1#ifndef CameraStatistics_h
2#define CameraStatistics_h
223 void init(
Camera *cam,
int sinc,
int linc, QString filename);
Calculates a series of statistics pertaining to a Camera.
void init(Camera *cam, int sinc, int linc, QString filename)
Initializes this collection of statistics by incrementing over sample/line positions in the Camera an...
Statistics * m_lonStat
Universal longitude statistics.
const Statistics * getObliqueSampleResStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the oblique sample resolutions of the input...
Statistics * m_lineResStat
Line resolution statistics.
const Statistics * getObliqueLineResStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the oblique line resolution of the input Ca...
Statistics * m_obliqueResStat
Oblique pixel resolution statistics.
Statistics * m_aspectRatioStat
Aspect ratio statistics.
const Statistics * getObliqueResStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the oblique pixel resolutions of the input ...
Statistics * m_obliqueLineResStat
Oblique line resolution statistics.
const Statistics * getLocalRaduisStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the Local Radii (in meters) of the input Ca...
const Statistics * getPhaseStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the Phase Angles of the input Camera.
const Statistics * getEmissionStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the Emission Angles of the input Camera.
Statistics * m_sampleResStat
Sample resolution statistics.
const Statistics * getSampleResStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the Sample Resolutions of the input Camera.
CameraStatistics(QString filename, int sinc, int linc)
Constructs the Camera Statistics object from a Cube filename.
Statistics * m_phaseStat
Phase angle statistics.
Pvl toPvl() const
Constructs a Pvl object from the values in the various statistics objects.
Statistics * m_obliqueSampleResStat
Oblique sample resolution statistics.
Statistics * m_localSolarTimeStat
Local solar time statistics.
Statistics * m_resStat
Pixel resolution statistics.
const Statistics * getLatStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the Universal Latitudes of the input Camera...
int m_sinc
Sample increment for composing statistics.
const Statistics * getResStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the Pixel Resolutions of the input Camera.
int m_linc
Line increment for composing statistics.
virtual ~CameraStatistics()
Destroy this instance, deletes all the Statistics objects.
void addStats(Camera *cam, int &sample, int &line)
Add statistics data to Statistics objects if the Camera position given by the provided line and sampl...
PvlKeyword constructKeyword(QString keyname, double value, QString unit) const
Takes a name, value, and optionally units and constructs a PVL Keyword.
const Statistics * getLonStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the Universal Longitudes of the input Camer...
Statistics * m_northAzimuthStat
North azimuth statistics.
const Statistics * getLineResStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the Line Resolution of the input Camera.
Statistics * m_localRaduisStat
Local radius statistics (in meters).
Statistics * m_emissionStat
Emission angle statistics.
Statistics * m_incidenceStat
Incidence angle statistics.
QString m_filename
FileName of the Cube the Camera was derived from.
Statistics * m_latStat
Universal latitude statistics.
const Statistics * getAspectRatioStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the Aspect Ratios of the input Camera.
const Statistics * getLocalSolarTimeStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the Local Solar Times of the input Camera.
const Statistics * getIncidenceStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the Incidence Angles of the input Camera.
const Statistics * getNorthAzimuthStat() const
Accessor method for inspecting the statistics gathered on the North Azimuths of the input Camera.
Container for cube-like labels.
A single keyword-value pair.
This class is used to accumulate statistics on double arrays.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.