Isis 2 Documentation

submit Documentation

submit - Submit a TAE batch file
Submit is used to execute a TAE PDF file in batch.  Before this program
can be run, one must create the .job and .jen file in TAE.  Here is an
example to do this in TAE:


This command will create the needed .job and .jen file for TAE to
execute a batch job.  The .job file will be used for the FROM
parameter for this program.  Note the .job, .jen, and .pdf files must be
in the same directory.  If the directory is different than the current
directory in which you ran this program, you must specify the directory
in the DIR parameter.  Please see the help on how to fill out the other

Programmer: Trent Hare, USGS, Flagstaff, Az.

Input TAE job file name
  (Default extension: .job)
Output file name
  (Default: FROM + .batch)
Time to start
  (Default: now + 1 minute)
Date to start
Directory to run the batch file
  (Default: current directory)
Automatically submit batch file
Filename of ISIS logfile
Text reduction on
Filename of TAE batch logfile
  (Default: FROM + .taelog)
Filename of non-TAE logfile
  (Default: MAIL)
Parameters to be logged
(seperate with space or commas)
Ignore file integrity
File overwrite on
Skip Shell environment
Potentially Dangerous
 - use default (NO)
 - or read help first


The .job file which is created by TAE from the original
pdf file.  Please see program help for an example.
The executable file that will be created.  This file will
be the input for the UNIX command `at`.  `man at` on the
UNIX prompt for more information about the UNIX command at.

The time may be specified as 1, 2, or 4 digits.  One and two
digit numbers are taken to be the hour, four digits to be
the hour and minutes.  The time may alternately be specified
as two numbers separated by a colon, meaning hour:minute.
The 24-hour clock time is understood.  The special names
noon, midnight, now and next are also recognized.  now must
have some increment of time added to it.  The smallest
increment is in minutes.

Some examples of time are:

		6            =  6:00 o'clock am
		15           =  3:00 o'clock pm
		0722         =  7:22 o'clock am
		02:30        =  2:30 o'clock am
		22:59        = 10:59 o'clock pm
                now + 1 hour
                now + 5 minutes
An optional date may be specified as either a month name
followed by a day number or a day of the week (fully
spelled or abbreviated to three characters).   Two special
"days", today and tomorrow are recognized.  If no date
is given, today is assumed if the given hour is greater
than the current hour and tomorrow is assumed if it is
less.  If the given month is less than the current month
(and no year is given), next year is assumed.

Some examples of date are:

		Jan 24
The directory that you wish the batch job to be run from.
This directory must contain the .job, .jen, and .pdf files.
You must have write privileges in this directory.
YES - If you wish the output executable batch file to be
      queued for batch in the system.
NO  - If you wish the output executable batch file NOT to
      be queued in the system, just written out.
This file contains the normal output from ISIS that is
usually housed in the print.prt file. Note: this program
will always enable output text reduction.
YES will turn on the Text Reduction for the ISIS log
file.  NO will turn Text Reduction off thus all output
from ISIS programs will be logged.
This file contains the output from TAE.  This includes all
the TAE output plus the standard ISIS output.  If your
batch crashes this file may help you locate the problem.
This area contains all the output that is neither from
TAE or ISIS.  For example, if you use 'ush ls' in your
pdf, the output of this command would be housed in this
area.  If MAIL is supplied you will receive this output in
the mail message that is automatically sent when the batch
job is over.
This will allow you write out tae parameters like FROM
anr TO, that will normally not be written out due to
text reduction being turned on.

To report the values of FROM and DATE_TIME parameters,
list FROM,DATE_TIME in the variable PARM_REPORT
This will have the effect of ignoring whether or not
a file is "DIRTY" or "CLEAN".  YES will turn on the
ignore feature.
This will have the effect, if a file already exists,
whether or not it will overwrite it.  YES will
turn on the overwrite feature.
This will have the effect of, if set to YES, to not
run the user's login scripts each time the TAE command
"ush" is used.  This may greatly speed up the batch run,
however, care must be given when taking advantage of this
option.  If you are using an alias that is set in your
login scripts it will not be recognized. For example I
have "copy" aliased to the UNIX command "cp".  During
the run of this batch file my aliased command "copy"
will not work.  This will also crash the batch job.

** This could be potentially hazardous to your health. **

If this option is set to NO your batch job will run in
it's normal operation running your start up scripts each
time you use the "ush" command.

Last updated: Jan 31 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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