Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1 #ifndef MatrixOptionsDialog_h
2 #define MatrixOptionsDialog_h
7 #include "MatrixOptions.h"
45 void optionsUpdated();
86 QPointer<QRadioButton> m_colorToleranceRadioButton;
87 QPointer<QSlider> m_colorToleranceSlider;
92 QPointer<QLineEdit> m_colorToleranceLineEdit;
104 QPointer<QComboBox> m_image1ComboBox;
105 QPointer<QComboBox> m_parameter1ComboBox;
106 QPointer<QComboBox> m_image2ComboBox;
107 QPointer<QComboBox> m_parameter2ComboBox;
111 QPointer<QLineEdit> m_focusToleranceLineEdit;
112 QPointer<QComboBox> m_goodElementsComboBox;
113 QPointer<QComboBox> m_badElementsComboBox;
114 QPointer<QWidget> m_verticalLayoutWidget;
117 QPointer<QLabel> m_currentValueLabel;
118 QPointer<QLabel> m_image1NameLabel;
119 QPointer<QLabel> m_parameter1NameLabel;
120 QPointer<QLabel> m_image2NameLabel;
121 QPointer<QLabel> m_parameter2NameLabel;
QPointer< QPushButton > m_badCorrelationColorButton
Color to use when for matrix elements that are above the given threshold.
void applyOptions()
Send changes back to scene widget (MatrixOptions) so it can redraw the elements in the right color.
QPointer< QRadioButton > m_focusToleranceRadioButton
Focus the matrix on a selected correlation value.
QPointer< QRadioButton > m_worstCorrelationRadioButton
Focus the matrix on the worst correlation................. What if there is more than one?
void populateParameterComboBox(int index)
Update parameter combo boxes at real time, when the img combo boxes are changed.
void askUserForBadColor()
slot called when user clicks on bad correlation color button
This class holds the matrix color and focus information.
QPointer< QRadioButton > m_bestCorrelationRadioButton
Focus the matrix on the best correlation................. What if there is more than one?
void setColorToleranceStatus(bool enable)
If the tolerance radiobutton is selected, this method will be called with true passed as the paramete...
QPointer< QRadioButton > m_gradientRadioButton
Select a tolerance for the color values.
void updateSpecificParameterComboBox(const QString &key, QComboBox *comboBox)
When the user switches the image combobox this slot will update the parameter combobox to be filled w...
void updateCorrelationData(QString currentData)
Update the current correlation information.
void setSpecificParametersStatus(bool enable)
If the specific parameters radio button is selected, the image and parameter spinboxes will be enable...
QPointer< QRadioButton > m_specificCorrelationRadioButton
Focus the matrix on the correlation corresponding to the specified images and parameters.
void updateSpecParam1ComboBox(const QString &key)
when the img1 combo box is changed this slot will update the parameter combo box.
This widget allows the user to modify the matrix display.
Default Destructor.
void setFocusToleranceStatus(bool enable)
If the focus tolerance radio button is selected, the tolerance widgets will be enabled.
void refreshWidgetStates()
This method will enable and disable widgets depending on which radio button is selected.
void updateToleranceSlider(const QString &value)
slot called when user modifies the color tolerance line edit text.
void updateToleranceLineEdit(int value)
slot called when user changes the slider position.
void askUserForColor(QPushButton *button)
Prompt the user for a new color.
void updateSpecParam2ComboBox(const QString &key)
when the img2 combo box is changed this slot will update the parameter combo box.
void readOptions()
Get the current options from the matrix scene widget.
QPointer< QPushButton > m_goodCorrelationColorButton
Color to use for matrix elements that are below the given threshold.
MatrixOptions * m_options
This will be used to populate all the widgets.
void askUserForGoodColor()
slot called when user clicks on good correlation color button
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
MatrixOptionsDialog(MatrixOptions *options, QWidget *parent)
Main constructor.