►NIsis | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
►NGSL | |
CGSLUtility | GSLUtility Provides top level interface to the GNU GSL |
CAbstractFilter | Base class for control net filters |
CAbstractFilterSelector | Base class for filter selectors |
CAbstractImageItem | Base class for an image item in the tree |
CAbstractLeafItem | Base class for leaf items in the tree |
CAbstractMeasureItem | Base class for a measure item in the tree |
CAbstractMultipleChoiceFilter | Base class for combo box type filters |
CAbstractNullDataItem | Base class for an item without data |
CAbstractNumberFilter | Base class for filters that are number-based |
CAbstractParentItem | Base class for an item that is a parent in the tree |
CAbstractPlate | Abstract interface to a TIN plate |
CAbstractPlotTool | Parent class for plotting tools which provides common functionality |
CAbstractPointItem | Base class for a point item in the tree |
CAbstractProjectItemView | AbstractProjectItemView is a base class for views of a ProjectItemModel in Qt's model-view framework |
CAbstractStringFilter | Base class for filters that are string-based |
CAbstractTableDelegate | Base class for delegates which create, read, and save data in the tables |
CAbstractTableModel | Translates the tree model into a table model |
CAbstractTreeItem | Base class for an item in the tree |
CAbstractTreeModel | Base class for tree models |
CAdaptiveGruen | Gruen (adaptive) pattern matching |
CAdjustedLatitudeFilter | Allows filtering by adjusted surface point latitude |
CAdjustedLatitudeSigmaFilter | Allows filtering by adjusted surface point latitude sigma |
CAdjustedLongitudeFilter | Allows filtering by adjusted surface point longitude |
CAdjustedLongitudeSigmaFilter | Allows filtering by adjusted surface point longitude sigma |
CAdjustedRadiusFilter | Allows filtering by adjusted surface point radius |
CAdjustedRadiusSigmaFilter | Allows filtering by adjusted surface point radius sigma |
CAdvancedStretch | Advanced Stretch Dialog |
CAdvancedStretchDialog | Advanced Stretch Dialog |
CAdvancedTrackTool | Tool to display info for a point on a cube |
CAffine | Affine basis function |
CAffineRadio | Container for affine and radiometric parameters |
CAffineTolerance | Container for Affine limits parameters |
CAlbedo | Albedo normalization |
CAlbedoAtm | Albedo normalization with atmosphere |
CAlphaCube | This class is used to rewrite the "alpha" keywords out of the AlphaCube group or Instrument group |
CAnalysis | Error analysis of Gruen match point solution |
CAngle | Defines an angle and provides unit conversions |
CAnisotropic1 | |
CAnisotropic2 | |
CApollo | Reads user Apollos from a data file |
CApolloMetricCamera | Apollo Metric Camera Model |
CApolloMetricDistortionMap | Apollo Metric Distortion Map |
CApolloPanIO | Calculates a series of affine transformations from the measured coordinates of the up to 90 fiducial marks on a complete (stiched) apollo panoramic cube |
CApolloPanoramicCamera | Apollo Panoramic Camera |
CApolloPanoramicDetectorMap | Convert between parent image (aka encoder aka machine) coordinates and detector coordinates |
CApplication | |
CAPrioriLatitudeFilter | Allows filtering by a priori surface point latitude |
CAPrioriLatitudeSigmaFilter | Allows filtering by a priori surface point latitude sigma |
CAPrioriLongitudeFilter | Allows filtering by a priori surface point longitude |
CAPrioriLongitudeSigmaFilter | Allows filtering by a priori surface point longitude sigma |
CAPrioriRadiusFilter | Allows filtering by a priori surface point radius |
CAPrioriRadiusSigmaFilter | Allows filtering by a priori surface point radius sigma |
CArea3D | Represents a 3D area (a 3D "cube") |
CArrayRemoval | Policy for deleting arrays that CollectorMap owns |
CAtmosModel | Isotropic atmos scattering model |
CAtmosModelFactory | This class is used to create AtmosModel objects |
CAutoReg | Auto Registration class |
CAutoRegFactory | This class is used to create AutoReg objects |
CAverage | Functor for reduce using average functionality |
CBandManager | Buffer manager, for moving through a cube in bands |
CBandSpinBox | |
CBandTool | |
CBasis1VariableFunction | Time based linear equation class |
CBasisFunction | Generic linear equation class |
CBinaryStretchType | This handles the advanced binary stretch |
CBlinkTool | |
CBlob | |
CBlobber | Base class for accessing ISIS blobs |
CBoxcarCachingAlgorithm | This algorithm is designed for applications that jump around between a couple of spots in the cube with a difficult to predict pattern but always the same places in the cube |
CBoxcarManager | Buffer manager, for moving through a cube by boxcar |
CBrick | Buffer for containing a three dimensional section of an image |
CBrowseDialog | Class for browsing cubes |
CBuffer | Buffer for reading and writing cube data |
CBufferManager | Manages a Buffer over a cube |
CBulletAllHitsRayCallback | Bullet ray tracing callback to return all intersections along a ray's path |
CBulletClosestRayCallback | Bullet ray tracing callback for closest hit on target surface |
CBulletDskShape | Bullet Target Shape for NAIF type 2 DSK models |
CBulletShapeModel | Shape model that uses the Bullet library to perform ray tracing |
CBulletTargetShape | Bullet Target Shape for planetary bodies |
CBulletWorldManager | Bullet World manager maintains a proper state for target bodies |
CBundleAdjust | An image bundle adjustment object |
CBundleControlPoint | This class holds information about a control point that BundleAdjust needs to run correctly |
CBundleImage | This class hold image information that BundleAdjust needs to run correctly.Definition for a BundleImageQsp, a shared pointer to a BundleImage |
CBundleLidarControlPoint | This class holds information about a lidar control point that BundleAdjust requires |
CBundleLidarPointVector | This class is a container class for BundleLidarControlPoints |
CBundleLidarRangeConstraint | Implements range constraint between image position and lidar point acquired simultaneously with the image |
CBundleMeasure | A container class for a ControlMeasure |
CBundleObservation | Abstract base class for an observation in bundle adjustment |
CBundleObservationSolveSettings | This class is used to modify and manage solve settings for 1 to many BundleObservations |
CBundleObservationVector | This class is a container class for BundleObservations |
CBundleObservationView | View for displaying BundleObservation CSV files |
CBundleObservationViewWorkOrder | This is a child of the WorkOrder class which is used for anything that performs an action in a Project |
CBundleResults | A container class for statistical results from a BundleAdjust solution |
CBundleSettings | Container class for BundleAdjustment settings |
CBundleSolutionInfo | Container class for BundleAdjustment results |
CBundleTargetBody | This class is used to represent a target body in a bundle and how to solve for it |
CBusyLeafItem | A leaf item that is not ready for user interaction |
CCalculator | Calculator for arrays |
CCalculatorVariablePool | This is a simple class to model a Calculator Variable Pool |
CCamera | |
CCameraBuffers | This class is used to manage buffers for calculating camera related information, such as angles, radii, and resolution |
CCameraDetectorMap | Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates |
CCameraDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CCameraFactory | Initializes a Camera Model |
CCameraFocalPlaneMap | Convert between distorted focal plane and detector coordinates |
CCameraGroundMap | Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates |
CCameraPointInfo | CameraPointInfo provides quick access to the majority of information avaliable from a camera on a point |
CCameraSkyMap | Convert between undistorted focal plane and ra/dec coordinates |
CCameraStatistics | Calculates a series of statistics pertaining to a Camera |
CCentroid | Selection class derived from the Pure Virtual Parent Class for all Selection classes |
CCentroidApolloPan | Selection class derived from the Pure Virtual Parent Class for all Selection classes |
CChandrayaan1M3Camera | Chandrayaan1 M3 Camera Model |
CChandrayaan1M3DistortionMap | Distortion map for the Chandrayaan1 M3 camera |
CChip | A small chip of data used for pattern matching |
CChipViewport | Viewport for Isis Chips |
CChipViewportsWidget | Scrolled widget for display ChipViewports |
CChooserNameFilter | Allows filtering by the chooser name |
CCisscalFile | Extends TextFile to handle Cassini ISS calibration files |
CCissLabels | Read values from Cassini ISS labels |
CClementineUvvisDistortionMap | Distortion map for the Clementine UVVIS camera |
CClipperNacRollingShutterCamera | Clipper EIS Camera model |
CClipperPushBroomCamera | This is the camera model for the Europa Clipper Push Broom Camera |
CClipperWacFcCamera | This is the camera model for the Europa Clipper WAC Framing Camera |
CCloseProjectWorkOrder | This opens a project that's saved on disk |
CCnetDisplayProperties | Handles how control networks should be displayed to the user |
CCnetEditorSortConfigDialog | Configure user's sorting settings for the cneteditor widget |
CCnetEditorView | Ipce view containing the CnetEditorWidget |
CCnetEditorViewWorkOrder | This work order allows the user to open a cnet editor (table) view of a single control network |
CCnetEditorWidget | This widget provides full editing, filtering and viewing capabilities for the raw data in a control network |
CCollectorMap | Collector/container for arbitrary items |
CColor | This class is designed to serialize QColor in a human-readable form |
CColumn | Format ascii tables |
CConcurrentControlNetReader | This reads a control net in the background |
CConnectionParentItem | Tree item that is a parent and represents an image |
CControl | This represents an ISIS control net in a project-based GUI interface |
CControlDisplayProperties | This is the GUI communication mechanism for cubes |
CControlHealthMonitorView | View for the Control Net Health Monitor |
CControlHealthMonitorWidget | Interface that allows real-time evaluation of the state of a Control Network |
CControlHealthMonitorWorkOrder | This is a child of class WorkOrder which is used for anything that performs an action in a Project |
CControlList | Maintains a list of Controls so that control nets can easily be copied from one Project to another, saved to disk, or deleted from disk |
CControlMeasure | Control measurement |
CControlMeasureEditWidget | Point Editor Widget |
CControlMeasureLogData | Statistical and similar ControlMeasure associated information |
CControlNet | Control network |
CControlNetDiff | Compares two Control Networks and reports their differences |
CControlNetFilter | Filter Control Network |
CControlNetGraphicsItem | Control Network Display on Mosaic Scene |
CControlNetStatistics | Control Network Stats |
CControlNetTool | ControlNetTool Handles mouse events on CubeDnViews for control point editing for the ipce app |
CControlNetValidMeasure | ControlNetValidMeasure class |
CControlNetVersioner | Handle various control network file format versions |
CControlNetVitals | ControlNetVitals |
►CControlPoint | A single control point |
CRadiusSource | |
CSurfacePointSource | |
CControlPointEdit | Point Editor Widget |
CControlPointEditView | View for editing a single ControlPoint |
CControlPointEditWidget | Gui for editing ControlPoints in ipce application |
CControlPointGraphicsItem | The visual display of a single control point |
CControlPointList | Control Point List generator |
CControlPointV0001 | A container for the information stored in a version 1 ControlPoint |
CControlPointV0002 | A container for the information stored in a version 2 ControlPoint |
CControlPointV0003 | A container for the information stored in a version 3 and 4 ControlPoint |
CCoordinate | Define a generic Y/X container |
CCorrelationMatrix | This is a container for the correlation matrix that comes from a bundle adjust |
CCrismCamera | MRO CRISM camera model |
CCsmBundleObservation | Class for observations that use CSM camera models in bundle adjustment |
CCSMCamera | |
CCsmSensor | Implementation of the SensorUtilities::Sensor interface for a CSM RasterGM model |
CCSMSkyMap | Convert between undistorted focal plane and ra/dec coordinates |
CCSVParser | CSV Parser seperates fields (tokens) from a string with a delimeter |
CCSVReader | Reads strings and parses them into tokens separated by a delimiter character |
CCTXCamera | MRO CTX Camera Model |
CCube | IO Handler for Isis Cubes |
CCubeAttribute | Parent class for CubeAttributeInput and CubeAttributeOutput |
CCubeAttributeInput | Manipulate and parse attributes of input cube filenames |
CCubeAttributeOutput | Manipulate and parse attributes of output cube filenames |
CCubeBsqHandler | IO Handler for Isis Cubes using the BSQ format |
►CCubeCachingAlgorithm | This is the parent of the caching algorithms |
CCacheResult | This stores the results of the caching algorithm |
CCubeCalculator | Calculator for arrays |
CCubeDataThread | Encapsulation of Cube I/O with Change Notifications |
CCubeDataThreadTester | |
CCubeDnView | View that displays cubes in a QView-like way |
CCubeDnViewWorkOrder | This work order is designed to bring up a qview-like view for a small number of cubes |
CCubeInfixToPostfix | Converter for math equations |
CCubeIoHandler | Handles converting buffers to and from disk |
CCubeManager | Class for quick re-accessing of cubes based on file name |
CCubePlotCurve | This is a plot curve with information relating it to a particular cube or region of a cube |
CCubePlotCurveConfigureDialog | This should be an inner class for CubePlotCurve, but Qt doesn't support having a QObject as an inner class |
CCubeStretch | Stores stretch information for a cube |
CCubeTileHandler | IO Handler for Isis Cubes using the tile format |
►CCubeViewport | Widget to display Isis cubes for qt apps |
CBandInfo | |
CDatabase | Isis database class providing generalized access to a variety of databases |
CDatabaseFactory | Create database interfaces using access profiles or generic drivers |
CDataValue | This class is used to define what kind of data is being pushed onto the cube calculator |
CDawnFcCamera | This is the camera model for the Dawn Framing Camera |
CDawnFcDistortionMap | |
CDawnVirCamera | Camera model for both Danw VIR VIS and IR instruments |
CDbAccess | DbAccess manages programatic access to a database through profiles |
CDbProfile | A DbProfile is a container for access parameters to a database |
CDefaultCopy | (Default) Policy for copying map elements |
CDemShape | Define shapes and provide utilities for targets stored as ISIS maps |
CDirectory | |
CDisplacement | Displacement is a signed length, usually in meters |
CDisplayProperties | |
CDistance | Distance measurement, usually in meters |
CEditTool | Interactive image edit tool |
CEllipsoidShape | Define shapes and provide utilities for ISIS targets |
CEmbreeShapeModel | General purpose Embree ray tracing model |
CEmbreeTargetManager | Class for managing the construction and destruction of EmbreeTargetShapes |
CEmbreeTargetShape | Embree Target Shape for planetary bodies |
CEndianSwapper | Byte swapper |
CEnlarge | Enlarge the pixel dimensions of an image |
CEnvironment | |
►CEqualization | This class can be used to calculate, read in, and/or apply equalization statistics for a list of files |
CApplyFunctor | This class is used as a functor to apply adjustments (equalize) to an image |
CCalculateFunctor | This class is used as a functor calculate image statistics |
CImageAdjustment | |
CEquatorialCylindricalShape | Define shapes and provide utilities for shapes stored as ISIS EquatorialCylindrical map |
CEquirectangular | Equirectangular Map Projection |
CExportControlNetWorkOrder | Write a project control network to a user-specified location |
►CExportDescription | Describes how a series of cubes should be exported |
CChannelDescription | Describes how a cube as a single color channel to be exported |
CExportImagesWorkOrder | Write project images to a user-specified location |
CExportPdsTable | Export a PDS table from an ISIS Table |
►CFeatureNomenclature | Feature nomenclature database querier |
CFeature | A named feature on a target |
CFeatureNomenclatureTool | Display nomenclature on MDI Cube Viewports |
CFileDialog | Class for browsing cubes |
CFileItem | A container for a filename to be represented as a ProjectItem on the project tree |
CFileList | Internalizes a list of files |
CFileName | File name manipulation and expansion |
CFileTool | |
CFilterCachingAlgorithm | This algorithm is designed for applications that use ProcessByQuickFilter or very similar I/O patterns to cache cube data appropriately |
CFilterGroup | This class provides an interface for a group of filters |
CFilterWidget | This widget contains filtering capabilities for a single filter type |
CFindSpotGraphicsItem | The visual display of the find point |
CFindTool | Tool to locate a point on a cube that is projected and/or has a camera model |
CFootprint2DView | View for displaying footprints of images in a QMos like way |
CFootprint2DViewWorkOrder | View an image list's footprints in a footprint view |
CForstnerOperator | Forstner interest operator |
CFourierTransform | Fourier Transform class |
CFramingCamera | Generic class for Framing Cameras |
CFunctionTools | A collection of tools for mathmatical function root finding, maximization, etc (eventually) This class contains only static methods, and cannot be instantiated |
CFxBinder | This is the parent class to the various function classes |
CGainChannelNormalize | Computes a gain correction for each sample GainChannelNormalize |
CGainFlatField | GainFlatField Module - Computes flat field correction for sample |
CGainLineDrift | Computes a gain correction for each line (Zg Module) |
CGainNonLinearity | GainNonLinearity Module - Applies non-linear, line-dependant gain |
CGainTemperature | GaingTemperature Module - Applies temperature-dependant gain correction (column) |
CGainUnitConversion | Computes units parameters for HiRISE data calibration (Ziof Module) |
CGaussianDistribution | Gaussian distribution class |
CGaussianStretch | Gaussian stretch class |
CGisGeometry | Encapsulation class provides support for GEOS-C API |
CGisTopology | This class models GIS topology |
CGoodnessOfFitFilter | Allows filtering by goodness of fit |
CGradientOperator | Gradient interest operator |
CGraphicsView | |
CGridGraphicsItem | The visual display of the find point |
CGridPolygonSeeder | Seed points using a grid |
CGroundGrid | Calculates a lat/lon grid over an area |
CGroundTab | |
CGroupedStatistics | Grouped Statistics |
CGruen | Gruen pattern matching algorithm |
CGui | Gui for Isis Applications |
CGuiBooleanParameter | |
CGuiCamera | Container class for GuiCamera |
CGuiCameraDisplayProperties | The GUI communication mechanism for target body objects |
CGuiCameraList | List of GuiCameras saved as QSharedPointers |
CGuiComboBoxParameter | |
CGuiCubeParameter | |
CGuiDoubleParameter | |
CGuiEditFile | Opens a window in Gui Application to be able to edit, save and create text files |
CGuiFileNameParameter | |
CGuiHelperAction | |
CGuiInputAttribute | GUI interface for input cube file attributes |
CGuiIntegerParameter | |
CGuiListParameter | |
CGuiLog | |
CGuiOutputAttribute | |
CGuiParameter | |
CGuiParameterFactory | |
CGuiStringParameter | |
CHapke | Hapke-Henyey-Greenstein photometric model |
CHapkeAtm1 | Implements the Hapke Atmospheric Model |
CHapkeAtm2 | |
CHayabusaAmicaCamera | This is the camera model for the Hayabusa AMICA camera |
CHayabusaNirsCamera | This is the camera model for the Hayabusa NIRS camera |
CHelpTool | Qisis Help Tool |
CHiBlob | BLOB extraction class |
CHiCalData | Container for HiRISE calibration data |
►CHiEqualization | |
CHiCalculateFunctor | |
CHiHistory | |
CHiLab | Process HiRise label |
CHiLineTimeEqn | Compute HiRISE line times |
CHillshade | Calculate light intensity reflected off a local slope of DEM |
CHiresCamera | This is the camera model for the Clementine High-Resolution Camera |
CHiriseCamera | Hirise Camera Model |
CHistogram | Container of a cube histogram |
CHistogramItem | This is the (qwt) plot item for a histogram |
CHistogramPlotWindow | |
CHistogramTool | Tool for histograms |
CHistogramWidget | Histogram widget used by AdvancedStretchTool |
CHistory | |
CHistoryTreeWidget | History Widget for ipce |
CHrscCamera | HRSC Camera Model |
CHyb2OncCamera | This is the camera model for the Hayabusa2 ONC camera |
CHyb2OncDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates for Hayabusa 2's ONC cameras |
CID | Creates sequential IDs |
CIdealCamera | Ideal Camera Model |
CIException | Isis exception class |
CImage | This represents a cube in a project-based GUI interface |
CImageDisplayProperties | This is the GUI communication mechanism for cubes |
CImageExporter | Export Isis cubes into standard formats |
CImageFileListViewWorkOrder | View an image list in an image file list widget |
CImageFileListWidget | A colored, grouped cube list |
CImageHistogram | Container of a cube histogram |
CImageIdFilter | Allows filtering by image ID |
CImageImageFilterSelector | Allows users to choose filters for filtering connected images |
CImageImageTreeModel | Tree model for images and images |
CImageImporter | Imports images with standard formats into Isis as cubes |
CImageLeafItem | Tree item that is a leaf and represents an image |
CImageList | Internalizes a list of images and allows for operations on the entire list |
CImageListActionWorkOrder | Work orders that can be performed on an image list that modifies internal state |
CImageOverlap | Individual overlap container |
CImageOverlapSet | This class is used to find the overlaps between all the images in a list of serial numbers |
CImageParentItem | Tree item that is a parent and represents an image |
CImagePointFilterSelector | Allows users to choose filters for filtering images and points |
CImagePointTreeModel | Tree model for images and control points |
CImagePolygon | Create cube polygons, read/write polygons to blobs |
CImageReader | |
CImageTab | |
►CImageTreeWidget | |
CImagePosition | |
CImageTreeWidgetItem | |
CImportControlNetWorkOrder | Add control networks to a project c Asks the user for a list of control nets and copies them into the project |
CImportImagesWorkOrder | Add cubes to a project |
CImportMapTemplateWorkOrder | Add map templates to a project |
►CImportPdsTable | Import a PDS table file with a label description |
CColumnDescr | |
CImportRegistrationTemplateWorkOrder | Add registration templates to a project |
CImportShapesWorkOrder | Add shape model cubes to a project |
CIndependentCubeViewport | General purpose Cube display widget |
CInfixFunction | InfixOperator and InfixFunction are helper classes for InfixToPostfix |
CInfixOperator | InfixOperator and InfixFunction are helper classes for InfixToPostfix |
CInfixToPostfix | Converter for math equations |
CInlineCalculator | Provides a calculator for inline equations |
CInlineInfixToPostfix | A parser for converting equation strings to postfix |
CInlineVoidFx | This class is used to bind function names with corresponding InlineCalculator functions that do not take parameters |
CIntercept | Container for a intercept condition |
CInterestOperator | Interest Operator class |
CInterestOperatorFactory | This class is used to create InterestOperator objects |
CInterpolator | Pixel interpolator |
CIsisBody | Implementation of SensorUtilities::Body backed by an ISIS SpiceRotation |
CIsisBundleObservation | Class for observations that use ISIS camera models in bundle adjustment |
CIsisIlluminator | Implementation of SensorUtilities::Illuminator backed by an ISIS SpicePosition |
CIsisSensor | Implementation of SensorUtilities::Sensor backed by an ISIS camera model |
CIsisShape | Implementation of SensorUtilities::Shape backed by an ISIS ShapeModel |
CIsotropic1 | |
CIsotropic2 | |
CIssNACamera | Cassini ISS Narrow Angle Camera Model |
CIssWACamera | Cassini ISS Wide Angle Camera Model |
CIString | Adds specific functionality to C++ strings |
CiTime | Parse and return pieces of a time string |
CJigsawRunWidget | This dialog allows the user to select the bundle adjust parameters, run the bundle, and view the results |
CJigsawSetupDialog | |
CJigsawWorkOrder | This work order allows the user to run a bundle adjustment (jigsaw) |
CJP2Decoder | JPEG2000 decoder class |
CJP2Encoder | JPEG2000 encoder class |
CJP2Error | Kakadu error messaging class |
CJP2Exporter | Exports cubes into JPEG 2000 images |
CJP2Importer | Imports JPEG 2000 images as Isis cubes |
CJunoCamera | Juno's JNC (JunoCam) camera model |
CJunoDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates for Juno's JunoCam camera |
CKaguyaMiCamera | Kaguya MI Camera Model |
CKaguyaMiCameraDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CKaguyaTcCamera | This is the camera model for the Kaguya Terrain Cameras TC1 and TC2 |
CKaguyaTcCameraDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates for Kaguya's TC cameras |
CKernel | This class stores Kernel information, including Type and kernel file names |
CKernelDb | KernelDb class |
CKernels | Determine SPICE kernels defined in an ISIS file |
CLabelTranslationManager | Allows applications to translate simple text files |
CLambert | |
CLambertAzimuthalEqualArea | Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Map Projection |
CLambertConformal | Lambert Conformal Map Projection |
CLatitude | This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Latitude |
CLatLonGridTool | Lat Lon Grid View Tool |
CLeastSquares | Generic least square fitting class |
►CLidarControlPoint | A lidar control ControlPoint |
CLidarControlPointLessThanFunctor | |
CLidarData | LidarData class |
CLightTimeCorrectionState | Provides interface to user configurable Light Time correction feature |
CLimitPolygonSeeder | Seed points using a grid |
CLinearAlgebra | This class holds all static methods to perform linear algebra operations on vectors and matrices |
CLinearStretchType | This handles the advanced linear stretch |
CLineEquation | Utility class for creating and using cartesean line equations |
CLineFilter | Allows filtering by a control measure's line |
CLineManager | Buffer manager, for moving through a cube in lines |
CLineRateChange | Container class for storing timing information for a section of an image |
CLineResidualFilter | Allows filtering by the line residual |
CLineScanCamera | Generic class for Line Scan Cameras |
CLineScanCameraDetectorMap | Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates |
CLineScanCameraGroundMap | Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates |
CLineScanCameraSkyMap | Convert between undistorted focal plane and ra/dec coordinates |
CLineShiftFilter | Allows filtering by a control measure's line shift |
CLoadCSV | Provides generalized access to HiRISE calibration CSV files |
CLoCameraFiducialMap | Computes map from image coordinates to focal plane based on fiducials |
CLoHighCamera | Defines the Lunar Orbiter High Resolution camera class |
CLoHighDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CLoMediumCamera | Defines the Lunar Orbiter Medium Resolution camera class |
CLoMediumDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CLommelSeeliger | |
CLongitude | This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Longitude |
CLowPassFilter | Compute a low pass filter from a Module class content |
CLroNarrowAngleCamera | LRO Narrow Angle Camera Model |
CLroNarrowAngleDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CLroWideAngleCamera | LRO Wide Angle Camera Model |
CLroWideAngleCameraDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CLroWideAngleCameraFocalPlaneMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CLunarAzimuthalEqualArea | Modified Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area Map Projection |
CLunarLambert | Lunar (Lommel-Seeliger)-Lambert law photometric model Derive model albedo for Lunar (Lommel-Seeliger)-Lambert law |
CLunarLambertEmpirical | Empirical Lunar Lambert photometric model Derive model albedo using phase dependent Minnaert equation and calculated empirically |
CLunarLambertMcEwen | Moonpr photometric model Computes normalized albedo for the Moon, normalized to 0 degrees emission angle and 30 degrees illumination and phase angles |
CLwirCamera | This is the camera model for the Clementine Long-Wavelength Infrared Camera |
CMainWindow | Base class for the Qisis main windows |
CManualStretchType | This handles arbitrary user-input stretches |
CMarciCamera | Marci Camera Model |
CMarciDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CMariner10Camera | Mariner10 Camera Model |
CMatchPoint | Structure containing comprehensive registration info/results |
CMatchTool | Match tool operations |
CMatchToolNewPointDialog | |
CMatrix | Matrix class |
CMatrixGraphicsScene | A graphics scene with improved user-interaction for use with the MatrixSceneWidget |
CMatrixGraphicsView | A graphics view that resizes in a more friendly way |
CMatrixOptions | This class holds the matrix color and focus information |
CMatrixOptionsDialog | This widget allows the user to modify the matrix display |
CMatrixSceneWidget | This widget encompasses the entire matrixDisplay scene |
CMatrixViewWorkOrder | This work order will open a MatrixSceneWidget and display the correlation matrix |
CMaximumCorrelation | Maximum correlation pattern matching |
CMaximumLikelihoodWFunctions | Class provides maximum likelihood estimation functions for robust parameter estimation, e.g |
CMdiCubeViewport | Cube display widget for certain Isis MDI applications |
CMdisCamera | MESSENGER MDIS NAC and WAC Camera Model |
CMeasureCountFilter | Allows filtering by the number of measures in a control point |
CMeasureIgnoredFilter | Allows filtering by a control measure's ignored status |
CMeasureJigsawRejectedFilter | Allows filtering by a control measure's jigsaw rejected status |
CMeasureLeafItem | A leaf node in the tree structure that represents a control measure |
CMeasureTableDelegate | Delegate for creating, reading, and saving data in the measure table |
CMeasureTableModel | Table model for control measures |
CMeasureTool | Tool for measuring distances |
CMeasureTypeFilter | Filters by measure type |
CMeasureValidationResults | MeasureValidationResults class |
CMercator | Mercator Map Projection |
CMexHrscSrcCamera | This is the camera model for the Mex HRSC SRC Framing Camera |
CMinimumDifference | Minimum difference pattern matching |
CMiniRF | LRO Mini-RF SAR and Chandrayaan 1 Mini-RF SAR |
CMinnaert | Minnaert photometric model Derive model albedo using Minnaert equation |
CMinnaertEmpirical | Empirical Minnaert photometric model Derive model albedo using phase dependent Minnaert equation and calculated empirically |
CMixed | Mixed albedo/topo normalization without atmosphere |
CMocLabels | Read values from MOC labels |
CMocNarrowAngleCamera | MOC Narrow Angle Camera Model |
CMocNarrowAngleSumming | Mars Global Surveyor MOC narrow angle summing class |
CMocWideAngleCamera | MOC Wide Angle Camera Model |
CMocWideAngleDetectorMap | Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates |
CMocWideAngleDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CModule | Module manages HiRISE calibration vectors from various sources |
CMollweide | Mollweide Map Projection |
CMoonAlbedo | Albedo dependent phase function normalization for the Moon |
CMoravecOperator | Moravec Interest Operator |
CMosaicAreaTool | This displays a box with a given distance from a point |
CMosaicController | |
CMosaicControlNetTool | //TODO: Remove debug printout & comment // 2016-08-25 Tracie Sucharski - Checking Directory pointer for IPCE code not ideal |
CMosaicControlNetToolMovementConfigDialog | Configure qmos Control Net Tool's movement arrows |
CMosaicFindTool | This controls the 'Find' abilities in the MosaicSceneWidget |
CMosaicGraphicsScene | A graphics scene with improved user-interaction for use with the MosaicSceneWidget |
CMosaicGraphicsView | A graphics view that resizes in a more friendly way |
CMosaicGridTool | This controls the 'Grid' abilities in the MosaicSceneWidget |
CMosaicGridToolConfigDialog | Configure user's settings for the grid tool |
CMosaicMainWindow | |
CMosaicPanTool | Handles panning operations for Isis qt apps |
CMosaicSceneItem | A single cube in the mosaic scene |
CMosaicSceneWidget | This widget encompasses the entire mosaic scene |
CMosaicSceneWorkOrder | Work order associated with a MosaicSceneWidget |
CMosaicSelectTool | Handles selection operations for Isis qt apps |
CMosaicTool | Base class for the MosaicTools |
CMosaicTrackTool | |
CMosaicZoomTool | Handles zoom operations for Isis qt apps |
CMoveDownOneSceneWorkOrder | Move images, one by one, below the immediately-below intersecting image in a scene This workorder is synchronous and undoable |
CMoveToBottomSceneWorkOrder | Move images below all other images in a mosaic scene This workorder is synchronous and undoable |
CMoveToTopSceneWorkOrder | Move images on top of all other images in a mosaic scene This workorder is synchronous and undoable |
CMoveUpOneSceneWorkOrder | Move images, one by one, on top of the immediately-above intersecting image in a scene This workorder is synchronous and undoable |
CMsiCamera | NEAR Shoemaker MSI Camera Model |
CMultivariateStatistics | Container of multivariate statistics |
CNaifDskPlateModel | Implementation interface API for NAIF's DSK plate model |
CNaifDskShape | Provides support for NAIF's Digital Shape Kernel (DSK) |
CNaifStatus | Class for checking for errors in the NAIF library |
CNearest | Functor for reduce using near functionality |
CNewControlPointDialog | |
CNewGroundSourceLocationDialog | Dialog used by ControlPointEditWidget to select a new location for ground source files |
CNewHorizonsLeisaCamera | This is the camera model for LEISA, New Hoirzon's infrared Spectrometer |
CNewHorizonsLorriCamera | This is the camera model for the LORRI Framing Camera |
CNewHorizonsLorriDistortionMap | New Horizons LORRI Distortion Map |
CNewHorizonsMvicFrameCamera | This is the camera model for the New Horizons MVIC Frame mode Camera |
CNewHorizonsMvicFrameCameraDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates for New Horizons/MVIC frame sensor |
CNewHorizonsMvicTdiCamera | New Horizons Mvic Camera, Tdi mode |
CNewHorizonsMvicTdiCameraDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates for New Horizons/MVIC |
CNirCamera | This is the camera model for the Clementine Near Infrared Camera |
CNirsDetectorMap | The detector map class for the Hayabusa NIRS camera |
CNoCaseStringCompare | Provides a case insensitive string comparison |
CNomenclatureToolConfigDialog | Configure user's settings for the nomenclature tool |
CNonLinearLSQ | NonLinearLSQ Computes a fit using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm |
CNoNormalization | NoNormalization - perform simple correction without normalization (a*dn +b) |
CNoOperator | No interest operator |
CNoopRemoval | Supplies a NOOP default for removal of a CollectorMap entry |
CNormModel | |
CNormModelFactory | This class is used to create NormModel objects |
CNthOrderPolynomial | NthOrderPolynomial basis function |
CNumericalApproximation | NumericalApproximation provides various numerical analysis methods of interpolation, extrapolation and approximation of a tabulated set of x, y data |
CNumericalAtmosApprox | This class extends Isis::NumericalApproximation |
CObliqueCylindrical | Oblique Cylindrical Map Projection |
CObservationNumber | Serial Number composer |
CObservationNumberList | Create a list of observation numbers from a file or serial number list |
COpenProjectWorkOrder | This opens a project that's saved on disk |
COriginalLabel | Read and store original labels |
COriginalXmlLabel | Read and store original Xml labels |
COrthographic | Orthographic Map Projection |
COsirisRexDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates for OSIRIS REx's cameras |
COsirisRexOcamsCamera | This class models the behavior and attributes of the OSIRIS-REx Cameras: Mapping Camera, PolyMath Camera, and Sample Camera |
COverlapNormalization | Calculate the bases and multipliers for normalizing overlapping "data sets" (e.g., cubes) |
COverlapStatistics | Calculates statistics in the area of overlap between two projected cubes |
CPaletteWindow | |
CPanTool | |
CParameterFx | This class is used to bind function names with corresponding Calculator functions that take a parameter |
CPFPixelMapper | |
CPhotometricFunction | An abstract implementation of the photometric function |
CPhotometry | |
CPhotoModel | |
CPhotoModelFactory | This class is used to create PhotoModel objects |
CPipeline | This class helps to call other Isis Applications in a Pipeline |
CPipelineApplication | This class represents one application in the pipeline |
CPipelineParameter | This class represents a parameter of some type for the PipelineApplication |
CPixel | Store and/or manipulate pixel values |
CPixelFOV | This class defines a field of view |
CPlanar | Planar Map Projection |
CPlaneShape | Define plane shape model |
CPlotCurve | |
CPlotWindow | |
CPlotWindowBestFitDialog | |
CPlugin | Loads plugins from a shared library |
CPointEditLockedFilter | Allows filtering by a control point's edit lock status |
CPointerCopy | Pointer to object policy for copying map elements |
CPointerRemoval | Supplies a policy for deleting pointers that CollectorMap owns |
CPointGeometry | Container for a point and its geometry |
CPointIdFilter | Filter by control point id string |
CPointIgnoredFilter | Allows filtering by a control point's ignored status |
CPointJigsawRejectedFilter | Allows filtering by a control point's jigsaw rejected status |
CPointLeafItem | A leaf node in the tree structure that represents a control point |
CPointMeasureFilterSelector | Allows users to choose filters for filtering points and measures |
CPointMeasureTreeModel | Tree model for control points and control measures |
CPointPair | Define a point set of left, right and geometry at that location |
CPointParentItem | Tree item that is a parent and represents a control point |
CPointPerspective | PointPerspective Map Projection |
CPointTableDelegate | Delegate for creating, reading, and saving data in the point table |
CPointTableModel | Table model for control points |
CPointTypeFilter | Filters by point type |
CPolarStereographic | Stereographic Map Projection for Polar Aspect |
CPolygonSeeder | This class is used as the base class for all PolygonSeeder objects |
CPolygonSeederFactory | This class is used to create PolygonSeeder objects |
CPolygonTools | Provides various tools to work with geos multipolygons |
CPolynomialBivariate | Nth degree Polynomial with two variables |
CPolynomialUnivariate | Nth degree Polynomial with one variable |
CPortal | Buffer for containing a two dimensional section of an image |
CPreference | Reads user preferences from a data file |
CPrincipalComponentAnalysis | Principal Component Analysis class |
CProcess | Base class for all cube processing derivatives |
CProcessByBoxcar | Process cubes by boxcar |
CProcessByBrick | Process cubes by brick |
CProcessByLine | Process cubes by line |
CProcessByQuickFilter | Process cubes using a Filter Object |
CProcessBySample | Process cubes by sample |
CProcessBySpectra | Process cubes by spectra |
CProcessByTile | Process cubes by tile |
CProcessExport | Process class for exporting cubes |
CProcessExportPds | Process class for exporting cubes to PDS standards |
CProcessExportPds4 | Process class for exporting cubes to PDS4 standards |
CProcessGroundPolygons | Process cube polygons to map or camera projections |
CProcessImport | Byte swapper |
CProcessImportFits | Import a FITS file |
CProcessImportPds | Convert PDS archive files to Isis format |
CProcessImportVicar | Import a Vicar file |
CProcessMapMosaic | Mosaic two cubs together |
CProcessMosaic | Mosaic two cubes together |
CProcessPolygons | |
CProcessRubberSheet | Derivative of Process, designed for geometric transformations |
CProgramLauncher | Execute External Programs and Commands |
CProgress | Program progress reporter |
CProgressBar | |
CProject | The main project for ipce |
CProjection | Base class for Map Projections |
CProjectionConfigDialog | This is the configuration dialog for the MosaicSceneWidget's projection parameters (map file) |
CProjectionFactory | Initialize a map projection |
CProjectItem | Represents an item of a ProjectItemModel in Qt's model-view framework |
CProjectItemModel | Provides access to data stored in a Project through Qt's model-view framework |
CProjectItemProxyModel | Allows access to items in a ProjectItemModel through a proxy model |
CProjectItemTreeView | A ProjectItemTreeView displays items from a ProjectItemProxyModel in a tree structure |
CProjectItemViewMenu | QMenu subclass that overrides the closeEvent |
CPushFrameCamera | Generic class for Push Frame Cameras |
►CPushFrameCameraCcdLayout | Provide image coordinates that map to the push frame detector |
CFrameletInfo | Container for the layout of a specific framelet on the detector |
CPushFrameCameraDetectorMap | Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates |
CPushFrameCameraGroundMap | Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates |
CPvl | Container for cube-like labels |
CPvlConstraints | This class can be used to define import/export behavior of Pvl structures when used in the PvlFlatMap class |
CPvlContainer | Contains more than one keyword-value pair |
CPvlEditDialog | PvlEditDialog creates a QDialog window in which a QTextEdit box displays the contents of a pvl file |
CPvlFlatMap | Provides a flat map of PvlKeywords |
CPvlFormat | Formats a Pvl name value pair to Isis standards |
CPvlFormatPds | Formats the value of a PvlKeyword into a PDS complient string |
CPvlGroup | Contains multiple PvlContainers |
CPvlKeyword | A single keyword-value pair |
CPvlObject | Contains Pvl Groups and Pvl Objects |
CPvlSequence | Parse and return elements of a Pvl sequence |
CPvlToken | Container for Keyword-value pair |
CPvlTokenizer | Construct Token list from a stream |
CPvlToPvlTranslationManager | Allows applications to translate simple text files |
CPvlToXmlTranslationManager | Allows applications to translate simple text files |
CPvlTranslationTable | Internalizes a translation table |
CQHistogram | Plot Histograms |
CQIsisApplication | Handles exceptions which the QT event handlers and QApplication do not handle |
CQnetCubeDistanceFilter | Defines the Distance filter for the QnetNavTool's Cubes section |
CQnetCubeNameFilter | Defines the Name filter for the QnetNavTool's Cubes section |
CQnetCubePointsFilter | Defines the Points filter for the QnetNavTool's Cubes section |
CQnetFileTool | Qnet File operations |
CQnetFilter | |
CQnetFixedPointDialog | |
CQnetNavTool | Qnet Navigation Tool |
CQnetNewMeasureDialog | |
CQnetPointCubeNameFilter | Defines the Cube Name filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section |
CQnetPointDistanceFilter | Defines the Distance filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section |
CQnetPointGoodnessFilter | Defines the Goodness of Fit filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section |
CQnetPointIdFilter | Defines the Point ID filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section |
CQnetPointImagesFilter | Defines the Images filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section, i.e |
CQnetPointJigsawErrorFilter | Defines the Jigsaw Error filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section |
CQnetPointMeasureFilter | Defines the Measure Properties filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section |
CQnetPointRangeFilter | Defines the Range filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section |
CQnetPointRegistrationErrorFilter | Defines the Registration Error filter for the QnetNavTool's Points section |
CQnetPointTypeFilter | Filter for control point type |
CQnetSetAprioriDialog | |
CQnetTool | Qnet tool operations |
CQStretch | Abstract class for complex stretch objects |
CQtExporter | Exports cubes into one of several formats with Qt facilities |
CQtImporter | Imports a series of standard image formats with Qt facilities |
CQuaternion | Provide operations for quaternion arithmetic |
CQuickFilter | Container for boxcar statistics |
CRadarCamera | Generic class for Radar Cameras |
CRadarGroundMap | Convert between undistorted focal plane coordinate (slant range) and ground coordinates |
CRadarGroundRangeMap | Construct a mapping between image sample and Radar ground range |
CRadarPulseMap | Convert between alpha image coordinates and radar sample, time coordinates |
CRadarSkyMap | Convert between slantrange/groundrange and ra/dec coordinates |
CRadarSlantRangeMap | Convert between radar ground range and slant range |
CRadialDistortionMap | |
CRadiometric | Store for radiometric gain and shift parameters |
CRawCubeChunk | A section of raw data on the disk |
CRayHitInformation | Container that holds the body fixed intersection point and unit surface normal for a hit |
CReduce | Reduce the pixel dimensions of an image |
CRegionalCachingAlgorithm | This algorithm recommends chunks to be freed that are not within the last IO |
CRemoveImagesWorkOrder | Removes selected images from current project |
CRenameProjectWorkOrder | Change the project's GUI name |
CReseauDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CResidualMagnitudeFilter | Filters by residual magnitude |
CResource | This class provides a resource of PVL keywords for Strategy classes |
CRingCylindrical | Ring Cylindrical Map Projection |
CRingPlaneProjection | Base class for Map Projections of plane shapes |
CRobinson | Robinson Map Projection |
CRobustFloatCompare | Provides a robust comparison of double/float values |
CRollingShutterCamera | Generic class for Rolling Shutter Cameras |
CRollingShutterCameraDetectorMap | Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates |
CRootItem | The root of a tree |
CRosettaOsirisCamera | This is the camera model for the Osiris NAC Framing Camera |
CRosettaOsirisCameraDistortionMap | Distortion map for converting between undistorted focal plane and distorted focal plane coordinates for the Rosetta OSIRIS NAC and WAC |
CRosettaVirtisCamera | Camera model for both Rosetta VIRTIS-M instruments |
CRTCMultiHitRay | Struct for capturing multiple intersections when using embree::rtcintersectscene |
CRTCOcclusionRay | Struct for capturing occluded plates when using embree::rtcintersectscene |
CRubberBandComboBox | Combo box for choosing a rubber band type |
CRubberBandTool | Rubber banding tool |
CSampleFilter | Allows filtering by a control measure's sample |
CSampleManager | Buffer manager, for moving through a cube in samples |
CSampleResidualFilter | Allows filtering by the sample residual |
CSampleShiftFilter | Allows filtering by a control measure's sample shift |
CSaveAsDialog | Widget to save(Save As) Isis cubes(used in qview) to display the FileDialog to select the output cube |
CSaveProjectAsWorkOrder | Saves a project to disk (File->Save Project As...) |
CSaveProjectWorkOrder | Saves a project to disk (File->Save Project...) |
CSawtoothStretchType | This handles the advanced sawtooth stretch |
CScatterPlotAlarmConfigDialog | This is the configuration dialog for alarming scatter plots between the plot window and cube viewports |
CScatterPlotConfigDialog | This configuration dialog is for users to determine the scatter plot parameters required to create a scatter plot |
CScatterPlotData | This is the QwtRasterData for a scatter plot |
CScatterPlotTool | Scatter Plot Tool |
CScatterPlotWindow | Scatter Plot Window |
CSelection | Pure Virtual Parent Class for all Selection classes |
CSensor | Class for computing sensor ground coordinates |
CSensorGetInfoWorkOrder | This is a child of class WorkOrder which is used for anything that performs an action in a Project |
CSensorInfoWidget | Widget for displaying information about a sensor |
CSerialNumber | Serial Number composer |
►CSerialNumberList | Serial Number list generator |
CPair | A serial number list entity that contains the filename serial number pair |
CSessionLog | |
CSetActiveControlWorkOrder | This is a child of class WorkOrder which is used for anything that performs an action in a Project |
CSetActiveImageListWorkOrder | This is a child of class WorkOrder which is used for anything that performs an action in a Project |
CShade | |
CShadeAtm | |
CShape | This represents a shape in a project-based GUI interface |
CShapeDisplayProperties | This is the GUI communication mechanism for shape objects |
CShapeList | Internalizes a list of shapes and allows for operations on the entire list |
CShapeModel | Define shapes and provide utilities for Isis targets |
CShapeModelFactory | This class is used to create ShapeModel objects |
CShapeReader | |
CSimpleCompare | Provides a simple comparison between two values |
CSimpleCylindrical | Simple Cylindrical Map Projection |
CSinusoidal | Sinusoidal Map Projection |
CSmtkMatcher | Workhorse of stereo matcher |
CSmtkPoint | Container for SMTK match points |
CSocketThread | |
CSortFilterProxyModel | |
CSpacecraftPosition | Provides swap observer/target and improved light time correction |
CSparseBlockColumnMatrix | SparseBlockColumnMatrix |
CSparseBlockMatrix | SparseBlockMatrix |
CSparseBlockRowMatrix | SparseBlockRowMatrix |
CSpatialPlotTool | Spatial Plots |
CSpecialPixelTool | Sets the colors for the special pixel values |
CSpectel | Stores information about a "Spectral pixel" or spectel |
CSpectralDefinition | Calibration info for spectral smile correction (center wavelengths and widths for the whole nxn chip) |
CSpectralDefinition1D | A Spectral definition that includes wavelength and center values for each (line, sample) coordinate |
CSpectralDefinition2D | A Spectral definition that includes wavelength and center values for each (line, sample) coordinate |
CSpectralDefinitionFactory | Constructs a 2D or 1D spectral definition based on the file name extension |
CSpectralPlotTool | Plot cube DN statistics against the cube band numbers |
CSpectralPlotWindow | |
CSpice | Obtain SPICE information for a spacecraft |
CSpicePosition | Obtain SPICE position information for a body |
CSpiceRotation | Obtain SPICE rotation information for a body |
CSplineFill | Compute a low pass filter from a Module class content |
CSqlQuery | Construct and execute a query on a database and manage result |
CSqlRecord | Provide simplified access to resulting SQL query row |
CSsiCamera | This is the camera model for the Galileo Solid State Imaging Camera |
CStandardDeviationOperator | Standard deviation interest operator |
CStatCumProbDistDynCalc | This class is used to approximate cumulative probibility distributions of a stream of observations without storing the observations or having any apriori knowlege of the range of the data |
CStatistics | This class is used to accumulate statistics on double arrays |
CStatisticsTool | |
CStereo | Provide stereo information/data for a point or relationship |
CStereoTool | Tool for computing parallax |
CStrategy | Strategy - Supports algorithm development |
CStreamExporter | Exports cubes into a standard format in incremental pieces |
CStretch | Pixel value mapper |
CStretchTool | Stretch image edit tool |
CStretchType | This is the base class for advanced stretches |
CStripPolygonSeeder | Seed points using a grid with a staggered pattern |
CSubArea | Apply corrections to a cube label for subarea extraction |
CSubTreeProxyModel | |
CSunShadowTool | Tool for measuring shadow heights |
CSurfaceModel | Model a 3-D surface |
CSurfacePoint | This class defines a body-fixed surface point |
CTab | A Tab is a QAction which shows or hides some other QWidget, which we call associatedWidget |
CTabBar | A TabBar is a QToolBar which is specifically designed to store and manage Tabs, which are specialized QToolButtons that can hide and show other QWidgets (see Tab) |
CTable | Class for storing Table blobs information |
CTableColumn | |
CTableColumnList | |
CTableField | Class for storing an Isis::Table's field information |
CTableMainWindow | Subclass of the qisis mainwindow, tablemainwindow handles all of the table tasks |
CTableRecord | |
CTableView | |
CTableViewContent | |
CTableViewHeader | |
CTarget | This class is used to create and store valid Isis targets |
CTargetBody | Container class for TargetBody |
CTargetBodyDisplayProperties | This is the GUI communication mechanism for target body objects |
CTargetBodyList | List for holding TargetBodies |
CTargetGetInfoWorkOrder | This work order allows the user to view target body info |
CTargetInfoWidget | Widget for displaying information about a target |
CTaylorCameraDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CTemplate | |
CTemplateEditorWidget | Widget for displaying information about a target |
CTemplateEditViewWorkOrder | This work order allows the user to view and edit a template |
CTemplateList | |
CTextFile | Provides access to sequential ASCII stream I/O |
CTgoCassisCamera | TGO Cassis camera model |
CTgoCassisDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CThemisIrCamera | THEMIS IR Camera |
CThemisIrDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CThemisVisCamera | THEMIS VIS Camera Model |
CThemisVisDistortionMap | Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates |
CThreshold | Compute/test the Affine convergence from given parameters/chip |
CTiffExporter | Exports cubes into TIFF images |
CTiffImporter | Imports TIFF images as Isis cubes |
CTileManager | Buffer manager, for moving through a cube in tiles |
CTool | Base class for the Qisis tools |
CToolList | Allows tools to share data between each other |
CToolPad | |
CTopo | Topographic derivative of an arbitrary photometric function |
CTopoAtm | As in the case without an atmosphere, processing proceeds in three steps, a pass 1 PHOTOM followed by a divide filter to is- olate topography from albedo variations followed by a pass 2 PHOTOM |
CTProjection | Base class for Map TProjections |
CTrackingTable | Table to store tracking information for a mosaic |
CTrackTool | This tool is part of the Qisis namespace and displays the statusbar of the window |
CTransform | Pixel transformation |
CTransverseMercator | TransverseMercator Map Projection |
CTreeView | |
CTreeViewContent | |
CTreeViewHeader | |
CTriangularPlate | Specification for an abstract triangular plate |
CUniqueIOCachingAlgorithm | This algorithm is designed for applications that jump around between a couple of spots in the cube with a difficult to predict pattern but always the same places in the cube |
CUniversalGroundMap | Universal Ground Map |
CUpturnedEllipsoidTransverseAzimuthal | Upturned Ellipsoid Transverse Azimuthal Map Projection |
CUserInterface | Command Line and Xml loader, validation, and access |
CUvvisCamera | This is the camera model for the Clementine Ultraviolet/Visible Camera |
CVariableLineScanCameraDetectorMap | Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates |
CVecFilter | This class is used to perform filter operations on vectors |
CViewControlNet3DWorkOrder | This work order displays a control network in 3D in an OpenGL view |
CViewportBuffer | Reads and stores visible DN values |
CViewportBufferAction | |
CViewportBufferFill | |
CViewportBufferStretch | |
CViewportBufferTransform | |
CViewportMainWindow | This was called the Qisis MainWindow |
CViewportMdiSubWindow | This is an actual viewport window in qview/qnet/etc |
CViewSubWindow | This class exists to contain detached views from ipce |
CVikingCamera | Viking Camera Model |
CVimsCamera | Cassini Vims camera model |
CVimsGroundMap | Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates |
CVimsSkyMap | Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates |
CVisualDisplay | Tool to visualize statistics in an n * m box |
CVoidFx | This class is used to bind function names with corresponding Calculator functions that do not take parameters |
CVoyagerCamera | Voyager Camera Model |
CWarningTreeWidget | Warning Widget for ipce |
CWarningWidget | Displays the NoWarning icon as default and the Warning icon in case of exception and also pops up a a menu when an exception occurs |
CWindowTool | |
CWorkOrder | Provide Undo/redo abilities, serialization, and history for an operation |
CWorkOrderFactory | Instantiate work orders from QString versions of the class name |
CWorkspace | |
CWorldMapper | Create a mapping between a projection and other coordinate system |
CXmlStackedHandler | XML Handler that parses XMLs in a stack-oriented way |
CXmlStackedHandlerReader | Manage a stack of content handlers for reading XML files |
CXmlToPvlTranslationManager | Allows applications to translate Xml label files |
CZeroBufferFit | Computes non-linear lsq fit of HiRISE Drift (Zd module) |
CZeroBufferSmooth | Processes Buffer calibration data (ZeroBufferSmooth Module) |
CZeroDark | Computes a complex dark subtraction component (ZeroDark module) |
CZeroDarkRate | Computes a complex dark subtraction component (ZeroDarkRate module) |
CZeroReverse | Processes Reverse Clock calibration data (ZeroReverse Module) |
CZoomTool | Handles zoom operations for Isis qt apps |
CDeleteControlPointDialog | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CEllipse | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CIsisAml | Application program XML file parameter manager |
CIsisAmlData | |
CIsisChangeData | |
CIsisGroupData | |
CIsisHelperData | |
CIsisListOptionData | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CIsisParameterData | |
CIsisXMLApplication | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CIsisXMLGroup | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CIsisXMLGroups | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CIsisXMLHandler | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CIsisXMLHelper | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CIsisXMLHelpers | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CIsisXMLHistory | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CIsisXMLIgnore | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CIsisXMLList | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CIsisXMLMultipleValues | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CIsisXMLParameter | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CMatchToolDeletePointDialog | |
CMD5 | |
CMD5_CTX | |
Cmd5wrapper | |
CProfileDialog | |
CQAbstractScrollArea | |
CQAction | |
CQApplication | |
CQAtomicPointer | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CQComboBox | |
CQDialog | |
CQDockWidget | |
CQException | |
CQFileDialog | |
CQFlags | |
CQFrame | |
CQFutureWatcher | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CQGraphicsEllipseItem | |
CQGraphicsItem | |
CQGraphicsObject | |
CQGraphicsRectItem | |
CQGraphicsScene | |
CQGraphicsView | |
CQHash | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CQIdentityProxyModel | |
CQList | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CQMainWindow | |
CQMap | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CQMdiSubWindow | |
CQMenu | |
CQnetDeletePointDialog | |
CQObject | |
CQPair | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CQProgressBar | |
CQQueue | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CQRunnable | |
CQSet | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CQSharedData | |
CQSharedPointer | |
CQSortFilterProxyModel | |
CQSpinBox | |
CQSqlDatabase | |
CQSqlQuery | |
CQSqlRecord | |
CQStack | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CQStandardItem | |
CQStandardItemModel | |
CQThread | |
CQToolBar | |
CQTreeWidget | |
CQTreeWidgetItem | |
CQUndoCommand | |
CQVector | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
CQWidget | |
CQwtMatrixRasterData | |
CQwtPlot | |
CQwtPlotCurve | |
CQwtPlotItem | |
CQXmlDefaultHandler | |
CQXmlSimpleReader | |
CRTCRayHit | |
CXMLChTrans | This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain |
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 03/27/2024 15:35:51 |