Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1 #ifndef ImageList_H
2 #define ImageList_H
4 #include <QDebug>
5 #include <QObject>
6 #include <QList>
7 #include <QMetaType>
8 #include <QSharedPointer>
10 #include "Image.h"
11 #include "ImageDisplayProperties.h"
12 #include "ImageListActionWorkOrder.h"
13 #include "SerialNumberList.h"
14 #include "WorkOrder.h"
15 #include "XmlStackedHandler.h"
17 class QStringList;
18 class QXmlStreamWriter;
20 namespace Isis {
21  class FileName;
22  class XmlStackedHandlerReader;
55  class ImageList : public QObject, public QList<Image *> {
58  public:
59  friend class ImageListActionWorkOrder;
61  ImageList(QString name, QString path, QObject *parent = NULL);
62  explicit ImageList(QObject *parent = NULL);
63  explicit ImageList(QList<Image *>, QObject *parent = NULL);
64  explicit ImageList(Project *project,
65  XmlStackedHandlerReader *xmlReader, QObject *parent = NULL);
66  explicit ImageList(QStringList &);
67  ImageList(const ImageList &);
68  ~ImageList();
70 // QSharedPointer<SerialNumberList> serialNumberList();
73  // These are overridden (-ish) in order to add notifications to the list changing
74  void append(Image * const & value);
75  void append(const QList<Image *> &value);
77  void clear();
79  iterator erase(iterator pos);
80  iterator erase(iterator begin, iterator end);
82  void insert(int i, Image * const & value);
83  iterator insert(iterator before, Image * const & value);
85  void prepend(Image * const & value);
86  void push_back(Image * const & value);
87  void push_front(Image * const & value);
88  int removeAll(Image * const & value);
89  void removeAt(int i);
90  void removeFirst();
91  void removeLast();
92  bool removeOne(Image * const & value);
93  void swap(QList<Image *> &other);
94  Image *takeAt(int i);
95  Image *takeFirst();
96  Image *takeLast();
98  ImageList &operator+=(const QList<Image *> &other);
99  ImageList &operator+=(Image * const &other);
100  ImageList &operator<<(const QList<Image *> &other);
101  ImageList &operator<<(Image * const &other);
102  ImageList &operator=(const QList<Image *> &rhs);
104  // This is our own assignment, but it needs to notify just like the operator=(QList)
105  ImageList &operator=(const ImageList &rhs);
107  // Done overriding (-ish)
110  QList<QAction *> supportedActions(Project *project = NULL);
113  void setName(QString newName);
114  void setPath(QString newPath);
116  QString name() const;
117  QString path() const;
119  void deleteFromDisk(Project *project);
120  void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot) const;
122  signals:
123  void countChanged(int newCount);
125  private:
133  class XmlHandler : public XmlStackedHandler {
134  public:
135  XmlHandler(ImageList *imageList, Project *project, QString dataRoot="");
137  virtual bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName,
138  const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts);
139  virtual bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName,
140  const QString &qName);
142  private:
143  Q_DISABLE_COPY(XmlHandler);
158  };
170  class CopyImageDataFunctor : public std::unary_function<Image * const &, void *> {
171  public:
172  CopyImageDataFunctor(const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot);
176  void *operator()(Image * const &imageToCopy);
180  private:
189  };
191  private:
201  QAction *result = NULL;
203  if (project) {
204  result = new ImageListActionWorkOrder(action, project);
205  ((ImageListActionWorkOrder *)result)->setData(this);
206  }
207  else {
208  result = new QAction(
210  this),
211  this);
212  }
214  return result;
215  }
217  void applyAlphas(QStringList alphaValues);
218  void applyColors(QStringList colorValues, int column = 0);
219  void applyShowLabel(QStringList showLabelValues);
220  void applyShowFill(QStringList showFillValues);
221  void applyShowDNs(QStringList showDNsValues);
222  void applyShowOutline(QStringList showOutlineValues);
223  bool askAlpha(int *alphaResult) const;
224  bool askNewColor(QColor *colorResult) const;
225  QStringList saveAndApplyAlpha(int newAlpha);
226  QStringList saveAndApplyColor(QColor newColor);
229  private slots:
230  void askAndUpdateAlpha();
231  void askAndUpdateColor();
232  void showRandomColor();
238  private:
242  QString m_name;
254  QString m_path;
255  };
257 }
261 #endif
Image * takeLast()
Removes and returns the last image.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:422
QStringList saveAndToggleShowDNs()
Changes the visibility of the DNs of the first image in the image list and synchronizes the visibilit...
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1245
void push_back(Image *const &value)
Appends an image to the end of the image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:274
QString name() const
Get the human-readable name of this image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:724
CopyImageDataFunctor(const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot)
Constructor for CopyImageDataFunctor.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:881
Internalizes a list of images and allows for operations on the entire list.
Definition: ImageList.h:55
The main project for ipce.
Definition: Project.h:289
void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot) const
Convert this image list into XML format for saving/restoring capabilities.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:785
virtual bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName)
Handle an XML end element.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1406
int removeAll(Image *const &value)
Removes all occurances of an image.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:303
QStringList saveAndApplyRandomColor()
Sets the color values of every image to a random color.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1177
void showRandomColor()
This applies a new semi-random color to every image&#39;s display property for every image in this image ...
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1231
This functor is used for copying the images between two projects quickly.
Definition: ImageList.h:170
File name manipulation and expansion.
Definition: FileName.h:116
ImageList & operator+=(const QList< Image *> &other)
Appends a list of images to the end of the image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:439
Work orders that can be performed on an image list that modifies internal state.
void deleteFromDisk(Project *project)
Delete all of the contained Images from disk.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:747
Type of action to be performed by the work order.
void applyShowLabel(QStringList showLabelValues)
Sets the visibility of the display names of the images in the image list based on a list of values...
Definition: ImageList.cpp:991
QStringList saveAndToggleShowOutline()
Changes the visibility of the outline of the first image in the image list and synchronizes the visib...
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1329
void applyColors(QStringList colorValues, int column=0)
Sets the colors values of the images based on a list of values.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:971
SerialNumberList * serialNumberList()
Creates a SerialNumberList from the image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:135
void swap(QList< Image *> &other)
Swaps the image list with another list of images.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:376
ImageList * m_imageList
This stores a pointer to the image list that will be read into.
Definition: ImageList.h:148
Destructor for CopyImageDataFunctor.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:902
This allows Cube *&#39;s to be stored in a QVariant.
bool removeOne(Image *const &value)
Removes the first occurance of an image.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:358
bool askNewColor(QColor *colorResult) const
Prompts the user for color values.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1100
virtual bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts)
Handle an XML start element.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1371
void removeAt(int i)
Removes the image at an index.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:321
QString m_path
This stores the directory name that contains the images in this image list.
Definition: ImageList.h:254
QAction * createWorkOrder(Project *project, ImageListActionWorkOrder::Action action)
Creates an ImageListActionWorkOrder and sets the image list as the data for the work order...
Definition: ImageList.h:200
QString m_name
This stores the image list&#39;s name.
Definition: ImageList.h:242
CopyImageDataFunctor & operator=(const CopyImageDataFunctor &rhs)
Assignment operator for CopyImageDataFunctor.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:934
XmlHandler(ImageList *imageList, Project *project, QString dataRoot="")
Create an XML Handler (reader) that can populate the Image list class data.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1358
Definition: ImageList.cpp:126
void prepend(Image *const &value)
Inserts an image at the beginning of the image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:260
static QString qualifyString(QString unqualifiedString, ImageList *)
Determine whether a toggle action should show or hide.
QList< QAction * > supportedActions(Project *project=NULL)
Gets a list of pre-connected actions that have to do with display.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:565
ImageList & operator=(const QList< Image *> &rhs)
Assigns another list of images to the image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:514
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.
void push_front(Image *const &value)
Prepends an image to the beginning of the image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:288
const Project * m_project
This stores the name of the project that is going to be copied to.
Definition: ImageList.h:184
void applyShowFill(QStringList showFillValues)
Sets the visibility of the fill areas of the images in the image list based on a list of values...
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1011
XML Handler that parses XMLs in a stack-oriented way.
void clear()
Clears the image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:177
This represents a cube in a project-based GUI interface.
Definition: Image.h:107
void removeFirst()
Removes the image at the front of the image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:332
void applyShowOutline(QStringList showOutlineValues)
Sets the visibility of the outlines of the images in the image list based on a list of values...
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1049
void setPath(QString newPath)
Set the relative path (from the project root) to this image list&#39;s folder.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:714
QStringList saveAndApplyAlpha(int newAlpha)
Sets the alpha value of every image in the image list to a specificed value.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1123
Image * takeAt(int i)
Removes the image at an index and returns it.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:394
void applyAlphas(QStringList alphaValues)
Sets the alpha values of the images based on a list of values.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:950
void append(Image *const &value)
Appends an image to the image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:153
This is a list of properties and actions that are possible.
void askAndUpdateColor()
Prompt the user for a new color.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1220
void insert(int i, Image *const &value)
Inserts an image into the image list at an index.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:229
Image * takeFirst()
Removes and returns the first image.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:408
QString path() const
Get the path to the images in the image list (relative to project root).
Definition: ImageList.cpp:735
void applyShowDNs(QStringList showDNsValues)
Sets the visibility of the DNs of the images in the image list based on a list of values...
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1030
iterator erase(iterator pos)
Erases a single image from the image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:195
This class is used to read an images.xml file into an image list.
Definition: ImageList.h:133
QStringList saveAndToggleShowLabel()
Changes the visibility of the display name of the first image in the image list and synchronizes the ...
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1301
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
static QString toString(Action)
Convert an action to a string.
FileName m_newProjectRoot
This stores the path to the root of the project that is going to be copied to.
Definition: ImageList.h:188
bool allSupport(ImageDisplayProperties::Property prop)
Check if all images in the image list support a display property.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:684
void askAndUpdateAlpha()
Prompt the user for a new alpha value.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1207
void removeLast()
Removes the image at the end of the image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:343
ImageList(QString name, QString path, QObject *parent=NULL)
Creates an image list from an image list name and path (does not read Images).
Definition: ImageList.cpp:54
Serial Number list generator.
ImageList & operator<<(const QList< Image *> &other)
Appends a list of images to the end of the image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:477
void setName(QString newName)
Set the human-readable name of this image list.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:703
QString m_imageDataRoot
This is a relative path to the image data.
Definition: ImageList.h:157
Manage a stack of content handlers for reading XML files.
QStringList saveAndToggleShowFill()
Changes the visibility of the fill area of the first image in the image list and synchronizes the vis...
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1273
Project * m_project
This stores a pointer to the project that the images in the image list will be a part of...
Definition: ImageList.h:152
void * operator()(Image *const &imageToCopy)
Copies the cub/ecub files for an image into m_project.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:914
QStringList saveAndApplyColor(QColor newColor)
Sets the color values of every image to a specificed set of values.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1150
bool askAlpha(int *alphaResult) const
Prompts the user for an alpha value.
Definition: ImageList.cpp:1072