Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef AutoReg_h
2 #define AutoReg_h
27 #include <vector>
29 #include "Chip.h"
30 #include "Statistics.h"
32 class QString;
34 namespace Isis {
35  class AutoRegItem;
36  class Buffer;
37  class Pvl;
183  class AutoReg {
184  public:
185  AutoReg(Pvl &pvl);
187  virtual ~AutoReg();
206  };
215  };
218  inline Chip *PatternChip() {
219  return &p_patternChip;
220  };
223  inline Chip *SearchChip() {
224  return &p_searchChip;
225  };
228  inline Chip *FitChip() {
229  return &p_fitChip;
230  };
234  if (p_gradientFilterType == None) {
235  return &p_patternChip;
236  }
237  else {
238  return &p_gradientPatternChip;
239  }
240  };
244  if (p_gradientFilterType == None) {
245  return &p_searchChip;
246  }
247  else {
248  return &p_gradientSearchChip;
249  }
250  };
254  return &p_reducedPatternChip;
255  };
259  return &p_reducedSearchChip;
260  };
263  inline Chip *ReducedFitChip() {
264  return &p_reducedFitChip;
265  };
267  void SetSubPixelAccuracy(bool on);
268  void SetPatternValidPercent(const double percent);
269  void SetSubsearchValidPercent(const double percent);
270  void SetTolerance(double tolerance);
271  void SetChipInterpolator(const QString &interpolator);
272  void SetSurfaceModelWindowSize(int size);
273  void SetSurfaceModelDistanceTolerance(double distance);
274  void SetReductionFactor(int reductionFactor);
275  void SetPatternZScoreMinimum(double minimum);
276  void SetGradientFilterType(const QString &gradientFilterType);
278  QString GradientFilterString() const;
287  return p_subpixelAccuracy;
288  }
292  return p_reduceFactor;
293  }
296  double PatternValidPercent() const {
297  return p_patternValidPercent;
298  };
301  double SubsearchValidPercent() const {
303  };
306  inline double Tolerance() const {
307  return p_tolerance;
308  };
311  double WindowSize() const {
312  return p_windowSize;
313  };
316  double DistanceTolerance() const {
317  return p_distanceTolerance;
318  };
326  void Distance(double &sampDistance, double &lineDistance) {
327  sampDistance = p_sampMovement;
328  lineDistance = p_lineMovement;
329  }
334  inline bool Success() const {
336  }
339  inline double GoodnessOfFit() const {
340  return p_goodnessOfFit;
341  };
343  inline bool IsIdeal(double fit);
346  inline double ChipSample() const {
347  return p_chipSample;
348  };
351  inline double ChipLine() const {
352  return p_chipLine;
353  };
356  inline double CubeSample() const {
357  return p_cubeSample;
358  };
361  inline double CubeLine() const {
362  return p_cubeLine;
363  };
366  double MinimumZScore() const {
367  return p_minimumPatternZScore;
368  };
376  void ZScores(double &score1, double &score2) const {
377  score1 = p_zScoreMin;
378  score2 = p_zScoreMax;
379  }
386  virtual double MostLenientTolerance() {
387  return DBL_MIN;
388  }
396  virtual QString AlgorithmName() const = 0;
402  protected:
409  inline void SetChipSample(double sample) {
410  p_chipSample = sample;
411  };
420  inline void SetChipLine(double line) {
421  p_chipLine = line;
422  };
429  inline void SetGoodnessOfFit(double fit) {
430  p_bestFit = fit;
431  };
433  virtual AutoReg::RegisterStatus Registration(Chip &sChip, Chip &pChip,
434  Chip &fChip, int startSamp, int startLine, int endSamp, int endLine,
435  int bestSamp, int bestLine);
437  void Parse(Pvl &pvl);
438  virtual bool CompareFits(double fit1, double fit2);
439  bool SetSubpixelPosition(Chip &window);
440  Chip Reduce(Chip &chip, int reductionFactor);
449  virtual double IdealFit() const = 0;
463  virtual double MatchAlgorithm(Chip &pattern, Chip &subsearch) = 0;
477  virtual Pvl AlgorithmStatistics(Pvl &pvl) {
478  return (pvl);
479  }
481  private:
487  void Match(Chip &sChip,
488  Chip &pChip,
489  Chip &fChip,
490  int startSamp,
491  int endSamp,
492  int startLine,
493  int endLine);
494  bool ComputeChipZScore(Chip &chip);
495  void Init();
496  void ApplyGradientFilter(Chip &chip);
497  void SobelGradient(Buffer &in, double &v);
510  //TODO: remove these after control points are refactored.
522  double p_zScoreMin;
523  double p_zScoreMax;
529  double p_chipSample;
530  double p_chipLine;
531  double p_cubeSample;
532  double p_cubeLine;
534  double p_tolerance;
539  double p_bestFit;
542  double p_sampMovement;
543  double p_lineMovement;
547  };
548 };
550 #endif
Buffer for reading and writing cube data.
Definition: Buffer.h:69
Chip p_gradientSearchChip
Chip to be searched for best registration with gradient applied.
Definition: AutoReg.h:502
void Init()
Initialize AutoReg object private variables.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:127
bool SetSubpixelPosition(Chip &window)
Set the search chip sample and line to subpixel values if possible.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:1100
Error occured in Adaptive algorithm.
Definition: AutoReg.h:205
double MinimumZScore() const
Return minimumPatternZScore.
Definition: AutoReg.h:366
int p_windowSize
Surface model window size.
Definition: AutoReg.h:536
Success registering to sub-pixel accuracy.
Definition: AutoReg.h:197
virtual Pvl AlgorithmStatistics(Pvl &pvl)
Provide (adaptive) algorithms a chance to report results.
Definition: AutoReg.h:477
int ReductionFactor()
Return the reduction factor.
Definition: AutoReg.h:291
double p_distanceTolerance
Maximum distance the surface model solution may be from the best whole pixel fit in the fit chip...
Definition: AutoReg.h:537
double p_patternValidPercent
Percentage of data in pattern chip that must be valid.
Definition: AutoReg.h:526
double p_tolerance
Tolerance for acceptable goodness of fit in match algorithm.
Definition: AutoReg.h:534
int p_bestSamp
Sample value of best fit.
Definition: AutoReg.h:540
Success registering to whole pixel.
Definition: AutoReg.h:196
int p_subpixelSuccesses
Registration statistics Success keyword.
Definition: AutoReg.h:513
void SetChipSample(double sample)
Sets the search chip subpixel sample that matches the pattern tack sample.
Definition: AutoReg.h:409
Chip p_reducedFitChip
Fit Chip with reduction factor.
Definition: AutoReg.h:506
void SetSurfaceModelDistanceTolerance(double distance)
Set a distance the surface model solution is allowed to move away from the best whole pixel fit in th...
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:514
A small chip of data used for pattern matching.
Definition: Chip.h:102
PvlGroup RegTemplate()
This function returns the keywords that this object was created from.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:1229
int p_reduceFactor
Reduction factor.
Definition: AutoReg.h:544
Chip * RegistrationSearchChip()
Return pointer to search chip used in registration.
Definition: AutoReg.h:243
Not enough valid data in pattern chip.
Definition: AutoReg.h:198
Isis::AutoReg::RegisterStatus p_registrationStatus
Registration status to be returned by Register().
Definition: AutoReg.h:545
Not enough points to fit a surface model for sub-pixel accuracy.
Definition: AutoReg.h:201
void SetPatternValidPercent(const double percent)
Set the amount of data in the pattern chip that must be valid.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:352
Chip * RegistrationPatternChip()
Return pointer to pattern chip used in registration.
Definition: AutoReg.h:233
Surface model moves registration more than one pixel.
Definition: AutoReg.h:203
double p_sampMovement
The number of samples the point moved.
Definition: AutoReg.h:542
void SetPatternZScoreMinimum(double minimum)
Set the minimum pattern zscore.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:407
double DistanceTolerance() const
Return distance tolerance.
Definition: AutoReg.h:316
virtual QString AlgorithmName() const =0
Returns the name of the algorithm.
void Parse(Pvl &pvl)
Initialize parameters in the AutoReg class using a PVL specification.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:207
bool IsIdeal(double fit)
Returns true if the fit parameter is arbitrarily close to the ideal fit value.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:1175
void SetSurfaceModelWindowSize(int size)
Set the surface model window size.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:493
AutoReg::RegisterStatus Register()
Walk the pattern chip through the search chip to find the best registration.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:600
default, no gradient filter
Definition: AutoReg.h:213
Chip * SearchChip()
Return pointer to search chip.
Definition: AutoReg.h:223
virtual AutoReg::RegisterStatus Registration(Chip &sChip, Chip &pChip, Chip &fChip, int startSamp, int startLine, int endSamp, int endLine, int bestSamp, int bestLine)
Performs matching between the pattern and search at both whole-pixel and subpixel levels...
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:824
double GoodnessOfFit() const
Return the goodness of fit of the match algorithm.
Definition: AutoReg.h:339
int p_fitChipToleranceNotMetCount
Registration statistics FitChipToleranceNotMet keyword.
Definition: AutoReg.h:517
double p_zScoreMax
Second Z-Score of pattern chip.
Definition: AutoReg.h:523
double p_minimumPatternZScore
Minimum pattern Z-Score.
Definition: AutoReg.h:525
double p_cubeLine
Cube line.
Definition: AutoReg.h:532
Chip p_fitChip
Results from MatchAlgorithm() method.
Definition: AutoReg.h:501
Chip p_reducedSearchChip
Search Chip with reduction factor.
Definition: AutoReg.h:505
Chip p_searchChip
Chip to be searched for best registration.
Definition: AutoReg.h:500
double CubeSample() const
Return the search chip cube sample that best matched.
Definition: AutoReg.h:356
void ZScores(double &score1, double &score2) const
Return the ZScores of the pattern chip.
Definition: AutoReg.h:376
void SetGradientFilterType(const QString &gradientFilterType)
Set the gradient filter type to be applied to the search and pattern chips.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:286
AutoReg(Pvl &pvl)
Create AutoReg object.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:79
int p_patternZScoreNotMetCount
Registration statistics PatternZScoreNotMet keyword.
Definition: AutoReg.h:515
int p_fitChipNoDataCount
Registration statistics FitChipNoData keyword.
Definition: AutoReg.h:516
double ChipLine() const
Return the search chip line that best matched.
Definition: AutoReg.h:351
void SetGoodnessOfFit(double fit)
Sets the goodness of fit for adaptive algorithms.
Definition: AutoReg.h:429
void SetSubPixelAccuracy(bool on)
If the sub-pixel accuracy is enabled, the Register() method will attempt to match the pattern chip to...
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:325
double Tolerance() const
Return match algorithm tolerance.
Definition: AutoReg.h:306
AutoReg::GradientFilterType p_gradientFilterType
Type of gradient filter to use before matching.
Definition: AutoReg.h:546
virtual double MostLenientTolerance()
Minimum tolerance specific to algorithm.
Definition: AutoReg.h:386
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
Definition: PvlGroup.h:57
Chip * PatternChip()
Return pointer to pattern chip.
Definition: AutoReg.h:218
int p_surfaceModelDistanceInvalidCount
Registration statistics SurfaceModelDistanceInvalid keyword.
Definition: AutoReg.h:520
void SobelGradient(Buffer &in, double &v)
Compute a Sobel gradient based on an input buffer.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:1013
virtual double MatchAlgorithm(Chip &pattern, Chip &subsearch)=0
Given two identically sized chips return a double that indicates how well they match.
void SetReductionFactor(int reductionFactor)
Set the reduction factor used to speed up the pattern matching algorithm.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:534
Chip p_gradientPatternChip
Chip to be matched with gradient applied.
Definition: AutoReg.h:503
bool SubPixelAccuracy()
Return whether this object will attempt to register to whole or sub-pixel accuracy.
Definition: AutoReg.h:286
double CubeLine() const
Return the search chip cube line that best matched.
Definition: AutoReg.h:361
double PatternValidPercent() const
Return pattern chip valid percent. The default value is.
Definition: AutoReg.h:296
double ChipSample() const
Return the search chip sample that best matched.
Definition: AutoReg.h:346
void SetChipLine(double line)
Sets the search chip subpixel line that matches the pattern tack line.
Definition: AutoReg.h:420
bool Success() const
Return whether the match algorithm succeeded or not.
Definition: AutoReg.h:334
Fit chip did not have any valid data.
Definition: AutoReg.h:199
double p_chipSample
Chip sample.
Definition: AutoReg.h:529
Chip * ReducedFitChip()
Return pointer to reduced fit chip.
Definition: AutoReg.h:263
void SetTolerance(double tolerance)
Set the tolerance for an acceptable goodness of fit.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:429
Container for cube-like labels.
Definition: Pvl.h:135
int p_totalRegistrations
Registration Statistics Total keyword.
Definition: AutoReg.h:511
Chip Reduce(Chip &chip, int reductionFactor)
This method reduces the given chip by the given reduction factor.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:552
Chip * ReducedSearchChip()
Return pointer to reduced search chip.
Definition: AutoReg.h:258
int p_surfaceModelNotEnoughValidDataCount
Registration statistics SurfaceModelNotEnoughValidData keyword.
Definition: AutoReg.h:518
Auto Registration class.
Definition: AutoReg.h:183
PvlGroup UpdatedTemplate()
Returns a PvlGroup containing the PvlKeywords of the parameters this object was most recently run wit...
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:1302
double p_chipLine
Chip line.
Definition: AutoReg.h:530
void ApplyGradientFilter(Chip &chip)
Run a gradient filter over the chip.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:940
Sobel gradient filter.
Definition: AutoReg.h:214
virtual double IdealFit() const =0
Returns the ideal (perfect) fit that could be returned by the MatchAlgorithm.
Goodness of fit tolerance not satisfied.
Definition: AutoReg.h:200
void SetChipInterpolator(const QString &interpolator)
Sets the Chip class interpolator type to be used to load pattern and search chips.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:453
Chip p_reducedPatternChip
Pattern Chip with reduction factor.
Definition: AutoReg.h:504
Pvl RegistrationStatistics()
This returns the cumulative registration statistics.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:1190
Enumeration of the Register() method&#39;s return status.
Definition: AutoReg.h:195
void Distance(double &sampDistance, double &lineDistance)
Return the distance point moved.
Definition: AutoReg.h:326
PvlObject p_template
AutoRegistration object that created this projection.
Definition: AutoReg.h:465
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
bool ComputeChipZScore(Chip &chip)
This method computes the given Chip&#39;s Z-Score.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:908
Enumeration of the different types of gradient filters that can be applied to the pattern and search ...
Definition: AutoReg.h:212
double SubsearchValidPercent() const
Return subsearch chip valid percent.
Definition: AutoReg.h:301
double p_goodnessOfFit
Goodness of fit of the match algorithm.
Definition: AutoReg.h:533
Chip * FitChip()
Return pointer to fit chip.
Definition: AutoReg.h:228
int p_patternChipNotEnoughValidDataCount
Registration statistics PatternNotEnoughValidData keyword.
Definition: AutoReg.h:514
Chip p_patternChip
Chip to be matched.
Definition: AutoReg.h:499
Could not model surface for sub-pixel accuracy.
Definition: AutoReg.h:202
Pattern data max or min does not pass the z-score test.
Definition: AutoReg.h:204
int p_pixelSuccesses
Registration statistics Success keyword.
Definition: AutoReg.h:512
double p_zScoreMin
First Z-Score of pattern chip.
Definition: AutoReg.h:522
double p_cubeSample
Cube sample.
Definition: AutoReg.h:531
Contains Pvl Groups and Pvl Objects.
Definition: PvlObject.h:74
double WindowSize() const
Return window size.
Definition: AutoReg.h:311
double p_subsearchValidPercent
Percentage of data in subsearch chip that must be valid.
Definition: AutoReg.h:527
void SetSubsearchValidPercent(const double percent)
Set the amount of data in the search chip&#39;s subchip that must be valid.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:380
void Match(Chip &sChip, Chip &pChip, Chip &fChip, int startSamp, int endSamp, int startLine, int endLine)
Empty copy constructor.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:1044
double p_lineMovement
The number of lines the point moved.
Definition: AutoReg.h:543
Chip * ReducedPatternChip()
Return pointer to reduced pattern chip.
Definition: AutoReg.h:253
double p_bestFit
Goodness of fit for adaptive algorithms.
Definition: AutoReg.h:539
bool p_subpixelAccuracy
Indicates whether sub-pixel accuracy is enabled. Default is true.
Definition: AutoReg.h:508
int p_bestLine
Line value of best fit.
Definition: AutoReg.h:541
virtual bool CompareFits(double fit1, double fit2)
This virtual method must return if the 1st fit is equal to or better than the second fit...
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:1165
int p_surfaceModelSolutionInvalidCount
Registration statistics SurfaceModelSolutionInvalid keyword.
Definition: AutoReg.h:519
virtual ~AutoReg()
Destroy AutoReg object.
Definition: AutoReg.cpp:166