Isis 2 Documentation
viklev0 - Convert Viking Orbiter images to ISIS cub VIKLEVO is a TAE procedure which calls PERL scripts to perform the level 0 processing sequnce on a Viking Orbiter PDS image. The user has the choice to run one image at a time using the FROM parameter or multiple files through an ascii file that contains a single column list of input file names (FROMLIST parameter). The input file names MUST HAVE ".imq' for the file extension. Output file names are built from the 'root' name with the '.imq' extension "stripped" off and replaced with 'lev0.cub'.
Parm | Description | Default |
FROM | Input file name (".imq" extention required) | -- |
FROMLIST | List of input filenames | -- |
TRANSTAB | Translation table file | $ISISVIKDATA/vik2isis_translation.def.1 |
TARGDEF | Target defintion file | $ISISDATA/targets/mars.def.4 |
INSTPARS | Instruments parameters file | -- |
LONSYS | Longitude system 180 or 360 are valid | 360 |
POSLON | Positive longitude direction east or west are valid | EAST |
LATSYS | Latitude system Ographic or Ocentric | OCENTRIC |
DELINPUT | Delete the input file |
Parm | Description |
FROM | The individual filename in this parameter must have the ".imq" file extension to indicate that it is the original PDS format. The output file name will be the 'root' name (without the PDS extension) and .lev0.cub appended. |
FROMLIST | The input list can be a single column file that contains the input image filenames. the ".imq" extension is required for the input image to indicate that the files are the original PDS format. The output filenames will be the 'root' name (without the PDS extension) and .lev0.cub appended. |
TRANSTAB | Translation table for pds2isis. |
TARGDEF | This is the TARGET DEFINITION file that is used by LEVINIT. The file used is dependent upon the positive longitude value that is entered. As of -- November 4, 2003 -- the correct files are: Positive EAST = $ISISDATA/targets/mars.def.4 Positive WEST = $ISISDATA/targets/mars.def.3 There are checks in the PERL script that look at the positive longitude in the target definition file and compare it with the entered poslon parameter. If the two don't match then an error is returned. |
LONSYS | This parameter is used to define the longitude system computed by "lev" programs. Valid values are either 180 or 360. The default is 360 with implies longitudes will be output in the range of 0 to 360. The value 180 implies longitudes will be output in the range of -180 to 180. This has definite effects on programs like "lev1stas" and "lev1tolev2", both of which compute and utilize longitude ranges. 360 is the default value, which matches the lonsys that MDIM 2.1 was processed in. |
LATSYS | This parameter is used to define the latitude system computed by "lev" programs. Valid values are either OGRAPHIC or OCENTRIC. The default is OCENTRIC, which matches the latsys of MDIM 2.1 |
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