Read values from Cassini ISS labels.
QString CompressionType() const
Returns CompressionType from the Instrument group.
QString p_readoutCycleIndex
Value of the PDS keyword ReadoutCycleIndex in the cube's labels.
bool WideAngle() const
Returns whether InstrumentId from the Instrument group is "ISSWA".
QString p_delayedReadoutFlag
Value of the PDS keyword DelayedReadoutFlag in the cube's labels.
Destroys the CissLabels object.
double p_frontOpticsTemp
Value of the PDS keyword OpticsTemperature[0] in the cube's labels.
QString p_shutterModeId
Value of the PDS keyword ShutterModeId in the cube's labels.
bool AntibloomingOn() const
Returns whether AntiBloomingFlag from the Instrument group is "On".
QString p_dataConversionType
Value of the PDS keyword DataConversionType in the cube's labels.
QString ReadoutCycleIndex() const
Returns ReadoutCycleIndex from the Instrument group.
QString FlightSoftwareVersion() const
Returns FlightSoftwareVersion from the Instrument group.
QString p_compressionRatio
Value of the PDS keyword CompressionRatio in the cube's labels.
double p_instrumentDataRate
Value of the PDS keyword ImageTime in the cube's labels.
QString ImageTime() const
Returns the Time the photo was taken as a QString.
QString TargetName() const
Returns the TargetName label as a QString.
QString InstrumentModeId()
Returns the lower case form of InstrumentModeId from the Instrument group.
QString p_targetName
Value of the PDS keyword TargetName in the cube's labels.
QString p_shutterStateId
Value of the PDS keyword ShutterState in the cube's labels.
bool p_cissNA
Indicates whether camera is narrow-angle.
double BiasStripMean() const
Returns BiasStripMean from the Intstrument group.
int GainState() const
Returns GainState from the Instrument group.
QString DataConversionType() const
Returns DataConversionType from the Instrument group.
bool p_antiblooming
Indicates whether anti-blooming state flag on.
double FrontOpticsTemp() const
Returns the first element of OpticsTemperature from the Instrument group.
double ImageNumber() const
Returns ImageNumber from the Archive group.
int p_gainState
Value of the PDS keyword GainState in the cube's labels.
QString p_instrumentModeId
Value of the PDS keyword InstrumentModeId in the cube's labels.
double p_biasStripMean
Value of the PDS keyword BiasStripMean in the cube's labels.
QString ShutterModeId() const
Returns ShutterModeId from the Instrument group.
std::vector< QString > p_filter
Two-element array of optical filters used for this image.
bool NarrowAngle() const
Returns whether InstrumentId from the Instrument group is "ISSNA".
QString p_ABflag
Value of the PDS keyword AntiBloomingFlag in the cube's labels.
int ReadoutOrder() const
Returns ReadoutOrder from the Instrument group.
double p_exposureDuration
Value of the PDS keyword ExposureDuration in the cube's labels.
void ReadLabels(Pvl &lab)
Reads the Pvl Labels.
QString CompressionRatio() const
Returns CompressionRatio from the Instrument group.
QString p_flightSoftwareVersion
Value of the PDS keyword FlightSoftwareVersion in the cube's labels.
QString p_instrumentId
Value of the PDS keyword InstrumentId in the cube's labels.
std::vector< int > FilterIndex() const
Returns a two-element array of indices associated with optical filter names.
std::vector< QString > FilterName() const
Returns a two-element array of the optical filters found in the BandBin group.
double ExposureDuration() const
Returns ExposureDuration from the Instrument group.
QString p_imageTime
Value of the PDS Keyword ImageTime in the cube's labels.
double InstrumentDataRate() const
Returns InstrumentDataRate from the Instrument group.
int GainModeId() const
Returns GainModeId from the Instrument group.
QString ShutterStateId() const
Returns ShutterStateId from the Instrument group.
CissLabels(Pvl &lab)
Constructs a CissLabels object from an Isis::Pvl object.
double p_imageNumber
Value of the PDS keyword ImageNumber in the cube's labels.
int p_gainModeId
Value of the PDS keyword GainModeId in the cube's labels.
QString p_compressionType
Value of the PDS keyword CompressionType in the cube's labels.
std::vector< int > p_filterIndex
Two-element array of filter indices corresponding to optical filters.
QString DelayedReadoutFlag() const
Returns DelayedReadoutFlag from the Instrument group.
int SummingMode() const
Returns SummingMode from the Instrument group.
int p_summingMode
Value of the PDS keyword SummingMode in the cube's labels.
QString InstrumentId() const
Returns InstrumentId from the Instrument group.
void ComputeImgProperties()
Computes values of non-keyword image properties.
int p_readoutOrder
Value of the PDS keyword ReadoutOrder in the cube's labels.
void Init(Pvl &lab)
General initializer.
Container for cube-like labels.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.