Isis 2 Documentation

sbdr2grid Documentation

sbdr2grid - Rasterize Cassini SBDR data from an ISIS table
This program will rasterize Cassini SBDR data that resides in a
binary ISIS table to create a Level 2 ISIS image cube. The RASTER
parameter will specify the data that is to be rasterized. The CONTROL
parameter will specify the precedence, or order, that overlapping
data will be laid down in the output image. The CTLDIR parameter
determines if a higher valued CONTROL value has higher precedence or
if a lower valued CONTROL value has higher precedence. If the CTLDIR
parameter is set to AVERAGE, then the program keeps a running total
of all RASTER data values that fall on each pixel in the output
image. The value for each pixel is averaged after all table values
have been processed. The TIME parameter can be used to limit the
time range of data that will be rasterized. The RASTER and CONTROL
parameters can be set to any column name that appears in the SBDR.TBL
file (these should be the same column names that appear in the ISIS
table). However, the RASTER and CONTROL parameters cannot be set to
any column name that has a data type of CHARACTER. If the RASTER
parameter is set to a column that is neither passive nor active, then
the USEPORA parameter will determine the type of footprint
coordinates to use when gridding. The RASTER parameter can
additionally be set to "HEIGHT". If the RASTER parameter is set to
"HEIGHT", then the surface height of each rasterized point is
calculated. The height is calculated as follows:

range_to_target - sqrt((sc_pos_target_x)**2 + (sc_pos_target_y)**2
+ (sc_pos_target_z)**2) - radius

where radius is the target radius at the act_centroid_lat,

The user must provide the projection information needed to create the
Level 2 cube. This can be done by either providing an image in the
INITFROM parameter from which projection information can be obtained.
Or, the user can enter the projection information through the TAE
parameters. If an INITFROM file is given, the projection information
can be altered by entering different values in the other TAE parameters.
The following is a list of projection parameters that can be used to
specify (if INITFROM is not provided) or alter (if INITFROM is
provided) projection characteristics:

TARGDEF  - This is the name of the target object file which contains
           the planet radii and direction of positive longitude. This
	   program will use the latest version of the titan.def file
	   in $ISISDATA/targets if neither TARGDEF or INITFROM are
	   specified. If INITFROM is specified and TARGDEF is not,
	   then the value in the labels of INITFROM will be used. If
	   both INITFROM and TARGDEF are specified, then the TARGDEF
	   value will be used.

MAPPARS  - This is the name of the desired projection and information
           related to it. This parameter is optional if INITFROM is
	   given and can be used to specify a different projection.
	   It is required if INITFROM is not given.

LATRANGE - Use this parameter to set the minimum and maximum latitude
           range of the output projection. Any data in the ISIS table
	   that falls outside this range will not be rasterized. This
	   parameter is optional if INITFROM is given. It is required
	   when INITFROM is not specified.

LONRANGE - Use this parameter to set the minimum and maximum longitude
           range of the output projection. Any data in the ISIS table
	   that falls outside this range will not be rasterized. This
	   parameter is optional if INITFROM is given. It is required
	   when INITFROM is not specified.

KM       - Use this parameter to set the resolution of the output
           projection in units of kilometers per pixel. Only one of
	   the KM or DEG parameters can be specified, not both. This
	   parameter is optional if INITFROM is given. You must specify
	   either KM or DEG when INITFROM is not specified.

DEG      - Use this parameter to set the resolution of the output
           projection in units of pixels per degree. Only one of
	   the KM or DEG parameters can be specified, not both. This
	   parameter is optional if INITFROM is given. You must specify
	   either KM or DEG when INITFROM is not specified.

LATSYS   - Use this parameter to designate the latitude coordinate
           system that the LATRANGE parameter is specified in.

LONSYS   - Use this parameter to designate the longitude coordinate
           system that the LONRANGE parameter is specified in.

Programmer: Janet Barrett, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, AZ

Input binary ISIS
SBDR table file
Output cube file name
  (default extension is .cub)
Table describing
information about
fields in the FROM
pertaining to passive data?
pertaining to active data?
pertaining to altimetry data?
pertaining to radiometry
pertaining to scatterometry
Optional input ISIS level 2
cube file used to initialize
map projection of TO file
  (default extension is .cub)
Min/max time range
for selecting data
Column in ISIS table
to be rasterized
Column in ISIS table
to control order of overlap
Type of footprint coordinates
to use (PASSIVE or ACTIVE) if
RASTER is not passive or
Determines if ASCENDING or
DESCENDING values are placed
on top when overlap occurs
in the grid. Can alternately
specify that the sum of all
values that fall on each
pixel be AVERAGEd.
Target definition filename
Map projection and parameters
Latitude range
Longitude range
Image resolution (km/pix)
Image resolution (pix/deg)
Latitude system
Longitude system
(180 or 360)


This is a binary-formatted ISIS table that
contains Cassini SBDR data. The table must be
created by the sbdr2isis program.
This is the output ISIS cube containing the
rasterized data.
This table provides a detailed description of the fields
in the input ISIS-formatted SBDR table (specified in
the FROM parameter). The last column in this table
gives information about the values of SCIENCE_QUAL_FLAG
that affects each column in the ISIS table. The
SCIENCE_QUAL_FLAG indicates if information is valid or
not. The last column in the SBDRTBL file contains a 4
character value. The first letter specifies if the data
is (A)ctive or (P)assive. The second letter specifies
if the field is (A)ltimetry. The third letter specifies
if the field is (R)adiometry. The fourth letter specifies
if the field is (S)catterometry. The digit 0 indicates
that the field does not fit into the category and is not
affected by the SCIENCE_QUAL_FLAG for that category.
Specifies if the SCIENCE_QUAL_FLAG will be ignored when
determining if passive fields are valid. If IGNPASS=YES,
then all passive fields are considered valid.
Specifies if the SCIENCE_QUAL_FLAG will be ignored when
determining if active fields are valid. If IGNACTV=YES,
then all active fields are considered valid.
Specifies if the SCIENCE_QUAL_FLAG will be ignored when
determining if altimetry fields are valid. If IGNALT=YES,
then all altimetry fields are considered valid.
Specifies if the SCIENCE_QUAL_FLAG will be ignored when
determining if radiometry fields are valid. If IGNRAD=YES,
then all radiometry fields are considered valid.
Specifies if the SCIENCE_QUAL_FLAG will be ignored when
determining if scatterometry fields are valid. If
IGNSCAT=YES, then all scatterometry fields are considered
This is an optional input ISIS level 2 cube file that can
be used to initialize the map projection labels of the TO
file. The projection characteristics obtained from this
file can be altered by specifying values for the following
This parameter can be used to specify a time range
that can be used to limit the data that gets
rasterized. The time format must be input using
the UTC day of year format:
If this parameter is set to the TAE NULL value, then
the entire ISIS table will be rasterized.
This is the parameter that will be rasterized. The values
that can be rasterized are: ANTENNA_TEMP,
This is the parameter that will be used to determine
the order in which data gets overlayed in the output
image file. The values that can be used to control overlay
This parameter determines the type of footprint coordinates
that will be used to grid the RASTER values. This parameter
is only used if the RASTER value is neither passive nor
active. If the RASTER value is passive or active, then the
appropriate footprint coordinates will be used and the
USEPORA parameter will be ignored.
This parameter determines if ASCENDING or DESCENDING values
of CONTROL take higher precedence (are placed on top so
that they are seen) when overlap occurs in the output raster
file.  Default is DESCENDING:  e.g., "highest" resolution,
actually numerically smallest beam width, is normally
preferred, as are small values of incidence/emission. This
parameter can also be used to specify that the RASTER values
be summed for each pixel and then averaged.
This is the name of the target object file which contains
the planet radii and direction of positive longitude. This
program will use the latest version of the titan.def file
in $ISISDATA/targets if neither TARGDEF or INITFROM are
specified. If INITFROM is specified and TARGDEF is not,
then the value in the labels of INITFROM will be used. If
both INITFROM and TARGDEF are specified, then the TARGDEF
value will be used.
This parameter is used to specify the map projection and its
specific parameters.  For example, "SINU:0,OGRAPHIC" implies
Sinusoidal map projection with a center longitude of 0 and
values reported in planetographic coordinate systems.

**NOTE** For a detailed explanation of MAPPARS, tutor the
mappars.pdf (i.e., TAE> tutor mappars).

This parameter is optional if INITFROM is given and can be
used to specify a different projection. It is required if
INITFROM is not given.
This is the latitude range of the output projection.
LATRANGE(1) is the minimum latitude and LATRANGE(2) is the
maximum latitude. The coordinates specified here are subject
to the LATSYS parameter coordinate specification and must be
expressed in the system specified in that parameter.

This parameter is optional if INITFROM is given and can be
used to specify a different latitude range. It is required
if INITFROM is not given.
This is the longitude range of the output projection.
LONRANGE(1) is the minimum longitude and LONRANGE(2) is the
maximum longitude. The coordinates specified here are subject
to the LONSYS parameter coordinate specification and must be
expressed in the system specified in that parameter.

This parameter is optional if INITFROM is given and can be
used to specify a different longitude range. It is required
if INITFROM is not given.
This is the map resolution in kilometers/pixel. If a value is
entered for KM, then a value must NOT be entered for DEG.

This parameter is optional if INITFROM is given and can be
used to specify a different map resolution. It is required
if INITFROM is not given.
This is the map resolution in pixels/degree. If a value is
entered for DEG, then a value must NOT be entered for KM.

This parameter is optional if INITFROM is given and can be
used to specify a different map resolution. It is required
if INITFROM is not given.
This parameter is used to define the latitude system that
the LATRANGE parameter is specified in. This allows the user
to specify the latitude range in either planetocentric or

This parameter is optional if INITFROM is given and can be
used to specify a different latitude system. It is required
if INITFROM is not given.
This parameter is used to define the longitude system that
the LONRANGE parameter is specified in. This allows the user
to specify the longitude range in either -180 to 180
(LONSYS=180) or 0 to 360 (LONSYS=360) ranges.

This parameter is optional if INITFROM is given and can be
used to specify a different longitude system. It is required
if INITFROM is not given.

Last updated: Apr 27 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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