Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1 #ifndef CubePlotCurveConfigureDialog_h
2 #define CubePlotCurveConfigureDialog_h
4 #include <QDialog>
6 #include <QPointer>
8 class QCheckBox;
9 class QComboBox;
10 class QLineEdit;
11 class QPushButton;
12 class QWidget;
14 namespace Isis {
15  class CubePlotCurve;
16  class PlotWindow;
36  public:
38  QWidget *parent = NULL);
41  public slots:
42  void applySettingsToCurve();
43  void readSettingsFromCurve();
44  void updateComboIndex(int selected);
45  void updateCurvesList();
47  private slots:
48  void askUserForColor();
50  private:
66  const CubePlotCurveConfigureDialog &other);
68  private:
70  QPointer<QComboBox> m_curvesCombo;
72  QPointer<QLineEdit> m_nameEdit;
74  QPointer<QPushButton> m_colorButton;
76  QPointer<QWidget> m_parent;
78  QPointer<CubePlotCurve> m_plotCurve;
84  QPointer<QComboBox> m_sizeCombo;
86  QPointer<QComboBox> m_styleCombo;
88  QPointer<QComboBox> m_symbolCombo;
89  };
90 }
92 #endif
void askUserForColor()
This prompts the user to select a new color for the curve/curve markers.
void readSettingsFromCurve()
This takes the current data inside of the plot curve and populates this configuration dialog&#39;s widget...
QPointer< QComboBox > m_sizeCombo
The selection/combo box for the cube plot curve&#39;s size/thickness.
QPointer< QWidget > m_parent
The parent widget of the configuration dialog.
QPointer< QComboBox > m_styleCombo
The selection/combo box for the cube plot curve&#39;s line style.
int m_selectedCurve
The index of the selected curve in m_curvesCombo.
CubePlotCurveConfigureDialog & operator=(const CubePlotCurveConfigureDialog &other)
Don&#39;t allow assignments of this class.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_nameEdit
The line edit containing the cube plot curve&#39;s name.
void applySettingsToCurve()
This takes the configuration settings and applies them to the plot curve.
QPointer< QComboBox > m_symbolCombo
The selection/combo box for the cube plot curve&#39;s marker style.
virtual ~CubePlotCurveConfigureDialog()
This destroys the configuration dialog, which happens when the user closes it or clicks ok or cancel...
This is a plot curve with information relating it to a particular cube or region of a cube...
Definition: CubePlotCurve.h:68
QPointer< QComboBox > m_curvesCombo
The selection/combo box for the cube plot curve.
This should be an inner class for CubePlotCurve, but Qt doesn&#39;t support having a QObject as an inner ...
QList< CubePlotCurve * > m_plotCurvesList
The list of plot curves to configure.
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
QPointer< CubePlotCurve > m_plotCurve
The current plot curve to configure.
CubePlotCurveConfigureDialog(CubePlotCurve *curve, QWidget *parent=NULL)
This instantiates a configuration dialog associated with the given cube plot curve.
QPointer< QPushButton > m_colorButton
The button for changing the cube plot curve&#39;s color.