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Clean-up application for Mariner10 images

Overview Parameters Example 1


Mar10clean performs the clean up of Mariner10 images. This includes salt and pepper noise, removing reseaus, and trimming edges of invalid data. The program runs mar10nonoise to clean up noise followed by findrx and remrx. Several lowpass filters fill in the null areas left by the noise removal. Finally a trim is also completed which nulls the top 5 rows of pixels, left 11 columns pixels, and the bottom 8 rows of pixels.

This program only allows itself to be run once on an image. It is intended for non-compressed images only and will not run on compressed images. Compressed images, technically previously compressed, are distinctive because they are mostly null data with good data in a checkerboard patter, see mar10restore for more info. Mar10clean should be run immediately after importing and before calibration.


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Travis Addair2009-08-03 Original version
Mackenzie Boyd2009-08-05 Added example, test
Mackenzie Boyd2009-08-12 Modified order of runs to remove noise before finding and removing reseaus.
Mackenzie Boyd2009-08-12 Added documentation, added a check for being a Mariner10 image, added a check for already cleand cubes.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input file to be cleaned
TO Output cube


Name Description
REMOVE Remove intermediate files
SDIM Number of Samples to Remove around each Reseau
LDIM Number of Lines to Remove around each Reseau

Files: FROM


The cube to be cleaned. The cube will be run through a series of filters to remove salt and pepper noise and reseaus.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
Close Window

Files: TO


The resultant cube containing the clean data.

Type cube
File Mode output
Filter *.cub
Close Window

Options: REMOVE


Option to remove or leave intermediate cube files made by the application.

Type boolean
Default TRUE
Close Window

Options: SDIM


This number will be used in the remrx step of the clean up. It is the number of samples to remove around each reseau.

Type integer
Default 9
Close Window

Options: LDIM


This number will be used in the remrx step of the clean up. It is the number of lines to remove around each reseau.

Type integer
Default 9
Close Window

Example 1

Input Mariner10 Image to be cleaned


This example shows the application in action. It removes all salt and pepper noise as well as reseaus, and trims invalid data around the edges. The brightness difference visible is caused by different stretchs for each image due to the presence of extreme noise values in the input cube.

Command Line

mar10clean from=MVE_030.227.cub to=clean.cub
Input a Mariner10 unclead image to from and output a cleaned image to to.

GUI Screenshot

mar10clean Gui

Example Gui

Screenshot of GUI with parameters filled in to with a Mariner10 uncleaned cube as input and a clean cube as output.

Input Image

Input Mariner10 Image

Mariner10 Image to Clean

Parameter Name: FROM

This is the input Mariner10 image prior to cleaning.

Output Image

Cleaned Mariner10 image

Cleaned Mariner10 Image

Parameter Name: TO

This is the Mariner10 image after the cleaning sequence has taken place.