ISIS Application Documentation
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Import MESSENGER/MDIS EDR/RDR products into ISIS cubes
Overview | Parameters |
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:12 |
Parameter GroupsFiles
U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey ISIS | Privacy & Disclaimers | Astrogeology Research Program To contact us, please post comments and questions on the USGS Astrogeology Discussion Board To report a bug, or suggest a feature go to: ISIS Github File Modified: 02/21/2025 19:28:12 |
The input MDIS EDR/RDR file
Type | filename |
File Mode | input |
Filter | *.IMG *.IMA |
Output file converted from PDS EDR format to ISIS. This ISIS file will have all the information transferred from the PDS EDR file that is necessary to initialize for geometric processing (see spiceinit, cam2map, etc).
Type | cube |
File Mode | output |
Pixel Type | real |
Filter | *.cub |
This parameter may be necessary as some EDR labels do not adequately define the TARGET_NAME keyword in the labels. Messenger takes a very long trip to finally arrive at Mercury orbit in 2011. During cruise, many flybys occur. The proper specification of the TARGET_NAME is critical to valid instantiation of ISIS camera models. When this application was originally written, NULL was a frequently occurring value of the TARGET_NAME keyword even for flyby encounters. This keyword allows one to specify the observed body, as many flybys occurred, explicitly for these cases. The default is to honor the value in the EDR label as it is anticipated this will be corrected in subsequent EDR generation.
Type | string |
Internal Default | Label Value |
If this is set to true, and the input cube is lutted, a Lookup Table will be used to convert the original DN values to their original 12-bit values. This must be set to true for calibration.
Type | boolean |
Default | true |