Isis 3 Programmer Reference
7/* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */
9#include <string>
10#include <vector>
11#include <iostream>
12#include "DbProfile.h"
13#include "Database.h"
14#include "IString.h"
15#include "SqlQuery.h"
16#include "SqlRecord.h"
17#include <QString>
19using namespace std;
21namespace Isis {
30 SqlQuery::SqlQuery() : QSqlQuery(Database()), _throwIfFailed(true) { }
42 SqlQuery::SqlQuery(Database &db) : QSqlQuery(db), _throwIfFailed(true) { }
75 SqlQuery::SqlQuery(const std::string &query, Database db) : QSqlQuery(db),
76 _throwIfFailed(true) {
77// Execute with error detector
78 exec(query);
79 }
90 SqlQuery::SqlQuery(const SqlQuery &other) : QSqlQuery(other),
91 _throwIfFailed(other._throwIfFailed) { }
112 bool SqlQuery::exec(const std::string &query) {
113 bool ok = this->QSqlQuery::exec(IString::ToQt(query));
114 if((!ok) && isThrowing()) {
115 string mess = "Query \'" + query + "\' failed to execute";
116 tossQueryError(mess, _FILEINFO_);
117 }
118 return (ok);
119 }
133 std::string SqlQuery::getQuery() const {
134 std::string lastq = IString::ToStd(lastQuery());
135 if(lastq.empty()) lastq = IString::ToStd(executedQuery());
136 return (lastq);
137 }
150 int SqlQuery::nFields() const {
151 return (record().count());
152 }
166 std::string SqlQuery::fieldName(int index) const {
167 return (IString::ToStd(record().fieldName(index)));
168 }
181 int SqlQuery::fieldIndex(const std::string &name) const {
182 return(record().indexOf(IString::ToQt(name)));
183 }
198 std::vector<std::string> SqlQuery::fieldNameList() const {
199 std::vector<std::string> fields;
200 QSqlRecord rec = record();
201 for(int i = 0 ; i < rec.count() ; i++) {
202 fields.push_back(IString::ToStd(rec.fieldName(i)));
203 }
204 return (fields);
205 }
215 std::vector<std::string> SqlQuery::fieldTypeList() const {
216 std::vector<std::string> types;
217 SqlRecord rec = getRecord();
218 for(int i = 0 ; i < rec.count() ; i++) {
219 types.push_back(rec.getType(i).toLatin1().data());
220 }
221 return (types);
222 }
237 int SqlQuery::nRows() const {
238 return (size());
239 }
255 return (SqlRecord(*this));
256 }
278 void SqlQuery::tossQueryError(const std::string &message, const char *f, int l) const {
279 string errmess = message + " - QueryError = " +
280 IString::ToStd(lastError().text());
281 throw IException(IException::User, errmess, f, l);
282 }
Isis database class providing generalized access to a variety of databases.
Definition Database.h:70
Isis exception class.
Definition IException.h:91
@ User
A type of error that could only have occurred due to a mistake on the user's part (e....
Definition IException.h:126
static std::string ToStd(const QString &str)
Converts a Qt string into a std::string.
Definition IString.cpp:1333
QString ToQt() const
Retuns the object string as a QString.
Definition IString.cpp:869
Construct and execute a query on a database and manage result.
Definition SqlQuery.h:138
bool isThrowing() const
Report error status when executing queries.
Definition SqlQuery.h:153
std::string fieldName(int index) const
Returns the column name of the resulting query at the given index.
Definition SqlQuery.cpp:166
int nFields() const
Returns the number of fields (columns) from query.
Definition SqlQuery.cpp:150
std::vector< std::string > fieldTypeList() const
Returns the types of each field/column in a resutling query.
Definition SqlQuery.cpp:215
int nRows() const
Returns the count of rows resulting from the query.
Definition SqlQuery.cpp:237
std::string getQuery() const
Returns the executed query string.
Definition SqlQuery.cpp:133
SqlRecord getRecord() const
Returns a SqlRecord for the current query row.
Definition SqlQuery.cpp:254
std::vector< std::string > fieldNameList() const
Returns the names of all fields in the resulting query.
Definition SqlQuery.cpp:198
int fieldIndex(const std::string &name) const
Returns index of column for given name.
Definition SqlQuery.cpp:181
bool exec(const std::string &query)
Execute an SQL query provided in the query string.
Definition SqlQuery.cpp:112
void tossQueryError(const std::string &message, const char *f, int l) const
Issues an IException from various sources of error states in this class.
Definition SqlQuery.cpp:278
Default constructor.
Definition SqlQuery.cpp:30
Provide simplified access to resulting SQL query row.
Definition SqlRecord.h:48
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16
Namespace for the standard library.