Isis 2 Documentation

vikbasefit Documentation

vikbasefit - Create a ck by fitting camera pointing to base map
vikbasefit creates a NAIF camera kernel of updated camera angles
resulting from doing a least-squares fit of each input image
to a base image, solving for the camera angles.  The MATFROM
match point file contains the measured points that tie the input
images to the base map.

Each level 1 input image must be tied to a base map.  To solve
for translation only, just one point is needed per input image.
To solve for rotation as well, at least two points are needed
per image.  Any level 2 image in the fromlist will be used as
part of the basemap.

PROGRAMMER:  Debbie Cook  USGS  Flagstaff, AZ

Input match file name
(No default extension)
List of cube files for
which pointing is to
be updated and the
(no default extension)
Output NAIF c-kernel of
Viking Orbiter 1 pointing
Output NAIF c-kernel of
Viking Orbiter 2 pointing
Segment identifier string
for Viking Orbiter 1 ck
Segment identifier string
for Viking Orbiter 2 ck
Provided so the user
can specify an alternative
directory to search for
cube files given in the


Input match file name.  Contains the list of measured
line/sample positions.  It has fields containing a point
id, image number, line and sample coordinate and point
class, sub-pixel correlation and, diameter of measured
List of ISIS cube files for which camera pointing is to
be calculated and the base map cube(s).  The list should
contain one file name per line.  Each ISIS cube file in
this list must have the IMAGE_NUMBER keyword in the
label.  Each match point read from the MATFROM file has
an image identifier (IMAGE_NUMBER) associated with it.
One of the ISIS cube files in this list must contain
this identifier.  At least one of the FROMLIST images
should be a level 2 image to be used as the basemap.
This output file will be created by the application.  It
is a NAIF type 1 c-kernel (discreet pointing).  The
updated camera angles calculated from fitting the Viking
Orbiter 1 input images to the base map will be output to
this file.
This output file will be created by the application.  It
is a NAIF type 1 c-kernel (discreet pointing).  The
updated camera angles calculated from fitting the Viking
Orbiter 2 input images to the base map will be output to
this file.
This is an identifying string to reference the VO1 data.
Example:  "VIKING_ORBITER_1 -- USGS -- 11-JUL-02"
would identify a ck as VIKING ORBITER 1
pointing created by USGS on July 11, 2002.
This is an identifying string to reference the VO2 data.
Example:  "VIKING_ORBITER_2 -- USGS -- 11-JUL-02"
would identify a ck as VIKING ORBITER 2
pointing created by USGS on July 11, 2002.
This parameter can be used to specify an alternative
location of the ISIS cube files that correspond to each
match point in MATTO and specified in FROMLIST.  Note that
this implies that files listed in FROMLIST may already have
a directory path in the file.  If the file is not found as
it is extracted from FROMFILE, makeground will strip off the
existing path and replace it with ALTPATH and attempt to
open in in this location.  If it is not found in either
location, the application terminates abnormally.

Last updated: Jan 31 2005
File: pdfs2.html

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