Isis 2 Documentation

specundo Documentation

specundo - "undo" the special masking procedure
specundo - This program was written to serve a
special processing function for the production
of the Clementine multi-spectral cube data.

Specundo works in tantem with the specmsk program.
The specundo removes the special pixel values
that were inserted by specmsk.

The algorithm is as follows:

The program assumes that a multi-band image
is being processed. If a pixel in a band
contains a valid value then the corresponding
pixels from the other bands are interrogated.
If any of the pixels from the other bands
contain a SPECVAL value then it is replaced
with a null value. This procedure returns
the cube to its original state.

The specundo step follows the mosaicing

The SPECVAL should be a value that is
either larger or smaller than any
valid pixel.

Programmer:  Eric Eliason, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, AZ

Input cube file name
  (Default extension is .cub)
Input subcube specifier
Output cube file name
  (Default extension is .cub)
"Special" pixel value inserted
in image array
Comment for user
" "


Input cube file name.  If the file extension is omitted,
then ".cub" will be assumed.
If the divisor band comes from the same cube as the dividend
bands,  it must be included in the subcube specifier.
SFROM specifies the subcube using a single string for all
three dimensions of the cube.  The order of the three
dimensions is always "samples:lines:bands".
If a dimension is left blank, all the data for that
dimension is selected.  The default value of NULL for SFROM
selects the entire cube.

For example, "10-100(3):11,12,15-20:1-10(2)" will
select every third sample starting with sample 10 thru 100;
lines 11 and 12, and 15-20; and every
other band, starting with band 1 thru 10.

There are special characters that can be used for
selecting a subcube efficiently, such as "*","#", and "~".
For examples type "help sfrom" in TAE.

**NOTE** For more examples and explanation of the many
features of the SFROM parameter, tutor the sfrom.pdf or
refer to Introduction to ISIS, Section 6, of the ISIS
User's Manual **

Output cube file name.  If the file extension is omitted,
then ".cub" will be assumed.

The "special" pixel value acts as a flag to indicate that
a pixel value is null, but has pixels from other bands
containing valid valuse. See general help for
more information.
Specifies a comment that will be entered into the output
log file and history entry in the output file.

Last updated: Jan 31 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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