Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Isis::CissLabels Class Reference

Read values from Cassini ISS labels. More...

#include <CissLabels.h>

Collaboration diagram for Isis::CissLabels:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 CissLabels (Pvl &lab)
 Constructs a CissLabels object from an Isis::Pvl object.
 CissLabels (const QString &file)
 Constructs a CissLabels object from a file name.
 ~CissLabels ()
 Destroys the CissLabels object.
bool NarrowAngle () const
 Returns whether InstrumentId from the Instrument group is "ISSNA".
bool WideAngle () const
 Returns whether InstrumentId from the Instrument group is "ISSWA".
double BiasStripMean () const
 Returns BiasStripMean from the Intstrument group.
QString CompressionRatio () const
 Returns CompressionRatio from the Instrument group.
QString CompressionType () const
 Returns CompressionType from the Instrument group.
QString DataConversionType () const
 Returns DataConversionType from the Instrument group.
QString DelayedReadoutFlag () const
 Returns DelayedReadoutFlag from the Instrument group.
double ExposureDuration () const
 Returns ExposureDuration from the Instrument group.
std::vector< QString > FilterName () const
 Returns a two-element array of the optical filters found in the BandBin group.
std::vector< int > FilterIndex () const
 Returns a two-element array of indices associated with optical filter names.
QString FlightSoftwareVersion () const
 Returns FlightSoftwareVersion from the Instrument group.
double FrontOpticsTemp () const
 Returns the first element of OpticsTemperature from the Instrument group.
int GainModeId () const
 Returns GainModeId from the Instrument group.
int GainState () const
 Returns GainState from the Instrument group.
double ImageNumber () const
 Returns ImageNumber from the Archive group.
double InstrumentDataRate () const
 Returns InstrumentDataRate from the Instrument group.
QString InstrumentId () const
 Returns InstrumentId from the Instrument group.
QString InstrumentModeId ()
 Returns the lower case form of InstrumentModeId from the Instrument group.
QString ReadoutCycleIndex () const
 Returns ReadoutCycleIndex from the Instrument group.
int ReadoutOrder () const
 Returns ReadoutOrder from the Instrument group.
QString ShutterModeId () const
 Returns ShutterModeId from the Instrument group.
QString ShutterStateId () const
 Returns ShutterStateId from the Instrument group.
int SummingMode () const
 Returns SummingMode from the Instrument group.
bool AntibloomingOn () const
 Returns whether AntiBloomingFlag from the Instrument group is "On".
QString TargetName () const
 Returns the TargetName label as a QString.
QString ImageTime () const
 Returns the Time the photo was taken as a QString.

Private Member Functions

void Init (Pvl &lab)
 General initializer.
void ReadLabels (Pvl &lab)
 Reads the Pvl Labels.
void ComputeImgProperties ()
 Computes values of non-keyword image properties.

Private Attributes

QString p_ABflag
 Value of the PDS keyword AntiBloomingFlag in the cube's labels.
bool p_antiblooming
 Indicates whether anti-blooming state flag on.
double p_biasStripMean
 Value of the PDS keyword BiasStripMean in the cube's labels.
bool p_cissNA
 Indicates whether camera is narrow-angle.
QString p_compressionRatio
 Value of the PDS keyword CompressionRatio in the cube's labels.
QString p_compressionType
 Value of the PDS keyword CompressionType in the cube's labels.
QString p_dataConversionType
 Value of the PDS keyword DataConversionType in the cube's labels.
QString p_delayedReadoutFlag
 Value of the PDS keyword DelayedReadoutFlag in the cube's labels.
double p_exposureDuration
 Value of the PDS keyword ExposureDuration in the cube's labels.
std::vector< QString > p_filter
 Two-element array of optical filters used for this image.
std::vector< int > p_filterIndex
 Two-element array of filter indices corresponding to optical filters.
QString p_flightSoftwareVersion
 Value of the PDS keyword FlightSoftwareVersion in the cube's labels.
double p_frontOpticsTemp
 Value of the PDS keyword OpticsTemperature[0] in the cube's labels.
int p_gainModeId
 Value of the PDS keyword GainModeId in the cube's labels.
int p_gainState
 Value of the PDS keyword GainState in the cube's labels.
double p_imageNumber
 Value of the PDS keyword ImageNumber in the cube's labels.
double p_instrumentDataRate
 Value of the PDS keyword ImageTime in the cube's labels.
QString p_instrumentId
 Value of the PDS keyword InstrumentId in the cube's labels.
QString p_instrumentModeId
 Value of the PDS keyword InstrumentModeId in the cube's labels.
QString p_readoutCycleIndex
 Value of the PDS keyword ReadoutCycleIndex in the cube's labels.
int p_readoutOrder
 Value of the PDS keyword ReadoutOrder in the cube's labels.
QString p_shutterModeId
 Value of the PDS keyword ShutterModeId in the cube's labels.
QString p_shutterStateId
 Value of the PDS keyword ShutterState in the cube's labels.
int p_summingMode
 Value of the PDS keyword SummingMode in the cube's labels.
QString p_targetName
 Value of the PDS keyword TargetName in the cube's labels.
QString p_imageTime
 Value of the PDS Keyword ImageTime in the cube's labels.

Detailed Description

Read values from Cassini ISS labels.

This class is designed to be used with images imported from Cassini ISS using ciss2isis. It contains accessor methods for the values of Keywords in the Instrument Group of the cube's labels.

2008-11-05 Jeannie Walldren

2008-11-05 Jeannie Walldren - Original Version

2008-11-07 Jeannie Walldren - Fixed documentation.

2011-05-03 Jeannie Walldren - Fixed documentation.

2017-08-22 Cole Neubauer - Added labels for latest Cisscal upgrade

2019-08-14 Kaitlyn Lee - Added ShutterStateId.

Definition at line 37 of file CissLabels.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CissLabels() [1/2]

Isis::CissLabels::CissLabels ( Pvl & lab)

Constructs a CissLabels object from an Isis::Pvl object.

labPvl Labels of Cassini ISS file

Definition at line 24 of file CissLabels.cpp.

References Init().

◆ CissLabels() [2/2]

Isis::CissLabels::CissLabels ( const QString & file)

Constructs a CissLabels object from a file name.

fileName of Cassini ISS file

Definition at line 33 of file CissLabels.cpp.

References Init().

◆ ~CissLabels()

Isis::CissLabels::~CissLabels ( )

Destroys the CissLabels object.

Definition at line 42 of file CissLabels.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AntibloomingOn()

bool Isis::CissLabels::AntibloomingOn ( ) const

Returns whether AntiBloomingFlag from the Instrument group is "On".

Indicates whether anti-blooming was used for the image. False implies the anti-blooming flag is "Off" or "Unknown".

bool True if AntiBloomingStateFlag "On"

Definition at line 417 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_antiblooming.

◆ BiasStripMean()

double Isis::CissLabels::BiasStripMean ( ) const

Returns BiasStripMean from the Intstrument group.

Finds the mean of the overclocked pixels. If the image has DataConversionType of "Lossy", the bias strip mean is not valid unless the Flight Software Version is 1.4. Valid values include all real numbers.

double BiasStripMean

Definition at line 85 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_biasStripMean.

◆ CompressionRatio()

QString Isis::CissLabels::CompressionRatio ( ) const

Returns CompressionRatio from the Instrument group.

Finds the ratio of the expected image size to the actual size. Valid values include any real number or "NotCompressed". This method returns an QString so that values other than "NotCompressed" may be converted to double.

QString CompressionRatio

Definition at line 101 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_compressionRatio.

◆ CompressionType()

QString Isis::CissLabels::CompressionType ( ) const

Returns CompressionType from the Instrument group.

Finds the method of data compression used for the image. Valid values include "NotCompressed", "Lossless" (a.k.a Rice), or "Lossy" (a.k.a. Discrete Cosine Transform).

QString CompressionType

Definition at line 116 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_compressionType.

◆ ComputeImgProperties()

void Isis::CissLabels::ComputeImgProperties ( )

Computes values of non-keyword image properties.

This method computes and sets the values of the image properties that are not keywords in the labels.

Definition at line 107 of file CissLabels.cpp.

References p_ABflag, p_antiblooming, p_cissNA, p_filter, p_filterIndex, p_instrumentId, and Isis::IException::Unknown.

Referenced by Init().

◆ DataConversionType()

QString Isis::CissLabels::DataConversionType ( ) const

Returns DataConversionType from the Instrument group.

Finds the method used to convert the image from 12 to 8 bits. Valid values include "12Bit" (no conversion), "Table" (converted using look-up table), or "8LSB" (kept the 8 least significant bits only).

QString DataConversionType

Definition at line 131 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_dataConversionType.

◆ DelayedReadoutFlag()

QString Isis::CissLabels::DelayedReadoutFlag ( ) const

Returns DelayedReadoutFlag from the Instrument group.

Indicates whether the image waited while the ther camera was performing a readout. Valid values include "Yes", "No", or "Unknown".

QString DelayedReadoutFlag

Definition at line 145 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_delayedReadoutFlag.

◆ ExposureDuration()

double Isis::CissLabels::ExposureDuration ( ) const

Returns ExposureDuration from the Instrument group.

Finds the exposure duration in milliseconds for the image. There are 62 valid values between 0 and 1200000, or -999.0 (if data is unavailable).

double ExposureDuration

Definition at line 159 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_exposureDuration.

◆ FilterIndex()

std::vector< int > Isis::CissLabels::FilterIndex ( ) const

Returns a two-element array of indices associated with optical filter names.

Takes FilterName string from the BandBin group and assigns an index for each filter. Valid values are between 0 and 35. This method is not called for wide-angle cameras.

vector <int> The filter indices.

Definition at line 205 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_filterIndex.

◆ FilterName()

std::vector< QString > Isis::CissLabels::FilterName ( ) const

Returns a two-element array of the optical filters found in the BandBin group.

Takes FilterName string from the BandBin group and splits the combination into a vector of filter names.
Valid combinations include:

  • For narrow-angle cameras:
    • Filter 1: "CL1", "RED", "BL1", "UV2", "UV1", "IRP0", "P120", "P60", "P0", "HAL", "IR4", "IR2"
    • Filter 2: "CL2", "GRN", "UV3", "BL2", "MT2", "CB2", "MT3", "CB3", "MT1", "CB1", "IR3", "IR1"
  • For wide-angle cameras:
    • Filter 1: "CL1", "IR3", "IR4", "IR5", "CB3", "MT3", "CB2", "MT2", "IR2"
    • Filter 2: "CL2", "RED", "GRN", "BL1", "VIO", "HAL", "IRP90", "IRP0", "IR1"
vector <QString> The optical filter names.

Definition at line 190 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_filter.

◆ FlightSoftwareVersion()

QString Isis::CissLabels::FlightSoftwareVersion ( ) const

Returns FlightSoftwareVersion from the Instrument group.

Retrieves the flight software version used for this image. Valid values include 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, or "Unknown". This method returns an QString so that any value other than "Unknown" may be converted to double.

QString FlightSoftwareVersion

Definition at line 221 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_flightSoftwareVersion.

◆ FrontOpticsTemp()

double Isis::CissLabels::FrontOpticsTemp ( ) const

Returns the first element of OpticsTemperature from the Instrument group.

Retrieves the first value of the two-element array containing front and rear optics temperatures. Valid values are greater than -999.0 degrees Celcius.

double OpticsTemperature[0]

Definition at line 236 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_frontOpticsTemp.

◆ GainModeId()

int Isis::CissLabels::GainModeId ( ) const

Returns GainModeId from the Instrument group.

Finds the electronics gain setting in electrons per DN. Valid values include 12, 29, 95, or 215. These values correspond to GainState 3, 2, 1, and 0, respectively.

int GainModeId
See also

Definition at line 251 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_gainModeId.

◆ GainState()

int Isis::CissLabels::GainState ( ) const

Returns GainState from the Instrument group.

Finds the gain state, which is dependent on the Gain Mode ID. Valid values include 0, 1, 2, or 3. These values correspond to GainModeId 215, 95, 29, and 12, respectively.

int GainState
See also

Definition at line 266 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_gainState.

◆ ImageNumber()

double Isis::CissLabels::ImageNumber ( ) const

Returns ImageNumber from the Archive group.

Finds the number of seconds on the clock at shutter close. Valid values include real numbers.

double ImageNumber

Definition at line 279 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_imageNumber.

◆ ImageTime()

QString Isis::CissLabels::ImageTime ( ) const

Returns the Time the photo was taken as a QString.

Returns the ImageTime from the labels as a QString. The returned value is the lower case name of subject of the image.

QString TargetName

Definition at line 443 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_imageTime.

◆ Init()

void Isis::CissLabels::Init ( Pvl & lab)

General initializer.

Reads labels of the file and computes values of image properties not already in the labels.

labPvl Labels of Cassini ISS file
IException::PvlNot valid Cassini ISS instrument

Definition at line 45 of file CissLabels.cpp.

References ComputeImgProperties(), ReadLabels(), and Isis::IException::Unknown.

Referenced by CissLabels(), and CissLabels().

◆ InstrumentDataRate()

double Isis::CissLabels::InstrumentDataRate ( ) const

Returns InstrumentDataRate from the Instrument group.

Finds the rate at which data was transferred out, in kilobits per second. Valid values include 60.9, 121.9, 182.8, 243.7, 304.6, 365.6, or -999.0 (if data is unavailable).

double InstrumentDataRate

Definition at line 294 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_instrumentDataRate.

◆ InstrumentId()

QString Isis::CissLabels::InstrumentId ( ) const

Returns InstrumentId from the Instrument group.

Finds the type of camera used. Valid values include "ISSNA" (also called "NAC" or "narrow-angle") or "ISSWA" (also called "WAC" or "wide-angle").

QString InstrumentId

Definition at line 308 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_instrumentId.

◆ InstrumentModeId()

QString Isis::CissLabels::InstrumentModeId ( )

Returns the lower case form of InstrumentModeId from the Instrument group.

Finds the summation mode used for this image. All images have 1 band and an equal number of lines and samples. Valid values include "full" (1024x1024), "sum2" (512x512), or "sum4" (256x256). These values correspond to SummingMode 1, 2, and 4, respectively.

double lower-cased InstrumentModeId
See also

Definition at line 326 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_instrumentModeId.

◆ NarrowAngle()

bool Isis::CissLabels::NarrowAngle ( ) const

Returns whether InstrumentId from the Instrument group is "ISSNA".

Indicates whether the camera used a narrow-angle lens ("ISSNA"). False implies it used a wide-angle lens ("ISSWA").

bool True if instrument ISSNA

Definition at line 55 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_cissNA.

◆ ReadLabels()

void Isis::CissLabels::ReadLabels ( Pvl & lab)

◆ ReadoutCycleIndex()

QString Isis::CissLabels::ReadoutCycleIndex ( ) const

Returns ReadoutCycleIndex from the Instrument group.

Finds the index associated with the image in the Readout Cycle table. Valid values are "Unknown" or in the range 0-15. This method returns an QString so that any value not equal to "Unknown" may be converted to int.

QString ReadoutCycleIndex

Definition at line 342 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_readoutCycleIndex.

◆ ReadoutOrder()

int Isis::CissLabels::ReadoutOrder ( ) const

Returns ReadoutOrder from the Instrument group.

Finds the integer value representing the readout order of the image. Valid values are

  • 0 : indicates narrow-angle was read out first
  • 1 : indicates wide-angle was read out first
int ReadoutOrder

Definition at line 359 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_readoutOrder.

◆ ShutterModeId()

QString Isis::CissLabels::ShutterModeId ( ) const

Returns ShutterModeId from the Instrument group.

Indicates whether the exposure was part of a joint observation with the other ISS camera. Valid values include "BothSim", "NacOnly", "WacOnly", or "Unknown".

QString ShutterModeId

Definition at line 374 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_shutterModeId.

◆ ShutterStateId()

QString Isis::CissLabels::ShutterStateId ( ) const

Returns ShutterStateId from the Instrument group.

Indicates whether the shutter was enabled during image exposure. Valid values include "Disabled" and "Enabled".

QString ShutterStateId

Definition at line 387 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_shutterStateId.

◆ SummingMode()

int Isis::CissLabels::SummingMode ( ) const

Returns SummingMode from the Instrument group.

Finds the summation mode, which is dependent on the Instrument Mode ID. Valid values include 1, 2, or 4. These values correspond to InstrumentModeId "Full", "Sum2", and "Sum4", respectively.

int SummingMode
See also

Definition at line 403 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_summingMode.

◆ TargetName()

QString Isis::CissLabels::TargetName ( ) const

Returns the TargetName label as a QString.

Returns the TargetName from the labels as a QString. The returned value is the lower case name of subject of the image.

QString TargetName

Definition at line 430 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_targetName.

◆ WideAngle()

bool Isis::CissLabels::WideAngle ( ) const

Returns whether InstrumentId from the Instrument group is "ISSWA".

Indicates whether the camera used a wide-angle lens ("ISSWA"). False implies it used a narrow-angle lens ("ISSNA").

bool True if instrument ISSWA

Definition at line 70 of file CissLabels.h.

References p_cissNA.

Member Data Documentation

◆ p_ABflag

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_ABflag

Value of the PDS keyword AntiBloomingFlag in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 454 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ComputeImgProperties(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_antiblooming

bool Isis::CissLabels::p_antiblooming

Indicates whether anti-blooming state flag on.

Definition at line 456 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by AntibloomingOn(), and ComputeImgProperties().

◆ p_biasStripMean

double Isis::CissLabels::p_biasStripMean

Value of the PDS keyword BiasStripMean in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 458 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by BiasStripMean(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_cissNA

bool Isis::CissLabels::p_cissNA

Indicates whether camera is narrow-angle.

Definition at line 460 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ComputeImgProperties(), NarrowAngle(), and WideAngle().

◆ p_compressionRatio

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_compressionRatio

Value of the PDS keyword CompressionRatio in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 462 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by CompressionRatio(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_compressionType

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_compressionType

Value of the PDS keyword CompressionType in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 464 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by CompressionType(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_dataConversionType

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_dataConversionType

Value of the PDS keyword DataConversionType in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 466 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by DataConversionType(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_delayedReadoutFlag

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_delayedReadoutFlag

Value of the PDS keyword DelayedReadoutFlag in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 468 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by DelayedReadoutFlag(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_exposureDuration

double Isis::CissLabels::p_exposureDuration

Value of the PDS keyword ExposureDuration in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 470 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ExposureDuration(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_filter

std::vector<QString> Isis::CissLabels::p_filter

Two-element array of optical filters used for this image.

Definition at line 472 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ComputeImgProperties(), FilterName(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_filterIndex

std::vector<int> Isis::CissLabels::p_filterIndex

Two-element array of filter indices corresponding to optical filters.

Definition at line 474 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ComputeImgProperties(), and FilterIndex().

◆ p_flightSoftwareVersion

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_flightSoftwareVersion

Value of the PDS keyword FlightSoftwareVersion in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 476 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by FlightSoftwareVersion(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_frontOpticsTemp

double Isis::CissLabels::p_frontOpticsTemp

Value of the PDS keyword OpticsTemperature[0] in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 478 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by FrontOpticsTemp(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_gainModeId

int Isis::CissLabels::p_gainModeId

Value of the PDS keyword GainModeId in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 480 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by GainModeId(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_gainState

int Isis::CissLabels::p_gainState

Value of the PDS keyword GainState in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 482 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by GainState(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_imageNumber

double Isis::CissLabels::p_imageNumber

Value of the PDS keyword ImageNumber in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 484 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ImageNumber(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_imageTime

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_imageTime

Value of the PDS Keyword ImageTime in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 504 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ImageTime(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_instrumentDataRate

double Isis::CissLabels::p_instrumentDataRate

Value of the PDS keyword ImageTime in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 486 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by InstrumentDataRate(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_instrumentId

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_instrumentId

Value of the PDS keyword InstrumentId in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 488 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ComputeImgProperties(), InstrumentId(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_instrumentModeId

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_instrumentModeId

Value of the PDS keyword InstrumentModeId in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 490 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by InstrumentModeId(), and ReadLabels().

◆ p_readoutCycleIndex

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_readoutCycleIndex

Value of the PDS keyword ReadoutCycleIndex in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 492 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ReadLabels(), and ReadoutCycleIndex().

◆ p_readoutOrder

int Isis::CissLabels::p_readoutOrder

Value of the PDS keyword ReadoutOrder in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 494 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ReadLabels(), and ReadoutOrder().

◆ p_shutterModeId

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_shutterModeId

Value of the PDS keyword ShutterModeId in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 496 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ReadLabels(), and ShutterModeId().

◆ p_shutterStateId

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_shutterStateId

Value of the PDS keyword ShutterState in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 498 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ReadLabels(), and ShutterStateId().

◆ p_summingMode

int Isis::CissLabels::p_summingMode

Value of the PDS keyword SummingMode in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 500 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ReadLabels(), and SummingMode().

◆ p_targetName

QString Isis::CissLabels::p_targetName

Value of the PDS keyword TargetName in the cube's labels.

Definition at line 502 of file CissLabels.h.

Referenced by ReadLabels(), and TargetName().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: