Isis 3 Programmer Reference
int getTdi()
Returns the value of the Tdi keyword read from the instrument group in the labels of a hirise cube.
int p_tdi
Value of the Tdi keyword from the cube's Instrument group, if it exists.
HiLab(Cube *cube)
Constructs a HiLab Object.
int getBin()
Returns the bin value, read as the value of the Summing keyword from the instrument group in the labe...
int getChannel()
Returns the value of the ChannelNumber keyword read from the instrument group in the labels of a hiri...
int p_cpmmNumber
Value of the CpmmNumber keyword from the cube's Instrument group.
int getCcd()
Returns the value of the ccd from a lookup table based on the cpmm number.
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
int p_bin
Value of the Summing keyword from the cube's Instrument group, if it exists.
int getCpmmNumber()
Returns the value of the CpmmNumber keyword read from the instrument group in the labels of a hiris c...
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
int p_channel
Value of the ChannelNumber keyword from the cube's Instrument group.