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Import MESSENGER/MDIS EDR/RDR products into ISIS cubes



This program, mdis2isis, converts PDS-labelled Mercury Dual Imaging (MDIS) Experiment Data Records (EDRs) or Reduced Data Records (RDR) to ISIS labels. MDIS has a narrow angle camera (NAC) and a wide angle camera (WAC) with twelve filters. These observations, using mdis2isis, are converted to ISIS format, and the resulting ISIS cubes are ready for SPICE initialization and projection.

Some MDIS-images are compressed onboard the spacecraft. When such compression is detected by mdis2isis, each DN is converted to its pre-compressed, 12-bit DN value using the original Lookup Table (LUT). All output files are created in floating point DN format.

There are DN limits that are imposed on the output pixel. For the NAC instrument, the valid range is 0 < DN < 3400. The limit for the WAC is 0 < DN < 3600. For both instruments, 0 values are mapped to the NULL special pixel value. Values that exceed the maximum are set to the HIS (high instrument saturation) special pixel value.


Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube file name
TO Output cube


Name Description
TARGETProvide observation target if not in EDR
UNLUT Convert 8-bit values to 12-bit values

Files: FROM


The input MDIS EDR/RDR file

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.IMG *.IMA

Files: TO


Output file converted from PDS EDR format to ISIS. This ISIS file will have all the information transferred from the PDS EDR file that is necessary to initialize for geometric processing (see spiceinit, cam2map, etc).

Type cube
File Mode output
Pixel Type real
Filter *.cub

Parameters: TARGET


This parameter may be necessary as some EDR labels do not adequately define the TARGET_NAME keyword in the labels. Messenger takes a very long trip to finally arrive at Mercury orbit in 2011. During cruise, many flybys occur. The proper specification of the TARGET_NAME is critical to valid instantiation of ISIS camera models. When this application was originally written, NULL was a frequently occurring value of the TARGET_NAME keyword even for flyby encounters. This keyword allows one to specify the observed body, as many flybys occurred, explicitly for these cases. The default is to honor the value in the EDR label as it is anticipated this will be corrected in subsequent EDR generation.

Type string
Internal Default Label Value

Parameters: UNLUT


If this is set to true, and the input cube is lutted, a Lookup Table will be used to convert the original DN values to their original 12-bit values. This must be set to true for calibration.

Type boolean
Default true


Kris Becker2005-07-25 Original version
Elizabeth Miller2005-11-15 Added appTest
Steven Lambright2007-12-10 Added Lookup Table capabilities
Steven Lambright2007-12-11 Fixed problem where labels went outside the IsisCube object
Kris Becker2008-01-19 Added validation of filter number here. The number in the label is unreliable and requires validation as filter identification is critical in calibration and camera model (at a minimum). If it cannot be determined, the number is set to "Unknown" which renders the file unusable for calibration and geometric operations.
Christopher Austin2008-03-18 Checks if input file is rdr.
Steven Lambright2008-05-13 Removed references to CubeInfo
Kris Becker2008-09-03 Reworked the lut inversion implementation to use a different dn table source. This altered the resulting DNs a bit. Also instituted DN limits for low (0) and high saturation levels for WAC (3600) and NAC (3400). DN values that exceed these maximums are set to NULL and HIS (High Instrument Saturation), respectively. Started the SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID pedigree chain.
Steven Lambright2009-12-29 Now looking for mdisCalibration????.trn in $messenger/calibration instead of $messenger/translations
Kris Becker2011-06-15 Added YearDoy keyword to the Archive group. The format is a valid numerical value. This value is created from the StartTime, multiplying the year by 1000 and adding the day-of-year ; added the OrbitNumber keyword to the translation tables for inclusion in the Archive group.
Kaitlyn Lee2018-01-17 Reworded application description to make it more understandable.