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Creates a control network for a Lat/Lon range

Overview Parameters Example 1


This program creates a control network for a latitude/longitude range on a specified target planet. The control network that is created is a grid of evenly-spaced control points. The control network generated will have no control measures, but will instead have a known latitude and longitude for each control point. The resulting control network can then have images added to it by using the cnetadd application.



Stacy Alley2009-07-27 Original version
Travis Addair2009-08-27 Fixed error when calculating X/Y range and added application test.
Travis Addair2009-09-11 Added parameter allowing user to enter in projection type to use in seeding process.
Travis Addair2009-09-14 Changed means of entering projection type to be a map file so as to allow for more customization and accepted projection types.
Travis Addair2009-09-24 Added option to use lat/lon spacing when seeding points; fixed bug causing points to be seeded outside the lat/lon range; added a default projection type and reinstated the TARGET parameter so the user does not need to edit a projection file in order to run the program.
Travis Addair2010-06-07 Added progress bar.
Tracie Sucharski2010-10-26 Changed for new Control Network format.
Travis Addair2011-04-11 Changed parameters PROJECTION to MAP and TO to ONET for consistency.
Travis Addair2011-07-08 Added error checking for latitude and longitude ranges
Jai Rideout2011-09-30 Updated documentation with Janet Richie and Laszlo Kestay for release and added example.
Debbie A. Cook2012-12-10 Changed to use TProjection instead of Projection. References #775
Jeannie Backer2016-04-22 Cleaned up duplicate code. Added error message to alert to the user when the program fails to find TargetRadii. Added errors appTest. References #3892
Jesse Mapel2018-07-06 Changed to get the target radii directly from the Target class instead of the control network because the control network no longer has them. Fixes #5457.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
TARGET Target planet for the Lat/Lon range
MAP File containing mapping parameters
MINLAT Minimum Latitude
MAXLAT Maximum Latitude
MINLON Minimum Longitude
MAXLON Maximum Longitude

Step Size

Name Description
SPACING Whether the generated control points should be spaced by meter increment, or by latitude/longitude increment
XSTEP Step Size in the x direction in meters
YSTEP Step Size in the y direction in meters
LATSTEP Step Size in the north/south direction
LONSTEP Step Size in the east/west direction


Name Description
NETWORKID Name of this control network
POINTID The pattern to be used to create point ids
DESCRIPTION The description of the network


Name Description
ONET Output control network

Target/Range: TARGET


This is the planet on which the Lat/Lon range resides. The target can be specified in one of two ways: by typing the name of a planet for this parameter, or by including the TargetName in the MAP file. If the user specifies both, then the TARGET parameter will be used instead of the TargetName in the MAP file. If neither is specified, the program will throw an error.

Type string
Internal Default From MAP file
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Target/Range: MAP


A file containing the mapping parameters in PVL form. This file can be a simple PVL file or an existing cube label that contains a Mapping group. By default, the program will use a standard map template for a Sinusoidal projection. If the keyword TargetName is not in this mapping file, then the user must specify a value for the TARGET parameter. You can produce map files using the maptemplate program.

Type filename
File Mode input
Default Path $ISISROOT/appdata/templates/maps
Default $ISISROOT/appdata/templates/maps/sinusoidal.map
Filter *.map *.cub
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Target/Range: MINLAT


This is the minimum latitude for the Lat/Lon range. Control points are added to the control network starting from this latitude.

Type double
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Target/Range: MAXLAT


This is the maximum latitude for the Lat/Lon range.

Type double
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Target/Range: MINLON


This is the minimum longitude for the Lat/Lon range. Control points are added to the control network starting from this longitude.

Type double
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Target/Range: MAXLON


This is the maximum longitude for the Lat/Lon range.

Type double
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Step Size: SPACING


This option allows the user to specify the type of spacing the program will use when generating the control points. Selecting METER spacing will use a projection to attempt to place control points every XSTEP meters within the longitude range, and every YSTEP meters within the latitude range. Conversely, LATLON spacing will simply place control points every LATSTEP and LONSTEP within the range.

Type string
Default METER
Option List:
Option Brief Description
METER Space control points in the range by meter increments. This option will space control points in the range by a specified XSTEP and YSTEP given in meters on the planet's surface. If this option is selected, the user must also specify a MAP file, but not necessarily a value for TARGET if the projection contains the TargetName keyword.




  • MAP
LATLON Space control points in the range by latitude and longitude increments. This option will space control points in the range by a specified LATSTEP and LONSTEP, given in terms of the planet's degrees latitude and longitude, respectively. If this option is selected, the user must specify a TARGET name, but not a MAP file. The lat/lon coordinates are in universal format: the longitude domain is 0-360, the longitude direction is positive east, and the latitude coordinate system is planetocentric.


  • MAP


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Step Size: XSTEP


Points will be placed on the grid in the longitude range in the step described here in meters.

Type double
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Step Size: YSTEP


Points will be placed on the grid in the latitude range in the step described here in meters.

Type double
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Step Size: LATSTEP


Points will be placed on the grid in the latitude range in the step described here in degrees latitude.

Type double
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Step Size: LONSTEP


Points will be placed on the grid in the longitude range in the step described here in degrees longitude.

Type double
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The ID or name of the control network that is created. This string should be unique.

Type string
Internal Default No Id
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Control: POINTID


A string with one and only one set of question marks ("?"). This string will be used to create unique IDs for each control point created by this program. The question marks will be replaced with a number beginning with zero. For example the pattern "User????" would create point IDs "User0001" through "User9999". Note: Make sure there are enough "?"s for all the control points that may be created during this run. If all question marks are exausted the program will throw an error.

Type string
Close Window



A string describing the purpose of this control network. For example, a description might be "LROC NAC MareSmythii GRID NETWORK". This description indicates that the control network is for the LROC mission using the narrow angle camera instrument, and the feature of interest is Mare Smythii. The description string can be literally anything, but it is helpful to make it something that is descriptive of the control network.

Type string
Internal Default No Description
Close Window

Files: ONET


This file will contain the control network that is created.

Type filename
File Mode output
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Example 1

Seeding Mars


This example illustrates how to generate a control network for the target planet Mars. The resulting control net is named 'out.net', and has control points seeded from -90 to +90 latitude, 0 to 360 longitude with a spacing of 20 degrees between each point.

Command Line

seedgrid TARGET=mars LATSTEP=20 LONSTEP=20 MINLAT=-90 MAXLAT=90 MINLON=0 MAXLON=360 ONET=out.net SPACING=latlon POINTID='id????'
The command to use for this example.

Data File

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The resulting control network This is the control network that is created by seedgrid.

Output Image

Resulting distribution of points in the network

Point Distribution Visualization

This image is a visualization of the point distribution within the control network. This is projected using a sinusoidal projection. Please note that this image is not an output of the seedgrid application. It is included as a visual aid only.