Isis 2 Documentation
uax2isis - Convert IMP UAX format Pathfinder files to ISIS cubes uax2isis will convert UAX (University of Arizona) IMP (Imager for Mars Pathfinder) files to ISIS cube format. These input files are assumed to be in XDR format and follow IDL I/O using this unformatted scheme. See the IDL User's Guide, pages 17-32 to 17-35 for a detailed description on this format. The TO parameter is optional. If the output filename is not provided in the TOP parameter, uax2isis will generate a filename by the first 3 or 4 digits from the filter wavelength followed by an "R" or "L" to signify right or left IMP camera, respectively. Note that ODIR may be provided to specify a directory where to create files whose names are generated by uax2isis. If the user specifies a file name in the TO parameter, this parameter is ignored. If TO is not specified, then the file name generated by uax2isis will have the directory path specified in ODIR prepended to the file name. These most common UAX images are to be 2-dimensional 16-bit images with a header length no larger than 256 entries. There are other data types of (UAX) files that uax2isis can process as well. These are: 8-bit unsigned integer (written as ISIS type 1) 16-bit [un]signed integer (written as ISIS type 2) 32-bit signed integer (converted to ISIS REAL*4) 32-bit floating point (written as ISIS REAL*4, type 3) 64-bit double floating point (converted to ISIS REAL*4 w/saturation) 32-bit complex floating point (converted to ISIS REAL*4 w/2*#SAMPLES) uax2isis provides the STOWRNG parameter so that the user can specify ranges of image numbers that have the mast stowed when the image was taken. uax2isis will parse through the UAX input file header and extract all defined and relevant keywords. All these keywords and there values can be listed by setting SHOWKEYS = "YES". The listing goes to both the terminal device and log file. If SHOWKEYS = "NO", then this feature is suppressed. uax2isis allows the user to select only the listing of the UAX keywords that exist in the image file by setting LISTONLY to "YES". Under this condition, the output cube file will not be generated. Also, the value of SHOWKEYS is virtually ignored as listing only the UAX keywords overrides this option and will result in the keys always being printed. The output ISIS file will be a 3-dimensional ISIS cube file of type 2 (16-bit integer) core data where the BAND axis is dimensioned to 1. No additional QUBE elements are added to the output ISIS file by this program. The number of lines and samples are a function of the dimensions of the input UAX image. There are actually two image orientations that these UAX files can attain. Each are specific to the right or left side of the CCD on the Imager where the images are taken. Images taken by the right side are oriented whereby the top of the image is the right edge and the right side of the image is the bottom. Thus uax2isis rotates these images -90.0 degrees. The left side image has the opposite orientation. The top of the image is the left edge and the right side of the image is the bottom. These images are rotated +90.0 degrees by uax2isis. Thus, the X dimension (H_XSIZE) corresponds to the number of ISIS LINEs in the output cube. The Y dimension (H_YSIZE) corresponds to the number of ISIS SAMPLEs in the output cube. The orientation of the UAX image is determined by the set number of the image (H_SET_NUMBER). If the set number is odd, then it is from the right side. An even set number indicated an image from the left side. The following diagram shows the CCD image orientation in memory as of Feb 22, 1996: R L ----------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | top | left image | right image | top | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------- L R uax2isis orients correctly the top-bottom and left-right as normally viewed. The following ISIS keywords are generated in the output ISIS file. Note that some keywords are generated from keywords that exist in the UAX input file header. These keywords are so noted: ISIS Keyword UAX Keyword Description ------------------------------ --------------- ---------------------- IMAGE_NUMBER H_SET_NUMBER Unique image identifier SPACECRAFT_NAME none Spacecraft identifica- tion ("MARS_PATHFINDER") START_TIME H_DATE *or* Date the observation H_IMAGE_TIME was made INSTRUMENT_ID none Name of instrument ("IMP") EXPOSURE_DURATION H_EXPTIME Exposure time converted to milliseconds LENS_TEMPERATURE H_OPTICS_TEMP Temperature of the CCD optics FOCAL_PLANE_TEMPERATURE H_CCDTEMP Temperature of the CCD EXPOSURE_TYPE H_EXPOSURE_TYPE CCD Exposure type FILTER_NUMBER H_FILTER Filter number in use DARK_CURRENT_CORRECTION_FLAG H_DARK_CORRECT Dark correction flag BAD_PIXEL_REPLACEMENT_FLAG H_BADPIX_CORREC Bad pixel correction flag SHUTTER_EFFECT_CORRECTION_FLAG H_SHUTTER_CORRE Shutter effect correction flag AZIMUTHAL_MOTOR_CLICKS H_AZIMUTH_R Raw azimuth reading ELEVATIONAL_MOTOR_CLICKS H_ELEVATION_R Raw elevation counts Note that ISIS keywords that are dependant on the existance of a UAX keyword that does not exist in the input UAX file will not be created in the output ISIS file and a warning message is generated. uax2isis will also generate keywords appropriate for projection using ISIS's imp2prj application. Programmer: Kris Becker
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | File name of UAX file | NONE |
TO | Output file name | -- |
ODIR | Optional output directory to place file | -- |
FILEFORM | Specify format of file generation ARCHIVE - produces same as pds2isis program WAVEL - uses the wavelength in nanometers | "ARCHIVE" |
IMGTRANS | Perform flipping and rotating of images | "NO" |
STOWRNG | Range of image numbers where mast is stowed | "2594-2657","2726-2853","2858-2863" |
SHOWKEYS | Select listing of UAX keywords | "YES" |
LISTONLY | Select listing of UAX keywords only | "NO" |
OFILE | Returns the name of the output file |
Parm | Description |
FROM | The name of the input UAX file. This file is in XDR format. There is no default file extension. |
TO | The output ISIS cube file created by uax2isis. This file will contain the converted UAX data in ISIS format. Note that this may be optionally specified. When the output file name is not provided, a file name with the format xxxy.cub is generated where "xxx" is the wavelength in nanometers and "y" is "R" or "L" which indicates the right or left IMP camera, respectively. (Default extenstion is .cub) |
ODIR | This is can be used to specify a directory where the output file will be created. This parameter is optional. If not given, the file will be generated in the default directory. There need not be a "/" at the end of the path. uax2isis will append one if it is not present prior to prepending it to the generated output file name. |
FILEFORM | Format used to generate the output file name if one is not provided by the caller. The ARCHIVE option produces a file of the form: iMMMMMMMMCsSSSSUfXX.cub where MMMMMMMM is the last 8 digits of the mission time, C is "r" or "l" for right or left camera, respectively, SSSS is the sequence number, U is the sub-sequence number and XX is the filter number. The WAVEL option produces a file of the form: xxxC.cub where xxx is the wavelength (in nanometers) of for the image (which could be 4 digits) and C is "R" for right and "L" for left camera. |
STOWRNG | Allows the user to specify a range of image numbers where the mast is stowed. This specified as a set of numbers separated by a comma, space or a dash. This will result in the ISIS label keyword called INSTRUMENT_DEPLOYMENT_STATE_ID to be set to "STOWED" if the image number is within any of the specified ranges or set to "DEPLOYED" for all other numbers. |
SHOWKEYS | This parameter allows the user to have the UAX keywords listed to the ISIS log file. If SHOWKEYS = "YES", then all valid and defined UAX keywords will be listed to the log file. |
LISTONLY | This allows the user to only read the input UAX file and list the keywords found for that file to the ISIS log file. Note that the TO parameter is ignored in this case and is not required. Also, it would make no sense if the user did not set SHOWKEYS to "YES", so this will always be the case for this option. |
IMGTRANS | Perform image translations for the right and left cameras as described in general help. If this is "NO", then the image is transfered as it is stored in the UAX file. |
OFILE | This is a STRING parameter that can be provided by the calling PDF that will contain the name of the output file. This is useful for accummulating a list of file names from successive runs. Note that this is always returned with the name and path of the output file even if the file name is provided by the caller. Note that it is also an optional parameter and need not be provided by the caller if it is not of interest. |
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