1 #ifndef ADVANCEDSTRETCHDIALOG_H 2 #define ADVANCEDSTRETCHDIALOG_H 15 class AdvancedStretch;
Stretch getGrayStretch()
This returns the advanced stretch's stretch for gray.
Stretch getRedStretch()
This returns the advanced stretch's stretch for red.
Widget to display Isis cubes for qt apps.
AdvancedStretchDialog(QWidget *parent)
This constructs an advanced stretch.
void destroyCurrentStretches()
This cleans up memory from currently displayed advanced stretches.
AdvancedStretch * p_redStretch
Red stretch pane.
bool isRgbMode() const
Returns true if the dialog is displaying the RGB advanced stretches.
void showEvent(QShowEvent *)
This is implemented to send a signal when visibility changes.
This destroys the advanced stretch dialog.
AdvancedStretch * p_bluStretch
Blue stretch pane.
bool enabled()
Returns true if the advanced stretch is enabled.
Container of a cube histogram.
void enableRgbMode(Stretch &redStretch, Histogram &redHist, Stretch &grnStretch, Histogram &grnHist, Stretch &bluStretch, Histogram &bluHist)
This displays RGB advanced stretches.
AdvancedStretch * p_grayStretch
Gray stretch pane.
void enableGrayMode(Stretch &grayStretch, Histogram &grayHist)
This displays a gray advanced stretch.
Stretch getBluStretch()
This returns the advanced stretch's stretch for blue.
AdvancedStretch * p_grnStretch
Green stretch pane.
void hideEvent(QHideEvent *)
This is implemented to send a signal when visibility changes.
Stretch getGrnStretch()
This returns the advanced stretch's stretch for green.
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
void updateHistogram(const Histogram &grayHist)
This calls setHistogram on the gray advanced stretche.
void updateHistograms(const Histogram &redHist, const Histogram &grnHist, const Histogram &bluHist)
This calls setHistogram on all of the advanced stretches.
bool p_enabled
True if advanced stretch should be used.
void visibilityChanged()
Emitted when this dialog is shown or hidden.
void updateForRGBMode(Stretch &redStretch, Histogram &redHist, Stretch &grnStretch, Histogram &grnHist, Stretch &bluStretch, Histogram &bluHist)
Update the stretch and histogram for all the bands for All BandId option.
void updateStretch(CubeViewport *)
This calls setStretch on all applicable advanced stretches.
void stretchChanged()
Emitted when an advanced stretch has changed.
void enable(bool enable)
Sets the enabled state to enable.