Isis 2 Documentation

thmirmc Documentation

thmirmc - Generate THEMIS IR registered map projection cubes

This procedure processes Level 1 (radiometrically calibrated)
ISIS-formatted THEMIS IR cubes to produce Level 2 cubes in which
all bands are aligned in a map projection specified by the MAPPARS
parameter.  (Uncalibrated raw data can also be processed.)  The
INTTYPE and MINVALS parameters specify the desired interpolation
algorithm and handling of input NULL and Saturated values.

The input file (specified by the FROM parameter) should be an
ISIS cube that was produced by running "thm2isis" on a PDS file
produced by the Arizona State University software.  Alternatively,
the FROMLIST parameter can be used to specify a file that contains
a list of cubes to be processed.

The default operation is to produce an output cube that preserves
the resolution in the input data and that includes its full
latitude/longitude range.  Gathering the necessary statistics
on the input file can be a time-consuming operation, so the
SAMPINC/LINEINC parameters can be used to specify subsampling to
increase processing speed at the expense of using less-complete
statistics.  This could result in a spatial area that is somewhat
smaller than necessary for including all the input pixels.  Also,
a degredation in resolution could occur.

In most cases, the output map projection will use the longitude
system (0 to 360 or +/- 180) that was specified when "thm2isis"
was run.  However, if longitude 0 occurs within the data for a
0-360 longitude system projection, then the output projection will
automatically be switched to use the -180 to +180 longitude system.
In a similar manner, if the +/- 180 longitude system was selected
with "thm2isis", then the longitude system will be switched to
the 360 system if longitude 180 occurs in the data.  This automatic
switch of longitude systems prevents generation of large files
that contain some image data on the left and some on the right
with a large blank area in the middle.  The AUTOLON parameter
allows turning off this automatic longitude system switching
when desired, e.g., when generating files to be mosaicked with
other files.


This procedure provides an interactive interface to the PERL
scripts that perform the work involved in generating the map
projection cubes. The PERL scripts can also be run standalone
from the command line which makes them ideal for use in web
cgi applications. There are two PERL scripts available for
map projecting THEMIS IR cubes:,

The script will process a single file for each
execution of the script. The script allows you
to process a list of files for each execution of the script.

The syntax for processing a single file is as follows: from [to] [sampinc] [lineinc] [mappars] [retest] [inttype]
  [minvals] [trim] [kmres] [degres] [dem] [usedem] [override]

The syntax for processing a list of files is as follows: fromlist [sampinc] [lineinc] [mappars] [retest]
  [inttype] [minvals] [trim] [kmres] [degres] [dem] [usedem]

All the parameters in square brackets [] above are optional. The
parameters in square brackets can be used to modify how the output map
projection cube is created. If a parameter is specified on the command
line, then all of the parameters preceding it must also be specified.
If you want the default of a parameter to be used, then two dashes "--"
can be used to specify this on the command line.  For example, the
following command can be used to process a single file
(called thm01.cub) and set the sample increment (sampinc) to 10. thm01.cub -- 10

In the command above, the user wanted to specify a non-default sample
increment of 10. However, the user wants to use the default output
filename.  The double dash "--" is used as a place marker so that the
script knows which value on the command line applies to which parameter
in the script.  Notice that none of the parameters that occur after the
sample increment had to be set to "--" because the user is letting
everything else use the default values.


If an error occurs during processing, then thmirmc.err will be
created which will contain some error-related information. The session
log file (print.prt unless the ISIS_LOG_FILE environment variable has
been set) will contain a complete history of the processing as well as
additional error information.

During processing, a number of intermediate files are created.  The
names of these intermediate files are constructed by taking the core
name of the input file (name without path or extension) and expanding
it into the names for the intermediate files.  There are 6 types of
intermediate files created during processing.  Here is a synopsis of
what those file names are and what they are used for:

corename_b#.cub        = A single-band file containing band number #
                         from the input file.
corename_b#_gm.cub     = This is the single-band file containing band
                         number # from the input file after it has been
corename_tfile.dat     = A file containing transformation information
                         for the geom program.
corename_geom1.WRK     = A work file used by the geom program.
corename_geom2.WRK     = A work file used by the geom program.
corename.stats.temp    = A file created by the lev1stats program.

Programmer:  Janet Barrett, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, 29 Jul 2003

Input filename
  (default extension is .cub)
List of input filenames
Output filename
  (default extension is .cub)
Sample increment for finding
  lat/lon range
Line increment for finding
  lat/lon range
Map projection and parameters
Automatic longitude system?
  (YES, NO)
Latitude range
Longitude range
Grid spacing for projection
  computation (Null, 1, 4, 16)
Interpolation type to be used
Minimum number of valid pixels
Trim outside lat/lon boundaries?
  (YES, NO)
Output image resolution (km/pix)
Output image resolution (pix/deg)
Use a DEM file for radii source?
  (YES, NO)
DEM file for radii source
Value to override grid size


This is normally a Level 1 (radiometrically calibrated)
ISIS-formatted THEMIS IR cube created by running
"thm2isis" on a PDS file produced by the Arizona State
University software.  Uncalibrated raw data can also
be processed.  ("thm2isis" runs "pds2isis" to convert
to ISIS format and "levinit" to initialize the label
for geometry processing.)

The input cube can be one of the three pixel data types
supported by ISIS.  The output cube will be the same
data type as the input cube.

If the file extension is omitted, then ".cub" will be

If FROM is specified, then the FROMLIST parameter
must be specified as the Null TAE parameter value.
This specifies a file that contains a list of cubes
to be processed.  The input list must be a single
column file that contains one input cube file name
per line.  If the file extension of the filenames
in the list is omitted, then ".cub" will be assumed.

The input files are normally  Level 1 (radiometrically
calibrated) ISIS-formatted THEMIS VIS cubes created by
running "thm2isis" on PDS files produced by the Arizona
State University software.  Uncalibrated raw data can
also be processed.

Each input cube can be one of the three pixel data types
supported by ISIS.  The output cube will be the same
data type as the corresponding input cube.

If FROMLIST is specified, then the FROM parameter
must be specified as the Null TAE parameter value.

The output filenames will automatically be created by
using the 'root' input name (without extension) with
".irmc.cub" appended.
If a single file is processed using the FROM parameter,
then this parameter can be used to name the output file.
If the file extension is omitted, then ".cub" will be
assumed. This parameter is ignored when a FROMLIST is
entered. If the FROMLIST option is used or if this
parameter is left blank, then the output filename will
default to be the 'root' name of the input file (without
extension) with ".irmc.cub" appended.
SAMPINC/LINEINC are the sample/line increments that
will be used when collecting statistics about a
single-band framelet using the "lev1stats" program.
"lev1stats" is used to determine the latitude and
longitude ranges as well as resolution.

Specifying SAMPINC=1 and LINEINC=1 will result in
the most accurate results from the "lev1stats"
program.  However, small SAMPINC/LINEINC values
cause "lev1stats" to run slower.  Processing speed
can be increased by specifying larger SAMPINC/LINEINC
values.  However, this could result in an output
spatial area that is somewhat smaller than that
necessary for including all input pixels.  Also,
a degredation in resolution could occur.
SAMPINC/LINEINC are the sample/line increments that
will be used when collecting statistics about a
single-band framelet using the "lev1stats" program.
"lev1stats" is used to determine the latitude and
longitude ranges as well as resolution.

Specifying SAMPINC=1 and LINEINC=1 will result in
the most accurate results from the "lev1stats"
program.  However, small SAMPINC/LINEINC values
cause "lev1stats" to run slower.  Processing speed
can be increased by specifying larger SAMPINC/LINEINC
values.  However, this could result in an output
spatial area that is somewhat smaller than that
necessary for including all input pixels.  Also,
a degredation in resolution could occur.
MAPPARS allows the user to specify the desired output
map projection and its associated parameters that
will be used by the "lev1tolev2" program to create the
output map-projected file. When this is specified as
the TAE Null parameter value (--), the MAPPARS value
that will be used for calling "lev1tolev2" will be
MAPPARS="SINU:clon,plattyp", which will create a
Sinusoidal Equal-Area map with center longitude (clon)
equal to the average of the longitude range of the
output map. The projection latitude type (plattyp)
will be the latitude system that is recorded in the
LATITUDE_SYSTEM keyword in the ISIS_TARGET keyword
Group in the input file. The value of this keyword
is normally set by the LATSYS parameter when running
"thm2isis" to translate the PDS QUBE file to ISIS

If a non-null value is specified for MAPPARS, then
this value will be used as the value of the MAPPARS
parameter passed to "lev1tolev2". An extensive
explanation of this parameter and its various options
and defaults can be obtained by tutoring "mappars" in
TAE and typing "help *".

Note that when SINU or SIMP is specified as the
projection name in the MAPPARS value, the default
latitude type OGRAPHIC will be used if the projection
latitude type is not specified, i.e., the standard
MAPPARS default will be used rather than the latitude
system that is specified in the input file
LATITUDE_SYSTEM label keyword. If OCENTRIC latitudes
(the usual standard for THEMIS) are desired, then
OCENTRIC must be specified in the MAPPARS value.
AUTOLON specifies whether or not the longitude system
for the output projected image should be automatically

When the PDS QUBE file is converted to ISIS format
with "thm2isis", the user specifies the desired longitude
system (0 to 360 or +/- 180) with the LONSYS parameter.
(The desired longitude system is recorded in the
LONGITUDE_SYSTEM label keyword in the ISIS_TARGET Group.)
The AUTOLON parameter specifies whether or not "thmirmc"
will attempt to make an automatic adjustment to the
specified longitude system.

When AUTOLON=YES is specified, then an automatic switch
of longitude system is sometimes done to prevent
generation of a large file that contains part of the
image data on the left and part on the right with a
large blank area in the middle.  This occurs when the
0-360 longitude system was selected but the image data
crosses longitude=0.  This also occurs when the
+/- 180 longitude system was selected and the image
data crosses longitude=180.

Specifying AUTOLON=NO will disable this automatic
switching of longitude systems.  This allows creating
projected images with the specified longitude system
when this is necessary for creating mosaics of multiple
images (which must all have the same longitude system).
When the RETEST parameter is set to the Null TAE
parameter value, the "lev1tolev2" program computes the
projection to Map Coordinates by checking the
corners and center point of each 64x64 box in the
output image to see if any of them correspond to a
point on the input image.  If none of them fall on the
input image, then it is assumed that no input data is
projected within the 64x64 box.  If a piece of the
input image data falls within the box but does not
hit the center or any of the corner points, then a
corresponding piece of the input image data will get
chopped off and will not appear in the output image.

Specifying a RETEST value of 1, 4, or 16 (the only
permitted values) allows the user to decrease the
amount of input image data that does not get projected
to the output image.  When a non-Null RETEST value is
specified, a 64x64 box that does not appear to contain
any image data is retested with the specified pixel
spacing to see if any of these points correspond to
input image data.  If any of the tested points (in
either the original 64x64 box or the smaller retest
boxes) corresponds to an input image pixel, then
all points within the box will contain the proper
projected input image pixels.

Thus, specifying smaller RETEST values will increase
the processing time while decreasing the amount of
input image pixels that do not get projected to the
output image.  Specifying RETEST=1 will guarantee
that no input image pixels are lost, but this will
result in the greatest processing time.

Latitude range of the desired output cube which will be
produced by "geom".  If the range is not entered then
it will be automatically computed.  If the range is
entered then LONRANGE must be entered as well.
Longitude range of the desired output cube which will be
produced by "geom".  If the range is not entered then
it will be automatically computed.  If the range is
entered then LATRANGE must be entered as well.
INTTYPE is the interpolation type to be used by the
"geom" program in performing the geometric transformation.
The two options are NEAREST_NEIGHBOR or BILINEAR.
For more information, read the help for the "geom" program.
MINVALS is used to specify the minimum number of valid
pixel values required to generate a valid pixel value
when BILINEAR is the requested interpolation type for
the "geom" program (see INTTYPE).  MINVALS=1 will cause a
valid pixel value to be output if any one of the four
closest pixels in the input file that map to the output
position are valid.  MINVALS=4 will require that all
four of the closest pixels in the input file that map
to the output position be valid.  You can specify from
1 to 4 pixels using MINVALS.
TRIM determines if the lev1tolev2 program will trim
(set to NULL) those parts of the output image that
fall outside of the requested lat/lon boundaries.
The default is NO. For more information, read the
help for the lev1tolev2 program.
KMRES is the map resolution of the output file
in kilometers/pixel. Use this parameter if you
will be mosaicking multiple THEMIS IR images
together. The mosaic program requires that all files
being mosaicked together have the same map resolution.

If both KMRES and DEGRES are specified as the TAE Null
parameter value, then the "lev1stats" program will
determine the minimum average resolution of all bands in
the input image and will use this as the default.

If a value is entered for KMRES, then a value must
not be entered for DEGRES.
DEGRES is the map resolution of the output file
in pixels/degree. Use this parameter if you
will be mosaicking multiple THEMIS IR images
together. The mosaic program requires that all files
being mosaicked together have the same map resolution.

If both DEGRES and KMRES are specified as the TAE Null
parameter value, then the "lev1stats" program will
determine the minimum average resolution of all bands in
the input image and will use this as the default.

If a value is entered for DEGRES, then a value must
not be entered for KMRES.
Determines if a DEM file will be used as a source for
the local radius for each projected point. If USEDEM
is YES, then the file specified by the DEM parameter
will be used as a radii source. If USEDEM is NO, then
the ellipsoid defined by the radii in the targdef
file will be used instead.
This is a level 2 file to be used as a source for the
local radius for each projected point.  The default is
to use $ISISDATA/mola_mars_planetary_radius.cub as a
DEM file for Themis images. This file will only be used
if the USEDEM parameter is YES.
This parameter is used to enter a grid spacing that will
override the grid spacing computed by the "lev1tolev2"
program. This parameter should not be used in most cases.
If a tile in a cube is not projecting correctly because
of undetected changes within the tile, then OVERRIDE
should be set to force a finer grid. Valid values are
1, 4, and 16.

Last updated: Apr 27 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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