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Isis Developer Reference
A container class for statistical results from a BundleAdjust solution. More...
#include <BundleResults.h>
Public Member Functions | |
BundleResults (QObject *parent=0) | |
Constructs a BundleResults object. | |
BundleResults (Project *project, XmlStackedHandlerReader *xmlReader, QObject *parent=0) | |
Construct this BundleResults object from XML. | |
BundleResults (const BundleResults &src) | |
Copy constructor for BundleResults. | |
~BundleResults () | |
Destroys this BundleResults object. | |
BundleResults & | operator= (const BundleResults &src) |
Assignment operator for BundleResults. | |
void | initialize () |
Initializes the BundleResults to a default state where all numeric members are set to 0 or another default value, all QString members are set to empty, all QVectors and QLists are cleared, and all other members are set to NULL. | |
void | resizeSigmaStatisticsVectors (int numberImages) |
Resizes all image sigma vectors. | |
void | setRmsImageResidualLists (QList< Statistics > rmsImageLineResiduals, QList< Statistics > rmsImageSampleResiduals, QList< Statistics > rmsImageResiduals) |
Sets the root mean square image residual Statistics lists. | |
void | setRmsImageResidualLists (QVector< Statistics > rmsImageLineResiduals, QVector< Statistics > rmsImageSampleResiduals, QVector< Statistics > rmsImageResiduals) |
void | setRmsLidarImageResidualLists (QList< Statistics > rmsLidarImageLineResiduals, QList< Statistics > rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals, QList< Statistics > rmsLidarImageResiduals) |
Sets the root mean square lidar image residual Statistics lists. | |
void | setSigmaCoord1Range (Distance minCoord1Dist, Distance maxCoord1Dist, QString minCoord1PointId, QString maxCoord1PointId) |
Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 1. | |
void | setSigmaCoord2Range (Distance minCoord2Dist, Distance maxCoord2Dist, QString minCoord2PointId, QString maxCoord2PointId) |
Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 2. | |
void | setSigmaCoord3Range (Distance minCoord3Dist, Distance maxCoord3Dist, QString minCoord3PointId, QString maxCoord3PointId) |
Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 3. | |
void | setRmsFromSigmaStatistics (double rmsFromSigmaCoord1Stats, double rmsFromSigmaCoord2Stats, double rmsFromSigmaCoord3Stats) |
Sets the root mean square values of the adjusted sigmas for all three coordinates. | |
void | maximumLikelihoodSetUp (QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model, double > > modelsWithQuantiles) |
This method steps up the maximum likelihood estimation solution. | |
void | printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation () |
Prints out information about which tier the solution is in and the status of the residuals. | |
void | initializeResidualsProbabilityDistribution (unsigned int nodes=20) |
Initializes or resets the cumulative probability distribution of residuals used for reporting. | |
void | initializeProbabilityDistribution (unsigned int nodes=20) |
Initializes or resets the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|. | |
void | addResidualsProbabilityDistributionObservation (double obsValue) |
Adds an observation to the cumulative probability distribution of residuals used for reporting. | |
void | addProbabilityDistributionObservation (double obsValue) |
Adds an observation to the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|. | |
void | addProbabilityDistributionObservation (double obsValue, bool residuals) |
void | incrementMaximumLikelihoodModelIndex () |
Increases the value that indicates which stage the maximum likelihood adjustment is currently on. | |
void | incrementFixedPoints () |
Increase the number of 'fixed' (ground) points. | |
int | numberFixedPoints () const |
Returns the number of 'fixed' (ground) points. | |
void | incrementHeldImages () |
Increases the number of 'held' images. | |
int | numberHeldImages () const |
Returns the number of 'held' images. | |
void | incrementIgnoredPoints () |
Increase the number of ignored points. | |
int | numberIgnoredPoints () const |
Returns the number of ignored points. | |
void | setRejectionLimit (double rejectionLimit) |
Sets the rejection limit. | |
void | setRmsXYResiduals (double rx, double ry, double rxy) |
Sets the root mean square of the x and y residuals. | |
void | setNumberRejectedObservations (int numberObservations) |
Sets the number of rejected observations. | |
void | setNumberImageObservations (int numberObservations) |
Sets the number of photogrammetric image observations. | |
void | setNumberLidarImageObservations (int numberLidarObservations) |
Sets the number of lidar observations. | |
void | setNumberObservations (int numberObservations) |
Sets the number of observations. | |
void | setNumberImageParameters (int numberParameters) |
Sets the number of image parameters. | |
void | setNumberConstrainedPointParameters (int numberParameters) |
Set number of contrained point parameters. | |
void | setNumberConstrainedLidarPointParameters (int numberParameters) |
Set number of contrained point parameters. | |
void | resetNumberConstrainedPointParameters () |
Resets the number of contrained point parameters to 0. | |
void | incrementNumberConstrainedPointParameters (int incrementAmount) |
Increase the number of contrained point parameters. | |
void | resetNumberConstrainedImageParameters () |
Resets the number of constrained image parameters to 0. | |
void | incrementNumberConstrainedImageParameters (int incrementAmount) |
Increase the number of constrained image parameters. | |
void | resetNumberConstrainedTargetParameters () |
Resets the number of constrained target parameters to 0. | |
void | incrementNumberConstrainedTargetParameters (int incrementAmount) |
Increases the number of constrained target parameters. | |
void | setNumberLidarRangeConstraints (int numberLidarRangeConstraints) |
Sets the total number of lidar range constraints. | |
void | setNumberUnknownParameters (int numberParameters) |
Sets the total number of parameters to solve for. | |
void | computeDegreesOfFreedom () |
Computes the degrees of freedom of the bundle adjustment and stores it internally. | |
void | computeSigma0 (double dvtpv, BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria criteria) |
Computes the sigma0 and stores it internally. | |
void | setDegreesOfFreedom (double degreesOfFreedom) |
Sets the degrees of freedom. | |
void | setSigma0 (double sigma0) |
Sets the sigma0. | |
void | setElapsedTime (double time) |
Sets the elapsed time for the bundle adjustment. | |
void | setElapsedTimeErrorProp (double time) |
Sets the elapsed time for error propegation. | |
void | setConverged (bool converged) |
Sets if the bundle adjustment converged. | |
void | setBundleControlPoints (QVector< BundleControlPointQsp > controlPoints) |
Sets the bundle control point vector. | |
void | setBundleLidarPoints (QVector< BundleLidarControlPointQsp > lidarPoints) |
Sets the bundle lidar point vector. | |
void | setOutputControlNet (ControlNetQsp outNet) |
Sets the output ControlNet. | |
void | setOutputLidarData (LidarDataQsp outLidarData) |
Sets the output LidarData object. | |
void | setIterations (int iterations) |
Sets the number of iterations taken by the BundleAdjust. | |
void | setObservations (BundleObservationVector observations) |
Sets the vector of BundleObservations. | |
QList< Statistics > | rmsImageSampleResiduals () const |
Returns the list of RMS image sample residuals statistics. | |
QList< Statistics > | rmsImageLineResiduals () const |
Returns the list of RMS image line residuals statistics. | |
QList< Statistics > | rmsImageResiduals () const |
Returns the list of RMS image residuals statistics. | |
QList< Statistics > | rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals () const |
Returns the list of RMS image lidar sample residuals statistics. | |
QList< Statistics > | rmsLidarImageLineResiduals () const |
Returns the list of RMS image lidar line residuals statistics. | |
QList< Statistics > | rmsLidarImageResiduals () const |
Returns the list of RMS image lidar residuals statistics. | |
QVector< Statistics > | rmsImageXSigmas () const |
Returns the list of RMS image x sigma statistics. | |
QVector< Statistics > | rmsImageYSigmas () const |
Returns the list of RMS image y sigma statistics. | |
QVector< Statistics > | rmsImageZSigmas () const |
Returns the list of RMS image z sigma statistics. | |
QVector< Statistics > | rmsImageRASigmas () const |
Returns the list of RMS image right ascension sigma statistics. | |
QVector< Statistics > | rmsImageDECSigmas () const |
Returns the list of RMS image declination sigma statistics. | |
QVector< Statistics > | rmsImageTWISTSigmas () const |
Returns the list of RMS image twist sigma statistics. | |
SurfacePoint::CoordinateType | coordTypeReports () |
Distance | minSigmaCoord1Distance () const |
Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 1. | |
Distance | maxSigmaCoord1Distance () const |
Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 1. | |
Distance | minSigmaCoord2Distance () const |
Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 2. | |
Distance | maxSigmaCoord2Distance () const |
Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 2. | |
Distance | minSigmaCoord3Distance () const |
Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 3. | |
Distance | maxSigmaCoord3Distance () const |
Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 3. | |
QString | maxSigmaCoord1PointId () const |
Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 1. | |
QString | minSigmaCoord1PointId () const |
Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 1. | |
QString | minSigmaCoord2PointId () const |
Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 2. | |
QString | maxSigmaCoord2PointId () const |
Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 2. | |
QString | minSigmaCoord3PointId () const |
Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 3. | |
QString | maxSigmaCoord3PointId () const |
Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 3. | |
double | sigmaCoord1StatisticsRms () const |
Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 1. | |
double | sigmaCoord2StatisticsRms () const |
Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 2. | |
double | sigmaCoord3StatisticsRms () const |
Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 3. | |
double | rmsRx () const |
Returns the RMS of the x residuals. | |
double | rmsRy () const |
Returns the RMS of the y residuals. | |
double | rmsRxy () const |
Returns the RMS of the x and y residuals. | |
double | rejectionLimit () const |
Returns the rejection limit. | |
int | numberRejectedObservations () const |
Returns the number of observation that were rejected. | |
int | numberObservations () const |
Returns the number of observations. | |
int | numberImageObservations () const |
Returns the number of observations. | |
int | numberLidarImageObservations () const |
Returns the number of lidar observations. | |
int | numberImageParameters () const |
Returns the total number of image parameters. | |
int | numberConstrainedPointParameters () const |
Returns the number of constrained point parameters. | |
int | numberConstrainedImageParameters () const |
Returns the number of constrained image parameters. | |
int | numberConstrainedTargetParameters () const |
Return the number of constrained target parameters. | |
int | numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations () const |
Return the number of lidar range constraint equations. | |
int | numberUnknownParameters () const |
Returns the number of unknown parameters. | |
int | degreesOfFreedom () const |
Returns the degrees of freedom. | |
double | sigma0 () const |
Returns the Sigma0 of the bundle adjustment. | |
double | elapsedTime () const |
Returns the elapsed time for the bundle adjustment. | |
double | elapsedTimeErrorProp () const |
Returns the elapsed time for error propagation. | |
bool | converged () const |
Returns whether or not the bundle adjustment converged. | |
QVector< BundleControlPointQsp > & | bundleControlPoints () |
Returns a reference to the BundleControlPoint vector. | |
QVector< BundleLidarControlPointQsp > & | bundleLidarControlPoints () |
Returns a reference to the BundleLidarControlPoint vector. | |
ControlNetQsp | outputControlNet () const |
Returns a shared pointer to the output control network. | |
LidarDataQsp | outputLidarData () const |
Returns a shared pointer to the output LidarData object. | |
int | iterations () const |
Returns the number of iterations taken by the BundleAdjust. | |
const BundleObservationVector & | observations () const |
Returns a reference to the observations used by the BundleAdjust. | |
int | numberMaximumLikelihoodModels () const |
Returns how many maximum likelihood models were used in the bundle adjustment. | |
int | maximumLikelihoodModelIndex () const |
Returns which step the bundle adjustment is on. | |
StatCumProbDistDynCalc | cumulativeProbabilityDistribution () const |
Returns the cumulative probability distribution of the |R^2 residuals|. | |
StatCumProbDistDynCalc | residualsCumulativeProbabilityDistribution () const |
Returns the cumulative probability distribution of the residuals used for reporting. | |
double | maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals () const |
Returns the median of the |R^2 residuals|. | |
MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions | maximumLikelihoodModelWFunc (int modelIndex) const |
Returns the maximum likelihood model at the given index. | |
double | maximumLikelihoodModelQuantile (int modelIndex) const |
Returns the quantile of the maximum likelihood model at the given index. | |
QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions, double > > | maximumLikelihoodModels () const |
bool | setNumberHeldImages (SerialNumberList pHeldSnList, SerialNumberList *pSnList) |
CorrelationMatrix | correlationMatrix () const |
Returns the Correlation Matrix. | |
void | setCorrMatCovFileName (FileName name) |
Set the covariance file name for the matrix used to calculate the correlation matrix. | |
void | setCorrMatImgsAndParams (QMap< QString, QStringList > imgsAndParams) |
Set the images and their associated parameters of the correlation matrix. | |
void | save (QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project) const |
Saves the BundleResults object to an XML file. | |
A container class for statistical results from a BundleAdjust solution.
Isis::BundleResults::BundleResults | ( | QObject * | parent = 0 | ) |
Constructs a BundleResults object.
parent | The Qt-relationship parent. |
References initialize(), and initializeResidualsProbabilityDistribution().
Isis::BundleResults::BundleResults | ( | Project * | project, |
XmlStackedHandlerReader * | xmlReader, | ||
QObject * | parent = 0 ) |
Construct this BundleResults object from XML.
bundleSettingsFolder | Where the settings XML for this bundle adjustment resides - /work/.../projectRoot/images/import1 |
xmlReader | An XML reader that's up to a <bundleSettings> tag. |
parent | The Qt-relationship parent. |
References initialize().
Isis::BundleResults::BundleResults | ( | const BundleResults & | src | ) |
Copy constructor for BundleResults.
Creates this BundleResults object as a copy of another BundleResults object.
src | The other BundleResults object to be copied. |
Isis::BundleResults::~BundleResults | ( | ) |
Destroys this BundleResults object.
void Isis::BundleResults::addProbabilityDistributionObservation | ( | double | observationValue | ) |
Adds an observation to the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|.
observationValue | The value of the added observation. |
References Isis::StatCumProbDistDynCalc::addObs().
void Isis::BundleResults::addProbabilityDistributionObservation | ( | double | obsValue, |
bool | residuals ) |
void Isis::BundleResults::addResidualsProbabilityDistributionObservation | ( | double | observationValue | ) |
Adds an observation to the cumulative probability distribution of residuals used for reporting.
observationValue | The value of the added observation. |
References Isis::StatCumProbDistDynCalc::addObs().
QVector< BundleControlPointQsp > & Isis::BundleResults::bundleControlPoints | ( | ) |
Returns a reference to the BundleControlPoint vector.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputPointsCSV(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputResiduals(), and Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText().
QVector< BundleLidarControlPointQsp > & Isis::BundleResults::bundleLidarControlPoints | ( | ) |
Returns a reference to the BundleLidarControlPoint vector.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputLidarCSV(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputResiduals(), and Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText().
void Isis::BundleResults::computeDegreesOfFreedom | ( | ) |
Computes the degrees of freedom of the bundle adjustment and stores it internally.
Referenced by computeSigma0().
void Isis::BundleResults::computeSigma0 | ( | double | dvtpv, |
BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria | criteria ) |
Computes the sigma0 and stores it internally.
Sigma0 is the standard deviation of an observation of unit weight. Sigma0^2 is the variance of an observation of unit weight (also reference variance or variance factor).
Sigma0^2 = vtpv/degrees of freedom.
dvtpv | The weighted sum of the squares of the residuals. Computed by V transpose * P * V, where V is the vector of residuals and P is the weight matrix. |
criteria | The convergence criteria for the bundle adjustment. |
IException::Io | "Computed degrees of freedom is invalid." |
References _FILEINFO_, computeDegreesOfFreedom(), Isis::IException::Io, Isis::BundleSettings::ParameterCorrections, and Isis::toString().
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
bool Isis::BundleResults::converged | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether or not the bundle adjustment converged.
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::isConverged(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputImagesCSV(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), save(), setConverged(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
SurfacePoint::CoordinateType Isis::BundleResults::coordTypeReports | ( | ) |
References Isis::SurfacePoint::Latitudinal, and outputControlNet().
CorrelationMatrix Isis::BundleResults::correlationMatrix | ( | ) | const |
Returns the Correlation Matrix.
IException::Unknown | "Correlation matrix for this bundle is NULL." |
References _FILEINFO_, and Isis::IException::Unknown.
Referenced by save(), setCorrMatCovFileName(), and setCorrMatImgsAndParams().
StatCumProbDistDynCalc Isis::BundleResults::cumulativeProbabilityDistribution | ( | ) | const |
Returns the cumulative probability distribution of the |R^2 residuals|.
int Isis::BundleResults::degreesOfFreedom | ( | ) | const |
Returns the degrees of freedom.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), setDegreesOfFreedom(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
double Isis::BundleResults::elapsedTime | ( | ) | const |
Returns the elapsed time for the bundle adjustment.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), and save().
double Isis::BundleResults::elapsedTimeErrorProp | ( | ) | const |
Returns the elapsed time for error propagation.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), and save().
void Isis::BundleResults::incrementFixedPoints | ( | ) |
Increase the number of 'fixed' (ground) points.
void Isis::BundleResults::incrementHeldImages | ( | ) |
Increases the number of 'held' images.
void Isis::BundleResults::incrementIgnoredPoints | ( | ) |
Increase the number of ignored points.
void Isis::BundleResults::incrementMaximumLikelihoodModelIndex | ( | ) |
Increases the value that indicates which stage the maximum likelihood adjustment is currently on.
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
void Isis::BundleResults::incrementNumberConstrainedImageParameters | ( | int | incrementAmount | ) |
Increase the number of constrained image parameters.
incrementAmount | The amount to increase by. |
void Isis::BundleResults::incrementNumberConstrainedPointParameters | ( | int | incrementAmount | ) |
Increase the number of contrained point parameters.
incrementAmount | The amount to increase by. |
void Isis::BundleResults::incrementNumberConstrainedTargetParameters | ( | int | incrementAmount | ) |
Increases the number of constrained target parameters.
incrementAmount | The amount to increase by. |
void Isis::BundleResults::initialize | ( | ) |
Initializes the BundleResults to a default state where all numeric members are set to 0 or another default value, all QString members are set to empty, all QVectors and QLists are cleared, and all other members are set to NULL.
References Isis::Distance::setMeters().
Referenced by BundleResults(), and BundleResults().
void Isis::BundleResults::initializeProbabilityDistribution | ( | unsigned int | nodes = 20 | ) |
Initializes or resets the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|.
nodes | The number of quantiles in the cumulative probability distribution. |
References Isis::StatCumProbDistDynCalc::setQuantiles().
Referenced by maximumLikelihoodSetUp(), and printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation().
void Isis::BundleResults::initializeResidualsProbabilityDistribution | ( | unsigned int | nodes = 20 | ) |
Initializes or resets the cumulative probability distribution of residuals used for reporting.
nodes | The number of quantiles in the cumulative probability distribution. |
References Isis::StatCumProbDistDynCalc::setQuantiles().
Referenced by BundleResults(), maximumLikelihoodSetUp(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
int Isis::BundleResults::iterations | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of iterations taken by the BundleAdjust.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), and setIterations().
double Isis::BundleResults::maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals | ( | ) | const |
Returns the median of the |R^2 residuals|.
Referenced by save().
int Isis::BundleResults::maximumLikelihoodModelIndex | ( | ) | const |
Returns which step the bundle adjustment is on.
Referenced by save(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
double Isis::BundleResults::maximumLikelihoodModelQuantile | ( | int | modelIndex | ) | const |
Returns the quantile of the maximum likelihood model at the given index.
modelIndex | The index of the maximum likelihood model whose quantile will be returned. |
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader().
QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions, double > > Isis::BundleResults::maximumLikelihoodModels | ( | ) | const |
MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions Isis::BundleResults::maximumLikelihoodModelWFunc | ( | int | modelIndex | ) | const |
Returns the maximum likelihood model at the given index.
modelIndex | The index of the maximum likelihood model to be returned. |
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader().
void Isis::BundleResults::maximumLikelihoodSetUp | ( | QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model, double > > | modelsWithQuantiles | ) |
This method steps up the maximum likelihood estimation solution.
Up to three successive solutions models are available.
modelsWithQuantiles | The maixmum likelihood models and their quantiles. If empty, then maximum likelihood estimation will not be used. |
References initializeProbabilityDistribution(), and initializeResidualsProbabilityDistribution().
Distance Isis::BundleResults::maxSigmaCoord1Distance | ( | ) | const |
Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 1.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
QString Isis::BundleResults::maxSigmaCoord1PointId | ( | ) | const |
Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 1.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
Distance Isis::BundleResults::maxSigmaCoord2Distance | ( | ) | const |
Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 2.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
QString Isis::BundleResults::maxSigmaCoord2PointId | ( | ) | const |
Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 2.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
Distance Isis::BundleResults::maxSigmaCoord3Distance | ( | ) | const |
Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 3.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
QString Isis::BundleResults::maxSigmaCoord3PointId | ( | ) | const |
Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 3.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
Distance Isis::BundleResults::minSigmaCoord1Distance | ( | ) | const |
Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 1.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
QString Isis::BundleResults::minSigmaCoord1PointId | ( | ) | const |
Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 1.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
Distance Isis::BundleResults::minSigmaCoord2Distance | ( | ) | const |
Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 2.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
QString Isis::BundleResults::minSigmaCoord2PointId | ( | ) | const |
Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 2.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
Distance Isis::BundleResults::minSigmaCoord3Distance | ( | ) | const |
Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 3.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
QString Isis::BundleResults::minSigmaCoord3PointId | ( | ) | const |
Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 3.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
int Isis::BundleResults::numberConstrainedImageParameters | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of constrained image parameters.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), and save().
int Isis::BundleResults::numberConstrainedPointParameters | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of constrained point parameters.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
int Isis::BundleResults::numberConstrainedTargetParameters | ( | ) | const |
Return the number of constrained target parameters.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), and save().
int Isis::BundleResults::numberFixedPoints | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of 'fixed' (ground) points.
Referenced by save().
int Isis::BundleResults::numberHeldImages | ( | ) | const |
int Isis::BundleResults::numberIgnoredPoints | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of ignored points.
Referenced by save().
int Isis::BundleResults::numberImageObservations | ( | ) | const |
int Isis::BundleResults::numberImageParameters | ( | ) | const |
Returns the total number of image parameters.
Referenced by save().
int Isis::BundleResults::numberLidarImageObservations | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of lidar observations.
Referenced by save().
int Isis::BundleResults::numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations | ( | ) | const |
Return the number of lidar range constraint equations.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), and save().
int Isis::BundleResults::numberMaximumLikelihoodModels | ( | ) | const |
Returns how many maximum likelihood models were used in the bundle adjustment.
Referenced by printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation(), save(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
int Isis::BundleResults::numberObservations | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of observations.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), setNumberImageObservations(), setNumberObservations(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
int Isis::BundleResults::numberRejectedObservations | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of observation that were rejected.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), and setNumberRejectedObservations().
int Isis::BundleResults::numberUnknownParameters | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of unknown parameters.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
const BundleObservationVector & Isis::BundleResults::observations | ( | ) | const |
Returns a reference to the observations used by the BundleAdjust.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputImagesCSV(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and setObservations().
BundleResults & Isis::BundleResults::operator= | ( | const BundleResults & | src | ) |
Assignment operator for BundleResults.
Overwrites this BundleResults object with another BundleResults object.
src | The other BundleResults object to be copied from. |
ControlNetQsp Isis::BundleResults::outputControlNet | ( | ) | const |
Returns a shared pointer to the output control network.
IException::Programmer | "Output Control Network has not been set." |
References _FILEINFO_, and Isis::IException::Programmer.
Referenced by coordTypeReports(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), and save().
LidarDataQsp Isis::BundleResults::outputLidarData | ( | ) | const |
Returns a shared pointer to the output LidarData object.
IException::Programmer | "Output LidarData object has not been set." |
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader().
void Isis::BundleResults::printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation | ( | ) |
Prints out information about which tier the solution is in and the status of the residuals.
References initializeProbabilityDistribution(), numberMaximumLikelihoodModels(), and Isis::StatCumProbDistDynCalc::value().
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
double Isis::BundleResults::rejectionLimit | ( | ) | const |
Returns the rejection limit.
Referenced by save(), and setRejectionLimit().
void Isis::BundleResults::resetNumberConstrainedImageParameters | ( | ) |
Resets the number of constrained image parameters to 0.
void Isis::BundleResults::resetNumberConstrainedPointParameters | ( | ) |
Resets the number of contrained point parameters to 0.
void Isis::BundleResults::resetNumberConstrainedTargetParameters | ( | ) |
Resets the number of constrained target parameters to 0.
StatCumProbDistDynCalc Isis::BundleResults::residualsCumulativeProbabilityDistribution | ( | ) | const |
Returns the cumulative probability distribution of the residuals used for reporting.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader().
void Isis::BundleResults::resizeSigmaStatisticsVectors | ( | int | numberImages | ) |
Resizes all image sigma vectors.
numberImages | The new size for the image sigma vectors. |
QVector< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageDECSigmas | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of RMS image declination sigma statistics.
Referenced by save().
QList< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageLineResiduals | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of RMS image line residuals statistics.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputImagesCSV(), save(), and setRmsImageResidualLists().
QVector< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageRASigmas | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of RMS image right ascension sigma statistics.
Referenced by save().
QList< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageResiduals | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of RMS image residuals statistics.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputImagesCSV(), save(), and setRmsImageResidualLists().
QList< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageSampleResiduals | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of RMS image sample residuals statistics.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputImagesCSV(), save(), and setRmsImageResidualLists().
QVector< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageTWISTSigmas | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of RMS image twist sigma statistics.
Referenced by save().
QVector< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageXSigmas | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of RMS image x sigma statistics.
Referenced by save().
QVector< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageYSigmas | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of RMS image y sigma statistics.
Referenced by save().
QVector< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageZSigmas | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of RMS image z sigma statistics.
Referenced by save().
QList< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsLidarImageLineResiduals | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of RMS image lidar line residuals statistics.
Referenced by save(), and setRmsLidarImageResidualLists().
QList< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsLidarImageResiduals | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of RMS image lidar residuals statistics.
Referenced by save(), and setRmsLidarImageResidualLists().
QList< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals | ( | ) | const |
Returns the list of RMS image lidar sample residuals statistics.
Referenced by save(), and setRmsLidarImageResidualLists().
double Isis::BundleResults::rmsRx | ( | ) | const |
double Isis::BundleResults::rmsRxy | ( | ) | const |
Returns the RMS of the x and y residuals.
Referenced by save().
double Isis::BundleResults::rmsRy | ( | ) | const |
void Isis::BundleResults::save | ( | QXmlStreamWriter & | stream, |
const Project * | project ) const |
Saves the BundleResults object to an XML file.
stream | The QXMLStreamWriter that will be used to write out the XML file. |
project | The project that the BundleResults object belongs to. |
References _FILEINFO_, converged(), correlationMatrix(), degreesOfFreedom(), elapsedTime(), elapsedTimeErrorProp(), iterations(), Isis::SurfacePoint::Latitudinal, maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals(), maximumLikelihoodModelIndex(), maxSigmaCoord1Distance(), maxSigmaCoord1PointId(), maxSigmaCoord2Distance(), maxSigmaCoord2PointId(), maxSigmaCoord3Distance(), maxSigmaCoord3PointId(), minSigmaCoord1Distance(), minSigmaCoord1PointId(), minSigmaCoord2Distance(), minSigmaCoord2PointId(), minSigmaCoord3Distance(), minSigmaCoord3PointId(), Isis::MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::modelToString(), numberConstrainedImageParameters(), numberConstrainedPointParameters(), numberConstrainedTargetParameters(), numberFixedPoints(), numberHeldImages(), numberIgnoredPoints(), numberImageObservations(), numberImageParameters(), numberLidarImageObservations(), numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations(), numberMaximumLikelihoodModels(), numberObservations(), numberRejectedObservations(), numberUnknownParameters(), outputControlNet(), Isis::IException::Programmer, Isis::SurfacePoint::Rectangular, rejectionLimit(), rmsImageDECSigmas(), rmsImageLineResiduals(), rmsImageRASigmas(), rmsImageResiduals(), rmsImageSampleResiduals(), rmsImageTWISTSigmas(), rmsImageXSigmas(), rmsImageYSigmas(), rmsImageZSigmas(), rmsLidarImageLineResiduals(), rmsLidarImageResiduals(), rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals(), rmsRx(), rmsRxy(), rmsRy(), sigma0(), sigmaCoord1StatisticsRms(), sigmaCoord2StatisticsRms(), sigmaCoord3StatisticsRms(), and Isis::toString().
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::save().
void Isis::BundleResults::setBundleControlPoints | ( | QVector< BundleControlPointQsp > | controlPoints | ) |
Sets the bundle control point vector.
controlPoints | The vector of BundleControlPointQsps. |
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
void Isis::BundleResults::setBundleLidarPoints | ( | QVector< BundleLidarControlPointQsp > | lidarPoints | ) |
Sets the bundle lidar point vector.
lidarPoints | Vector of BundleLidarControlPointQsps. |
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
void Isis::BundleResults::setConverged | ( | bool | converged | ) |
Sets if the bundle adjustment converged.
converged | If the bundle adjustment converged. |
References converged().
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
void Isis::BundleResults::setCorrMatCovFileName | ( | FileName | name | ) |
Set the covariance file name for the matrix used to calculate the correlation matrix.
name | The name of the file used to store the covariance matrix. |
References correlationMatrix(), and Isis::CorrelationMatrix::setCovarianceFileName().
void Isis::BundleResults::setCorrMatImgsAndParams | ( | QMap< QString, QStringList > | imgsAndParams | ) |
Set the images and their associated parameters of the correlation matrix.
imgsAndParams | The QMap with all the images and parameters used for this bundle. |
References correlationMatrix(), and Isis::CorrelationMatrix::setImagesAndParameters().
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText().
void Isis::BundleResults::setDegreesOfFreedom | ( | double | degreesOfFreedom | ) |
Sets the degrees of freedom.
degreesOfFreedom | The degrees of freedom. |
References degreesOfFreedom().
void Isis::BundleResults::setElapsedTime | ( | double | time | ) |
Sets the elapsed time for the bundle adjustment.
time | The elapsed time. |
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
void Isis::BundleResults::setElapsedTimeErrorProp | ( | double | time | ) |
Sets the elapsed time for error propegation.
time | The elapsed time. |
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
void Isis::BundleResults::setIterations | ( | int | iterations | ) |
Sets the number of iterations taken by the BundleAdjust.
iterations | The number of iterations. |
References iterations().
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberConstrainedLidarPointParameters | ( | int | numberParameters | ) |
Set number of contrained point parameters.
numberParameters | Number of contrained point parameters. |
void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberConstrainedPointParameters | ( | int | numberParameters | ) |
Set number of contrained point parameters.
numberParameters | Number of contrained point parameters. |
bool Isis::BundleResults::setNumberHeldImages | ( | SerialNumberList | pHeldSnList, |
SerialNumberList * | pSnList ) |
void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberImageObservations | ( | int | numberObservations | ) |
Sets the number of photogrammetric image observations.
Note in this terminology an image measurement contributes two observations to the adjustment (i.e. sample/line).
So, the number of observations divided by 2 should equal the number of image measures.
numberObservations | The number of photogrammetric image observations. |
References numberObservations().
void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberImageParameters | ( | int | numberParameters | ) |
Sets the number of image parameters.
numberParameters | The number of image parameters. |
void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberLidarImageObservations | ( | int | numberLidarObservations | ) |
Sets the number of lidar observations.
numberLidarObservations | The number of lidar observations. |
void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberLidarRangeConstraints | ( | int | numberLidarRangeConstraints | ) |
Sets the total number of lidar range constraints.
numberLidarRangeConstraints | The total number of lidar range constraints. |
void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberObservations | ( | int | numberObservations | ) |
Sets the number of observations.
numberObservations | The number of observations. |
References numberObservations().
void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberRejectedObservations | ( | int | numberRejectedObservations | ) |
Sets the number of rejected observations.
numberRejectedObservations | The number of rejected observations. |
References numberRejectedObservations().
void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberUnknownParameters | ( | int | numberParameters | ) |
Sets the total number of parameters to solve for.
numberParameters | The number of parameters to solve for. |
void Isis::BundleResults::setObservations | ( | BundleObservationVector | observations | ) |
Sets the vector of BundleObservations.
observations | The vector of BundleObservations. |
References observations().
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
void Isis::BundleResults::setOutputControlNet | ( | ControlNetQsp | outNet | ) |
Sets the output ControlNet.
outNet | A QSharedPointer to the output ControlNet. |
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust(), Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust(), Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust(), Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust(), Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust(), Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust().
void Isis::BundleResults::setOutputLidarData | ( | LidarDataQsp | outLidarData | ) |
Sets the output LidarData object.
outLidarData | A QSharedPointer to the output LidarData object. |
Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust().
void Isis::BundleResults::setRejectionLimit | ( | double | rejectionLimit | ) |
Sets the rejection limit.
rejectionLimit | The rejection limit. |
References rejectionLimit().
void Isis::BundleResults::setRmsFromSigmaStatistics | ( | double | rmsFromSigmaCoord1Stats, |
double | rmsFromSigmaCoord2Stats, | ||
double | rmsFromSigmaCoord3Stats ) |
Sets the root mean square values of the adjusted sigmas for all three coordinates.
rmsFromSigmaCoord1Stats | The new RMS value of the adjusted coord1 sigmas. |
rmsFromSigmaCoord2Stats | The new RMS value of the adjusted coord2 sigmas. |
rmsFromSigmaCoord3Stats | The new RMS value of the adjusted coord3 sigmas. |
void Isis::BundleResults::setRmsImageResidualLists | ( | QList< Statistics > | rmsImageLineResiduals, |
QList< Statistics > | rmsImageSampleResiduals, | ||
QList< Statistics > | rmsImageResiduals ) |
Sets the root mean square image residual Statistics lists.
rmsImageLineResiduals | The new image line residuals list. |
rmsImageSampleResiduals | The new image sample residuals list. |
rmsImageResiduals | The new image residuals list. |
References rmsImageLineResiduals(), rmsImageResiduals(), and rmsImageSampleResiduals().
void Isis::BundleResults::setRmsImageResidualLists | ( | QVector< Statistics > | rmsImageLineResiduals, |
QVector< Statistics > | rmsImageSampleResiduals, | ||
QVector< Statistics > | rmsImageResiduals ) |
void Isis::BundleResults::setRmsLidarImageResidualLists | ( | QList< Statistics > | rmsLidarImageLineResiduals, |
QList< Statistics > | rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals, | ||
QList< Statistics > | rmsLidarImageResiduals ) |
Sets the root mean square lidar image residual Statistics lists.
rmsLidarImageLineResiduals | The new image line residuals list. |
rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals | The new image sample residuals list. |
rmsLidarImageResiduals | The new image residuals list. |
References rmsLidarImageLineResiduals(), rmsLidarImageResiduals(), and rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals().
void Isis::BundleResults::setRmsXYResiduals | ( | double | rx, |
double | ry, | ||
double | rxy ) |
Sets the root mean square of the x and y residuals.
rx | The RMS value of the x residuals. |
ry | The RMS value of the y residuals. |
rxy | The RMS value of both the x and y residuals. |
void Isis::BundleResults::setSigma0 | ( | double | sigma0 | ) |
void Isis::BundleResults::setSigmaCoord1Range | ( | Distance | minCoord1Dist, |
Distance | maxCoord1Dist, | ||
QString | minCoord1PointId, | ||
QString | maxCoord1PointId ) |
Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 1.
minLatDist | The new minimum sigma latitude distance. |
maxLatDist | The new maximum sigma latitude distance. |
minLatPointId | The new minimum sigma latitude point id. |
maxLatPointId | The new maximum sigma latitude point id. |
void Isis::BundleResults::setSigmaCoord2Range | ( | Distance | minCoord2Dist, |
Distance | maxCoord2Dist, | ||
QString | minCoord2PointId, | ||
QString | maxCoord2PointId ) |
Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 2.
minLonDist | The new minimum sigma longitude distance. |
maxLonDist | The new maximum sigma longitude distance. |
minLonPointId | The new minimum sigma longitude point id. |
maxLonPointId | The new maximum sigma longitude point id. |
void Isis::BundleResults::setSigmaCoord3Range | ( | Distance | minCoord3Dist, |
Distance | maxCoord3Dist, | ||
QString | minCoord3PointId, | ||
QString | maxCoord3PointId ) |
Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 3.
minRadDist | The new minimum sigma radius distance. |
maxRadDist | The new maximum sigma radius distance. |
minRadPointId | The new minimum sigma radius point id. |
maxRadPointId | The new maximum sigma radius point id. |
double Isis::BundleResults::sigma0 | ( | ) | const |
Returns the Sigma0 of the bundle adjustment.
Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), setSigma0(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().
double Isis::BundleResults::sigmaCoord1StatisticsRms | ( | ) | const |
Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 1.
Referenced by Isis::JigsawRunWidget::notifyThreadFinished(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
double Isis::BundleResults::sigmaCoord2StatisticsRms | ( | ) | const |
Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 2.
Referenced by Isis::JigsawRunWidget::notifyThreadFinished(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
double Isis::BundleResults::sigmaCoord3StatisticsRms | ( | ) | const |
Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 3.
Referenced by Isis::JigsawRunWidget::notifyThreadFinished(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().
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