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1#ifndef ImageImporter_h
2#define ImageImporter_h
9/* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */
11namespace Isis {
12 class Buffer;
13 class Cube;
14 class CubeAttributeOutput;
15 class FileName;
16 class ImageImporter;
17 class PvlGroup;
40 public:
41 ImageImporter(FileName inputName);
42 virtual ~ImageImporter();
44 void operator()(Buffer &out) const;
46 Cube * import(FileName outputName);
47 Cube * import(FileName outputName, CubeAttributeOutput &att);
49 void setNullRange(double min, double max);
50 void setLrsRange(double min, double max);
51 void setHrsRange(double min, double max);
53 void setSamples(int s);
54 void setLines(int l);
55 void setBands(int b);
57 int samples() const;
58 int lines() const;
59 int bands() const;
61 FileName filename() const;
70 virtual PvlGroup convertProjection() const;
77 virtual bool isGrayscale() const = 0;
84 virtual bool isRgb() const = 0;
91 virtual bool isArgb() const = 0;
93 static ImageImporter * fromFileName(FileName inputName);
95 protected:
97 typedef int (ImageImporter::*GetChannelMethod)(int pixel) const;
101 void setDefaultBands();
102 double testSpecial(double pixel) const;
104 virtual GetChannelMethod getBandChannel(int band) const;
105 virtual int convertRgbToGray(int pixel) const;
115 virtual void updateRawBuffer(int line, int band) const = 0;
127 virtual int getPixel(int s, int l) const = 0;
137 virtual int getGray(int pixel) const = 0;
147 virtual int getRed(int pixel) const = 0;
157 virtual int getGreen(int pixel) const = 0;
167 virtual int getBlue(int pixel) const = 0;
177 virtual int getAlpha(int pixel) const = 0;
179 private:
181 FileName *m_inputName;
184 Cube *m_outCube;
187 int m_samples;
190 int m_lines;
193 int m_bands;
196 double m_nullMin;
199 double m_nullMax;
202 double m_lrsMin;
205 double m_lrsMax;
208 double m_hrsMin;
211 double m_hrsMax;
212 };
Buffer for reading and writing cube data.
Definition Buffer.h:53
Manipulate and parse attributes of output cube filenames.
Definition CubeAttribute.h:473
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
Definition Cube.h:168
File name manipulation and expansion.
Definition FileName.h:100
Imports images with standard formats into Isis as cubes.
Definition ImageImporter.h:39
int bands() const
The band dimension (depth) of the output image.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:298
void setLines(int l)
Set the line dimension (height) of the output image.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:251
virtual int getPixel(int s, int l) const =0
Pure virtual method that returns a representation of a pixel for the input format that can then be br...
virtual int getGreen(int pixel) const =0
Pure virtual method for retrieving the green component of the given pixel.
virtual int getBlue(int pixel) const =0
Pure virtual method for retrieving the blue component of the given pixel.
int samples() const
The sample dimension (width) of the output image.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:278
virtual void updateRawBuffer(int line, int band) const =0
Pure virtual method that updates the buffer used to store chunks of the input data at a time.
virtual int getRed(int pixel) const =0
Pure virtual method for retrieving the red component of the given pixel.
void setSamples(int s)
Set the sample dimension (width) of the output image.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:241
ImageImporter(FileName inputName)
Construct the importer.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:32
FileName filename() const
The filename of the input image this instance was constructed with.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:308
virtual int getGray(int pixel) const =0
Pure virtual method for retrieving the gray component of the given pixel.
virtual int convertRgbToGray(int pixel) const
Convert the current pixel, taken from an RGB/A image, and blend its RGB components into a single gray...
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:399
void setDefaultBands()
Set the number of bands to be created for the output cube based on the number of color channels in th...
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:192
void setLrsRange(double min, double max)
Set the range of DN values within which a pixel from the input image will be set to LRS in the output...
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:217
virtual GetChannelMethod getBandChannel(int band) const
Retrieve the method responsible for fetching the color channel from the input image corresponding to ...
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:354
virtual int getAlpha(int pixel) const =0
Pure virtual method for retrieving the alpha component of the given pixel.
double testSpecial(double pixel) const
Tests a pixel against the Null, HRS, and LRS ranges defined by the importer's handler.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:325
virtual PvlGroup convertProjection() const
Pure virtual method for converting projection information in the file being imported to an ISIS Mappi...
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:66
void setHrsRange(double min, double max)
Set the range of DN values within which a pixel from the input image will be set to HRS in the output...
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:230
int(ImageImporter::* GetChannelMethod)(int pixel) const
Friendly alias for a method used to get a particular color channel.
Definition ImageImporter.h:97
static ImageImporter * fromFileName(FileName inputName)
A static (factory) method for constructing an ImageImporter instance from an input filename.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:420
void operator()(Buffer &out) const
The method for processing the output cube in place, called for each line of the output image.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:84
virtual bool isArgb() const =0
Pure virtual method for returning true if the image is RGBA.
Cube * createOutput(FileName outputName, CubeAttributeOutput &att)
Create the output cube from the given filename and attributes.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:179
void setNullRange(double min, double max)
Set the range of DN values within which a pixel from the input image will be set to Null in the outpu...
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:204
void setBands(int b)
Set the band dimension (depth) of the output image.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:263
virtual ~ImageImporter()
Destruct the importer.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:51
virtual bool isGrayscale() const =0
Pure virtual method for returning true if the image is grayscale.
int lines() const
The line dimension (height) of the output image.
Definition ImageImporter.cpp:288
virtual bool isRgb() const =0
Pure virtual method for returning true if the image is RGB (no alpha).
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
Definition PvlGroup.h:41
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16

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File Modified: 03/27/2024 15:35:15