Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
23 #include "RadarGroundMap.h"
24 #include "iTime.h"
25 #include "Latitude.h"
26 #include "Longitude.h"
27 #include "Target.h"
29 using namespace std;
31 namespace Isis {
32  RadarGroundMap::RadarGroundMap(Camera *parent, Radar::LookDirection ldir,
33  double waveLength) :
34  CameraGroundMap(parent) {
35  p_camera = parent;
36  p_lookDirection = ldir;
37  p_waveLength = waveLength;
39  // Angular tolerance based on radii and
40  // slant range (Focal length)
41 // Distance radii[3];
42 // p_camera->radii(radii);
43 // p_tolerance = p_camera->FocalLength() / radii[2];
44 // p_tolerance *= 180.0 / Isis::PI;
45  p_tolerance = .0001;
47  // Compute a default time tolerance to a 1/20 of a pixel
48  double et1 = p_camera->Spice::cacheStartTime().Et();
49  double et2 = p_camera->Spice::cacheEndTime().Et();
50  p_timeTolerance = (et2 - et1) / p_camera->Lines() / 20.0;
51  }
61  bool RadarGroundMap::SetFocalPlane(const double ux, const double uy,
62  double uz) {
64  SpiceRotation *bodyFrame = p_camera->bodyRotation();
65  SpicePosition *spaceCraft = p_camera->instrumentPosition();
67  // Get spacecraft position and velocity to create a state vector
68  std::vector<double> Ssc(6);
69  // Load the state into Ssc
70  vequ_c((SpiceDouble *) & (spaceCraft->Coordinate()[0]), &Ssc[0]);
71  vequ_c((SpiceDouble *) & (spaceCraft->Velocity()[0]), &Ssc[3]);
73  // Rotate state vector to body-fixed
74  std::vector<double> bfSsc(6);
75  bfSsc = bodyFrame->ReferenceVector(Ssc);
77  // Extract body-fixed position and velocity
78  std::vector<double> Vsc(3);
79  std::vector<double> Xsc(3);
80  vequ_c(&bfSsc[0], (SpiceDouble *) & (Xsc[0]));
81  vequ_c(&bfSsc[3], (SpiceDouble *) & (Vsc[0]));
83  // Compute intrack, crosstrack, and radial coordinate
84  SpiceDouble i[3];
85  vhat_c(&Vsc[0], i);
87  SpiceDouble c[3];
88  SpiceDouble dp;
89  dp = vdot_c(&Xsc[0], i);
90  SpiceDouble p[3], q[3];
91  vscl_c(dp, i, p);
92  vsub_c(&Xsc[0], p, q);
93  vhat_c(q, c);
95  SpiceDouble r[3];
96  vcrss_c(i, c, r);
98  // What is the initial guess for R
99  Distance radii[3];
100  p_camera->radii(radii);
101  SpiceDouble R = radii[0].kilometers();
103  SpiceDouble lat = DBL_MAX;
104  SpiceDouble lon = DBL_MAX;
106  double slantRangeSqr = (ux * p_rangeSigma) / 1000.; // convert to meters, then km
107  slantRangeSqr = slantRangeSqr * slantRangeSqr;
108  SpiceDouble X[3];
110  // The iteration code was moved to its own method so that it can be run multiple times
111  // if necessary. The first iteration should suffice for those pixels that have shallow
112  // slopes. For those pixels that lie on steep slopes (up to 2x the incidence angle), then
113  // an additional iteration call is needed. In the future, we may need to add more calls
114  // to the iteration method if the slope is greater than 2x the incidence angle. The
115  // slope variable will need to be halved each time the iteration method is called until
116  // a solution is found. So, for example, if we needed to call the iteration method a third
117  // time, the slope variable would be set to .25.
118  bool useSlopeEqn = false;
119  double slope = .5;
120  bool success = Iterate(R,slantRangeSqr,c,r,X,lat,lon,Xsc,useSlopeEqn,slope);
122  if(!success) {
123  R = radii[0].kilometers();
124  useSlopeEqn = true;
125  success = Iterate(R,slantRangeSqr,c,r,X,lat,lon,Xsc,useSlopeEqn,slope);
126  }
128  if(!success) return false;
130  lat = lat * 180.0 / Isis::PI;
131  lon = lon * 180.0 / Isis::PI;
132  while(lon < 0.0) lon += 360.0;
134  // Compute body fixed look direction
135  std::vector<double> lookB;
136  lookB.resize(3);
137  lookB[0] = X[0] - Xsc[0];
138  lookB[1] = X[1] - Xsc[1];
139  lookB[2] = X[2] - Xsc[2];
141  std::vector<double> lookJ = bodyFrame->J2000Vector(lookB);
142  SpiceRotation *cameraFrame = p_camera->instrumentRotation();
143  std::vector<double> lookC = cameraFrame->ReferenceVector(lookJ);
145  SpiceDouble unitLookC[3];
146  vhat_c(&lookC[0], unitLookC);
148  return p_camera->Sensor::SetUniversalGround(lat, lon);
149  }
159  bool RadarGroundMap::Iterate(SpiceDouble &R, const double &slantRangeSqr, const SpiceDouble c[],
160  const SpiceDouble r[], SpiceDouble X[], SpiceDouble &lat,
161  SpiceDouble &lon, const std::vector<double> &Xsc,
162  const bool &useSlopeEqn, const double &slope) {
164  lat = DBL_MAX;
165  lon = DBL_MAX;
166  SpiceDouble lastR = DBL_MAX;
167  SpiceDouble rlat;
168  SpiceDouble rlon;
169  int iter = 0;
170  do {
171  double normXsc = vnorm_c(&Xsc[0]);
172  double alpha = (R * R - slantRangeSqr - normXsc * normXsc) /
173  (2.0 * vdot_c(&Xsc[0], c));
175  double arg = slantRangeSqr - alpha * alpha;
176  if(arg < 0.0) return false;
178  double beta = sqrt(arg);
179  if(p_lookDirection == Radar::Left) beta *= -1.0;
181  SpiceDouble alphac[3], betar[3];
182  vscl_c(alpha, c, alphac);
183  vscl_c(beta, r, betar);
185  vadd_c(alphac, betar, alphac);
186  vadd_c(&Xsc[0], alphac, X);
188  // Convert X to lat,lon
189  lastR = R;
190  reclat_c(X, &R, &lon, &lat);
192  rlat = lat * 180.0 / Isis::PI;
193  rlon = lon * 180.0 / Isis::PI;
194  if(useSlopeEqn) {
195  R = lastR + slope * (p_camera->LocalRadius(rlat, rlon).kilometers() - lastR);
196  } else {
197  R = p_camera->LocalRadius(rlat, rlon).kilometers();
198  }
200  iter++;
201  }
202  while(fabs(R - lastR) > p_tolerance && iter < 100);
204  if(fabs(R - lastR) > p_tolerance) return false;
206  return true;
207  }
216  bool RadarGroundMap::SetGround(const Latitude &lat, const Longitude &lon) {
217  Distance localRadius(p_camera->LocalRadius(lat, lon));
219  if(!localRadius.isValid()) {
220  return false;
221  }
223  return SetGround(SurfacePoint(lat, lon, p_camera->LocalRadius(lat, lon)));
224  }
234  bool RadarGroundMap::SetGround(const SurfacePoint &surfacePoint) {
235  // Get the ground point in rectangular coordinates (X)
236  if(!surfacePoint.Valid()) return false;
238  SpiceDouble X[3];
239  surfacePoint.ToNaifArray(X);
241  // Compute lower bound for Doppler shift
242  double et1 = p_camera->Spice::cacheStartTime().Et();
243  p_camera->Sensor::setTime(et1);
244  double xv1 = ComputeXv(X);
246  // Compute upper bound for Doppler shift
247  double et2 = p_camera->Spice::cacheEndTime().Et();
248  p_camera->Sensor::setTime(et2);
249  double xv2 = ComputeXv(X);
251  // Make sure we bound root (xv = 0.0)
252  if((xv1 < 0.0) && (xv2 < 0.0)) return false;
253  if((xv1 > 0.0) && (xv2 > 0.0)) return false;
255  // Order the bounds
256  double fl, fh, xl, xh;
257  if(xv1 < xv2) {
258  fl = xv1;
259  fh = xv2;
260  xl = et1;
261  xh = et2;
262  }
263  else {
264  fl = xv2;
265  fh = xv1;
266  xl = et2;
267  xh = et1;
268  }
270  // Iterate a max of 30 times
271  for(int j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
272  // Use the secant method to guess the next et
273  double etGuess = xl + (xh - xl) * fl / (fl - fh);
275  // Compute the guessed Doppler shift. Hopefully
276  // this guess converges to zero at some point
277  p_camera->Sensor::setTime(etGuess);
278  double fGuess = ComputeXv(X);
280  // Update the bounds
281  double delTime;
282  if(fGuess < 0.0) {
283  delTime = xl - etGuess;
284  xl = etGuess;
285  fl = fGuess;
286  }
287  else {
288  delTime = xh - etGuess;
289  xh = etGuess;
290  fh = fGuess;
291  }
293  // See if we are done
294  if((fabs(delTime) <= p_timeTolerance) || (fGuess == 0.0)) {
295  SpiceRotation *bodyFrame = p_camera->bodyRotation();
296  SpicePosition *spaceCraft = p_camera->instrumentPosition();
298  // Get body fixed spacecraft velocity and position
299  std::vector<double> Ssc(6);
301  // Load the state into Ssc and rotate to body-fixed
302  vequ_c((SpiceDouble *) & (spaceCraft->Coordinate()[0]), &Ssc[0]);
303  vequ_c((SpiceDouble *) & (spaceCraft->Velocity()[0]), &Ssc[3]);
304  std::vector<double> bfSsc(6);
305  bfSsc = bodyFrame->ReferenceVector(Ssc);
307  // Extract the body-fixed position and velocity from the state
308  std::vector<double> Vsc(3);
309  std::vector<double> Xsc(3);
310  vequ_c(&bfSsc[0], (SpiceDouble *) & (Xsc[0]));
311  vequ_c(&bfSsc[3], (SpiceDouble *) & (Vsc[0]));
313  // Determine if focal plane coordinate falls on the correct side of the
314  // spacecraft. Radar has both left and right look directions. Make sure
315  // the coordinate is on the same side as the look direction. This is done
316  // by (X - S) . (V x S) where X=ground point vector, S=spacecraft position
317  // vector, and V=velocity vector. If the dot product is greater than 0, then
318  // the point is on the right side. If the dot product is less than 0, then
319  // the point is on the left side. If the dot product is 0, then the point is
320  // directly under the spacecraft (neither left or right) and is invalid.
321  SpiceDouble vout1[3];
322  SpiceDouble vout2[3];
323  SpiceDouble dp;
324  vsub_c(X, &Xsc[0], vout1);
325  vcrss_c(&Vsc[0], &Xsc[0], vout2);
326  dp = vdot_c(vout1, vout2);
327  if(dp > 0.0 && p_lookDirection == Radar::Left) return false;
328  if(dp < 0.0 && p_lookDirection == Radar::Right) return false;
329  if(dp == 0.0) return false;
333  // Compute body fixed look direction
334  std::vector<double> lookB;
335  lookB.resize(3);
336  lookB[0] = X[0] - Xsc[0];
337  lookB[1] = X[1] - Xsc[1];
338  lookB[2] = X[2] - Xsc[2];
340  std::vector<double> lookJ = bodyFrame->J2000Vector(lookB);
341  SpiceRotation *cameraFrame = p_camera->instrumentRotation(); //this is the pointer to the camera's SpiceRotation/instrumentatrotation object
342  std::vector<double> lookC = cameraFrame->ReferenceVector(lookJ);
344  SpiceDouble unitLookC[3];
345  vhat_c(&lookC[0], unitLookC);
347  p_camera->SetFocalLength(p_slantRange * 1000.0); // p_slantRange is km so focal length is in m
348  p_focalPlaneX = p_slantRange * 1000.0 / p_rangeSigma; // km to meters and scaled to focal plane
349  p_focalPlaneY = 0.0;
350  p_camera->target()->shape()->setSurfacePoint(surfacePoint); // Added 2-11-2013 by DAC
352  // set the sensor's ground point and also makes it possible to calculate m_ra & m_dec
354  return p_camera->Sensor::SetGround(surfacePoint, true);
355  }
356  }
358  return false;
359  }
377  bool RadarGroundMap::GetXY(const SurfacePoint &spoint, double *cudx,
378  double *cudy, bool test) {
380  // Get the ground point in rectangular body-fixed coordinates (X)
381  double X[3];
382  X[0] = spoint.GetX().kilometers();
383  X[1] = spoint.GetY().kilometers();
384  X[2] = spoint.GetZ().kilometers();
386  // Compute body-fixed look vector
387  SpiceRotation *bodyFrame = p_camera->bodyRotation();
388  SpicePosition *spaceCraft = p_camera->instrumentPosition();
390  std::vector<double> sJ(6); // Spacecraft state vector (position and velocity) in J2000 frame
391  // Load the state into sJ
392  vequ_c((SpiceDouble *) & (spaceCraft->Coordinate()[0]), &sJ[0]);
393  vequ_c((SpiceDouble *) & (spaceCraft->Velocity()[0]), &sJ[3]);
395  // Rotate the state to body-fixed
396  p_sB.resize(6);
397  p_sB = bodyFrame->ReferenceVector(sJ);
399  // Extract the body-fixed position and velocity
400  SpiceDouble VsB[3];
401  SpiceDouble PsB[3];
402  vequ_c(&p_sB[0], PsB);
403  vequ_c(&p_sB[3], VsB);
405  p_lookB.resize(3);
406  vsub_c(X, PsB, &p_lookB[0]);
408  p_groundSlantRange = vnorm_c(&p_lookB[0]); // km
409  p_groundDopplerFreq = 2. / p_waveLength / p_groundSlantRange * vdot_c(&p_lookB[0], &VsB[0]);
410  *cudx = p_groundSlantRange * 1000.0 / p_rangeSigma; // to meters, then to focal plane coord
411  *cudy = p_groundDopplerFreq / p_dopplerSigma; // htx to focal plane coord
413  if (test == true) {
414  QString msg = "Back of planet test is not enabled for Radar images";
416  }
418  return true;
419  }
422  double RadarGroundMap::ComputeXv(SpiceDouble X[3]) {
423  // Get the spacecraft position (Xsc) and velocity (Vsc) in body fixed
424  // coordinates
425  SpiceRotation *bodyFrame = p_camera->bodyRotation();
426  SpicePosition *spaceCraft = p_camera->instrumentPosition();
428  // Load the state into Ssc
429  std::vector<double> Ssc(6);
430  vequ_c((SpiceDouble *) & (spaceCraft->Coordinate()[0]), &Ssc[0]);
431  vequ_c((SpiceDouble *) & (spaceCraft->Velocity()[0]), &Ssc[3]);
433  // Rotate the state to body-fixed
434  std::vector<double> bfSsc(6);
435  bfSsc = bodyFrame->ReferenceVector(Ssc);
437  // Extract the body-fixed position and velocity
438  std::vector<double> Vsc(3);
439  std::vector<double> Xsc(3);
440  vequ_c(&bfSsc[0], &Xsc[0]);
441  vequ_c(&bfSsc[3], &Vsc[0]);
443  // Compute the slant range
444  SpiceDouble lookB[3];
445  vsub_c(&Xsc[0], X, lookB);
446  p_slantRange = vnorm_c(lookB); // units are km
448  // Compute and return xv = -2 * (point - observer) dot (point velocity - observer velocity) / (slantRange*wavelength)
449  // In body-fixed coordinates, the point velocity = 0. so the equation becomes
450  // double xv = 2.0 * vdot_c(lookB,&Vsc[0]) / (vnorm_c(lookB) * WaveLength() );
451  double xv = -2.0 * vdot_c(lookB, &Vsc[0]) / (vnorm_c(lookB) * WaveLength()); // - is applied to lookB above
452  return xv;
453  }
469  // d_slantRange = (lookB dot d_lookB) / slantRange
470  // d_dopplerFrequency = -dopplerFrequency/slantRange*d_slantRange -
471  // 2./wavelength/slantRange*(d_lookB dot vlookB) -
472  // 2./wavelength/slantRange*(lookB dot d_vlookB)
474  // Add the partial for the x coordinate of the position (differentiating
475  // point(x,y,z) - spacecraftPosition(x,y,z) in body-fixed and the velocity
476  // Load the derivative of the state into d_lookJ
477  bool RadarGroundMap::GetdXYdPosition(const SpicePosition::PartialType varType, int coefIndex,
478  double *dx, double *dy) {
479  SpicePosition *instPos = p_camera->instrumentPosition();
480  SpiceRotation *bodyRot = p_camera->bodyRotation();
482  std::vector <double> d_lookJ(6);
483  vequ_c(&(instPos->CoordinatePartial(varType, coefIndex))[0], &d_lookJ[0]);
484  vequ_c(&(instPos->VelocityPartial(varType, coefIndex))[0], &d_lookJ[3]);
486  std::vector<double> d_lookB = bodyRot->ReferenceVector(d_lookJ);
488  double d_slantRange = (-1.) * vdot_c(&p_lookB[0], &d_lookB[0]) / p_groundSlantRange;
489  double d_dopplerFreq = (-1.) * p_groundDopplerFreq * d_slantRange / p_groundSlantRange -
490  2. / p_waveLength / p_groundSlantRange * vdot_c(&d_lookB[0], &p_sB[3]) +
491  2. / p_waveLength / p_groundSlantRange * vdot_c(&p_lookB[0], &d_lookB[3]);
493  *dx = d_slantRange * 1000.0 / p_rangeSigma;// km to meters, then to focal plane coord
494  *dy = d_dopplerFreq / p_dopplerSigma; // htz scaled to focal plane
496  return true;
497  }
512  bool RadarGroundMap::GetdXYdPoint(std::vector<double> d_lookB,
513  double *dx, double *dy) {
515  // TODO add a check to make sure p_lookB has been set
517  double d_slantRange = vdot_c(&p_lookB[0], &d_lookB[0]) / p_groundSlantRange; // km
518  // After switching to J2000, the last term will not be 0. as it is in body-fixed
519 // double d_dopplerFreq = p_groundDopplerFreq*d_slantRange/p_groundSlantRange // Ken
520 // + 2./p_waveLength/p_groundSlantRange*vdot_c(&d_lookB[0], &p_sB[3]);
521  double d_dopplerFreq = (-1.) * p_groundDopplerFreq * d_slantRange / p_groundSlantRange
522  + 2. / p_waveLength / p_groundSlantRange * vdot_c(&d_lookB[0], &p_sB[3]);
523 // + 2./p_wavelength/slantRange*vdot_c(&p_lookB[0], 0);
525  *dx = d_slantRange * 1000.0 / p_rangeSigma;
526  *dy = d_dopplerFreq / p_dopplerSigma;
528  return true;
529  }
531 }
This class defines a body-fixed surface point.
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:148
virtual bool SetFocalPlane(const double ux, const double uy, const double uz)
Compute ground position from slant range.
double p_focalPlaneY
Camera&#39;s y focal plane coordinate.
double p_focalPlaneX
Camera&#39;s x focal plane coordinate.
const double PI
The mathematical constant PI.
Definition: Constants.h:56
double p_groundDopplerFreq
units are hertz
SpiceRotation * bodyRotation() const
Accessor method for the body rotation.
Definition: Spice.cpp:1478
Namespace for the standard library.
double p_slantRange
units are km
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Latitude.
Definition: Latitude.h:63
virtual bool SetGround(const Latitude &lat, const Longitude &lon)
Compute undistorted focal plane coordinate from ground position.
double p_rangeSigma
Scaling factor to convert meters to focal plane coord.
std::vector< double > CoordinatePartial(SpicePosition::PartialType partialVar, int coeffIndex)
Set the coefficients of a polynomial fit to each of the three coordinates of the position vector for ...
This error is for when a programmer made an API call that was illegal.
Definition: IException.h:162
double kilometers() const
Get the distance in kilometers.
Definition: Distance.cpp:118
Distance measurement, usually in meters.
Definition: Distance.h:47
Distance LocalRadius() const
Returns the local radius at the intersection point.
Definition: Sensor.cpp:282
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Longitude.
Definition: Longitude.h:52
void SetFocalLength(double v)
Sets the focal length.
Definition: Camera.cpp:3026
void instrumentPosition(double p[3]) const
Returns the spacecraft position in body-fixed frame km units.
Definition: Spice.cpp:747
std::vector< double > ReferenceVector(const std::vector< double > &jVec)
Given a direction vector in J2000, return a reference frame direction.
Target * target() const
Returns a pointer to the target object.
Definition: Spice.cpp:1290
double p_dopplerSigma
Scaling factor to convert hertz to focal plane coord.
#define _FILEINFO_
Macro for the filename and line number.
Definition: IException.h:40
const std::vector< double > & Coordinate()
Return the current J2000 position.
bool Iterate(SpiceDouble &R, const double &slantRangeSqr, const SpiceDouble c[], const SpiceDouble r[], SpiceDouble X[], SpiceDouble &lat, SpiceDouble &lon, const std::vector< double > &Xsc, const bool &useSlopeEqn, const double &slope)
Iteration loop for computing ground position from slant range.
ShapeModel * shape() const
Return the shape.
Definition: Target.cpp:615
Obtain SPICE rotation information for a body.
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.
double WaveLength()
Return the wavelength.
std::vector< double > J2000Vector(const std::vector< double > &rVec)
Given a direction vector in the reference frame, return a J2000 direction.
void ToNaifArray(double naifOutput[3]) const
A naif array is a c-style array of size 3.
std::vector< double > VelocityPartial(SpicePosition::PartialType partialVar, int coeffIndex)
Compute the derivative of the velocity with respect to the specified variable.
virtual void setSurfacePoint(const SurfacePoint &surfacePoint)
Set surface intersection point.
Definition: ShapeModel.cpp:559
double p_groundSlantRange
units are km
Isis exception class.
Definition: IException.h:107
virtual bool GetdXYdPoint(std::vector< double > d_lookB, double *dx, double *dy)
Compute derivative of focal plane coordinate w/r to ground point from ground position using current S...
Obtain SPICE position information for a body.
const std::vector< double > & Velocity()
Return the current J2000 velocity.
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
SpiceRotation * instrumentRotation() const
Accessor method for the instrument rotation.
Definition: Spice.cpp:1489
virtual bool GetXY(const SurfacePoint &spoint, double *cudx, double *cudy, bool test=false)
Compute undistorted focal plane coordinate from ground position using current Spice from SetImage cal...
virtual bool GetdXYdPosition(const SpicePosition::PartialType varType, int coefIndex, double *cudx, double *cudy)
Compute derivative w/r to position of focal plane coordinate from ground position using current Spice...
double kilometers() const
Get the displacement in kilometers.
void radii(Distance r[3]) const
Returns the radii of the body in km.
Definition: Spice.cpp:855
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.