Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Isis::ProcessMapMosaic Class Reference

Mosaic two cubs together. More...

#include <ProcessMapMosaic.h>

Inheritance diagram for Isis::ProcessMapMosaic:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Isis::ProcessMapMosaic:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  ImageOverlay {
  PlaceImagesOnTop, PlaceImagesBeneath, UseBandPlacementCriteria, AverageImageWithMosaic,
 Enumeration for different Mosaic priorities (input, mosaic, band) More...

Public Member Functions

 ProcessMapMosaic ()
 Constructs a Mosaic object. More...
virtual ~ProcessMapMosaic ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetOutputCube (FileList &propagationCubes, CubeAttributeOutput &oAtt, const QString &mosaicFile)
 Set the output cube to specified file name and specified input images and output attributes. More...
Isis::CubeRingsSetOutputCube (FileList &propagationCubes, CubeAttributeOutput &oAtt, const QString &mosaicFile)
 Set the output cube to specified file name and specified input images and output attributes. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetOutputCube (FileList &propagationCubes, double slat, double elat, double slon, double elon, CubeAttributeOutput &oAtt, const QString &mosaicFile)
 Set the output cube to specified file name and specified input images and output attributes and lat,lons. More...
Isis::CubeRingsSetOutputCube (FileList &propagationCubes, double srad, double erad, double saz, double eaz, CubeAttributeOutput &oAtt, const QString &mosaicFile)
 Set the output cube to specified file name using the specified input images, output attributes, ring radii values and ring longitude values. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetOutputCube (const QString &inputFile, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double slat, double elat, double slon, double elon, int nbands, CubeAttributeOutput &oAtt, const QString &mosaicFile, bool latlonflag=true)
 Set the output cube to specified file name and specified input images and output attributes and lat,lons. More...
Isis::CubeRingsSetOutputCube (const QString &inputFile, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double srad, double erad, double saz, double eaz, int nbands, CubeAttributeOutput &oAtt, const QString &mosaicFile)
 Set the output cube to specified file name using the specified input file name, output attributes, ring radii values and ring longitude values. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetOutputCube (const QString &inputFile, PvlGroup mapping, CubeAttributeOutput &oAtt, const QString &mosaicFile)
 Set the output cube to specified file name and specified input images and output attributes and lat,lons. More...
Isis::CubeRingsSetOutputCube (const QString &inputFile, PvlGroup mapping, CubeAttributeOutput &oAtt, const QString &mosaicFile)
 Set the output cube to specified file name and specified input images and output attributes and lat,lons. More...
Isis::CubeSetOutputCube (const QString &mosaicFile)
 Mosaic output method for Mosaic Processing Method, this will use an existing mosaic. More...
Isis::CubeRingsSetOutputCube (const QString &mosaicFile)
 Mosaic output method for Mosaic Processing Method, this will use an existing mosaic. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetInputCube ()
 Input cube cannot be set here. More...
virtual bool StartProcess (QString inputFile)
 Mosaic Processing method, returns false if the cube is not inside the mosaic. More...
virtual void StartProcess (const int &piOutSample, const int &piOutLine, const int &piOutBand)
 This method invokes the process by mosaic operation over a single input cube and single output cube. More...
virtual void StartProcess (void funct())
 In the base class, this method will invoked a user-specified function exactly one time. More...
virtual void EndProcess ()
 Cleans up by closing input, output and tracking cubes. More...
PvlObject imagePositions ()
 Accessor for the placed images and their locations. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetInputCube (const QString &parameter, const int ss, const int sl, const int sb, const int ns, const int nl, const int nb)
 Opens an input cube specified by the user. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetInputCube (const QString &fname, Isis::CubeAttributeInput &att, const int ss=1, const int sl=1, const int sb=1, const int ns=-1, const int nl=-1, const int nb=-1)
 Opens an input cube specified by the user. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetInputCube (const QString &parameter, const int requirements=0)
 Opens an input cube specified by the user and verifies requirements are met. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetInputCube (const QString &parameter, const int requirements=0)
 Opens an input cube specified by the user and verifies requirements are met. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetInputCube (const QString &fname, const Isis::CubeAttributeInput &att, int requirements=0)
 Opens an input cube specified by the programmer and verifies requirements are met. More...
virtual void SetInputCube (Isis::Cube *inCube)
 Set the InputCube vector to an opened Cube which was dynamically allocated. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetOutputCube (const QString &parameter, const int nsamps, const int nlines, const int nbands=1)
 Allocates a user specified output cube whose size is specified by the programmer. More...
virtual Isis::CubeSetOutputCube (const QString &fname, const Isis::CubeAttributeOutput &att, const int nsamps, const int nlines, const int nbands=1)
 Allocates a output cube whose name and size is specified by the programmer. More...
void SetBandBinMatch (bool enforceBandBinMatch)
void SetBandKeyword (QString bandPriorityKeyName, QString bandPriorityKeyValue)
 Set the keyword/value to use for comparing when using band priority. More...
void SetBandNumber (int bandPriorityBandNumber)
 Set the band to use for priorities when using band priority. More...
void SetBandUseMaxValue (bool useMax)
 Set whether to take the image with the max or min value when using band priority. More...
void SetCreateFlag (bool createOutputMosaic)
 Flag to indicate that the mosaic is being newly created Indication that the new label specific to the mosaic needs to be created. More...
void SetHighSaturationFlag (bool placeHighSatPixels)
 When true, high saturation (HRS, HIS) will be considered valid data for the purposes of placing pixels in the output mosaic. More...
void SetImageOverlay (ImageOverlay placement)
void SetLowSaturationFlag (bool placeLowSatPixels)
 When true, low saturation (LRS, LIS) will be considered valid data for the purposes of placing pixels in the output mosaic. More...
void SetMatchDEM (bool matchDEM)
 Set the DEM match flag. More...
void SetNullFlag (bool placeNullPixels)
 When true, Null pixels will be considered valid data for the purposes of placing pixels in the output mosaic. More...
void SetTrackFlag (bool trackingEnabled)
bool GetHighSaturationFlag () const
ImageOverlay GetImageOverlay () const
bool GetLowSaturationFlag () const
bool GetNullFlag () const
bool GetTrackFlag () const
int GetInputStartLineInMosaic () const
 This is the line where the image was placed into the output mosaic. More...
int GetInputStartSampleInMosaic () const
 This is the sample where the image was placed into the output mosaic. More...
int GetInputStartBandInMosaic () const
 This is the band where the image was placed into the output mosaic. More...
virtual void Finalize ()
 Cleans up by closing cubes and freeing memory for owned cubes. More...
void AddInputCube (Cube *cube, bool owned=true)
void AddOutputCube (Cube *cube, bool owned=true)
void ClearCubes ()
 Close owned cubes from the list and clear the list. More...
void ClearInputCubes ()
 Close owned input cubes from the list and clear the list. More...
void ClearOutputCubes ()
 Close owned output cubes from the list and clear the list. More...
void PropagateLabels (const bool prop)
 This method allows the programmer to turn on/off the propagation of labels from the 1st input cube to any of the output cubes. More...
void PropagateLabels (const QString &cube)
 This method allows the programmer to propagate labels from a specific secondary cube. More...
void PropagateTables (const bool prop)
 This method allows the programmer to propagate input tables to the output cube (default is true) More...
void PropagateTables (const QString &fromName, const QList< QString > &tableNames=QList< QString >())
 Propagate the tables from the cube with the given filename to the output cube. More...
void PropagatePolygons (const bool prop)
 This method allows the programmer to propagate input blobs to the output cube (default is true) More...
void PropagateHistory (const bool prop)
 This method allows the programmer to propagate history to the output cube (default is true) More...
void PropagateOriginalLabel (const bool prop)
 This method allows the programmer to propagate original labels to the output cube (default is true) More...
Isis::ProgressProgress ()
 This method returns a pointer to a Progress object. More...
QString MissionData (const QString &mission, const QString &file, bool highestVersion=false)
 This method reads the mission specific data directory from the user preference file, makes sure that mission is available in the Isis installation, and the attaches the provided input file to the directory in order to create a full file specification. More...
void WriteHistory (Cube &cube)
 Writes out the History blob to the cube. More...
void CalculateStatistics ()
 Calculates and stores off statistics on every band of every cube added to this process via the SetInputCube method. More...
std::vector< Isis::Statistics * > BandStatistics (const unsigned index)
 Get the vector of Statistics objects for each band separately of a specified input cube. More...
Isis::StatisticsCubeStatistics (const unsigned index)
 Get the Statistics object for all bands of a specified input cube. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static QString OverlayToString (ImageOverlay)
 Convert an ImageOverlay to a QString. More...
static ImageOverlay StringToOverlay (QString)
 Convert a QString to an ImageOverlay (case-insensitive). More...

Static Public Attributes

static const char * TRACKING_TABLE_NAME = "InputImages"
 This is the name of the table in the Cube which will contain the image file names. More...
static const int FLOAT_STORE_INT_PRECISELY_MAX_VALUE = 16777216
static const int FLOAT_STORE_INT_PRECISELY_MIN_VALUE = -16777215

Protected Attributes

 Pointer to a Progress object. More...
bool p_propagateLabels
 Flag indicating if labels are be propagated to output cubes. More...
bool p_propagateTables
 Flag indicating if tables are be propagated to output cubes. More...
bool p_propagatePolygons
 Flag indicating if blobs are be propagated to output cubes. More...
bool p_propagateHistory
 Flag indicating if history is to be propagated to output cubes. More...
bool p_propagateOriginalLabel
 Flag indicating if original lable is to be propagated to output cubes. More...
std::vector< std::vector< Isis::Statistics *> > p_bandStats
 Holds the calculated statistics for each band separately of every input cubei after the CalculateStatistics method is called. More...
std::vector< Isis::Statistics *> p_cubeStats
 Holds the calculated statistics for every band together of every input cubei after the CalculateStatistics method is called. More...
std::vector< Isis::Cube * > InputCubes
 A vector of pointers to opened Cube objects. More...
std::vector< Isis::Cube * > OutputCubes
 A vector of pointers to allocated Cube objects. More...
QSet< Isis::Cube * > * m_ownedCubes
 A list of cubes owned by this instant. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static void FillNull (Buffer &data)
 Reset the buffer with NULL pixels. More...

Private Attributes

bool p_createMosaic
 Internal use; SetOutputMosaic (const QString &) sets to false to not attempt creation when using SetOutputMosaic. More...

Detailed Description

Mosaic two cubs together.

This class allows a programmer to develop a program which merges two cubes together. The application sets the position where input (child) cube will be placed in the mosaic (parent) cube and priority. The the Mosaic object will merge the overlapping area.

2003-04-28 Stuart Sides

2003-04-28 Stuart Sides - Modified unitTest.cpp to do a better test

2003-09-04 Jeff Anderson - Added SetInputWorkCube method

2005-02-11 Elizabeth Ribelin - Modified file to support Doxygen documentation

2006-09-01 Elizabeth Miller - Added BandBinMatch option to propagate the bandbin group to the mosaic and make sure the input cube bandbin groups match the mosaics bandbin group

2006-10-20 Stuart Sides - Fixed bug BandBin group did not get copied to the output mosaic.

2008-10-03 Steven Lambright - Fixed problem where return values from SetUniversalGround were not checked

2008-11-18 Christopher Austin - Added the first cube's history to the mosaic's history along with the history object of the application which did the mosaic.

2008-12-08 Steven Lambright - Fixed one of the SetOutputCube(...) methods, a lat/lon range was specified but CreateFromCube was still being used (needed CreateFromCube because no cubes existed with the correct range).

2008-12-08 Steven Lambright - MinimumLatitude,MaximumLatitude, MinimumLongitude,MaximumLongitude keywords no longer required to exist if passed into SetOutputCube

2010-10-27 Sharmila Prasad - Read input file attributes

2011-01-18 Sharmila Prasad - Added "Average" priority feature, to double the number of mosaic bands to get Count info

2011-06-28 Jai Rideout and Steven Lambright - Now uses a different caching algorithm.

2011-09-08 Sharmila Prasad - Fixed Bug #406, Additional boundary checks similar to ProcessMosaic so that there will be no interruption for applications like automos

2012-10-05 Jeannie Backer - Fixed indentation of history entries. Added caught exception to new thrown exception. Moved method implementation to cpp. References #1169.

2013-03-27 Jeannie Backer - Added programmer comments. References #1248.

2012-01-20 Debbie A. Cook - Changed to use TProjection instead of Projection. References #775.

2013-11-14 Kimberly Oyama - Modified StartProcess() to account for a negative x or y from the projection. These x and y values are used to calculate the outline and outsample. Fixes #1736.

2013-12-27 Janet Barrett - Added additional latlonflag parameter to the SetOutputCube method so that valid lat/lon values are checked for in the input files that make up a mosaic. This change was needed to handle input files that are missing the min/max lat/lon keywords (such as those that were cropped). Fixes #1500.

2015-01-15 Sasha Brownsberger - Added virtual keyword to several functions to ensure successful inheritance between Process and its child classes. Made destructor virtual. References #2215.

2018-08-13 Summer Stapleton - Removed code that added tracking band to mosaic cube as tracking is now being stored in a separate tracking cube. This was part of a larger refactoring project to turn the tracking band of a mosaic cube into its own tracking cube containing the InputImages table to relate DN values to input images. Mosaic cube no longer holds tracking band or InputImages table, but instead has a Tracking group that points to external tracking cube.

2005-02-11 Stuart Sides - add coded example and implementation example to class documentation
2016-08-28 Kelvin Rodriguez - Changed SetOutputCube default parameters to avoid hidden virtual function warnings in clang and the abiguous called errors. Part of porting to OS X 10.11.

Definition at line 113 of file ProcessMapMosaic.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ImageOverlay

Enumeration for different Mosaic priorities (input, mosaic, band)


ontop priority


beneath priority


band priority


average priority

Definition at line 223 of file ProcessMosaic.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ProcessMapMosaic()

Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::ProcessMapMosaic ( )

Constructs a Mosaic object.

Definition at line 44 of file ProcessMapMosaic.cpp.

◆ ~ProcessMapMosaic()

Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::~ProcessMapMosaic ( )


Definition at line 50 of file ProcessMapMosaic.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ BandStatistics()

std::vector<Isis::Statistics *> Isis::Process::BandStatistics ( const unsigned  index)

Get the vector of Statistics objects for each band separately of a specified input cube.

indexThe index of the input cube in InputCubes
vector<Statistics*> A list of statistics ordered by band

Definition at line 290 of file Process.h.

References Isis::Process::p_bandStats.

◆ CalculateStatistics()

void Isis::Process::CalculateStatistics ( )

Calculates and stores off statistics on every band of every cube added to this process via the SetInputCube method.

The newly calculated statistics are stored in two ways: as a vector where each entry is a single Statistics object for every band of a particular input cube, and as a vector where each entry is a vector of Statistics objects, for each band separately, of a particular input cube.

Definition at line 737 of file Process.cpp.

References Isis::Statistics::AddData(), Isis::Cube::bandCount(), Isis::Progress::CheckStatus(), Isis::Buffer::DoubleBuffer(), Isis::Cube::lineCount(), Isis::Cube::read(), Isis::LineManager::SetLine(), Isis::Progress::SetMaximumSteps(), Isis::Progress::SetText(), Isis::Buffer::size(), and Isis::toString().

◆ ClearCubes()

void Isis::Process::ClearCubes ( )

Close owned cubes from the list and clear the list.

Definition at line 509 of file Process.cpp.

◆ ClearInputCubes()

void Isis::Process::ClearInputCubes ( )

Close owned input cubes from the list and clear the list.

Definition at line 519 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by RingsSetOutputCube(), Isis::FileTool::saveAsReducedCube(), and SetOutputCube().

◆ ClearOutputCubes()

void Isis::Process::ClearOutputCubes ( )

Close owned output cubes from the list and clear the list.

Definition at line 533 of file Process.cpp.

◆ CubeStatistics()

Isis::Statistics* Isis::Process::CubeStatistics ( const unsigned  index)

Get the Statistics object for all bands of a specified input cube.

indexThe index of the input cube in InputCubes
Statistics* Collections of statistics gathered on all bands

Definition at line 304 of file Process.h.

References Isis::Process::p_cubeStats.

◆ EndProcess()

void Isis::ProcessMosaic::EndProcess ( )

Cleans up by closing input, output and tracking cubes.

Reimplemented from Isis::Process.

Definition at line 534 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ FillNull()

void Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::FillNull ( Buffer data)

Reset the buffer with NULL pixels.

Definition at line 840 of file ProcessMapMosaic.cpp.

References Isis::Null, and Isis::Buffer::size().

◆ Finalize()

void Isis::Process::Finalize ( )

Cleans up by closing cubes and freeing memory for owned cubes.

Clears the lists for all cubes.

Reimplemented in Isis::ProcessImportPds, Isis::ProcessByBrick, Isis::ProcessByBoxcar, Isis::ProcessByTile, Isis::ProcessGroundPolygons, and Isis::ProcessPolygons.

Definition at line 491 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ProcessByBoxcar::Finalize().

◆ GetHighSaturationFlag()

bool Isis::ProcessMosaic::GetHighSaturationFlag ( ) const
See also

Definition at line 837 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ GetInputStartBandInMosaic()

int Isis::ProcessMosaic::GetInputStartBandInMosaic ( ) const

This is the band where the image was placed into the output mosaic.

Definition at line 893 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ GetInputStartLineInMosaic()

int Isis::ProcessMosaic::GetInputStartLineInMosaic ( ) const

This is the line where the image was placed into the output mosaic.

Definition at line 877 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ GetInputStartSampleInMosaic()

int Isis::ProcessMosaic::GetInputStartSampleInMosaic ( ) const

This is the sample where the image was placed into the output mosaic.

Definition at line 885 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ GetLowSaturationFlag()

bool Isis::ProcessMosaic::GetLowSaturationFlag ( ) const
See also

Definition at line 853 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ GetNullFlag()

bool Isis::ProcessMosaic::GetNullFlag ( ) const
See also

Definition at line 861 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ GetTrackFlag()

bool Isis::ProcessMosaic::GetTrackFlag ( ) const
See also

Definition at line 869 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ imagePositions()

PvlObject Isis::ProcessMosaic::imagePositions ( )

Accessor for the placed images and their locations.

The list of placed images

Definition at line 549 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ MissionData()

QString Isis::Process::MissionData ( const QString &  mission,
const QString &  file,
bool  highestVersion = false 

This method reads the mission specific data directory from the user preference file, makes sure that mission is available in the Isis installation, and the attaches the provided input file to the directory in order to create a full file specification.

missionName of the mission data directory
fileName of the file to attach to the end of the directory
highestVersionIf set to true the method will return the highest version number of the given file. Therefore, file must contain question marks such as "file???.dat". See the FileName class for more information on versioned files. Defaults to false.

Definition at line 682 of file Process.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::FileName::expanded(), Isis::FileName::fileExists(), Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), and Isis::FileName::highestVersion().

◆ OverlayToString()

QString Isis::ProcessMosaic::OverlayToString ( ImageOverlay  imageOverlay)

Convert an ImageOverlay to a QString.

This is used to translate between mapmos, handmos, and automos' interfaces into an ImageOverlay.

Definition at line 902 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, and Isis::toString().

◆ Progress()

Isis::Progress* Isis::Process::Progress ( )

◆ PropagateHistory()

void Isis::Process::PropagateHistory ( const bool  prop)

This method allows the programmer to propagate history to the output cube (default is true)

propFlag indicating if history is to be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 651 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by RingsSetOutputCube(), and SetOutputCube().

◆ PropagateLabels() [1/2]

void Isis::Process::PropagateLabels ( const bool  prop)

This method allows the programmer to turn on/off the propagation of labels from the 1st input cube to any of the output cubes.

By default, propagation occurs automatically in the Process class when a call to either of the SetOutputCube methods is invoked. If the program * requires no propagation then utilize this method. This method can be invoked between successive calls of SetOutputCube so that some cube will have labels propagated while others will not.

propFlag indicating if labels are be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 555 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by RingsSetOutputCube(), and SetOutputCube().

◆ PropagateLabels() [2/2]

void Isis::Process::PropagateLabels ( const QString &  cube)

This method allows the programmer to propagate labels from a specific secondary cube.

cubeIString containing the name of the cube containing the labels to propagate.

Definition at line 566 of file Process.cpp.

References Isis::PvlObject::addGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::addObject(), Isis::PvlObject::findObject(), Isis::PvlObject::group(), Isis::PvlObject::groups(), and Isis::PvlObject::hasObject().

◆ PropagateOriginalLabel()

void Isis::Process::PropagateOriginalLabel ( const bool  prop)

This method allows the programmer to propagate original labels to the output cube (default is true)

propFlag indicating if original labels is to be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 662 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by RingsSetOutputCube(), and SetOutputCube().

◆ PropagatePolygons()

void Isis::Process::PropagatePolygons ( const bool  prop)

This method allows the programmer to propagate input blobs to the output cube (default is true)

propFlag indicating if input blobs are to be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 641 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by RingsSetOutputCube(), and SetOutputCube().

◆ PropagateTables() [1/2]

void Isis::Process::PropagateTables ( const bool  prop)

This method allows the programmer to propagate input tables to the output cube (default is true)

propFlag indicating if input tables are to be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 594 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by RingsSetOutputCube(), and SetOutputCube().

◆ PropagateTables() [2/2]

void Isis::Process::PropagateTables ( const QString &  fromName,
const QList< QString > &  tableNames = QList<QString>() 

Propagate the tables from the cube with the given filename to the output cube.

This is done at the time this method is called, not during normal processing. The names of the tables to propagate can be provided through the second paramter, by specifing a list of table names. Not providing any list (or providing an empty list) will propagate all tables.

fromNameQString of the name of the cube containing the tables to propagate.
tableNamesList of QStrings of the names of the tables to propagate; default is empty, which indicates that all tables will be propagated.
2016-11-30 Ian Humphrey - Added tableNames parameter so that only specified tables will be propagated when calling this method. Note that a default of an empty QList is used to propagate all tables. References #4433.

Definition at line 614 of file Process.cpp.

References Isis::Cube::label(), Isis::PvlObject::object(), Isis::PvlObject::objects(), Isis::Cube::open(), and Isis::Cube::read().

◆ RingsSetOutputCube() [1/5]

Isis::Cube * Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube ( FileList propagationCubes,
CubeAttributeOutput oAtt,
const QString &  mosaicFile 

Set the output cube to specified file name and specified input images and output attributes.

Definition at line 287 of file ProcessMapMosaic.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Cube::bandCount(), Isis::Cube::close(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::CreateFromCube(), Isis::Cube::label(), Isis::Cube::lineCount(), Isis::Cube::open(), Isis::Cube::sampleCount(), and Isis::toString().

◆ RingsSetOutputCube() [2/5]

Isis::Cube * Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube ( FileList propagationCubes,
double  srad,
double  erad,
double  saz,
double  eaz,
CubeAttributeOutput oAtt,
const QString &  mosaicFile 

Set the output cube to specified file name using the specified input images, output attributes, ring radii values and ring longitude values.

propagationCubesList of input images
sradStart ring radius
eradEnd ring radius
sazStart ring longitude (azimuth)
eazEnd ring longitude (azimuth)
oAttOutput attributes
mosaicFileName of the output mosaic file

Definition at line 449 of file ProcessMapMosaic.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlContainer::addKeyword(), Isis::Cube::bandCount(), Isis::PvlContainer::deleteKeyword(), Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), Isis::PvlContainer::hasKeyword(), Isis::Cube::label(), Isis::Cube::open(), Isis::Pvl::read(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::RingsCreateForCube(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::RingsCreateFromCube(), and Isis::toString().

◆ RingsSetOutputCube() [3/5]

Isis::Cube * Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube ( const QString &  inputFile,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
double  ymin,
double  ymax,
double  srad,
double  erad,
double  saz,
double  eaz,
int  nbands,
CubeAttributeOutput oAtt,
const QString &  mosaicFile 

Set the output cube to specified file name using the specified input file name, output attributes, ring radii values and ring longitude values.

inputFileName of input file
xminMinimum x-value
xmaxMaximum x-value
yminMinimum y-value
ymaxMaximum y-value
sradStart ring radius
eradEnd ring radius
sazStart ring longitude (azimuth)
eazEnd ring longitude (azimuth)
oAttOutput attributes
mosaicFileName of the output mosaic file

Definition at line 622 of file ProcessMapMosaic.cpp.

References Isis::Cube::addCachingAlgorithm(), Isis::PvlObject::addGroup(), Isis::PvlContainer::addKeyword(), Isis::Process::ClearInputCubes(), Isis::ProcessByBrick::EndProcess(), Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), Isis::Cube::open(), Isis::Process::Progress(), Isis::Process::PropagateHistory(), Isis::Process::PropagateLabels(), Isis::Process::PropagateOriginalLabel(), Isis::Process::PropagatePolygons(), Isis::Process::PropagateTables(), Isis::Cube::putGroup(), Isis::ProcessByLine::SetInputCube(), Isis::ProcessByBrick::SetOutputCube(), Isis::Progress::SetText(), Isis::ProcessByLine::StartProcess(), Isis::toString(), Isis::Projection::ToWorldX(), and Isis::Projection::ToWorldY().

◆ RingsSetOutputCube() [4/5]

◆ RingsSetOutputCube() [5/5]

Cube * Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::RingsSetOutputCube ( const QString &  mosaicFile)

Mosaic output method for Mosaic Processing Method, this will use an existing mosaic.

Definition at line 821 of file ProcessMapMosaic.cpp.

References Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), Isis::Cube::label(), and Isis::Cube::open().

◆ SetBandKeyword()

void Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetBandKeyword ( QString  bandPriorityKeyName,
QString  bandPriorityKeyValue 

Set the keyword/value to use for comparing when using band priority.

Definition at line 753 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ SetBandNumber()

void Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetBandNumber ( int  bandPriorityBandNumber)

Set the band to use for priorities when using band priority.

Definition at line 762 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ SetBandUseMaxValue()

void Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetBandUseMaxValue ( bool  useMax)

Set whether to take the image with the max or min value when using band priority.

Definition at line 771 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ SetCreateFlag()

void Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetCreateFlag ( bool  createOutputMosaic)

Flag to indicate that the mosaic is being newly created Indication that the new label specific to the mosaic needs to be created.

Sharmila Prasad (1/19/2011)
createOutputMosaic- Set Create Flag True/False

Definition at line 784 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ SetHighSaturationFlag()

void Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetHighSaturationFlag ( bool  placeHighSatPixels)

When true, high saturation (HRS, HIS) will be considered valid data for the purposes of placing pixels in the output mosaic.

Definition at line 793 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ SetInputCube() [1/7]

Isis::Cube * Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetInputCube ( )

Input cube cannot be set here.

Definition at line 56 of file ProcessMapMosaic.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

◆ SetInputCube() [2/7]

Isis::Cube * Isis::Process::SetInputCube ( const QString &  parameter,
const int  requirements = 0 

Opens an input cube specified by the user and verifies requirements are met.

parameterUser parameter to obtain file to open. Typically, the value is "FROM". For example, the user can specify on the command line FROM=myfile.cub and this method will attempt to open the cube "myfile.cub" if the parameter was set to "FROM".
requirementsUse to specify requirements for the input file. The following are requirments are checked against 1) ic_base::SizeMatch checks to make sure the input cube has the same bands, samples, and lines as the first input cube open using this method, 2) ic_base::SpatialMatch checks to make sure the input cube has the same samples and lines as the first input cube, 3) ic_base::Georeferenced checks to make sure latitude/longitudes can be obtained from the input cube, 4) ic_base::FullyGeoreferenced checks to make sure latitude/longitude, phase/incidence/emission, and other geometric parameters can be obtained from the input cube, 5) ic_base::OneBand checks to make sure the input cube has exactly one band. Note, that these requirements can be logically or'ed. For example, ic_base::SpatialMatch | ic_base::georeferenced. Defaults to 0

Reimplemented in Isis::ProcessByLine, Isis::ProcessByBrick, Isis::ProcessBySpectra, and Isis::ProcessBySample.

Definition at line 243 of file Process.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ImageExporter::addChannel(), Isis::JigsawRunWidget::on_JigsawAcceptButton_clicked(), Isis::FileTool::saveAsEnlargedCube(), and Isis::ProcessGroundPolygons::SetStatCubes().

◆ SetInputCube() [3/7]

Isis::Cube * Isis::Process::SetInputCube ( const QString &  fname,
const Isis::CubeAttributeInput att,
int  requirements = 0 

Opens an input cube specified by the programmer and verifies requirements are met.

fnameProgrammer specified work file. For example, "myfile.cub".
attThe cube attributes to use when opening the input cube.
requirementsSame as requirements on SetInputCube. See that method for more details. Defaults to 0

Reimplemented in Isis::ProcessByBrick.

Definition at line 82 of file Process.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Cube::bandCount(), Isis::CubeAttributeInput::bands(), Isis::Cube::lineCount(), Isis::Cube::open(), Isis::Cube::sampleCount(), and Isis::Cube::setVirtualBands().

◆ SetInputCube() [4/7]

void Isis::Process::SetInputCube ( Isis::Cube inCube)

Set the InputCube vector to an opened Cube which was dynamically allocated.

This is used if there already exists a valid opened cube

Sharmila Prasad (5/7/2011)
inCube- Pointer to input Cube

Reimplemented in Isis::ProcessByLine.

Definition at line 201 of file Process.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, and Isis::Cube::isOpen().

◆ SetInputCube() [5/7]

Isis::Cube * Isis::Process::SetInputCube

Opens an input cube specified by the user and verifies requirements are met.

parameterUser parameter to obtain file to open. Typically, the value is "FROM". For example, the user can specify on the command line FROM=myfile.cub and this method will attempt to open the cube "myfile.cub" if the parameter was set to "FROM".
requirementsUse to specify requirements for the input file. The following are requirments are checked against 1) ic_base::SizeMatch checks to make sure the input cube has the same bands, samples, and lines as the first input cube open using this method, 2) ic_base::SpatialMatch checks to make sure the input cube has the same samples and lines as the first input cube, 3) ic_base::Georeferenced checks to make sure latitude/longitudes can be obtained from the input cube, 4) ic_base::FullyGeoreferenced checks to make sure latitude/longitude, phase/incidence/emission, and other geometric parameters can be obtained from the input cube, 5) ic_base::OneBand checks to make sure the input cube has exactly one band. Note, that these requirements can be logically or'ed. For example, ic_base::SpatialMatch | ic_base::georeferenced. Defaults to 0

Definition at line 243 of file Process.cpp.

◆ SetInputCube() [6/7]

Cube * Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetInputCube ( const QString &  parameter,
const int  ss,
const int  sl,
const int  sb,
const int  ns,
const int  nl,
const int  nb 

Opens an input cube specified by the user.

This method is overloaded and adds the requirement that only one input cube can be specified.

parameterUser parameter to obtain file to open. Typically, the value is "FROM". For example, the user can specify on the command line FROM=myfile.cub and this method will attempt to open the cube "myfile.cub" if the parameter was set to "FROM".
ssThe starting sample within the input cube. This allowd the application to choose a sub-area from the input cube to be place into the mosaic. Defaults to 1
slThe starting line within the input cube. This allowd the application to choose a sub-area from the input cube to be place into the mosaic. Defaults to 1
sbThe starting band within the input cube. This allowd the application to choose a sub-area from the input cube to be place into the mosaic. Defaults to 1
nsThe number of samples from the input cube. This allowd the application to choose a sub-area from the input cube to be place into the mosaic. Defaults to number of samples in the cube
nlThe number of lines from the input cube. This allowd the application to choose a sub-area from the input cube to be place into the mosaic. Defaults to number of lines in the cube
nbThe number of bands from the input cube. This allowd the application to choose a sub-area from the input cube to be place into the mosaic. Defaults to number of bands in the cube

Definition at line 591 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), and Isis::toInt().

◆ SetInputCube() [7/7]

Cube * Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetInputCube ( const QString &  fname,
Isis::CubeAttributeInput att,
const int  ss = 1,
const int  sl = 1,
const int  sb = 1,
const int  ns = -1,
const int  nl = -1,
const int  nb = -1 

Opens an input cube specified by the user.

This method is overloaded and adds the requirement that only one input cube can be specified.

ssThe starting sample within the input cube. This allowd the application to choose a sub-area from the input cube to be place into the mosaic. Defaults to 1
slThe starting line within the input cube. This allowd the application to choose a sub-area from the input cube to be place into the mosaic. Defaults to 1
sbThe starting band within the input cube. This allowd the application to choose a sub-area from the input cube to be place into the mosaic. Defaults to 1
nsThe number of samples from the input cube. This allowd the application to choose a sub-area from the input cube to be place into the mosaic. Defaults to number of samples in the cube
nlThe number of lines from the input cube. This allowd the application to choose a sub-area from the input cube to be place into the mosaic. Defaults to number of lines in the cube
nbThe number of bands from the input cube. This allowd the application to choose a sub-area from the input cube to be place into the mosaic. Defaults to number of bands in the cube

Definition at line 661 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), and Isis::toInt().

◆ SetLowSaturationFlag()

void Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetLowSaturationFlag ( bool  placeLowSatPixels)

When true, low saturation (LRS, LIS) will be considered valid data for the purposes of placing pixels in the output mosaic.

Definition at line 807 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ SetMatchDEM()

void Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetMatchDEM ( bool  matchDEM)

Set the DEM match flag.

matchDEMIf true, the match is enforced between Input & Mosaic

Definition at line 815 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ SetNullFlag()

void Isis::ProcessMosaic::SetNullFlag ( bool  placeNullPixels)

When true, Null pixels will be considered valid data for the purposes of placing pixels in the output mosaic.

Definition at line 824 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

◆ SetOutputCube() [1/7]

Isis::Cube * Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube ( FileList propagationCubes,
CubeAttributeOutput oAtt,
const QString &  mosaicFile 

Set the output cube to specified file name and specified input images and output attributes.

Definition at line 208 of file ProcessMapMosaic.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Cube::bandCount(), Isis::Cube::close(), Isis::ProjectionFactory::CreateFromCube(), Isis::Cube::label(), Isis::Cube::lineCount(), Isis::Cube::open(), Isis::Cube::sampleCount(), and Isis::toString().

◆ SetOutputCube() [2/7]

Isis::Cube * Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube ( FileList propagationCubes,
double  slat,
double  elat,
double  slon,
double  elon,
CubeAttributeOutput oAtt,
const QString &  mosaicFile 

◆ SetOutputCube() [3/7]

◆ SetOutputCube() [4/7]

◆ SetOutputCube() [5/7]

Cube * Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::SetOutputCube ( const QString &  mosaicFile)

Mosaic output method for Mosaic Processing Method, this will use an existing mosaic.

Reimplemented from Isis::Process.

Definition at line 801 of file ProcessMapMosaic.cpp.

References Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), Isis::Cube::label(), and Isis::Cube::open().

◆ SetOutputCube() [6/7]

Isis::Cube * Isis::Process::SetOutputCube ( const QString &  parameter,
const int  ns,
const int  nl,
const int  nb = 1 

Allocates a user specified output cube whose size is specified by the programmer.

parameterUser specified output file. For example, "TO" is a popular user parameter. If the user specified TO=output.cub, then this routine would allocate the file output.cub with size specified by the first opened input cube. The output pixel type will be propagated from the first loaded input cube or will use the value in the application XML file for pixelType.
nsNumber of samples to allocate
nlNumber of lines to allocate
nbNumber of bands to allocate

Definition at line 302 of file Process.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

◆ SetOutputCube() [7/7]

Isis::Cube * Isis::Process::SetOutputCube ( const QString &  fname,
const Isis::CubeAttributeOutput att,
const int  ns,
const int  nl,
const int  nb = 1 

◆ StartProcess() [1/3]

◆ StartProcess() [2/3]

virtual void Isis::Process::StartProcess ( void   funct())

In the base class, this method will invoked a user-specified function exactly one time.

In derived classes such as ProcessByLine, the StartProcess will invoke a user-specified function for every line in a cube.

funct()Name of your processing function

Definition at line 228 of file Process.h.

◆ StartProcess() [3/3]

void Isis::ProcessMosaic::StartProcess ( const int &  os,
const int &  ol,
const int &  ob 

This method invokes the process by mosaic operation over a single input cube and single output cube.

Unlike other Isis process objects, no application . function will be called. The processing is handled entirely within the mosaic object. The input cube must be pixel aligned with the output cube before mosaiking. If the input cube does not overlay any of the output cube, no processing takes place. There are 3 priorities input, mosaic and band. Has the ability to track the origin of the mosaic if the flag is set. Some conditions apply like tracking turned off for multiband input with input or mosaic priority.

osThe sample position of input cube starting sample relative to the output cube. The cordinate is in output cube space and may be any integer value negative or positive.
olThe line position of input cube starting line relative to the output cube. The cordinate is in output cube space and may be any integer value negative or positive.
obThe band position of input cube starting band relative to the output cube. The cordinate is in output cube space and must be a legal band number within the output cube.
Sharmila Prasad (8/25/2009)

Definition at line 121 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::PvlObject::findObject(), and Isis::toString().

◆ StringToOverlay()

ProcessMosaic::ImageOverlay Isis::ProcessMosaic::StringToOverlay ( QString  imageOverlayString)

Convert a QString to an ImageOverlay (case-insensitive).

This is used to translate between mapmos, handmos, and automos' interfaces into an ImageOverlay.

Definition at line 940 of file ProcessMosaic.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

◆ WriteHistory()

void Isis::Process::WriteHistory ( Cube cube)

Member Data Documentation

◆ InputCubes

◆ m_ownedCubes

QSet<Isis::Cube *>* Isis::Process::m_ownedCubes

A list of cubes owned by this instant.

These cubes will be deleted on finalization. Process will not take ownership of cubes allocated outside of Process. It is the caller's responsibility to delete such cubes.

Definition at line 214 of file Process.h.

◆ OutputCubes

std::vector<Isis::Cube *> Isis::Process::OutputCubes

◆ p_bandStats

std::vector< std::vector< Isis::Statistics * > > Isis::Process::p_bandStats

Holds the calculated statistics for each band separately of every input cubei after the CalculateStatistics method is called.

Definition at line 187 of file Process.h.

Referenced by Isis::Process::BandStatistics().

◆ p_createMosaic

bool Isis::ProcessMapMosaic::p_createMosaic

Internal use; SetOutputMosaic (const QString &) sets to false to not attempt creation when using SetOutputMosaic.

Definition at line 173 of file ProcessMapMosaic.h.

◆ p_cubeStats

std::vector< Isis::Statistics * > Isis::Process::p_cubeStats

Holds the calculated statistics for every band together of every input cubei after the CalculateStatistics method is called.

Definition at line 194 of file Process.h.

Referenced by Isis::Process::CubeStatistics().

◆ p_progress

◆ p_propagateHistory

bool Isis::Process::p_propagateHistory

Flag indicating if history is to be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 176 of file Process.h.

◆ p_propagateLabels

bool Isis::Process::p_propagateLabels

Flag indicating if labels are be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 164 of file Process.h.

◆ p_propagateOriginalLabel

bool Isis::Process::p_propagateOriginalLabel

Flag indicating if original lable is to be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 180 of file Process.h.

◆ p_propagatePolygons

bool Isis::Process::p_propagatePolygons

Flag indicating if blobs are be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 172 of file Process.h.

◆ p_propagateTables

bool Isis::Process::p_propagateTables

Flag indicating if tables are be propagated to output cubes.

Definition at line 168 of file Process.h.


const char * Isis::ProcessMosaic::TRACKING_TABLE_NAME = "InputImages"

This is the name of the table in the Cube which will contain the image file names.

Definition at line 213 of file ProcessMosaic.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: