Isis Developer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#ifndef GuiCameraList_H
2#define GuiCameraList_H
4#include <QDebug>
5#include <QList>
6#include <QMetaType>
7#include <QObject>
9#include "GuiCamera.h"
11//#include "GuiCameraListActionWorkOrder.h" TODO - will we need this?
12#include "WorkOrder.h"
13#include "XmlStackedHandler.h"
15class QStringList;
16class QXmlStreamWriter;
18namespace Isis {
19 class FileName;
20 class XmlStackedHandlerReader;
35 class GuiCameraList : public QObject, public QList<GuiCameraQsp> {
38 public:
39// friend class GuiCameraListActionWorkOrder;
41 GuiCameraList(QString name, QString path, QObject *parent = NULL);
42 explicit GuiCameraList(QObject *parent = NULL);
43 explicit GuiCameraList(QList<GuiCameraQsp>, QObject *parent = NULL);
44 explicit GuiCameraList(Project *project,
45 XmlStackedHandlerReader *xmlReader, QObject *parent = NULL);
46// explicit GuiCameraList(QStringList &);
50 // These are overridden (-ish) in order to add notifications to the list changing
51 void append(GuiCameraQsp const & value);
52 void append(const QList<GuiCameraQsp> &value);
54 void clear();
56 iterator erase(iterator pos);
57 iterator erase(iterator begin, iterator end);
59 void insert(int i, GuiCameraQsp const & value);
60 iterator insert(iterator before, GuiCameraQsp const & value);
62 void prepend(GuiCameraQsp const & value);
63 void push_back(GuiCameraQsp const & value);
64 void push_front(GuiCameraQsp const & value);
65 int removeAll(GuiCameraQsp const & value);
66 void removeAt(int i);
67 void removeFirst();
68 void removeLast();
69 bool removeOne(GuiCameraQsp const & value);
70 void swap(QList<GuiCameraQsp> &other);
71 GuiCameraQsp takeAt(int i);
75 GuiCameraList &operator+=(const QList<GuiCameraQsp> &other);
77 GuiCameraList &operator<<(const QList<GuiCameraQsp> &other);
79 GuiCameraList &operator=(const QList<GuiCameraQsp> &rhs);
81 // This is our own assignment, but it needs to notify just like the operator=(QList)
84 // Done overriding (-ish)
87 QList<QAction *> supportedActions(Project *project = NULL);
90 void setName(QString newName);
91 void setPath(QString newPath);
93 QString name() const;
94 QString path() const;
96// void deleteFromDisk(Project *project);
97 void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot) const;
100 signals:
105 void countChanged(int newCount);
107 private:
117 class XmlHandler : public XmlStackedHandler {
118 public:
119 XmlHandler(GuiCameraList *GuiCameraList, Project *project);
121 virtual bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName,
122 const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts);
123 virtual bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName,
124 const QString &qName);
126 private:
127 Q_DISABLE_COPY(XmlHandler);
129 GuiCameraList *m_GuiCameraList;
130 Project *m_project;
131 };
146// class CopyTargetBodyDataFunctor : public std::unary_function<TargetBodyQsp const &, void *> {
147// public:
148// CopyTargetBodyDataFunctor(const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot);
149// CopyTargetBodyDataFunctor(const CopyTargetBodyDataFunctor &other);
150// ~CopyTargetBodyDataFunctor();
152// void *operator()(TargetBodyQsp const &imageToCopy);
154// CopyTargetBodyDataFunctor &operator=(const CopyTargetBodyDataFunctor &rhs);
156// private:
157// const Project *m_project;
158// FileName m_newProjectRoot;
159// };
161 private:
162// QAction *createWorkOrder(Project *project, GuiCameraListActionWorkOrder::Action action) {
163// QAction *result = NULL;
165// if (project) {
166// result = new GuiCameraListActionWorkOrder(action, project);
167// ((GuiCameraListActionWorkOrder *)result)->setData(this);
168// }
169// else {
170// result = new QAction(
171// GuiCameraListActionWorkOrder::qualifyString(GuiCameraListActionWorkOrder::toString(action),
172// this),
173// this);
174// }
176// return result;
177// }
179// void applyAlphas(QStringList alphaValues);
180// void applyColors(QStringList colorValues, int column = 0);
181// void applyShowLabel(QStringList showLabelValues);
182// void applyShowFill(QStringList showFillValues);
183// void applyShowDNs(QStringList showDNsValues);
184// void applyShowOutline(QStringList showOutlineValues);
185// bool askAlpha(int *alphaResult) const;
186// bool askNewColor(QColor *colorResult) const;
187// QStringList saveAndApplyAlpha(int newAlpha);
188// QStringList saveAndApplyColor(QColor newColor);
189// QStringList saveAndApplyRandomColor();
191 private slots:
192// void askAndUpdateAlpha();
193// void askAndUpdateColor();
194// void showRandomColor();
195// QStringList saveAndToggleShowDNs();
196// QStringList saveAndToggleShowFill();
197// QStringList saveAndToggleShowLabel();
198// QStringList saveAndToggleShowOutline();
200 private:
201 QString m_name;
213 QString m_path;
214 };
215 // TODO: add QDataStream >> and << ???
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Isis::GuiCameraList *)
File name manipulation and expansion.
Definition FileName.h:100
This is a list of properties and actions that are possible.
Definition GuiCameraDisplayProperties.h:82
List of GuiCameras saved as QSharedPointers.
Definition GuiCameraList.h:35
GuiCameraQsp takeFirst()
Removes and returns the first GuiCamera in the list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:392
void removeFirst()
Removes the first GuiCamera in the list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:315
void clear()
Clears the list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:157
void setName(QString newName)
Gets a list of pre-connected actions that have to do with display, such as color, alpha,...
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:672
GuiCameraList(QString name, QString path, QObject *parent=NULL)
Create an gui camera list from a gui camera list name and path (does not read GuiCamera objects).
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:52
QString name() const
Get the human-readable name of this gui cameray list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:693
void push_back(GuiCameraQsp const &value)
Inserts a GuiCamera at the end of the list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:256
void insert(int i, GuiCameraQsp const &value)
Inserts a GuiCamera into the list at a given index.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:210
GuiCameraQsp takeLast()
Removes and returns the last GuiCamera in the list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:406
int removeAll(GuiCameraQsp const &value)
Removes all occurances of a GuiCamera from the list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:286
bool allSupport(GuiCameraDisplayProperties::Property prop)
bool removeOne(GuiCameraQsp const &value)
Removes the first occurance of a GuiCamera from the list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:342
void countChanged(int newCount)
Emitted when the number of GuiCameras in the list changes.
GuiCameraQsp takeAt(int i)
Removes and returns the GuiCamera at a specific index.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:378
void removeAt(int i)
Removes the GuiCamera at a specific index.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:304
void removeLast()
Removes the last GuiCamera in the list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:326
void prepend(GuiCameraQsp const &value)
Inserts a GuiCamera at the beginning of the list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:242
void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot) const
Delete all of the contained GuiCamera objects from disk (see GuiCamera::deleteFromDisk())
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:744
void append(GuiCameraQsp const &value)
Appends a single GuiCamera to the list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:133
QString path() const
Get the path to these gui camera objects in the list (relative to project root).
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:704
QList< QAction * > supportedActions(Project *project=NULL)
iterator erase(iterator pos)
Removes the GuiCamera associated with an iterator.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:176
void swap(QList< GuiCameraQsp > &other)
Swaps the list with another GuiCameraList.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:360
Create a gui camera list from a list of gui camera file names.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:122
void setPath(QString newPath)
Set the relative path (from the project root) to this gui camera list's folder.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:683
GuiCameraList & operator<<(const QList< GuiCameraQsp > &other)
Appends another GuiVameraList to the list and returns a reference to this.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:458
void push_front(GuiCameraQsp const &value)
Inserts a GuiCamera at the front of the list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:270
GuiCameraList & operator=(const QList< GuiCameraQsp > &rhs)
Assigns a list of GuiCameras to the list.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:495
GuiCameraList & operator+=(const QList< GuiCameraQsp > &other)
Appends another GuiCameraList to the list and returns a reference to this.
Definition GuiCameraList.cpp:422
The main project for ipce.
Definition Project.h:289
XML Handler that parses XMLs in a stack-oriented way.
Definition XmlStackedHandler.h:118
Manage a stack of content handlers for reading XML files.
Definition XmlStackedHandlerReader.h:30
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition BoxcarCachingAlgorithm.h:13
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16