Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1 #ifndef ControlList_H
2 #define ControlList_H
4 #include <QDebug>
5 #include <QList>
6 #include <QMetaType>
7 #include <QObject>
9 #include "Control.h"
11 #include "XmlStackedHandler.h"
13 class QStringList;
14 class QXmlStreamWriter;
16 namespace Isis {
17  class FileName;
18  class XmlStackedHandlerReader;
36  class ControlList : public QObject, public QList<Control *> {
39  public:
41  ControlList(QString name, QString path, QObject *parent = NULL);
42  explicit ControlList(QObject *parent = NULL);
43  explicit ControlList(QList<Control *>, QObject *parent = NULL);
44  explicit ControlList(Project *project, XmlStackedHandlerReader *xmlReader,
45  QObject *parent = NULL);
46  explicit ControlList(QStringList &);
47  ControlList(const ControlList &);
48  ~ControlList();
50  // These are overridden (-ish) in order to add notifications to the list changing
51  void append(Control * const &value);
52  void append(const QList<Control *> &value);
54  void clear();
56  iterator erase(iterator pos);
57  iterator erase(iterator begin, iterator end);
59  void insert(int i, Control * const &value);
60  iterator insert(iterator before, Control * const &value);
62  void prepend(Control * const &value);
63  void push_back(Control * const &value);
64  void push_front(Control * const &value);
65  int removeAll(Control * const &value);
66  void removeAt(int i);
67  void removeFirst();
68  void removeLast();
69  bool removeOne(Control * const &value);
70  void swap(QList<Control *> &other);
71  Control *takeAt(int i);
72  Control *takeFirst();
73  Control *takeLast();
76  ControlList &operator+=(Control * const &other);
77  ControlList &operator<<(const QList<Control *> &other);
78  ControlList &operator<<(Control * const &other);
81  // This is our own assignment, but it needs to notify just like the operator=(QList)
82  ControlList &operator=(const ControlList &rhs);
84  // Done overriding (-ish)
87  QList<QAction *> supportedActions(Project *project = NULL);
88  bool allSupport(ControlDisplayProperties::Property prop);
90  void setName(QString newName);
91  void setPath(QString newPath);
93  QString name() const;
94  QString path() const;
96  void deleteFromDisk(Project *project);
97  void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot) const;
100  signals:
101  void countChanged(int newCount);
102  void deletingList(ControlList *list);
104  private:
118  class CopyControlDataFunctor : public std::unary_function<Control * const &, void *> {
119  public:
120  CopyControlDataFunctor(const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot);
124  void *operator()(Control * const &controlToCopy);
128  private:
131  };
144  class XmlHandler : public XmlStackedHandler {
145  public:
146  XmlHandler(ControlList *controlList, Project *project);
148  virtual bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName,
149  const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts);
150  virtual bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName,
151  const QString &qName);
153  private:
154  Q_DISABLE_COPY(XmlHandler);
158  };
161  private:
162  QString m_name;
174  QString m_path;
175  };
176 }
180 #endif
This represents an ISIS control net in a project-based GUI interface.
Definition: Control.h:79
void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot) const
Convert this control list into XML format for saving/restoring capabilities.
This is a list of properties and actions that are possible.
FileName m_newProjectRoot
The filename of the destination project&#39;s root.
Definition: ControlList.h:130
ControlList(QString name, QString path, QObject *parent=NULL)
Create an control list from a control list name and path (does not read Controls).
Definition: ControlList.cpp:51
The main project for ipce.
Definition: Project.h:289
iterator erase(iterator pos)
Erases a control pointer from the control list at the specified position.
void insert(int i, Control *const &value)
Inserts a control pointer at the specified position in the control list.
File name manipulation and expansion.
Definition: FileName.h:116
Maintains a list of Controls so that control nets can easily be copied from one Project to another...
Definition: ControlList.h:36
void setName(QString newName)
Set the human-readable name of this control list.
void push_front(Control *const &value)
Equivalent to prepend(value)
QString path() const
Get the path to these controls in the control list (relative to project root).
const Project * m_project
Project to copy the control list to.
Definition: ControlList.h:129
This allows Cube *&#39;s to be stored in a QVariant.
CopyControlDataFunctor destructor.
CopyControlDataFunctor & operator=(const CopyControlDataFunctor &rhs)
CopyControlDataFunctor assignment operator.
bool removeOne(Control *const &value)
Removes the first occurence of the control pointer from the control list.
void removeLast()
Removes the last control pointer from the control list.
QString m_name
Name of the ControlList.
Definition: ControlList.h:162
virtual bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName)
Handle an XML end element.
ControlList * m_controlList
Control list to be read or written.
Definition: ControlList.h:156
XmlHandler(ControlList *controlList, Project *project)
Create an XML Handler (reader/writer) that can populate the ControlList class data.
Nested class used to write the ControlList object information to an XML file for the purposes of savi...
Definition: ControlList.h:144
XML Handler that parses XMLs in a stack-oriented way.
Control * takeFirst()
Removes the first control pointer from the control list and returns it.
void clear()
Clears the control list.
ControlList & operator+=(const QList< Control *> &other)
Appends control pointers from the other list to this control list.
void append(Control *const &value)
Appends a control pointer to the control list.
void prepend(Control *const &value)
Prepends a control pointer to the control list.
CopyControlDataFunctor(const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot)
CopyControlDataFunctor constructor.
QString name() const
Get the human-readable name of this control list.
virtual bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts)
Handle an XML start element.
ControlList & operator<<(const QList< Control *> &other)
Appends a list of other control pointers to this control list.
void push_back(Control *const &value)
Equivalent to append(value)
void swap(QList< Control *> &other)
Swaps this control list&#39;s control pointers with the other list of control pointers.
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
Control * takeLast()
Removes the last control pointer from the control list and returns it.
void setPath(QString newPath)
Set the relative path (from the project root) to this control list&#39;s folder.
QString m_path
This stores the directory name that contains the controls in this control list.
Definition: ControlList.h:174
ControlList & operator=(const QList< Control *> &rhs)
Assigns another list of control pointers to this control list.
Control * takeAt(int i)
Remove the control pointer at the specified index and returns it.
void removeAt(int i)
Removes the control pointer at the specified index.
void deleteFromDisk(Project *project)
Delete all of the contained Controls from disk.
Manage a stack of content handlers for reading XML files.
void removeFirst()
Removes the first control pointer from the control list.
void * operator()(Control *const &controlToCopy)
Copies the Control from one project to another.
int removeAll(Control *const &value)
Removes all occurences of the control pointer in the control list.
Project * m_project
Project that contains the control list.
Definition: ControlList.h:157
This functor is used for copying the control nets between two projects quickly.
Definition: ControlList.h:118