17 class HistogramWidget;
43 const QString &name,
const QColor &color);
void savePairs()
This asks the user for a file and saves the current stretch pairs to that file.
virtual Stretch getStretch()
Returns the current stretch object.
QTableWidget * createStretchTable()
This creates the stretch pairs table.
void stretchChanged()
Emitted when a new Stretch object is available.
Stretch * p_stretch
Current stretch pairs stored here.
QTableWidget * p_table
Pairs table.
Container of a cube histogram.
virtual void setHistogram(const Histogram &)
This should be called when the visible area changes.
virtual void setStretch(Stretch)=0
Children must re-implement this to update their stretch pairs and GUI elements appropriately.
StretchType(const Histogram &hist, const Stretch &stretch, const QString &name, const QColor &color)
This constructs a stretch type.
void updateGraph()
This updates the graph with the current stretch object.
HistogramWidget * p_graph
Histogram graph.
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
This is the base class for advanced stretches.
void updateTable()
This updates the table with the current stretch pairs.
virtual ~StretchType()
Histogram * p_cubeHist
Visible area histogram.
QGridLayout * p_mainLayout
Main layout.