Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef Kernel_h
2 #define Kernel_h
26 #include <QString>
27 #include <QStringList>
29 namespace Isis {
49  class Kernel {
50  public:
54  enum Type {
55  Predicted = 1,
57  Nadir = 2,
61  Smithed = 8
63  };
65  // constructors
66  Kernel();
67  Kernel(Type type, const QStringList &data);
68  ~Kernel();
69  // static kerneltype enum converters
70  static Type typeEnum(const QString &type);
71  static const char *typeEnum(const Type &type);
72  // accessors
74  Type type();
75  // mutators
76  void setKernels(QStringList data);
77  void setType(const Type &type);
78  // kernels vector operations
79  int size();
80  void push_back(const QString &str);
81  QString &operator[](const int index);
82  QString operator[](const int index) const;
83  // kernel type operations
84  bool operator<(const Kernel &other) const;
86  private:
89  };
90 };
91 #endif
Predicted Kernels are based on predicted location of the spacecraft.
Definition: Kernel.h:55
QStringList kernels()
Returns the list of kernel data file names.
Definition: Kernel.cpp:106
Constructs a Kernel object with "Unknown" Type.
Definition: Kernel.cpp:32
Reconstructed Kernels are supplemented with information on the actual position of targets and/or spac...
Definition: Kernel.h:58
QStringList m_kernels
List of kernel file names.
Definition: Kernel.h:87
Destructs Kernel object.
Definition: Kernel.cpp:40
Smithed Kernels are generally reconstructed kernels that have been corrected.
Definition: Kernel.h:61
int size()
Accessor method to determine the number of kernel files.
Definition: Kernel.cpp:138
void setKernels(QStringList data)
Sets the kernel data file names to the given list.
Definition: Kernel.cpp:122
This class stores Kernel information, including Type and kernel file names.
Definition: Kernel.h:49
static Type typeEnum(const QString &type)
Converts the given string to a character as follows.
Definition: Kernel.cpp:70
QString & operator[](const int index)
Returns the value (file name) in the kernel data list at the given index value.
Definition: Kernel.cpp:157
Type type()
Returns the stored Kernel::Type.
Definition: Kernel.cpp:114
Enumeration for type of kernel.
Definition: Kernel.h:54
void push_back(const QString &str)
Adds the string (file name) to the kernel data file list.
Definition: Kernel.cpp:146
Nadir Kernels mimic spacecraft pointing.
Definition: Kernel.h:57
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
Type m_kernelType
Enumeration value indicating the kernel type.
Definition: Kernel.h:88
void setType(const Type &type)
Sets the Kernel type.
Definition: Kernel.cpp:130
bool operator<(const Kernel &other) const
Compares which Kernel object has a higher quality Type, i.e.
Definition: Kernel.cpp:181