Isis 2 Documentation
sedrsort - Sort entries in a table of photostatistics (sedr) "sedrsort" uses constraints chosen by the user to sort through entries in an ISIS table of photostatistics derived from a SPICE table. The photostatistics tables have a suffix of .pho and are kept in the $ISISDATA directory. Each table contains the following fields: SPACECRAFT_NAME, INSTRUMENT, TARGET_NAME, IMAGE_KEY_ID, IMAGE_NUMBER, PRODUCT_ID, START_TIME, EMISSION_ANGLE, INCIDENCE_ANGLE, PHASE_ANGLE, SUBSPACECRAFT_LATITUDE, SUBSPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE, SUN_LATITUDE, SUN_LONGITUDE, RESOLUTION, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, DISTANCE, FILTER, and FILTER_ID. Currently tables exist for the Voyager and Viking missions. The sorting is performed based on user entered constraints on any of the fields. The entries successfully satisfying all constraints are listed in the session log file. Programmer: Debbie Cook, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff
Parm | Description | Default |
LIST | Fields to list | ALL |
TO | File name for output list (optional) | -- |
OPTION | Value to list in TO (PRODID,IMAGE_NO) | PRODID |
MISSION | Spacecraft_name | VOYAGER |
INST | Instrument_id or camera | -- |
TARGET | Target_name | NONE |
IMAG_KEY | Image_key_id range | -- |
IMAGE_NO | Image_number (fsc) range | -- |
PRODID | Product_id range (picture number) | -- |
STIME | Start time range (Year mon dd hh:mm:ss.sss) | -- |
EMA | Emission angle range | -- |
INC | Incidence angle range | -- |
PHASE | Phase angle range | -- |
SCLAT | Subspacecraft latitude range | -- |
SCLON | Subspacecraft longitude range | -- |
SUNLAT | Subsolar latitude range | -- |
SUNLON | Subsolar longitude range | -- |
RES | Resolution (km/pixel) range | -- |
LAT | Latitude range | -- |
LON | Longitude range | -- |
DISTANCE | Distance from spacecraft to surface range | -- |
FILTER | Filter name | -- |
FILT_ID | Filter id |
Parm | Description |
LIST | Enter the fields to list. Valid choices are ALL, IMAGE_NO, and PRODID. |
TO | If this parameter has a value, either the PRODUCT_ID or IMAGE_NUMBER will be written to this file name depending on the OPTION chosen. |
OPTION | If TO is used, the user has the choise of listing the PRODUCT_ID (OPTION=PRODID) or IMAGE_NUMBER (OPTION=IMAGE_NO) |
MISSION | This is the mission name and spacecraft number joined by an underscore '_'. For example, VOYAGER_1. Only tables satisfying MISSION, INST, and TARGET are sorted. If the spacecraft number is not included in the mission name then all spacecrafts are assumed. For instance if MISSION=VOYAGER, then table files for both VOYAGER_1 and VOYAGER_2 are sorted. Currently only VOYAGER JUPITER and VIKING can be sorted. |
INST | This is the INSTRUMENT. Only tables satisfying MISSION, INST, and TARGET are sorted (WA for wide angle or NA for narrow angle for Voyager and A or B for Viking). If an INSTRUMENT is not entered, then all instruments for the specified mission are assumed. |
TARGET | Enter the desired planetary body targeted. Only tables satisfying MISSION, INST, and TARGET are sorted. |
IMAG_KEY | The image key id is usually the fsc. The table is indexed on the image keys, so this value is unique for each entry. A table entry satisfies this constraint if the value in its IMAGE_KEY_ID field is greater than or equal to the user's IMAG_KEY(1) parameter and less than or equal to IMAG_KEY(2). If only one value is entered [IMAG_KEY(1)], then an exact match will be required in the sort. If IMAG_KEY is null (no values entered), it will not be used in the sort. |
IMAGE_NO | This value is fsc for Voyager and Viking. A table entry satisfies this constraint if the value in its IMAGE_NUMBER field is greater than or equal to the user's IMAGE_NO(1) parameter and less than or equal to IMAGE_NO(2). If only one value is entered [IMAG_NO(1)], then an exact match will be required in the sort. If IMAG_NO is null (no values entered), it will not be used in the sort. |
PRODID | This value is the picture number for Voyager and Viking. A table entry satisfies this constraint if the value in its PRODUCT_ID field is greater than or equal to the user's PRODID(1) parameter and less than or equal to PRODID(2). If only one value is entered [PRODID(1)], then an exact match will be required in the sort. If PRODID is null (no values entered), it will not be used in the sort. |
STIME | Enter the start time (UTC) range, in NAIF format [year (4 char), space, first three letters of the month, space, day of the month (2 char), space, hour (2 char), colon, minutes (2 char), colon, seconds (6 char) with 3 decimal places]. For example 1993 AUG 24 10:55:00.000. A table entry satisfies this constraint if the value in its START_TIME field is greater than or equal to the user's STIME(1) parameter and less than or equal to STIME(2). If only one value is entered [STIME(1)], then an exact match will be required in the sort. If STIME is null (no values entered), it will not be used in the sort. |
EMA | Enter an emission angle range in degress. A table entry satisfies this constraint if the value in its EMISSION_ANGLE field is greater than or equal to the user's EMA(1) parameter and less than or equal to EMA(2). If only a single value is entered [EMA(1)], then an exact match will be required in the sort. If EMA is null (no values entered), emission angle will not be used in the sort. |
INC | Enter an incidence angle range in degrees. A table entry satisfies this constraint if the value in its INCIDENCE_ANGLE field is greater than or equal to the user's INC(1) parameter and less than or equal to INC(2). If only a single value is entered [INC(1)], then an exact match will be required in the sort. If INC is null (no values entered), incidence angle will not be used in the sort. |
PHASE | Enter a phase angle range in degrees. A table entry satisfies this constraint if the value in its PHASE_ANGLE field is greater than or equal to the user's PHASE(1) parameter and less than or equal to PHASE(2). If only a single value is entered [PHASE(1)], then an exact match will be required in the sort. If PHASE is null (no value entered), phase angle will not be used in the sort. |
SCLAT | Enter a subspacecraft latitude range in degrees. A table entry satisfies this constraint if the value in its SUBSPACECRAFT_LATITUDE field is greater than or equal to SCLAT(1) and less than or equal to SCLAT(2). If only one value is entered [SCLAT(1)], then an exact match will be required in the sort. If SCLAT is null (no value entered), subspacecraft latitude will not be used in the sort. |
SCLON | Enter a subspacecraft longitude range in degrees. A table entry satisfies this constraint if the value in its SUBSPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE field is greater than or equal to SCLON(1) and less than or equal to SCLON(2). If only one value is entered [SCLON(1)], then an exact match will be required in the sort. If SCLON is null (no value entered), the subspacecraft longitude will not be used in the sort. |
SUNLAT | Enter a subsolar latitude range in degrees. A table entry satisfies this constraint if the value in its SUBSOLAR_LATITUDE field is greater than or equal to SUNLAT(1) and less than or equal to SUNLAT(2). If only one value is entered [SUNLAT(1)], then an exact match will be required in the sort. If SUNLAT is null (no value entered), the subsolar latitude will not be used in the sort. |
SUNLON | Enter a subsolar longitude range in degrees. A table entry satisfies this constraint if the value in its SUBSOLAR_LONGITUDE field is greater than or equal to SUNLON(1) and less than or equal to SUNLON(2). If only one value is entered [SUNLON(1)], then an exact match will be required in the sort. If SUNLON is null (no value entered), the subsolar longitude will not be used in the sort. |
RES | Enter the resolution range (km/pixel). A table entry satisfies this constraint if the resolution of the value in its RESOLUTION field is greater than or equal to RES(1) and less than or equal to RES(2). If only one value is entered [RES(1)], then an exact match will be required in the sort. If RES is null (no value entered), the resolution will not be used in the sort. |
LAT | Enter the latitude range. A table entry satisfies this constraint if any part of its latitude range falls within LAT(1) and LAT(2), inclusively. If LAT is null, the latitude range will not be used in the sort. |
LON | Enter the longitude range. A table entry satisfies this constraint if any part of its longitude range falls within LAT(1) and LAT(2), inclusively. If LON is null, the longitude range will not be used in the sort. |
DISTANCE | Enter the distance range from the spacecraft to the surface point corresponding to the center of the image. If the center of the image is not on the targeted body, then the subspacecraft point is used as the reference point for DISTANCE. The entry satisfies this constraint if its DISTANCE value is greater than or equal to DISTANCE(1) and less than or equal to DISTANCE(2). If DISTANCE is null, the distance range is not used as a constraint. |
FILTER | Enter the filter name for an entry. The entry satisfies the constraint if the value in its FILTER field matches FILTER. If the user parameter FILTER is null (no values entered), then it is not used in the sort. |
FILT_ID | Enter the filter identification code. An entry satisfies this constraint if the value in its FILTER_ID field matches FILT_ID. If FILT_ID is null, it is not used in the sort. |
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