Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1 #include "WindowTool.h"
3 #include <iostream>
5 #include <QAction>
6 #include <QList>
7 #include <QMdiArea>
8 #include <QMdiSubWindow>
9 #include <QMenu>
10 #include <QMenuBar>
11 #include <QPoint>
12 #include <QRect>
13 #include <QToolBar>
15 #include "MdiCubeViewport.h"
16 #include "MainWindow.h"
17 #include "Workspace.h"
19 namespace Isis {
26  WindowTool::WindowTool(QWidget *parent) : Tool(parent) {
27  p_cascadeWindows = new QAction(parent);
28  p_cascadeWindows->setText("&Cascade");
29  p_cascadeWindows->setEnabled(false);
31  p_tileWindows = new QAction(parent);
32  p_tileWindows->setText("&Tile");
33  p_tileWindows->setEnabled(false);
35  p_resizeWindows = new QAction(parent);
36  p_resizeWindows->setText("Resize");
37  p_resizeWindows->setEnabled(true);
38  connect(p_resizeWindows, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resizeWindows()));
39  QString text = "<b>Function: </b> Resize all linked viewports to the same \
40  size as the active viewport.";
41  p_resizeWindows->setWhatsThis(text);
43  p_closeWindow = new QAction(parent);
44  p_closeWindow->setText("Close");
45  p_closeWindow->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F3);
46  p_closeWindow->setEnabled(false);
48  p_closeAllWindows = new QAction(parent);
49  p_closeAllWindows->setText("Close All");
50  p_closeAllWindows->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_F3);
51  p_closeAllWindows->setEnabled(false);
53  p_nextWindow = new QAction(parent);
54  p_nextWindow->setText("&Next");
55  p_nextWindow->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F5);
56  p_nextWindow->setEnabled(false);
58  p_prevWindow = new QAction(parent);
59  p_prevWindow->setText("&Prev");
60  p_prevWindow->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F6);
61  p_prevWindow->setEnabled(false);
63  QIcon icon;
64  icon.addPixmap(toolIconDir() + "/linked.png", QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On);
65  icon.addPixmap(toolIconDir() + "/unlinked.png", QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off);
66  p_linkWindow = new QAction(parent);
67  p_linkWindow->setIcon(icon);
68  p_linkWindow->setText("&Link");
69  p_linkWindow->setToolTip("Link viewports");
70  text =
71  "<b>Function:</b> Used to link viewports. Some tools apply their \
72  functions to all linked viewports. For example, when the zoom tool \
73  is used on a linked viewport then all other linked viewports will zoom \
74  as well. \
75  <p><b>Shortcut:</b> Ctrl+L</p> \
76  <p><b>Hint:</b> The icons <img src=\"" +
77  toolIconDir() + "/linked.png\" width=22 height=22> and <img src=\"" +
78  toolIconDir() + "/unlinked.png\" width=22 height=22> at the left edge \
79  of each viewport titlebar indicate the current link state</p> \
80  <p><b>Tools using Link:</b> Zoom, Pan, Blink, and Advanced Tracking </p>";
81  p_linkWindow->setWhatsThis(text);
82  p_linkWindow->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_L);
83  p_linkWindow->setCheckable(true);
84  p_linkWindow->setEnabled(false);
86  p_linkAllWindows = new QAction(parent);
87  p_linkAllWindows->setText("&Link All");
88  p_linkAllWindows->setToolTip("Link all viewports");
89  p_linkAllWindows->setWhatsThis("<b>Function: </b> Links all open viewports \
90  together. <p><b>Shortcut: </b> Ctrl+Shift+L");
91  p_linkAllWindows->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_L);
92  p_linkAllWindows->setEnabled(false);
93  connect(p_linkAllWindows, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(linkWindows()));
95  p_unlinkAllWindows = new QAction(parent);
96  p_unlinkAllWindows->setText("&Unlink All");
97  p_unlinkAllWindows->setToolTip("Unlink all viewports");
98  p_unlinkAllWindows->setWhatsThis("<b>Function: </b> Unlinks all open viewports. \
99  <p><b>Shortcut: </b> Ctrl+Shift+U");
100  p_unlinkAllWindows->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_U);
101  p_unlinkAllWindows->setEnabled(false);
102  connect(p_unlinkAllWindows, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(unlinkWindows()));
104  p_changeCursor = new QAction(parent);
105  p_changeCursor->setText("Change cursor to arrow.");
106  p_changeCursor->setWhatsThis("<b>Function: </b> Toggles the cursor shape between \
107  and arrow and crosshair cursor when cursor is over the \
108  viewport window.");
109  p_changeCursor->setEnabled(false);
110  connect(p_changeCursor, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(changeCursor()));
112  activate(true);
113  }
123  p_mdiArea = ws->mdiArea();
124  Tool::addTo(ws);
125  connect(p_cascadeWindows, SIGNAL(triggered()), ws->mdiArea(), SLOT(cascadeSubWindows()));
126  connect(p_tileWindows, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(tileViewports()));
127  connect(p_prevWindow, SIGNAL(triggered()), ws->mdiArea(), SLOT(activatePreviousSubWindow()));
128  connect(p_nextWindow, SIGNAL(triggered()), ws->mdiArea(), SLOT(activateNextSubWindow()));
129  connect(p_closeWindow, SIGNAL(triggered()), ws->mdiArea(), SLOT(closeActiveSubWindow()));
130  connect(p_closeAllWindows, SIGNAL(triggered()), ws->mdiArea(), SLOT(closeAllSubWindows()));
131  connect(ws, SIGNAL(cubeViewportAdded(MdiCubeViewport *)),
132  this, SLOT(updateViewportCursor(MdiCubeViewport *)));
133  }
144  int numViewports = p_mdiArea->subWindowList().size();
146  double mdiWidth = p_mdiArea->width();
147  double mdiHeight = p_mdiArea->height();
149  double px = ceil(sqrt(numViewports*mdiWidth/mdiHeight));
150  double sx, sy;
151  if (floor(px*mdiHeight/mdiWidth)*px < numViewports) {
152  sx = mdiHeight/ceil(px*mdiHeight/mdiWidth);
153  }
154  else {
155  sx = mdiWidth/px;
156  }
158  double py = ceil(sqrt(numViewports * mdiHeight / mdiWidth));
159  if (floor(py*mdiWidth/mdiHeight)*py < numViewports) {
160  sy = mdiWidth/ceil(mdiWidth*py/mdiHeight);
161  }
162  else {
163  sy = mdiHeight/py;
164  }
166  return std::max(sx,sy);
167  }
176  int vpSize = viewportSize();
178  QPoint position(0, 0);
180  QList<QMdiSubWindow *> windowList = p_mdiArea->subWindowList();
182  for (int i = windowList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
183  QMdiSubWindow *window = windowList[i];
184  window->showNormal();
185  QRect rect(0, 0, vpSize, vpSize);
186  window->setGeometry(rect);
187  window->move(position);
189  position.setX(position.x() + window->width());
190  if (position.x() + window->width() > p_mdiArea->width()) {
191  position.setX(0);
192  position.setY(position.y() + window->height());
193  }
194  }
195  }
205  perm->addAction(p_linkWindow);
206  }
217  void WindowTool::addTo(QMenu *menu) {
218  menu->addAction(p_cascadeWindows);
219  menu->addAction(p_tileWindows);
220  menu->addAction(p_resizeWindows);
221  menu->addSeparator();
223  menu->addAction(p_changeCursor);
224  menu->addSeparator();
226  menu->addAction(p_nextWindow);
227  menu->addAction(p_prevWindow);
228  menu->addAction(p_closeWindow);
229  menu->addAction(p_closeAllWindows);
230  menu->addSeparator();
232  menu->addAction(p_linkWindow);
233  menu->addAction(p_linkAllWindows);
234  menu->addAction(p_unlinkAllWindows);
235  }
245  connect(p_linkWindow, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
246  cubeViewport(), SLOT(setLinked(bool)));
247  connect(cvp, SIGNAL(linkChanging(bool)), p_linkWindow, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
248  }
258  disconnect(p_linkWindow, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
259  cubeViewport(), SLOT(setLinked(bool)));
260  disconnect(cvp, SIGNAL(linkChanging(bool)), p_linkWindow, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
261  }
269  MdiCubeViewport *d;
270  for(int i = 0; i < (int)cubeViewportList()->size(); i++) {
271  d = (*(cubeViewportList()))[i];
272  d->setLinked(true);
273  }
274  }
282  MdiCubeViewport *d;
283  for(int i = 0; i < (int)cubeViewportList()->size(); i++) {
284  d = (*(cubeViewportList()))[i];
285  d->setLinked(false);
286  }
287  }
294  if (p_changeCursor->text() == "Change cursor to arrow.") {
295  p_changeCursor->setText("Change cursor to crosshair.");
296  }
297  else {
298  p_changeCursor->setText("Change cursor to arrow.");
299  }
301  for (int i = 0; i < (int)cubeViewportList()->size(); i++) {
303  }
304  }
311  if (p_changeCursor->text() == "Change cursor to crosshair." &&
312  cvp->viewport()->cursor().shape() != Qt::ArrowCursor) {
313  cvp->viewport()->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
314  }
315  else if (p_changeCursor->text() == "Change cursor to arrow." &&
316  cvp->viewport()->cursor().shape() != Qt::CrossCursor) {
317  cvp->viewport()->setCursor(Qt::CrossCursor);
318  }
319  }
328  MdiCubeViewport *d;
329  QSize size = cubeViewport()->parentWidget()->size();
331  for(int i = 0; i < (int)cubeViewportList()->size(); i++) {
332  d = (*(cubeViewportList()))[i];
333  if(d->isLinked()) d->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->resize(size);
334  }
335  }
343  if(cubeViewport() == NULL) {
344  p_linkWindow->setChecked(false);
345  p_linkWindow->setEnabled(false);
346  p_linkAllWindows->setEnabled(false);
347  p_unlinkAllWindows->setEnabled(false);
348  p_cascadeWindows->setEnabled(false);
349  p_tileWindows->setEnabled(false);
350  p_resizeWindows->setEnabled(false);
351  p_closeWindow->setEnabled(false);
352  p_closeAllWindows->setEnabled(false);
353  p_nextWindow->setEnabled(false);
354  p_prevWindow->setEnabled(false);
355  p_changeCursor->setEnabled(false);
356  }
357  else {
358  p_cascadeWindows->setEnabled(true);
359  p_tileWindows->setEnabled(true);
360  p_resizeWindows->setEnabled(true);
361  p_closeWindow->setEnabled(true);
362  p_closeAllWindows->setEnabled(true);
363  p_changeCursor->setEnabled(true);
365  if(cubeViewportList()->size() > 1) {
366  p_linkWindow->setEnabled(true);
367  p_linkAllWindows->setEnabled(true);
368  p_unlinkAllWindows->setEnabled(true);
369  p_nextWindow->setEnabled(true);
370  p_prevWindow->setEnabled(true);
371  p_linkWindow->setChecked(cubeViewport()->isLinked());
372  }
373  else {
374  p_linkWindow->setEnabled(false);
375  p_linkAllWindows->setEnabled(false);
376  p_unlinkAllWindows->setEnabled(false);
377  p_nextWindow->setEnabled(false);
378  p_prevWindow->setEnabled(false);
379  }
380  }
381  }
382 }
Cube display widget for certain Isis MDI applications.
void changeCursor()
Toggles the cursor from an arrow to a crosshair.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:293
QString toolIconDir() const
returns the path to the icon directory.
Definition: Tool.h:127
void resizeWindows()
Resizes all the viewport windows to the active viewport window size.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:327
CubeViewportList * cubeViewportList() const
Return the list of cubeviewports.
Definition: Tool.cpp:390
QAction * p_unlinkAllWindows
unlink all windows action
Definition: WindowTool.h:68
void removeConnections(MdiCubeViewport *cvp)
Removes the connections from the cube viewport.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:257
void linkWindows()
Links all viewport windows in the workspace.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:268
QAction * p_prevWindow
previous window action
Definition: WindowTool.h:62
QAction * p_tileWindows
tile windows action
Definition: WindowTool.h:60
void setLinked(bool b)
Change the linked state of the viewport.
QAction * p_closeWindow
close window action
Definition: WindowTool.h:64
void tileViewports()
Tiles the cube viewports over the Cube DN View.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:175
void addToPermanent(QToolBar *toolbar)
Adds the link window action to the tool bar.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:204
bool isLinked() const
Is the viewport linked with other viewports.
void addTo(ViewportMainWindow *mw)
Adds the tool to the application.
Definition: Tool.cpp:78
QAction * p_changeCursor
changes the cursor when it moves over the viewport
Definition: WindowTool.h:69
QAction * p_linkAllWindows
link all windows action
Definition: WindowTool.h:67
WindowTool(QWidget *parent)
WindowTool constructor.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:26
void unlinkWindows()
Unlinks all the viewport windows in the workspace.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:281
QAction * p_linkWindow
link window action
Definition: WindowTool.h:66
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
void addConnections(MdiCubeViewport *cvp)
Adds the connections to the cube viewport.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:244
void addTo(QMenu *menu)
Adds the cascade windows, tile windows, resize windows, next window, previous window, close window, and close all windows actions to the menu.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:217
void updateTool()
Updates the WindowTool.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:342
QMdiArea * p_mdiArea
area where viewports are displayed
Definition: WindowTool.h:58
Base class for the Qisis tools.
Definition: Tool.h:81
QMdiArea * mdiArea()
This method returns the QMdiArea.
Definition: Workspace.cpp:295
MdiCubeViewport * cubeViewport() const
Return the current cubeviewport.
Definition: Tool.h:211
QAction * p_nextWindow
next window action
Definition: WindowTool.h:63
void activate(bool)
Activates the tool.
Definition: Tool.cpp:131
QAction * p_resizeWindows
resize windows action
Definition: WindowTool.h:61
int viewportSize()
Helper function for determining the size of the viewports.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:143
void updateViewportCursor(MdiCubeViewport *)
Updates the cursor over the viewport.
Definition: WindowTool.cpp:310
QAction * p_cascadeWindows
cascade windows action
Definition: WindowTool.h:59
QAction * p_closeAllWindows
close all action
Definition: WindowTool.h:65