the shutter close time. The image number field was updated to match the values in the index files on the Voyager CDs, so it now is the spacecraft clock time of the read out. BOTSIM and BSIMAN frames are now identified in camera_state(2).

JUPITER_VOYAGER_2_WA.gem - The start time field has been verifed to be the shutter close time. The image number field was updated to match the values in the index files on the Voyager CDs, so it now is the spacecraft clock time of the read out.


An initial set of data files for the Mars Global Surveyor mission has been inserted in the new $ISISMGSDATA directory.

MGS Data Files - SPICE kernels for MGS MOC have been included in the ISIS system. These files (in $ISISMGSDATA) provide the MOC instrument (and others) spacecraft and instrument telemetry and orientation (SPICE from NAIF) through Mapping Phase 1 (June 1, 1999). Spacecraft telemetry files for Aerobraking-2 phase (mgs_sc_ab2.bsp) have been removed because MOC did not collect data during that phase. Ones who need these kernels will have to acquire them from NAIF. These kernels contain the ~1.14 second time correction applied by the NAIF group. However, after extensive investigation, the origin of the problem was identified to be a lag introduced by the on-board digital filter. Timing can be off as much as 2.300781 seconds. Partial compensation for these timing differences have been included all SPICE kernels. See the file $ISISMGSDATA/mgs_sc_map1.bc.lbl for a complete discussion of this problem.


Library Names - The names of the ISIS system libraries have been changed to prevent name conflicts with other libraries distributed with updated versions of the operating systems. As a result, all the makefiles in the system have been updated. Programmers should note that the makefiles for programs under development must also be changed. The $ISISTOOLS/cvtisislibs script can be run to automatically make the necessary changes to makefiles.

Program Debugging - A new environment variable called ISISDBG has been added to the ISIS initialization startup file, isispgmdef. This variable contains elements that can be used on the command line of an ISIS make invocation to yield a debugged version of the application without modifying the make file and knowing all the make macros to set. It will also work with PICS applications as well. To generate a debugged version of your ISIS application, use the following command for *all* supported OSes:

    make -f your_app.mak $ISISDBG your_app

Note that some slight modifications have been made to the Linux versions of the ISIS make rules files, $ISISMAKE/isis_system.rules and $PICSMAKE/pics_system.rules, to accomodate this usage. It could cause your Linux builds to behave differently. You will now see the "-O2" switch disappear when you use $ISISDBG for both C and FORTRAN compiles. Some versions of the compilers have been known to generate bad assembler code without this switch (it may have something to do with -pipe as well but we are not sure). If this occurs, let us know and we can come up with some alternatives. When/if the application sucessfully compiles and links using this, it should greatly help debugging in the Linux environment. By "greatly" we mean you should see variables in the debugger that you did not ordinarily see previously.

Shell ISIS Parameter Passing - Modifications were made to the user interface package (libisistae) to support executing ISIS applications from the user shell and passing values back from the application to the user. These changes are utilized in all ISIS applications but are used only when executing from the shell *and* variables are passed back to the caller. See also "isisparam".

libimp.a - This library has been deleted. Some of the routines that were in it have been renamed and moved into libspi.a. The other routines that were in it have been moved into the new libisislast.a library.

libisislast.a - A new library that contains routines specific to lander stereo cameras.

docube.F - DOCUBE has been modified to allow DOUSER to freely modify the amount of memory that is used. The D_IOMEM parameter previously was restricted to not exceed the default limit or the amount set by the user (ISISBUFMEM). The need arises for the programmer to have more control over memory usage where the user would have no knowledge of memory requirements. DOCUBE allows DOUSER to *increase* memory usage (via D_IOMEM) in STEP 2 if and only if the user has not set a value for ISISBUFMEM. DOUSER can always decrease memory usage. Previously, D_IOMEM was only allowed to be modified in STEP 1. It has been moved to STEP 2 to allow the programmer to consider the input file characteristics in memory usage. This change does not affect existing DOUSER applications.

docube - an updated version has been checked in to fix a bug in the sample direction projection translation which was erroneously being divided by the line increment rather than the sample increment.

extjigname - extracts the PRODUCT_ID from the JIGSAW error printout and appends the directory name and .cub to create a two column list (jigchk(orbit #).lis). The matchpoints can be verified using this list as the input file to MULTIMATCH in IDL. The ERRORS program must be run on the print.prt file first to extract only sets that exceeded the maximum error tolerance.

imp_bind_F.c - Binding routines for IMP_CAM_LSC and IMP_LBSPICE routines in the Pathfinder library, libimp.

imp_cam_lsc - The imp_cam_lsc.F subroutine in the libimp library has been updated to include heading, roll, and pitch angle calculations.

imp_cam_lsc.F - This routine now uses the gimbal twist angle in its calculations.

imp_campos.F - The gimbal twist angle has been added and the call statement has been simplified to use the camera matrix instead of the azimuth, elevation, and twist angles.

imp_cmat.F - This is a new routine that replaces imp_azelmat in computing the rotational matrix to go from gimbal coordinates to camera head coordinates.

imp_cmodel - this is an updated subroutine that has been modified to include a TABLEFILE argument and DIR argument in the subroutine call. The calling program can send in a file and directory with camera parameters or allow the file and directory to default to imp_camera.sav and $ISISIMPDATA, respectively. To allow the parameters to default, initialize them to:

             |_____one space
DIR = ' '
       |_____one space

The argument MFXLSC has also been added to imp_cmodel argument list.

The old subroutine line was:


and the new one is:


imp_cmodel.F - The gimbal twist angle has been added as an output argument.

imp_lbspice.F - This program will now increase the significant digits in the quaternion it reads from the labels to make sure it is a unit quaternion in double precision.

imp_lbspice.F - this is an updated subroutine. The argument MFXLSC has been removed from the argument list.

imp_ls2lsc - This new routine converts from line/sample in an unprojected IMP image to lsc (ground) x,y,z coordinates or vice versa.

imp_lsc2pseudo - This new routine converts from lsc x,y,z coordinates to pseudo panarama azimuth and elevation or vice versa.

implib.h - IMP library C prototypes for imp_cam_lsc and imp_lbspice.

imp_photoch.F - This routine has been modified to calculate the correct azimuth/elevation or line/sample for points behind the camera. A value of 1 is sent back instead of -3 for the RET argument in this case.

imp_socet - A new subroutine, imp_socet.F, has been added to the libimp library. This subroutine calculates IMP camera parameters needed by the SOCET set on dr-jones.

imp_socet.F - The gimbal twist angle has been added as an input argument.

ker_naifcam.F - The declaration of CAMERA was changed from char*4 to char*(*).

ker_naifkern2.F - temporary subroutine is deleted.

libisistae - The files shtae.h, tae_parblock.c and ui_exit.c were changed to resolve a linking conflict with VICAR and to allow ISIS applications that are executed from the Unix shell to exit with a status code of 0 (indicating a successful, normal execution).

libmap - The libmap routines map_grdmax, map_init, map_lbproj, map_list, map_max, map_name, map_proj, map_projlb, map_projt, map_u_proj, map_u_spec, map_zp_pan, map_zp_plan, and map_zp_tpan were changed to be consistent with the updates to

map_zp_plan.F - A previously checked in Imager for Mars Pathfinder subroutine which had a bug corrected.

map_zp_tpan - This new routine projects pseudo panarama azimuth and elevation to a tangent panarama projection, where the vertical scale is the tangent of the elevation.

map_zs_adjl.F - This routine only adjusted longitude values that exceeded 360 degrees but has been corrected to adjust the longitude values that are less than -360 degrees to the [-360,360] range as well.

mat_avgsd - A parameter was added to control whether all pixels in the data being averaged are required to be valid.

mat_cylpt - This new routine finds the intersection between a vector and a cylinder centered on the origin.

mat_roi__avgsd1 - A parameter was added to control whether all pixels in the data being averaged are required to be valid.

mat_solver.F - The dimensions of the arguments A and IPVT in the routine MAT_DGEFA and A, IPVT, and B in the routine MAT_DGESL were changed from maxdim in the limits common to the first argument in the call statement, NUNK, to save memory.

mat_vlat.F - This routine was updated to handle the case of the first 2 components of the input vector being 0 without calling atan2. The version of Fortran on the alpha machines generated an error in this case.

naiflab - This version of naiflab doesn't call the temporary ker_naifkern 2 subroutine soon to be deleted.

nim_ave.F - The line and sample arguments in this routine have been changed from integer to real. The handling of special pixel values was improved also.

nim_ftpt.F - This routine projects image bands for all detectors of a single NIMS grating position using Lucas Kamp's "footprint" algorithm.

nim_get_i_kernel.F - This routine was fixed to correctly read the time table.

nim_get_time - This routine was fixed so that it would correctly read the NATIVE_START_TIME field even if the RTI field is missing.

nim_get_time.F - This routine was modified to return the time in three fields instead of one: RIM, minor, and RTI. The RTI was recently added to the native start time. If the input file does not have RTI, the routine returns an RTI=0.

nim_last.F - The line and sample arguments in this routine have been changed to real. The line and sample loops were exchanged to make the routine run more efficiently.

nim_tub_rimmf.F - The output RIM argument was separated into two separate arguments: RIM and minor frame.

nim_tub_time.F - RTI was added as an argument to this routine.

prj.h - see - The azimuth and depression ranges were merged into lat/lon ranges. IMP_DIR was renamed to IMP_CAM and IMP_W was renamed to IMP_BASE. A parameter was added to specify the maximum number of map projection parameters in the data file projection_name.sav. This value was set to 40.

q_get_suffix_keys.c - The return parameter list has been modified. If you test for specific return values, see the documentation and make appropriate changes.

q_get_virt_list.c - A bug was found in this utility routine that resulted in overwriting of the core index list with the suffix list when a non-contiguous suffix region is selected in SFROM.

qu_init_io.c - Profiling revealed that this routine was very inefficient. Its purpose is to initialize all QUBE object I/O (q_* routines) requests. It has been modified to improve its efficiency.

spi_checklev.F - this is an updated subroutine that has been modified to return a positive error of 1 for images without reseaux unless the image is a level1, in which case the error is negative.

spi_distorccd.F - added distortion correction for NEAR.

spi_distorccd.F - This routine was updated with the corrected camera distortions for NEAR

spi_distorccd - This routine was changed to use the null distortion correction for the NEAR_1 MSI mission and camera.

spi_distorccd.F - This routine was updated to use Tom Duxbury's most recent solution for the Clementine NIR distortion correction constant.

spi_distorccd.F - This routine will now apply a null correction for nonimplemented missions instead of returning an error.

spi_distort.F - This routine will now recognize the NEAR mission. It also will return reseaus for vidicon cameras regardless of the direction (distorted to undistorted or reverse).

spi_geom - This routine was updated to keep track of the number of rows for each opened file.

spi_get_filter.F - an updated subroutine that has a quick fix for the NIMS camera added to it that will allow "qview" to display the image. The latitude and longitude data will be wrong until a major change to "qview" allows the program to use the backplanes instead of SPICE.

spi_get_frame.F - a new subroutine for manipulation of the FRAME_DESCRIPTION_GROUP that returns the boresight offsets, frame scales and frame validity, "YES" OR "NO", that describe the VIRTUAL image associated with the input file identified by the given File ID.

spi_get_miscam.F - a new subroutine for manipulation of the FRAME_DESCRIPTION_GROUP that examines the label of a specified cube file and returns the MISSION and CAMERA for the file.

spi_photost.F - This routine was corrected to return a blank instead of an empty (null) string for fields with no value.

spi_prop_geom.F - a new subroutine for manipulation of the FRAME_DESCRIPTION_GROUP that propagates/updates geometry information from input to output cubes.

spi_set_frame.F - a new subroutine for manipulation of the FRAME_DESCRIPTION_GROUP that sets the Frame Description, includingthe boresight offsets, frame scales and frame validity, "YES" OR "NO", for an output cube file.

u_allocate_unit.F - This routine has been completely rewritten to be loads more robust. It behaves similary to the NAIF implementation so as not to stomp on previously allocated and used FORTRAN logical unit numbers by the NAIF system. Note that it does not implement the reserve option used in NAIF because there is no way to do this without somehow knowing what NAIF has reserved. Also, if a unit is allocated in NAIF and not opened, this will likely conflict with this implementation as well, for the same reason. Be aware that if you do not call u_release_unit after you are done with each unit, you could eventually exhaust available units and it will cease to function.

u_bind_c.c - The FORTRAN binding for u_compose_path was corrected.

u_conv_flt.c - This routine is responsible for converting floating point pixel values to other ISIS data types. It has been modified to test for the NULL pixel value first rather than last. This should increase efficiency since NULL values tend to occur more frequently than other special pixels.

u_release_unit.F - Modified to coincide with the u_allocate_unit.F implementation. See its message for details.

u_set_dbl_parm.c - This routine provides the ability for applications to write double precision floating point values to the TAE parblock and make them available to the calling environment. Note that double floats are the native TAE real type.

MGS Data Files - The MGS mission SPICE kernels are included in the ISIS system. Programmers should use the MGS_SCLKSCET.00025.tsc spacecraft clock time kernel as it is the most recent and what was used to create Mapping Phase 1 kernels. See the user message related to these files for a small ditty on MGS timing problems.

<End of Release Notes>

Last updated: Oct 24 2003
File: release_notes.html

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