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Isis Developer Reference
1998-12-21 Randy Kirk - USGS, Flagstaff - Original code
1999-03-12 K Teal Thompson Port to Unix/ISIS; declare vars; add implicit none.
2007-02-20 Janet Barrett - Imported from Isis2 pht_atm_functions to Isis.
2008-11-05 Jeannie Walldren - Replaced NumericalMethods::r8expint() with AtmosModel::En(). Replaced Isis::PI with PI since this is in Isis namespace.
2011-12-19 Janet Barrett - Added code to estimate the shadow brightness value (transs). Also got rid of unnecessary check for identical photometric angle values between successive calls. This check should only be made in the photometric models.
1998-12-21 Randy Kirk - USGS, Flagstaff - Original code
1999-03-12 K Teal Thompson Port to Unix/ISIS; declare vars; add implicit none.
2007-02-20 Janet Barrett - Imported from Isis2 pht_atm_functions to Isis3.
2008-11-05 Jeannie Walldren - Replaced NumericalMethods::r8expint() with AtmosModel::En(), NumericalMethods::G11Prime() with AtmosModel::G11Prime(), and NumericalMethods::r8ei() with AtmosModel::Ei(). Replaced Isis::PI with PI since this is in Isis namespace.
2011-12-19 Janet Barrett - Added code to estimate the shadow brightness value (transs). Also got rid of unnecessary check for identical photometric angle values between successive calls. This check should only be made in the photometric models.
2010-10-05 Tracie Sucharski - Renamed old WRite method to WritePvl and created this new method to determine format to be written.
2017-12-21 Jesse Mapel - Modified to use new ControlNetVersioner.
2008-07-17 Tracie Sucharski, Added ptid and measure serial number to the unable to map to surface error.
2009-12-06 Tracie Sucharski, Renamed from ComputeErrors
2010-08-05 Tracie Sucharski, Changed lat/lon/radius to x/y/z
2010-12-10 Debbie A. Cook, Revised error calculation for radar because it was always reporting line errors=0.
2011-03-17 Debbie A. Cook, Fixed typo in radar call to get longitude
2011-03-24 Debbie A. Cook, Removed IsMeasured check since it was really checking for Candidate measures.
2011-07-01 Debbie A. Cook, Removed editLock check to allow BundleAdjust to compute residuals for editLocked points
2012-01-18 Debbie A. Cook, Revised to call ComputeResidualsMillimeters() to avoid duplication of code.
2019-05-16 Debbie A. Cook, The calls to CameraGroundMap::GetXY were changed to allow not testing for points on the back side of the planet during bundle adjustment. Now, the instrument coordinates will be calculated and returned always to this method. In the future, a separate diagnostic tool may be helpful to check for non-visable points in a control net AFTER bundle adjustment. References #2591.
2008-07-17 Tracie Sucharski - Added ptid and measure serial number to the unable to map to surface error.
2010-12-06 Tracie Sucharski - Renamed from ComputeErrors
2011-03-19 Debbie A. Cook - Changed to use the Camera classes like ComputeResiduals and get the correct calculations for each camera type.
2011-03-24 Debbie A. Cook - Removed IsMeasured check since it was really checking for Candidate measures.
2012-01-18 Debbie A. Cook - Made radar case the same as other instruments and removed incorrect call to SetResidual, which was setting focal plane residuals in x and y instead of image residuals in sample and line.
2008-06-18 Tracie Sucharski/Jeannie Walldren, Fixed bug with checking for "True" vs "true", change to lower case for comparison.
2009-12-29 Tracie Sucharski - Added new ControlPoint information.
2010-01-13 Tracie Sucharski - Changed from Set methods to simply setting private variables to increase speed?
2010-07-30 Tracie Sucharski, Updated for changes made after additional working sessions for Control network design.
2010-09-01 Tracie Sucharski, Add checks for AprioriLatLonSource AprioriLatLonSourceFile. If there are AprioriSigmas,but no AprioriXYZ, use the XYZ values.
2010-09-15 Tracie Sucharski, It was decided after mtg with Debbie, Stuart, Ken and Tracie that ControlPoint will only function with x/y/z, not lat/lon/radius. It will be the responsibility of the application or class using ControlPoint to set up a SurfacePoint object to do conversions between x/y/z and lat/lon/radius. So... remove all conversion methods from this class. It was also decided that when importing old networks that contain Sigmas, the sigmas will not be imported , due to conflicts with the units of the sigmas,we cannot get accurate x,y,z sigmas from the lat,lon,radius sigmas without the covariance matrix.
2010-09-28 Tracie Sucharski, Added back the conversion methods from lat,lon,radius to x,y,z only for the point, since that is what most applications need.
2010-12-02 Debbie A. Cook, Added units to SurfacePoint.SetSpherical calls.
2011-03-12 Debbie A. Cook, Added targetRadius to do conversions
2007-03-02 Tracie Sucharski - Reopen cube read/write Workspace::addCubeViewport was opening cube read/write, changed to open read only so that the cube date was not changed unless EditTool is invoked.
2007-02-26 Tracie Sucharski - Remove test for off image editing. It is no longer needed since the bug in the Cube class is fixed.
2008-05-23 Noah Hilt - Removed the rectangle and start/end line functionality from the mouseButtonRelease and moved it to the rubberBandComplete method.
2017-08-11 Adam Goins - Added a "vp->cube()->open("r")" call to reopen the cube with "r" permissions if the attempted "rw" permission didn't succeed. Fixes segfault issue if editing is attempted on cube without "w" access. (ref # 2097)
2010-03-24 Sharmila Prasad - Enable FindTool for no camera image only for Image Point (lines and Samples)
2010-05-06 Eric Hyer - points now calculated here for every repaint. This method is now used for all images, whether they have a cam or not
2010-03-24 Sharmila Prasad - Enable FindTool for no camera image & display status as "None"
2010-05-06 Eric Hyer - This method now also updates the line edits within the dialog.
2009-09-14 Kris Becker Removed temperature components and placed them in the GainTemperature module.
2010-04-16 Kris Becker Modified to used the standardized CSV reader for the A matrix.
2000-07-07 Randy Kirk - USGS, Flagstaff - Original code
2000-12-18 K Teal Thompson Port to Unix/ISIS;
2007-02-20 Janet Barrett - Imported from Isis2 pht_atm_functions to Isis3.
2008-11-05 Jeannie Walldren - Modified references to NumericalMethods class and replaced Isis::PI with PI since this is in Isis namespace.
2011-12-19 Janet Barrett - Added code to estimate the shadow brightness value (transs). Also got rid of unnecessary check for identical photometric angle values between successive calls. This check should only be made in the photometric models.
2000-07-07 Randy Kirk - USGS, Flagstaff - Original code
2000-12-18 K Teal Thompson Port to Unix/ISIS;
2007-02-20 Janet Barrett - Imported from Isis2 pht_atm_functions to Isis3.
2008-11-05 Jeannie Walldren - Modified references to NumericalMethods class. Replaced Isis::PI with PI since this is in Isis namespace.
2011-12-19 Janet Barrett - Added code to estimate the shadow brightness value (transs). Also got rid of unnecessary check for identical photometric angle values between successive calls. This check should only be made in the photometric models.
2008-04-28 Tracie Sucharski, When calculating p_pixInc, set to 1 if values calculated is 0.
2008-12-30 Tracie Sucharski - If ground map returns pole make sure it is actually on the image.
2009-05-28 Stuart Sides - Added the quality argument.
2010-07-13 Tracie Sucharski, Changes for binary control networks, Measure type of Estimated is now Candidate and instead of a separate keyword indicating whether a meausre is the reference, the MeasureType is set to Reference.
2010-10-04 Sharmila Prasad - Modified for binary Control Net ex Edit Lock
2010-10-15 Sharmila Prasad - Use only a single copy of Control Net
2010-03-30 Sharmila Prasad - Check for valid DN Value and Emission Angle in the user defined ValidMin-ValidMax range when selecting point of interest in a Control Measure
2010-06-23 Sharmila Prasad - Validate for Resolution Range and Pixels/Meters from edge options
2016-08-24 Kelvin Rodriguez - Changed calls to abs to qAbs to squash implicit conversion warnings in clang. Part of porting to OS X 10.11.
2010-04-09 Sharmila Prasad Check for validity of new keyword "MaxEmissionAngle"
2010-06-10 Sharmila Prasad Parse only Interest specific keywords and store in Operator group
1998-12-21 Randy Kirk - USGS, Flagstaff - Original code
1999-03-12 K Teal Thompson Port to Unix/ISIS; declare vars; add implicit none.
2007-02-20 Janet Barrett - Imported from Isis2 pht_atm_functions to Isis3.
2008-11-05 Jeannie Walldren - Replaced NumericalMethods::r8expint() with AtmosModel::En(). Replaced Isis::PI with PI since this is in Isis namespace.
2011-12-19 Janet Barrett - Added code to estimate the shadow brightness value (transs). Also got rid of unnecessary check for identical photometric angle values between successive calls. This check should only be made in the photometric models.
1998-12-21 Randy Kirk, USGS, Flagstaff - Original code
1999-03-12 K Teal Thompson Port to Unix/ISIS; declare vars; add implicit none.
2007-02-20 Janet Barrett - Imported from Isis2 pht_atm_functions to Isis3.
2008-11-05 Jeannie Walldren - Replaced reference to NumericalMethods::r8expint() with AtmosModel::En(), NumericalMethods::G11Prime() with AtmosModel::G11Prime(), and NumericalMethods::r8ei() with AtmosModel::Ei(). Replaced Isis::PI with PI since this is in Isis namespace.
2011-12-19 Janet Barrett - Added code to estimate the shadow brightness value (transs). Also got rid of unnecessary check for identical photometric angle values between successive calls. This check should only be made in the photometric models.
2009-03-20 Stuart Sides, Modified the validity check for center latitude. It now only tests for the pole opposite the apex of the cone.
2009-03-03 Tracie Sucharski, Undo the PositiveWest adjustment to the center longitude because it is done twice, once in the constructor and again in SetGround.
2017-10-06 Adam Goins - showTable() now calls syncColumns() after it calls this->show() so that it hides the unselected columns appropriately. Fixes #5141.
2017-10-06 Adam Goins - showTable() now calls syncColumns() after it calls this->show() so that it hides the unselected columns appropriately. Fixes #5141.
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