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Standard legalese regarding usage, trademarks, and privacy


Trademarks and Tradenames

Any use of trade, product, or firm names in ISIS web pages, documents, or publications is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.


Although ISIS has been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy and functioning of such software and related material nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith.

Preliminary Content

Please note that some information accessed through these pages may be preliminary in nature. This information is provided with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be complete, and conclusions drawn from such information are the responsibility of the user.

Privacy Notice

ISIS Web Site

Visits to this site are logged by domain. Personal identifying information, such as e-mail addresses, is not logged. Information, web traffic logs, e-mails, and other correspondence related to this web server and its content are archived. This information is used only by the USGS Astrogeology Web team members and others in the USGS hierarchy, and will not be released to any other program, organization, business, or individual.

ISIS Support Center

In addition to the general privacy policy for the ISIS Web Site, mentioned above, the ISIS Support Center does collect information that has the potential to identify a particular user. Some of the information users put in their profiles can be accessed by other users of this system, such as IM user names, location, website, occupation, and interests.

Required Information: The only obligatory information required to use the ISIS Support Center are Username, E-mail Address, and Password. E-mail address must be a valid e-mail address. Users concerned about privacy should use a username and e-mail account that does not identify them personally and should turn off the "Always show my e-mail address" in their profiles (this option is turned off by default).

E-mail Communications Between Users: A user cannot e-mail a second user unless the second users has chosen "Always show my e-mail address" in his profile. If he chooses to turn this option on, users will be able to send mail to him through the Support Center, but they will not be able to see his e-mail address on the Support Center web pages. However, when a user e-mails another user through the Center, the e-mail address of the sender will be revealed to the recipient in the e-mail. If the sender requests a copy, the recipient's address will not be revealed in the copy. Site administrators do have access to user e-mail addresses.

Visibility of Topics, Instant Messages, and Other Communications Messages posted to the forum are publicly viewable. Other forms of correspondence (private messages, e-mail, and postings to the old ISIS Support Center/Support Wizard) may be published on the forum, but all identifying information will be removed or permission will be requested from the user to include the message on the board.

Cookies: The ISIS Support Center uses temporary cookies to store your session ID and a small amount of user data needed to determine your log-in status as you move around the web site. These temporary cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser. Persistent cookies are used to automatically log you onto the site when you come back later if you choose this option when you log-in, and will remain available to your browser between visits to our site. To disable automatic log-in, log out of the ISIS Support Center, and make sure the "Log me in automatically" box is not checked the next time you log in. Cookies are only used to keep you logged in to the ISIS Support Center, and never used to track the frequency of visits, pages you visit, or any other purpose.

If you have questions or concerns, or need assistance protecting your privacy while using the ISIS Support Center, please e-mail the ISIS Support Center Administration.