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Isis Developer Reference

The Objects in this module perform math on cube data. More...


class  Isis::Affine
 Affine basis function. More...
class  Isis::NumericalAtmosApprox
 This class extends Isis::NumericalApproximation. More...
class  Isis::Basis1VariableFunction
 Time based linear equation class. More...
class  Isis::BasisFunction
 Generic linear equation class. More...
class  Isis::Calculator
 Calculator for arrays. More...
class  Isis::CubeCalculator
 Calculator for arrays. More...
class  Isis::CubeInfixToPostfix
 Converter for math equations. More...
class  Isis::FourierTransform
 Fourier Transform class. More...
class  Isis::FunctionTools
 A collection of tools for mathmatical function root finding, maximization, etc (eventually) This class contains only static methods, and cannot be instantiated. More...
class  Isis::InfixToPostfix
 Converter for math equations. More...
class  Isis::InlineInfixToPostfix
 A parser for converting equation strings to postfix. More...
class  Isis::LeastSquares
 Generic least square fitting class. More...
class  Isis::Matrix
 Matrix class. More...
class  Isis::NthOrderPolynomial
 NthOrderPolynomial basis function. More...
class  Isis::NumericalApproximation
 NumericalApproximation provides various numerical analysis methods of interpolation, extrapolation and approximation of a tabulated set of x, y data. More...
class  Isis::PolynomialBivariate
 Nth degree Polynomial with two variables. More...
class  Isis::PolynomialUnivariate
 Nth degree Polynomial with one variable. More...
class  Isis::PrincipalComponentAnalysis
 Principal Component Analysis class. More...
class  Isis::StatCumProbDistDynCalc
 This class is used to approximate cumulative probibility distributions of a stream of observations without storing the observations or having any apriori knowlege of the range of the data. More...
class  Isis::Statistics
 This class is used to accumulate statistics on double arrays. More...
class  Isis::SurfaceModel
 Model a 3-D surface. More...
class  Isis::MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions
 Class provides maximum likelihood estimation functions for robust parameter estimation, e.g. More...

Detailed Description

The Objects in this module perform math on cube data.

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File Modified: 03/21/2022 06:54:56