Represents a 3D area (a 3D "cube")
Displacement getStartY() const
Returns the topmost Y position of the 3D area.
bool isValid() const
Returns true if all of the positions of the 3D area are valid (i.e.
Area3D & operator=(const Area3D &areaToCopy)
Assigns areaToCopy to this.
Displacement * m_endX
The rightmost X position. Either NULL or a valid displacement.
void setHeight(const Distance &height)
Changes the height of the 3D area.
void setStartY(const Displacement &startY)
Sets the topmost Y position.
void setZDimension(const Displacement &startZ, const Distance &depth)
Sets the Z dimension of the 3D area.
void setEndY(const Displacement &endY)
Sets the bottommost Y position.
Displacement getEndX() const
Returns the rightmost X position of the 3D area.
void setEndZ(const Displacement &endZ)
Sets the backmost Z position.
void setWidth(const Distance &width)
Changes the width of the 3D area.
Distance getWidth() const
Returns the width (in the X dimension) of the 3D area.
Displacement * m_startX
The leftmost X position. Either NULL or a valid displacement.
virtual ~Area3D()
The destructor frees allocated memory.
void setYDimension(const Displacement &startY, const Distance &height)
Sets the Y dimension of the 3D area.
Displacement * m_startY
The topmost Y position. Either NULL or a valid displacement.
Displacement * m_startZ
The frontmost Z position. Either NULL or a valid displacement.
bool operator!=(const Area3D &otherArea) const
Compares two areas with the != operator.
Area3D intersect(const Area3D &otherArea) const
Returns the intersection of this 3D area with another 3D area.
void moveEndY(const Displacement &endY)
Moves the bottommost Y position of the 3D area.
virtual void setArea(const Displacement &startX, const Displacement &startY, const Displacement &startZ, const Displacement &endX, const Displacement &endY, const Displacement &endZ)
Sets the area.
Distance getDepth() const
Returns the depth (in the Z dimension) of the 3D area.
void moveStartX(const Displacement &startX)
Moves the leftmost X position of the 3D area.
void setDepth(const Distance &depth)
Changes the depth of the 3D area.
void moveStartZ(const Displacement &startZ)
Moves the frontmost Z position of the 3D area.
void moveEndZ(const Displacement &endZ)
Moves the backmost Z position of the 3D area.
void moveEndX(const Displacement &endX)
Moves the rightmost X position of the 3D area.
Displacement * m_endZ
The backmost Z position. Either NULL or a valid displacement.
Displacement getStartZ() const
Returns the frontmost Z position of the 3D area.
void moveStartY(const Displacement &startY)
Moves the topmost Y position of the 3D area.
bool operator==(const Area3D &otherArea) const
Compares two areas with the == operator.
void setStartX(const Displacement &startX)
Sets the leftmost X position.
Distance getHeight() const
Returns the height (in the Y dimension) of the 3D area.
void setXDimension(const Displacement &startX, const Distance &width)
Sets the X dimension of the 3D area.
void setStartZ(const Displacement &startZ)
Sets the frontmost Z position.
Displacement getEndZ() const
Returns the backmost Z position of the 3D area.
void deleteTheData()
Frees all allocated memory used by this 3D area.
Displacement getEndY() const
Returns the bottommost Y position of the 3D area.
void nullTheData()
Nulls all of the members used by this 3D area.
Displacement getStartX() const
Returns the leftmost X position of the 3D area.
void setEndX(const Displacement &endX)
Sets the rightmost X position.
Displacement * m_endY
The bottommost Y position. Either NULL or a valid displacement.
The empty constructor creates an invalid 3D area.
Displacement is a signed length, usually in meters.
Distance measurement, usually in meters.
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