7 #include "ExportControlNetWorkOrder.h" 8 #include "ExportImagesWorkOrder.h" 12 #include "ImageListActionWorkOrder.h" 21 #include "MoveDownOneSceneWorkOrder.h" 22 #include "MoveToBottomSceneWorkOrder.h" 23 #include "MoveToTopSceneWorkOrder.h" 24 #include "MoveUpOneSceneWorkOrder.h" 53 tryType<BundleObservationViewWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
54 tryType<CnetEditorViewWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
55 tryType<ControlHealthMonitorWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
56 tryType<CubeDnViewWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
57 tryType<ExportImagesWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
58 tryType<ExportControlNetWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
59 tryType<Footprint2DViewWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
60 tryType<ImageFileListViewWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
61 tryType<ImageListActionWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
62 tryType<ImportControlNetWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
63 tryType<ImportImagesWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
64 tryType<ImportShapesWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
65 tryType<ImportMapTemplateWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
66 tryType<ImportRegistrationTemplateWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
67 tryType<JigsawWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
68 tryType<MatrixViewWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
69 tryType<MoveDownOneSceneWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
70 tryType<MoveToBottomSceneWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
71 tryType<MoveToTopSceneWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
72 tryType<MoveUpOneSceneWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
73 tryType<OpenProjectWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
74 tryType<RemoveImagesWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
75 tryType<RenameProjectWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
76 tryType<SaveProjectAsWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
77 tryType<SaveProjectWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
78 tryType<SensorGetInfoWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
79 tryType<SetActiveControlWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
80 tryType<SetActiveImageListWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
81 tryType<TargetGetInfoWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
82 tryType<TemplateEditViewWorkOrder>(type, project, result);
86 QObject::tr(
"Could not create work order of type [%1] through " 87 "WorkOrderFactory").arg(type),
The main project for ipce.
static WorkOrder * create(Project *project, QString type)
This instantiates a work order given a project and a type name (class name in a string).
Provide Undo/redo abilities, serialization, and history for an operation.
#define _FILEINFO_
Macro for the filename and line number.
A type of error that cannot be classified as any of the other error types.
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.