Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Isis::BundleResults Class Reference

A container class for statistical results from a BundleAdjust solution. More...

#include <BundleResults.h>

Inheritance diagram for Isis::BundleResults:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Isis::BundleResults:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 BundleResults (QObject *parent=0)
 Constructs a BundleResults object.
 BundleResults (QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader, QObject *parent=0)
 Construct this BundleResults object from XML.
void readBundleResults (QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader)
void readCorrelationMatrix (QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader)
void readGenStatsValues (QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader)
void readRms (QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader)
void readImageResidualsLists (QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader)
void readSigmasLists (QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader)
void readStatsToList (QList< Statistics > &list, QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader)
void readStatsToVector (QVector< Statistics > &vec, QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader)
void readMinMaxSigmas (QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader)
void readSigma (Distance &dist, QString &pointId, QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader)
void readMaxLikelihoodEstimation (QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader)
 BundleResults (const BundleResults &src)
 Copy constructor for BundleResults.
 ~BundleResults ()
 Destroys this BundleResults object.
BundleResultsoperator= (const BundleResults &src)
 Assignment operator for BundleResults.
void initialize ()
 Initializes the BundleResults to a default state where all numeric members are set to 0 or another default value, all QString members are set to empty, all QVectors and QLists are cleared, and all other members are set to NULL.
void resizeSigmaStatisticsVectors (int numberImages)
 Resizes all image sigma vectors.
void setRmsImageResidualLists (QList< Statistics > rmsImageLineResiduals, QList< Statistics > rmsImageSampleResiduals, QList< Statistics > rmsImageResiduals)
 Sets the root mean square image residual Statistics lists.
void setRmsImageResidualLists (QVector< Statistics > rmsImageLineResiduals, QVector< Statistics > rmsImageSampleResiduals, QVector< Statistics > rmsImageResiduals)
void setRmsLidarImageResidualLists (QList< Statistics > rmsLidarImageLineResiduals, QList< Statistics > rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals, QList< Statistics > rmsLidarImageResiduals)
 Sets the root mean square lidar image residual Statistics lists.
void setSigmaCoord1Range (Distance minCoord1Dist, Distance maxCoord1Dist, QString minCoord1PointId, QString maxCoord1PointId)
 Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 1.
void setSigmaCoord2Range (Distance minCoord2Dist, Distance maxCoord2Dist, QString minCoord2PointId, QString maxCoord2PointId)
 Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 2.
void setSigmaCoord3Range (Distance minCoord3Dist, Distance maxCoord3Dist, QString minCoord3PointId, QString maxCoord3PointId)
 Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 3.
void setRmsFromSigmaStatistics (double rmsFromSigmaCoord1Stats, double rmsFromSigmaCoord2Stats, double rmsFromSigmaCoord3Stats)
 Sets the root mean square values of the adjusted sigmas for all three coordinates.
void maximumLikelihoodSetUp (QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model, double > > modelsWithQuantiles)
 This method steps up the maximum likelihood estimation solution.
void printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation ()
 Prints out information about which tier the solution is in and the status of the residuals.
void initializeResidualsProbabilityDistribution (unsigned int nodes=20)
 Initializes or resets the cumulative probability distribution of residuals used for reporting.
void initializeProbabilityDistribution (unsigned int nodes=20)
 Initializes or resets the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|.
void addResidualsProbabilityDistributionObservation (double obsValue)
 Adds an observation to the cumulative probability distribution of residuals used for reporting.
void addProbabilityDistributionObservation (double obsValue)
 Adds an observation to the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|.
void addProbabilityDistributionObservation (double obsValue, bool residuals)
void incrementMaximumLikelihoodModelIndex ()
 Increases the value that indicates which stage the maximum likelihood adjustment is currently on.
void incrementFixedPoints ()
 Increase the number of 'fixed' (ground) points.
int numberFixedPoints () const
 Returns the number of 'fixed' (ground) points.
void incrementHeldImages ()
 Increases the number of 'held' images.
int numberHeldImages () const
 Returns the number of 'held' images.
void incrementIgnoredPoints ()
 Increase the number of ignored points.
int numberIgnoredPoints () const
 Returns the number of ignored points.
void setRejectionLimit (double rejectionLimit)
 Sets the rejection limit.
void setRmsXYResiduals (double rx, double ry, double rxy)
 Sets the root mean square of the x and y residuals.
void setNumberRejectedObservations (int numberObservations)
 Sets the number of rejected observations.
void setNumberImageObservations (int numberObservations)
 Sets the number of photogrammetric image observations.
void setNumberLidarImageObservations (int numberLidarObservations)
 Sets the number of lidar observations.
void setNumberObservations (int numberObservations)
 Sets the number of observations.
void setNumberImageParameters (int numberParameters)
 Sets the number of image parameters.
void setNumberConstrainedPointParameters (int numberParameters)
 Set number of contrained point parameters.
void setNumberConstrainedLidarPointParameters (int numberParameters)
 Set number of contrained point parameters.
void resetNumberConstrainedPointParameters ()
 Resets the number of contrained point parameters to 0.
void incrementNumberConstrainedPointParameters (int incrementAmount)
 Increase the number of contrained point parameters.
void resetNumberConstrainedImageParameters ()
 Resets the number of constrained image parameters to 0.
void incrementNumberConstrainedImageParameters (int incrementAmount)
 Increase the number of constrained image parameters.
void resetNumberConstrainedTargetParameters ()
 Resets the number of constrained target parameters to 0.
void incrementNumberConstrainedTargetParameters (int incrementAmount)
 Increases the number of constrained target parameters.
void setNumberLidarRangeConstraints (int numberLidarRangeConstraints)
 Sets the total number of lidar range constraints.
void setNumberUnknownParameters (int numberParameters)
 Sets the total number of parameters to solve for.
void computeDegreesOfFreedom ()
 Computes the degrees of freedom of the bundle adjustment and stores it internally.
void computeSigma0 (double dvtpv, BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria criteria)
 Computes the sigma0 and stores it internally.
void setDegreesOfFreedom (double degreesOfFreedom)
 Sets the degrees of freedom.
void setSigma0 (double sigma0)
 Sets the sigma0.
void setElapsedTime (double time)
 Sets the elapsed time for the bundle adjustment.
void setElapsedTimeErrorProp (double time)
 Sets the elapsed time for error propegation.
void setConverged (bool converged)
 Sets if the bundle adjustment converged.
void setBundleControlPoints (QVector< BundleControlPointQsp > controlPoints)
 Sets the bundle control point vector.
void setBundleLidarPoints (QVector< BundleLidarControlPointQsp > lidarPoints)
 Sets the bundle lidar point vector.
void setOutputControlNet (ControlNetQsp outNet)
 Sets the output ControlNet.
void setOutputLidarData (LidarDataQsp outLidarData)
 Sets the output LidarData object.
void setIterations (int iterations)
 Sets the number of iterations taken by the BundleAdjust.
void setObservations (BundleObservationVector observations)
 Sets the vector of BundleObservations.
QList< StatisticsrmsImageSampleResiduals () const
 Returns the list of RMS image sample residuals statistics.
QList< StatisticsrmsImageLineResiduals () const
 Returns the list of RMS image line residuals statistics.
QList< StatisticsrmsImageResiduals () const
 Returns the list of RMS image residuals statistics.
QList< StatisticsrmsLidarImageSampleResiduals () const
 Returns the list of RMS image lidar sample residuals statistics.
QList< StatisticsrmsLidarImageLineResiduals () const
 Returns the list of RMS image lidar line residuals statistics.
QList< StatisticsrmsLidarImageResiduals () const
 Returns the list of RMS image lidar residuals statistics.
QVector< StatisticsrmsImageXSigmas () const
 Returns the list of RMS image x sigma statistics.
QVector< StatisticsrmsImageYSigmas () const
 Returns the list of RMS image y sigma statistics.
QVector< StatisticsrmsImageZSigmas () const
 Returns the list of RMS image z sigma statistics.
QVector< StatisticsrmsImageRASigmas () const
 Returns the list of RMS image right ascension sigma statistics.
QVector< StatisticsrmsImageDECSigmas () const
 Returns the list of RMS image declination sigma statistics.
QVector< StatisticsrmsImageTWISTSigmas () const
 Returns the list of RMS image twist sigma statistics.
SurfacePoint::CoordinateType coordTypeReports ()
Distance minSigmaCoord1Distance () const
 Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 1.
Distance maxSigmaCoord1Distance () const
 Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 1.
Distance minSigmaCoord2Distance () const
 Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 2.
Distance maxSigmaCoord2Distance () const
 Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 2.
Distance minSigmaCoord3Distance () const
 Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 3.
Distance maxSigmaCoord3Distance () const
 Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 3.
QString maxSigmaCoord1PointId () const
 Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 1.
QString minSigmaCoord1PointId () const
 Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 1.
QString minSigmaCoord2PointId () const
 Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 2.
QString maxSigmaCoord2PointId () const
 Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 2.
QString minSigmaCoord3PointId () const
 Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 3.
QString maxSigmaCoord3PointId () const
 Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 3.
double sigmaCoord1StatisticsRms () const
 Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 1.
double sigmaCoord2StatisticsRms () const
 Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 2.
double sigmaCoord3StatisticsRms () const
 Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 3.
double rmsRx () const
 Returns the RMS of the x residuals.
double rmsRy () const
 Returns the RMS of the y residuals.
double rmsRxy () const
 Returns the RMS of the x and y residuals.
double rejectionLimit () const
 Returns the rejection limit.
int numberRejectedObservations () const
 Returns the number of observation that were rejected.
int numberObservations () const
 Returns the number of observations.
int numberImageObservations () const
 Returns the number of observations.
int numberLidarImageObservations () const
 Returns the number of lidar observations.
int numberImageParameters () const
 Returns the total number of image parameters.
int numberConstrainedPointParameters () const
 Returns the number of constrained point parameters.
int numberConstrainedImageParameters () const
 Returns the number of constrained image parameters.
int numberConstrainedTargetParameters () const
 Return the number of constrained target parameters.
int numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations () const
 Return the number of lidar range constraint equations.
int numberUnknownParameters () const
 Returns the number of unknown parameters.
int degreesOfFreedom () const
 Returns the degrees of freedom.
double sigma0 () const
 Returns the Sigma0 of the bundle adjustment.
double elapsedTime () const
 Returns the elapsed time for the bundle adjustment.
double elapsedTimeErrorProp () const
 Returns the elapsed time for error propagation.
bool converged () const
 Returns whether or not the bundle adjustment converged.
QVector< BundleControlPointQsp > & bundleControlPoints ()
 Returns a reference to the BundleControlPoint vector.
QVector< BundleLidarControlPointQsp > & bundleLidarControlPoints ()
 Returns a reference to the BundleLidarControlPoint vector.
ControlNetQsp outputControlNet () const
 Returns a shared pointer to the output control network.
LidarDataQsp outputLidarData () const
 Returns a shared pointer to the output LidarData object.
int iterations () const
 Returns the number of iterations taken by the BundleAdjust.
const BundleObservationVectorobservations () const
 Returns a reference to the observations used by the BundleAdjust.
int numberMaximumLikelihoodModels () const
 Returns how many maximum likelihood models were used in the bundle adjustment.
int maximumLikelihoodModelIndex () const
 Returns which step the bundle adjustment is on.
StatCumProbDistDynCalc cumulativeProbabilityDistribution () const
 Returns the cumulative probability distribution of the |R^2 residuals|.
StatCumProbDistDynCalc residualsCumulativeProbabilityDistribution () const
 Returns the cumulative probability distribution of the residuals used for reporting.
double maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals () const
 Returns the median of the |R^2 residuals|.
MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions maximumLikelihoodModelWFunc (int modelIndex) const
 Returns the maximum likelihood model at the given index.
double maximumLikelihoodModelQuantile (int modelIndex) const
 Returns the quantile of the maximum likelihood model at the given index.
QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions, double > > maximumLikelihoodModels () const
bool setNumberHeldImages (SerialNumberList pHeldSnList, SerialNumberList *pSnList)
CorrelationMatrix correlationMatrix () const
 Returns the Correlation Matrix.
void setCorrMatCovFileName (FileName name)
 Set the covariance file name for the matrix used to calculate the correlation matrix.
void setCorrMatImgsAndParams (QMap< QString, QStringList > imgsAndParams)
 Set the images and their associated parameters of the correlation matrix.
void save (QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project) const
 Saves the BundleResults object to an XML file.

Public Attributes

 The correlation matrix from the BundleAdjust.
int m_numberFixedPoints
 number of 'fixed' (ground) points (define)
int m_numberIgnoredPoints
 number of ignored points
int m_numberHeldImages
 number of 'held' images (define)
double m_rmsXResiduals
 rms of x residuals
double m_rmsYResiduals
 rms of y residuals
double m_rmsXYResiduals
 rms of all x and y residuals
double m_rejectionLimit
 current rejection limit
int m_numberObservations
 number of image coordinate observations
int m_numberImageObservations
 photogrammetry image coords. (2 per measure)
int m_numberLidarImageObservations
 lidar image coords. (2 per measure)
int m_numberRejectedObservations
 number of rejected image coordinate observations
int m_numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations
int m_numberUnknownParameters
 total number of parameters to solve for
int m_numberImageParameters
 number of image parameters
int m_numberConstrainedImageParameters
 number of constrained image parameters
int m_numberConstrainedPointParameters
 number of constrained point parameters
int m_numberConstrainedLidarPointParameters
 lidar points
int m_numberConstrainedTargetParameters
 number of constrained target parameters
int m_degreesOfFreedom
 degrees of freedom
double m_sigma0
 std deviation of unit weight
double m_elapsedTime
 elapsed time for bundle
double m_elapsedTimeErrorProp
 elapsed time for error propagation
bool m_converged
QVector< BundleControlPointQspm_bundleControlPoints
 The vector of BundleControlPoints from BundleAdjust.
QVector< BundleLidarControlPointQspm_bundleLidarPoints
ControlNetQsp m_outNet
 The output control net from BundleAdjust.
LidarDataQsp m_outLidarData
 Output lidar data from BundleAdjust.
int m_iterations
 The number of iterations taken by BundleAdjust.
BundleObservationVector m_observations
 The vector of BundleObservations from BundleAdjust.
QList< Statisticsm_rmsImageSampleResiduals
 List of RMS image sample residual statistics for each image in the bundle

QList< Statisticsm_rmsImageLineResiduals
 List of RMS image line residual statistics for each image in the bundle

QList< Statisticsm_rmsImageResiduals
 RMS image sample and line residual statistics for each image in the bundle

QList< Statisticsm_rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals
 List of RMS lidar sample residual stats for each image in the bundle

QList< Statisticsm_rmsLidarImageLineResiduals
 List of RMS lidar line residual stats for each image in the bundle

QList< Statisticsm_rmsLidarImageResiduals
 RMS image lidar sample & line residual stats for each image in the bundle

QVector< Statisticsm_rmsImageXSigmas
QVector< Statisticsm_rmsImageYSigmas
 < The root mean square image y sigmas.
QVector< Statisticsm_rmsImageZSigmas
 < The root mean square image z sigmas.
QVector< Statisticsm_rmsImageRASigmas
 < The root mean square image right ascension sigmas.
QVector< Statisticsm_rmsImageDECSigmas
 < The root mean square image declination sigmas.
QVector< Statisticsm_rmsImageTWISTSigmas
 < The root mean square image twist sigmas.
Distance m_minSigmaCoord1Distance
 The minimum sigma latitude distance.
Distance m_maxSigmaCoord1Distance
 The maximum sigma latitude distance.
Distance m_minSigmaCoord2Distance
 The minimum sigma longitude distance.
Distance m_maxSigmaCoord2Distance
 The maximum sigma longitude distance.
Distance m_minSigmaCoord3Distance
 The minimum sigma radius distance.
Distance m_maxSigmaCoord3Distance
 The maximum sigma radius distance.
QString m_minSigmaCoord1PointId
 The minimum sigma coordinate 1 point id.
QString m_maxSigmaCoord1PointId
 The maximum sigma coordinate 1 point id.
QString m_minSigmaCoord2PointId
 The minimum sigma coordinate 2 point id.
QString m_maxSigmaCoord2PointId
 The maximum sigma coordinate2 point id.
QString m_minSigmaCoord3PointId
 The minimum sigma coordinate 3 point id.
QString m_maxSigmaCoord3PointId
 The maximum sigma coordinate 3 point id.
double m_rmsSigmaCoord1Stats
 rms of adjusted Latitude sigmas
double m_rmsSigmaCoord2Stats
 rms of adjusted Longitude sigmas
double m_rmsSigmaCoord3Stats
 rms of adjusted Radius sigmas
QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions, double > > m_maximumLikelihoodFunctions
 < The maximum likelihood models and their quantiles.
int m_maximumLikelihoodIndex
 This count keeps track of which stage of the maximum likelihood adjustment the bundle is currently on.
 This class will be used to calculate the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|, quantiles of this distribution are used to adjust the maximum likelihood functions dynamically iteration by iteration.
 This class keeps track of the cumulative probability distribution of residuals (in unweighted pixels), this is used for reporting, and not for computation.
double m_maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals
 Median of R^2 residuals.

Private Attributes

QString m_xmlHandlerCharacters
int m_xmlHandlerResidualsListSize
int m_xmlHandlerSampleResidualsListSize
int m_xmlHandlerLineResidualsListSize
int m_xmlHandlerXSigmasListSize
int m_xmlHandlerYSigmasListSize
int m_xmlHandlerZSigmasListSize
int m_xmlHandlerRASigmasListSize
int m_xmlHandlerDECSigmasListSize
int m_xmlHandlerTWISTSigmasListSize
QList< Statistics * > m_xmlHandlerStatisticsList
QString m_xmlHandlerCorrelationImageId
QStringList m_xmlHandlerCorrelationParameterList
QMap< QString, QStringListm_xmlHandlerCorrelationMap

Detailed Description

A container class for statistical results from a BundleAdjust solution.

2014-07-01 Jeannie Backer

2014-07-01 Jeannie Backer - Original version

2014-07-14 Kimberly Oyama - Added support for correlation matrix.

2014-07-16 Jeannie Backer - Changed pvlGroup() to pvlObject()

2014-07-23 Jeannie Backer - Added QDataStream operators (<< and >>) and read/write methods. Initialize m_cumProRes in the constructor since this variable is used regardless of whether maximum likelihood estimation is used.

2015-09-03 Jeannie Backer - Added preliminary hdf5 read/write capabilities. Renamed member variables to make names more descriptive.

2015-10-14 Jeffrey Covington - Declared BundleResults as a Qt metatype for use with QVariant.

2016-07-01 Jesse Mapel - Updated documentation and testing in preparation for merging from IPCE into ISIS. Fixes #3975.

2016-08-10 Jeannie Backer - Replaced boost vector with Isis::LinearAlgebra::Vector. References #4163.

2016-08-15 Jesse Mapel - Added iteration count, radians to meters conversion, observation vector, bundle control point vector, and output control network for write methods in BundleSolutionInfo. Fixes #4159.

2017-04-24 Ian Humphrey - Removed pvlObject() method. Commented out m_id serialization for save() (causes segfault in unit test for empty xml). Fixes #4797.

2017-04-27 J Bonn - Updated serialization code and tests.

2017-05-30 Debbie A. Cook - Corrected class names in method comments and generalized control point coordinate names. Methods changed: copy constructor, assignment operator, initialize, Also added access methods for coordinate types. References #4649 and #501.

2018-06-01 Ken Edmundson - removed derivation from QObject; added member variable m_numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations with setter/getter; added member variable m_outLidarData with setter/getter.

2018-09-30 Debbie A. Cook - Removed methods setRadiansToMeters and radiansToMeters and member variable m_radiansToMeters. References #4649 and #501.

2019-04-28 Ken Edmundson - Added QList<Statistics> members for lidar residuals - m_rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals, m_rmsLidarImageLineResiduals, m_rmsLidarImageResiduals. Also added accessors for these lists and a method to set them (setRmsLidarImageResidualLists).

Definition at line 90 of file BundleResults.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BundleResults() [1/3]

Isis::BundleResults::BundleResults ( QObject * parent = 0)

Constructs a BundleResults object.

parentThe Qt-relationship parent.

Definition at line 51 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References initialize(), initializeResidualsProbabilityDistribution(), m_correlationMatrix, m_cumPro, and m_cumProRes.

◆ BundleResults() [2/3]

Isis::BundleResults::BundleResults ( QXmlStreamReader * xmlReader,
QObject * parent = 0 )

Construct this BundleResults object from XML.

bundleSettingsFolderWhere the settings XML for this bundle adjustment resides - /work/.../projectRoot/images/import1
xmlReaderAn XML reader that's up to a <bundleSettings> tag.
parentThe Qt-relationship parent.

Definition at line 73 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References initialize().

◆ BundleResults() [3/3]

Isis::BundleResults::BundleResults ( const BundleResults & src)

Copy constructor for BundleResults.

Creates this BundleResults object as a copy of another BundleResults object.

srcThe other BundleResults object to be copied.

Definition at line 475 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ ~BundleResults()

Isis::BundleResults::~BundleResults ( )

Destroys this BundleResults object.

Definition at line 544 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_correlationMatrix, m_cumPro, and m_cumProRes.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addProbabilityDistributionObservation()

void Isis::BundleResults::addProbabilityDistributionObservation ( double observationValue)

Adds an observation to the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|.

observationValueThe value of the added observation.

Definition at line 966 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References Isis::StatCumProbDistDynCalc::addObs(), and m_cumPro.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computePartials().

◆ addResidualsProbabilityDistributionObservation()

void Isis::BundleResults::addResidualsProbabilityDistributionObservation ( double observationValue)

Adds an observation to the cumulative probability distribution of residuals used for reporting.

observationValueThe value of the added observation.

Definition at line 977 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References Isis::StatCumProbDistDynCalc::addObs(), and m_cumProRes.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computePartials().

◆ bundleControlPoints()

QVector< BundleControlPointQsp > & Isis::BundleResults::bundleControlPoints ( )

Returns a reference to the BundleControlPoint vector.

QVector<BundleControlPointQsp>& The BundleControlPoint vector.

Definition at line 1844 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_bundleControlPoints.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputPointsCSV(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputResiduals(), and Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText().

◆ bundleLidarControlPoints()

◆ computeDegreesOfFreedom()

void Isis::BundleResults::computeDegreesOfFreedom ( )

◆ computeSigma0()

void Isis::BundleResults::computeSigma0 ( double dvtpv,
BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria criteria )

Computes the sigma0 and stores it internally.

Sigma0 is the standard deviation of an observation of unit weight. Sigma0^2 is the variance of an observation of unit weight (also reference variance or variance factor).

Sigma0^2 = vtpv/degrees of freedom.

dvtpvThe weighted sum of the squares of the residuals. Computed by V transpose * P * V, where V is the vector of residuals and P is the weight matrix.
criteriaThe convergence criteria for the bundle adjustment.
IException::Io"Computed degrees of freedom is invalid."

Definition at line 1247 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References computeDegreesOfFreedom(), Isis::IException::Io, m_degreesOfFreedom, m_sigma0, Isis::BundleSettings::ParameterCorrections, and Isis::toString().

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ converged()

bool Isis::BundleResults::converged ( ) const

Returns whether or not the bundle adjustment converged.

bool If the bundle adjustment converged.

Definition at line 1834 of file BundleResults.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::isConverged(), Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputImagesCSV(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), save(), setConverged(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ coordTypeReports()

SurfacePoint::CoordinateType Isis::BundleResults::coordTypeReports ( )

Definition at line 2030 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ correlationMatrix()

CorrelationMatrix Isis::BundleResults::correlationMatrix ( ) const

Returns the Correlation Matrix.

CorrelationMatrix The correlation matrix.
IException::Unknown"Correlation matrix for this bundle is NULL."

Definition at line 1996 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_correlationMatrix, and Isis::IException::Unknown.

Referenced by save(), setCorrMatCovFileName(), and setCorrMatImgsAndParams().

◆ cumulativeProbabilityDistribution()

StatCumProbDistDynCalc Isis::BundleResults::cumulativeProbabilityDistribution ( ) const

Returns the cumulative probability distribution of the |R^2 residuals|.

StatCumProbDistDynCalc The cumulative probability distribution of the |R^2 residuals|.

Definition at line 1934 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_cumPro.

◆ degreesOfFreedom()

int Isis::BundleResults::degreesOfFreedom ( ) const

Returns the degrees of freedom.

int the degrees of freedom.

Definition at line 1794 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_degreesOfFreedom.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), setDegreesOfFreedom(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ elapsedTime()

double Isis::BundleResults::elapsedTime ( ) const

Returns the elapsed time for the bundle adjustment.

double The elapsed time for the bundle adjustment.

Definition at line 1814 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_elapsedTime.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), and save().

◆ elapsedTimeErrorProp()

double Isis::BundleResults::elapsedTimeErrorProp ( ) const

Returns the elapsed time for error propagation.

double The elapsed time for error propagation.

Definition at line 1824 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_elapsedTimeErrorProp.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), and save().

◆ incrementFixedPoints()

void Isis::BundleResults::incrementFixedPoints ( )

Increase the number of 'fixed' (ground) points.

Definition at line 994 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberFixedPoints.

◆ incrementHeldImages()

void Isis::BundleResults::incrementHeldImages ( )

Increases the number of 'held' images.

Definition at line 1012 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberHeldImages.

◆ incrementIgnoredPoints()

void Isis::BundleResults::incrementIgnoredPoints ( )

Increase the number of ignored points.

Definition at line 1030 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberIgnoredPoints.

◆ incrementMaximumLikelihoodModelIndex()

void Isis::BundleResults::incrementMaximumLikelihoodModelIndex ( )

Increases the value that indicates which stage the maximum likelihood adjustment is currently on.

Definition at line 986 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maximumLikelihoodIndex.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ incrementNumberConstrainedImageParameters()

void Isis::BundleResults::incrementNumberConstrainedImageParameters ( int incrementAmount)

Increase the number of constrained image parameters.

incrementAmountThe amount to increase by.

Definition at line 1173 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberConstrainedImageParameters.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::formWeightedNormals().

◆ incrementNumberConstrainedPointParameters()

void Isis::BundleResults::incrementNumberConstrainedPointParameters ( int incrementAmount)

Increase the number of contrained point parameters.

incrementAmountThe amount to increase by.

Definition at line 1155 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberConstrainedPointParameters.

◆ incrementNumberConstrainedTargetParameters()

void Isis::BundleResults::incrementNumberConstrainedTargetParameters ( int incrementAmount)

Increases the number of constrained target parameters.

incrementAmountThe amount to increase by.

Definition at line 1191 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberConstrainedTargetParameters.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::formWeightedNormals().

◆ initialize()

void Isis::BundleResults::initialize ( )

Initializes the BundleResults to a default state where all numeric members are set to 0 or another default value, all QString members are set to empty, all QVectors and QLists are cleared, and all other members are set to NULL.

Definition at line 649 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_correlationMatrix, m_cumPro, m_cumProRes, m_degreesOfFreedom, m_elapsedTime, m_elapsedTimeErrorProp, m_iterations, m_maximumLikelihoodFunctions, m_maximumLikelihoodIndex, m_maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals, m_maxSigmaCoord1Distance, m_maxSigmaCoord1PointId, m_maxSigmaCoord2Distance, m_maxSigmaCoord2PointId, m_maxSigmaCoord3Distance, m_maxSigmaCoord3PointId, m_minSigmaCoord1Distance, m_minSigmaCoord1PointId, m_minSigmaCoord2Distance, m_minSigmaCoord2PointId, m_minSigmaCoord3Distance, m_minSigmaCoord3PointId, m_numberConstrainedImageParameters, m_numberConstrainedLidarPointParameters, m_numberConstrainedPointParameters, m_numberConstrainedTargetParameters, m_numberFixedPoints, m_numberHeldImages, m_numberIgnoredPoints, m_numberImageObservations, m_numberImageParameters, m_numberLidarImageObservations, m_numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations, m_numberObservations, m_numberRejectedObservations, m_numberUnknownParameters, m_observations, m_outLidarData, m_outNet, m_rejectionLimit, m_rmsImageDECSigmas, m_rmsImageLineResiduals, m_rmsImageRASigmas, m_rmsImageResiduals, m_rmsImageSampleResiduals, m_rmsImageTWISTSigmas, m_rmsImageYSigmas, m_rmsImageZSigmas, m_rmsLidarImageLineResiduals, m_rmsLidarImageResiduals, m_rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals, m_rmsSigmaCoord1Stats, m_rmsSigmaCoord2Stats, m_rmsSigmaCoord3Stats, m_rmsXResiduals, m_rmsXYResiduals, m_rmsYResiduals, m_sigma0, and Isis::Distance::setMeters().

Referenced by BundleResults(), and BundleResults().

◆ initializeProbabilityDistribution()

void Isis::BundleResults::initializeProbabilityDistribution ( unsigned int nodes = 20)

Initializes or resets the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|.

nodesThe number of quantiles in the cumulative probability distribution.

Definition at line 945 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_cumPro.

Referenced by maximumLikelihoodSetUp(), and printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation().

◆ initializeResidualsProbabilityDistribution()

void Isis::BundleResults::initializeResidualsProbabilityDistribution ( unsigned int nodes = 20)

Initializes or resets the cumulative probability distribution of residuals used for reporting.

nodesThe number of quantiles in the cumulative probability distribution.

Definition at line 955 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_cumProRes.

Referenced by BundleResults(), maximumLikelihoodSetUp(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ iterations()

int Isis::BundleResults::iterations ( ) const

Returns the number of iterations taken by the BundleAdjust.

int The number of iterations.

Definition at line 1893 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_iterations.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), and setIterations().

◆ maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals()

double Isis::BundleResults::maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals ( ) const

Returns the median of the |R^2 residuals|.

double The median of the |R^2 residuals|.

Definition at line 1954 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), and save().

◆ maximumLikelihoodModelIndex()

int Isis::BundleResults::maximumLikelihoodModelIndex ( ) const

Returns which step the bundle adjustment is on.

int The maximum likelihood model that the bundle adjustment is currently using.

Definition at line 1923 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maximumLikelihoodIndex.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computePartials(), Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), save(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ maximumLikelihoodModelQuantile()

double Isis::BundleResults::maximumLikelihoodModelQuantile ( int modelIndex) const

Returns the quantile of the maximum likelihood model at the given index.

modelIndexThe index of the maximum likelihood model whose quantile will be returned.
double The quantile of the desired maximum likelihood model.

Definition at line 1978 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maximumLikelihoodFunctions.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader().

◆ maximumLikelihoodModelWFunc()

MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions Isis::BundleResults::maximumLikelihoodModelWFunc ( int modelIndex) const

Returns the maximum likelihood model at the given index.

modelIndexThe index of the maximum likelihood model to be returned.
MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions The maximum likelihood model at the input index.

Definition at line 1966 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maximumLikelihoodFunctions.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computePartials(), and Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader().

◆ maximumLikelihoodSetUp()

void Isis::BundleResults::maximumLikelihoodSetUp ( QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model, double > > modelsWithQuantiles)

This method steps up the maximum likelihood estimation solution.

Up to three successive solutions models are available.

modelsWithQuantilesThe maixmum likelihood models and their quantiles. If empty, then maximum likelihood estimation will not be used.

Definition at line 878 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References initializeProbabilityDistribution(), initializeResidualsProbabilityDistribution(), m_cumPro, m_cumProRes, m_maximumLikelihoodFunctions, m_maximumLikelihoodIndex, and m_maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::init().

◆ maxSigmaCoord1Distance()

Distance Isis::BundleResults::maxSigmaCoord1Distance ( ) const

Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 1.

Distance The maximum sigma Coord1.

Definition at line 1514 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maxSigmaCoord1Distance.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ maxSigmaCoord1PointId()

QString Isis::BundleResults::maxSigmaCoord1PointId ( ) const

Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 1.

@QString The maximum sigma Coord1 point id.

Definition at line 1574 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maxSigmaCoord1PointId.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ maxSigmaCoord2Distance()

Distance Isis::BundleResults::maxSigmaCoord2Distance ( ) const

Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 2.

Distance The maximum sigma Coord2.

Definition at line 1534 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maxSigmaCoord2Distance.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ maxSigmaCoord2PointId()

QString Isis::BundleResults::maxSigmaCoord2PointId ( ) const

Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 2.

@QString The maximum sigma Coord2 point id.

Definition at line 1594 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maxSigmaCoord2PointId.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ maxSigmaCoord3Distance()

Distance Isis::BundleResults::maxSigmaCoord3Distance ( ) const

Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 3.

Distance The maximum sigma Coord3.

Definition at line 1554 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maxSigmaCoord3Distance.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ maxSigmaCoord3PointId()

QString Isis::BundleResults::maxSigmaCoord3PointId ( ) const

Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 3.

@QString The maximum sigma Coord3 point id.

Definition at line 1614 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maxSigmaCoord3PointId.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ minSigmaCoord1Distance()

Distance Isis::BundleResults::minSigmaCoord1Distance ( ) const

Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 1.

Distance The minimum sigma for Coord1.

Definition at line 1504 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_minSigmaCoord1Distance.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ minSigmaCoord1PointId()

QString Isis::BundleResults::minSigmaCoord1PointId ( ) const

Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 1.

@QString The minimum sigma Coord1 point id.

Definition at line 1564 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_minSigmaCoord1PointId.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ minSigmaCoord2Distance()

Distance Isis::BundleResults::minSigmaCoord2Distance ( ) const

Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 2.

Distance The minimum sigma Coord2.

Definition at line 1524 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_minSigmaCoord2Distance.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ minSigmaCoord2PointId()

QString Isis::BundleResults::minSigmaCoord2PointId ( ) const

Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 2.

@QString The minimum sigma longitude point id.

Definition at line 1584 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_minSigmaCoord2PointId.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ minSigmaCoord3Distance()

Distance Isis::BundleResults::minSigmaCoord3Distance ( ) const

Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 3.

Distance The minimum sigma Coord3.

Definition at line 1544 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_minSigmaCoord3Distance.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ minSigmaCoord3PointId()

QString Isis::BundleResults::minSigmaCoord3PointId ( ) const

Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 3.

@QString The minimum sigma Coord3 point id.

Definition at line 1604 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_minSigmaCoord3PointId.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ numberConstrainedImageParameters()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberConstrainedImageParameters ( ) const

Returns the number of constrained image parameters.

int The number of constrained image parameters.

Definition at line 1754 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberConstrainedImageParameters.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), and save().

◆ numberConstrainedPointParameters()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberConstrainedPointParameters ( ) const

Returns the number of constrained point parameters.

int The number of constrained point parameters.

Definition at line 1744 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberConstrainedPointParameters.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ numberConstrainedTargetParameters()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberConstrainedTargetParameters ( ) const

Return the number of constrained target parameters.

int The number of constrained target parameters.

Definition at line 1764 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberConstrainedTargetParameters.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), and save().

◆ numberFixedPoints()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberFixedPoints ( ) const

Returns the number of 'fixed' (ground) points.

int The number of fixed points.

Definition at line 1004 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberFixedPoints.

Referenced by save().

◆ numberHeldImages()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberHeldImages ( ) const

Returns the number of 'held' images.

int The number of held images.

Definition at line 1022 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberHeldImages.

Referenced by save().

◆ numberIgnoredPoints()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberIgnoredPoints ( ) const

Returns the number of ignored points.

int The number of ignored points.

Definition at line 1040 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberIgnoredPoints.

Referenced by save().

◆ numberImageObservations()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberImageObservations ( ) const

Returns the number of observations.

int The number of observations.

Definition at line 1714 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberImageObservations.

Referenced by save().

◆ numberImageParameters()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberImageParameters ( ) const

Returns the total number of image parameters.

int The total number of image parameters.

Definition at line 1734 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberImageParameters.

Referenced by save().

◆ numberLidarImageObservations()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberLidarImageObservations ( ) const

Returns the number of lidar observations.

int The number of lidar observations.

Definition at line 1724 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberLidarImageObservations.

Referenced by save().

◆ numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations ( ) const

Return the number of lidar range constraint equations.

int The number of lidar range constraint equations.

Definition at line 1774 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), and save().

◆ numberMaximumLikelihoodModels()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberMaximumLikelihoodModels ( ) const

Returns how many maximum likelihood models were used in the bundle adjustment.

int The number fo maximum likelihood models.

Definition at line 1913 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maximumLikelihoodFunctions.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computePartials(), Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation(), save(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ numberObservations()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberObservations ( ) const

◆ numberRejectedObservations()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberRejectedObservations ( ) const

Returns the number of observation that were rejected.

int The number of rejected observations.

Definition at line 1694 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberRejectedObservations.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), and setNumberRejectedObservations().

◆ numberUnknownParameters()

int Isis::BundleResults::numberUnknownParameters ( ) const

Returns the number of unknown parameters.

int The number of unknown parameters.

Definition at line 1784 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberUnknownParameters.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ observations()

const BundleObservationVector & Isis::BundleResults::observations ( ) const

Returns a reference to the observations used by the BundleAdjust.

BundleObservationVector& A reference to the observation vector.

Definition at line 1903 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_observations.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputImagesCSV(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and setObservations().

◆ operator=()

BundleResults & Isis::BundleResults::operator= ( const BundleResults & src)

Assignment operator for BundleResults.

Overwrites this BundleResults object with another BundleResults object.

srcThe other BundleResults object to be copied from.

Definition at line 564 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_bundleControlPoints, m_correlationMatrix, m_cumPro, m_cumProRes, m_degreesOfFreedom, m_elapsedTime, m_elapsedTimeErrorProp, m_iterations, m_maximumLikelihoodFunctions, m_maximumLikelihoodIndex, m_maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals, m_maxSigmaCoord1Distance, m_maxSigmaCoord1PointId, m_maxSigmaCoord2Distance, m_maxSigmaCoord2PointId, m_maxSigmaCoord3Distance, m_maxSigmaCoord3PointId, m_minSigmaCoord1Distance, m_minSigmaCoord1PointId, m_minSigmaCoord2Distance, m_minSigmaCoord2PointId, m_minSigmaCoord3Distance, m_minSigmaCoord3PointId, m_numberConstrainedImageParameters, m_numberConstrainedLidarPointParameters, m_numberConstrainedPointParameters, m_numberConstrainedTargetParameters, m_numberFixedPoints, m_numberHeldImages, m_numberIgnoredPoints, m_numberImageObservations, m_numberImageParameters, m_numberLidarImageObservations, m_numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations, m_numberObservations, m_numberRejectedObservations, m_numberUnknownParameters, m_observations, m_outLidarData, m_outNet, m_rejectionLimit, m_rmsImageDECSigmas, m_rmsImageLineResiduals, m_rmsImageRASigmas, m_rmsImageResiduals, m_rmsImageSampleResiduals, m_rmsImageTWISTSigmas, m_rmsImageYSigmas, m_rmsImageZSigmas, m_rmsLidarImageLineResiduals, m_rmsLidarImageResiduals, m_rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals, m_rmsSigmaCoord1Stats, m_rmsSigmaCoord2Stats, m_rmsSigmaCoord3Stats, m_rmsXResiduals, m_rmsXYResiduals, m_rmsYResiduals, and m_sigma0.

◆ outputControlNet()

ControlNetQsp Isis::BundleResults::outputControlNet ( ) const

Returns a shared pointer to the output control network.

ControlNetQsp A shared pointer to the output control network.
IException::Programmer"Output Control Network has not been set."

Definition at line 1866 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_outNet, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

Referenced by Isis::JigsawRunWidget::on_JigsawAcceptButton_clicked(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), and save().

◆ outputLidarData()

LidarDataQsp Isis::BundleResults::outputLidarData ( ) const

Returns a shared pointer to the output LidarData object.

LidarDataQsp A shared pointer to the output LidarData object.
IException::Programmer"Output LidarData object has not been set."

Definition at line 1883 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_outLidarData.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader().

◆ printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation()

void Isis::BundleResults::printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation ( )

◆ readBundleResults()

void Isis::BundleResults::readBundleResults ( QXmlStreamReader * xmlReader)

Definition at line 83 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ readCorrelationMatrix()

void Isis::BundleResults::readCorrelationMatrix ( QXmlStreamReader * xmlReader)

Definition at line 129 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ readGenStatsValues()

void Isis::BundleResults::readGenStatsValues ( QXmlStreamReader * xmlReader)

Definition at line 158 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ readImageResidualsLists()

void Isis::BundleResults::readImageResidualsLists ( QXmlStreamReader * xmlReader)

Definition at line 289 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ readMaxLikelihoodEstimation()

void Isis::BundleResults::readMaxLikelihoodEstimation ( QXmlStreamReader * xmlReader)

Definition at line 419 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ readMinMaxSigmas()

void Isis::BundleResults::readMinMaxSigmas ( QXmlStreamReader * xmlReader)

Definition at line 371 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ readRms()

void Isis::BundleResults::readRms ( QXmlStreamReader * xmlReader)

Definition at line 224 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ readSigma()

void Isis::BundleResults::readSigma ( Distance & dist,
QString & pointId,
QXmlStreamReader * xmlReader )

Definition at line 404 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ readSigmasLists()

void Isis::BundleResults::readSigmasLists ( QXmlStreamReader * xmlReader)

Definition at line 316 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ readStatsToList()

void Isis::BundleResults::readStatsToList ( QList< Statistics > & list,
QXmlStreamReader * xmlReader )

Definition at line 343 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ readStatsToVector()

void Isis::BundleResults::readStatsToVector ( QVector< Statistics > & vec,
QXmlStreamReader * xmlReader )

Definition at line 357 of file BundleResults.cpp.

◆ rejectionLimit()

double Isis::BundleResults::rejectionLimit ( ) const

Returns the rejection limit.

double The rejection limit.

Definition at line 1684 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rejectionLimit.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computeRejectionLimit(), Isis::BundleAdjust::flagOutliers(), save(), and setRejectionLimit().

◆ resetNumberConstrainedImageParameters()

void Isis::BundleResults::resetNumberConstrainedImageParameters ( )

Resets the number of constrained image parameters to 0.

Definition at line 1163 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberConstrainedImageParameters.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::formWeightedNormals().

◆ resetNumberConstrainedPointParameters()

void Isis::BundleResults::resetNumberConstrainedPointParameters ( )

Resets the number of contrained point parameters to 0.

Definition at line 1145 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberConstrainedPointParameters.

◆ resetNumberConstrainedTargetParameters()

void Isis::BundleResults::resetNumberConstrainedTargetParameters ( )

Resets the number of constrained target parameters to 0.

Definition at line 1181 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberConstrainedTargetParameters.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::formWeightedNormals().

◆ residualsCumulativeProbabilityDistribution()

StatCumProbDistDynCalc Isis::BundleResults::residualsCumulativeProbabilityDistribution ( ) const

Returns the cumulative probability distribution of the residuals used for reporting.

StatCumProbDistDynCalc the cumulative probability distribution of the residuals.

Definition at line 1944 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_cumProRes.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader().

◆ resizeSigmaStatisticsVectors()

void Isis::BundleResults::resizeSigmaStatisticsVectors ( int numberImages)

Resizes all image sigma vectors.

numberImagesThe new size for the image sigma vectors.

Definition at line 749 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsImageDECSigmas, m_rmsImageRASigmas, m_rmsImageTWISTSigmas, m_rmsImageYSigmas, and m_rmsImageZSigmas.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computeBundleStatistics().

◆ rmsImageDECSigmas()

QVector< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageDECSigmas ( ) const

Returns the list of RMS image declination sigma statistics.

QList<Statistics> The RMS image declination sigma statistics.

Definition at line 1484 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsImageDECSigmas.

Referenced by save().

◆ rmsImageLineResiduals()

QList< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageLineResiduals ( ) const

Returns the list of RMS image line residuals statistics.

QList<Statistics> The RMS image line residual statistics.

Definition at line 1394 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsImageLineResiduals.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputImagesCSV(), save(), and setRmsImageResidualLists().

◆ rmsImageRASigmas()

QVector< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageRASigmas ( ) const

Returns the list of RMS image right ascension sigma statistics.

QList<Statistics> The RMS image right ascension sigma statistics.

Definition at line 1474 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsImageRASigmas.

Referenced by save().

◆ rmsImageResiduals()

QList< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageResiduals ( ) const

Returns the list of RMS image residuals statistics.

QList<Statistics> The RMS image residual statistics.

Definition at line 1404 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsImageResiduals.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputImagesCSV(), save(), and setRmsImageResidualLists().

◆ rmsImageSampleResiduals()

QList< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageSampleResiduals ( ) const

Returns the list of RMS image sample residuals statistics.

QList<Statistics> The RMS image sample residual statistics.

Definition at line 1384 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsImageSampleResiduals.

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputImagesCSV(), save(), and setRmsImageResidualLists().

◆ rmsImageTWISTSigmas()

QVector< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageTWISTSigmas ( ) const

Returns the list of RMS image twist sigma statistics.

QList<Statistics> The RMS image twist sigma statistics.

Definition at line 1494 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsImageTWISTSigmas.

Referenced by save().

◆ rmsImageXSigmas()

QVector< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageXSigmas ( ) const

Returns the list of RMS image x sigma statistics.

QList<Statistics> The RMS image x sigma statistics.

Definition at line 1444 of file BundleResults.cpp.

Referenced by save().

◆ rmsImageYSigmas()

QVector< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageYSigmas ( ) const

Returns the list of RMS image y sigma statistics.

QList<Statistics> The RMS image y sigma statistics.

Definition at line 1454 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsImageYSigmas.

Referenced by save().

◆ rmsImageZSigmas()

QVector< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsImageZSigmas ( ) const

Returns the list of RMS image z sigma statistics.

QList<Statistics> The RMS image z sigma statistics.

Definition at line 1464 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsImageZSigmas.

Referenced by save().

◆ rmsLidarImageLineResiduals()

QList< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsLidarImageLineResiduals ( ) const

Returns the list of RMS image lidar line residuals statistics.

QList<Statistics> The RMS image lidar line residual statistics.

Definition at line 1424 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsLidarImageLineResiduals.

Referenced by save(), and setRmsLidarImageResidualLists().

◆ rmsLidarImageResiduals()

QList< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsLidarImageResiduals ( ) const

Returns the list of RMS image lidar residuals statistics.

QList<Statistics> The RMS image lidar residual statistics.

Definition at line 1434 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsLidarImageResiduals.

Referenced by save(), and setRmsLidarImageResidualLists().

◆ rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals()

QList< Statistics > Isis::BundleResults::rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals ( ) const

Returns the list of RMS image lidar sample residuals statistics.

QList<Statistics> The RMS image lidar sample residual statistics.

Definition at line 1414 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals.

Referenced by save(), and setRmsLidarImageResidualLists().

◆ rmsRx()

double Isis::BundleResults::rmsRx ( ) const

Returns the RMS of the x residuals.

double The RMS of the x residuals.

Definition at line 1654 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsXResiduals.

Referenced by save().

◆ rmsRxy()

double Isis::BundleResults::rmsRxy ( ) const

Returns the RMS of the x and y residuals.

double The RMS of the x and y residuals.

Definition at line 1674 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsXYResiduals.

Referenced by save().

◆ rmsRy()

double Isis::BundleResults::rmsRy ( ) const

Returns the RMS of the y residuals.

double The RMS of the y residuals.

Definition at line 1664 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsYResiduals.

Referenced by save().

◆ save()

void Isis::BundleResults::save ( QXmlStreamWriter & stream,
const Project * project ) const

Saves the BundleResults object to an XML file.

streamThe QXMLStreamWriter that will be used to write out the XML file.
projectThe project that the BundleResults object belongs to.

Definition at line 2048 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References converged(), correlationMatrix(), degreesOfFreedom(), elapsedTime(), elapsedTimeErrorProp(), iterations(), Isis::SurfacePoint::Latitudinal, m_maximumLikelihoodFunctions, m_outNet, m_rmsImageDECSigmas, m_rmsImageLineResiduals, m_rmsImageRASigmas, m_rmsImageResiduals, m_rmsImageSampleResiduals, m_rmsImageTWISTSigmas, m_rmsImageYSigmas, m_rmsImageZSigmas, m_rmsLidarImageLineResiduals, m_rmsLidarImageResiduals, m_rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals, maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals(), maximumLikelihoodModelIndex(), maxSigmaCoord1Distance(), maxSigmaCoord1PointId(), maxSigmaCoord2Distance(), maxSigmaCoord2PointId(), maxSigmaCoord3Distance(), maxSigmaCoord3PointId(), minSigmaCoord1Distance(), minSigmaCoord1PointId(), minSigmaCoord2Distance(), minSigmaCoord2PointId(), minSigmaCoord3Distance(), minSigmaCoord3PointId(), Isis::MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::modelToString(), numberConstrainedImageParameters(), numberConstrainedPointParameters(), numberConstrainedTargetParameters(), numberFixedPoints(), numberHeldImages(), numberIgnoredPoints(), numberImageObservations(), numberImageParameters(), numberLidarImageObservations(), numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations(), numberMaximumLikelihoodModels(), numberObservations(), numberRejectedObservations(), numberUnknownParameters(), outputControlNet(), Isis::IException::Programmer, Isis::SurfacePoint::Rectangular, rejectionLimit(), rmsImageDECSigmas(), rmsImageLineResiduals(), rmsImageRASigmas(), rmsImageResiduals(), rmsImageSampleResiduals(), rmsImageTWISTSigmas(), rmsImageXSigmas(), rmsImageYSigmas(), rmsImageZSigmas(), rmsLidarImageLineResiduals(), rmsLidarImageResiduals(), rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals(), rmsRx(), rmsRxy(), rmsRy(), sigma0(), sigmaCoord1StatisticsRms(), sigmaCoord2StatisticsRms(), sigmaCoord3StatisticsRms(), and Isis::toString().

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::save().

◆ setBundleControlPoints()

void Isis::BundleResults::setBundleControlPoints ( QVector< BundleControlPointQsp > controlPoints)

Sets the bundle control point vector.

controlPointsThe vector of BundleControlPointQsps.

Definition at line 1321 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_bundleControlPoints.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ setBundleLidarPoints()

void Isis::BundleResults::setBundleLidarPoints ( QVector< BundleLidarControlPointQsp > lidarPoints)

Sets the bundle lidar point vector.

lidarPointsVector of BundleLidarControlPointQsps.

Definition at line 1331 of file BundleResults.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ setConverged()

void Isis::BundleResults::setConverged ( bool converged)

Sets if the bundle adjustment converged.

convergedIf the bundle adjustment converged.

Definition at line 1311 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References converged().

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ setCorrMatCovFileName()

void Isis::BundleResults::setCorrMatCovFileName ( FileName name)

Set the covariance file name for the matrix used to calculate the correlation matrix.

nameThe name of the file used to store the covariance matrix.

Definition at line 2013 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References correlationMatrix(), m_correlationMatrix, and Isis::CorrelationMatrix::setCovarianceFileName().

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::errorPropagation().

◆ setCorrMatImgsAndParams()

void Isis::BundleResults::setCorrMatImgsAndParams ( QMap< QString, QStringList > imgsAndParams)

Set the images and their associated parameters of the correlation matrix.

imgsAndParamsThe QMap with all the images and parameters used for this bundle.

Definition at line 2024 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References correlationMatrix(), m_correlationMatrix, and Isis::CorrelationMatrix::setImagesAndParameters().

Referenced by Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText().

◆ setDegreesOfFreedom()

void Isis::BundleResults::setDegreesOfFreedom ( double degreesOfFreedom)

Sets the degrees of freedom.

degreesOfFreedomThe degrees of freedom.

Definition at line 1271 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References degreesOfFreedom(), and m_degreesOfFreedom.

◆ setElapsedTime()

void Isis::BundleResults::setElapsedTime ( double time)

Sets the elapsed time for the bundle adjustment.

timeThe elapsed time.

Definition at line 1291 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_elapsedTime.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ setElapsedTimeErrorProp()

void Isis::BundleResults::setElapsedTimeErrorProp ( double time)

Sets the elapsed time for error propegation.

timeThe elapsed time.

Definition at line 1301 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_elapsedTimeErrorProp.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ setIterations()

void Isis::BundleResults::setIterations ( int iterations)

Sets the number of iterations taken by the BundleAdjust.

iterationsThe number of iterations.

Definition at line 1361 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References iterations(), and m_iterations.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ setNumberConstrainedLidarPointParameters()

void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberConstrainedLidarPointParameters ( int numberParameters)

Set number of contrained point parameters.

numberParametersNumber of contrained point parameters.

Definition at line 1137 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberConstrainedLidarPointParameters.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::formNormalEquations().

◆ setNumberConstrainedPointParameters()

void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberConstrainedPointParameters ( int numberParameters)

Set number of contrained point parameters.

numberParametersNumber of contrained point parameters.

Definition at line 1127 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberConstrainedPointParameters.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::formNormalEquations().

◆ setNumberImageObservations()

void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberImageObservations ( int numberObservations)

Sets the number of photogrammetric image observations.

Note in this terminology an image measurement contributes two observations to the adjustment (i.e. sample/line).

So, the number of observations divided by 2 should equal the number of image measures.

numberObservationsThe number of photogrammetric image observations.

Definition at line 1097 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberImageObservations, and numberObservations().

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::formNormalEquations().

◆ setNumberImageParameters()

void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberImageParameters ( int numberParameters)

Sets the number of image parameters.

numberParametersThe number of image parameters.

Definition at line 1117 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberImageParameters.

◆ setNumberLidarImageObservations()

void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberLidarImageObservations ( int numberLidarObservations)

Sets the number of lidar observations.

numberLidarObservationsThe number of lidar observations.

Definition at line 1107 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberLidarImageObservations.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::formNormalEquations().

◆ setNumberLidarRangeConstraints()

void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberLidarRangeConstraints ( int numberLidarRangeConstraints)

Sets the total number of lidar range constraints.

numberLidarRangeConstraintsThe total number of lidar range constraints.

Definition at line 1211 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::formNormalEquations().

◆ setNumberObservations()

void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberObservations ( int numberObservations)

Sets the number of observations.

numberObservationsThe number of observations.

Definition at line 1084 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberObservations, and numberObservations().

◆ setNumberRejectedObservations()

void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberRejectedObservations ( int numberRejectedObservations)

Sets the number of rejected observations.

numberRejectedObservationsThe number of rejected observations.

Definition at line 1074 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberRejectedObservations, and numberRejectedObservations().

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::flagOutliers().

◆ setNumberUnknownParameters()

void Isis::BundleResults::setNumberUnknownParameters ( int numberParameters)

Sets the total number of parameters to solve for.

numberParametersThe number of parameters to solve for.

Definition at line 1201 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_numberUnknownParameters.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::formNormalEquations(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::init().

◆ setObservations()

void Isis::BundleResults::setObservations ( BundleObservationVector observations)

Sets the vector of BundleObservations.

observationsThe vector of BundleObservations.

Definition at line 1371 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_observations, and observations().

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ setOutputControlNet()

◆ setOutputLidarData()

void Isis::BundleResults::setOutputLidarData ( LidarDataQsp outLidarData)

Sets the output LidarData object.

outLidarDataA QSharedPointer to the output LidarData object.

Definition at line 1351 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_outLidarData.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust().

◆ setRejectionLimit()

void Isis::BundleResults::setRejectionLimit ( double rejectionLimit)

Sets the rejection limit.

rejectionLimitThe rejection limit.

Definition at line 1064 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rejectionLimit, and rejectionLimit().

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computeRejectionLimit().

◆ setRmsFromSigmaStatistics()

void Isis::BundleResults::setRmsFromSigmaStatistics ( double rmsFromSigmaCoord1Stats,
double rmsFromSigmaCoord2Stats,
double rmsFromSigmaCoord3Stats )

Sets the root mean square values of the adjusted sigmas for all three coordinates.

rmsFromSigmaCoord1StatsThe new RMS value of the adjusted coord1 sigmas.
rmsFromSigmaCoord2StatsThe new RMS value of the adjusted coord2 sigmas.
rmsFromSigmaCoord3StatsThe new RMS value of the adjusted coord3 sigmas.

Definition at line 861 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsSigmaCoord1Stats, m_rmsSigmaCoord2Stats, and m_rmsSigmaCoord3Stats.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computeBundleStatistics().

◆ setRmsImageResidualLists()

void Isis::BundleResults::setRmsImageResidualLists ( QList< Statistics > rmsImageLineResiduals,
QList< Statistics > rmsImageSampleResiduals,
QList< Statistics > rmsImageResiduals )

Sets the root mean square image residual Statistics lists.

rmsImageLineResidualsThe new image line residuals list.
rmsImageSampleResidualsThe new image sample residuals list.
rmsImageResidualsThe new image residuals list.

Definition at line 778 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsImageLineResiduals, m_rmsImageResiduals, m_rmsImageSampleResiduals, rmsImageLineResiduals(), rmsImageResiduals(), and rmsImageSampleResiduals().

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computeBundleStatistics().

◆ setRmsLidarImageResidualLists()

void Isis::BundleResults::setRmsLidarImageResidualLists ( QList< Statistics > rmsLidarImageLineResiduals,
QList< Statistics > rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals,
QList< Statistics > rmsLidarImageResiduals )

Sets the root mean square lidar image residual Statistics lists.

rmsLidarImageLineResidualsThe new image line residuals list.
rmsLidarImageSampleResidualsThe new image sample residuals list.
rmsLidarImageResidualsThe new image residuals list.

Definition at line 794 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsLidarImageLineResiduals, m_rmsLidarImageResiduals, m_rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals, rmsLidarImageLineResiduals(), rmsLidarImageResiduals(), and rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals().

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computeBundleStatistics().

◆ setRmsXYResiduals()

void Isis::BundleResults::setRmsXYResiduals ( double rx,
double ry,
double rxy )

Sets the root mean square of the x and y residuals.

rxThe RMS value of the x residuals.
ryThe RMS value of the y residuals.
rxyThe RMS value of both the x and y residuals.

Definition at line 1052 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsXResiduals, m_rmsXYResiduals, and m_rmsYResiduals.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computeVtpv().

◆ setSigma0()

void Isis::BundleResults::setSigma0 ( double sigma0)

Sets the sigma0.

sigma0The sigma0.

Definition at line 1281 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_sigma0, and sigma0().

◆ setSigmaCoord1Range()

void Isis::BundleResults::setSigmaCoord1Range ( Distance minCoord1Dist,
Distance maxCoord1Dist,
QString minCoord1PointId,
QString maxCoord1PointId )

Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 1.

minLatDistThe new minimum sigma latitude distance.
maxLatDistThe new maximum sigma latitude distance.
minLatPointIdThe new minimum sigma latitude point id.
maxLatPointIdThe new maximum sigma latitude point id.

Definition at line 811 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maxSigmaCoord1Distance, m_maxSigmaCoord1PointId, m_minSigmaCoord1Distance, and m_minSigmaCoord1PointId.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computeBundleStatistics().

◆ setSigmaCoord2Range()

void Isis::BundleResults::setSigmaCoord2Range ( Distance minCoord2Dist,
Distance maxCoord2Dist,
QString minCoord2PointId,
QString maxCoord2PointId )

Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 2.

minLonDistThe new minimum sigma longitude distance.
maxLonDistThe new maximum sigma longitude distance.
minLonPointIdThe new minimum sigma longitude point id.
maxLonPointIdThe new maximum sigma longitude point id.

Definition at line 828 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maxSigmaCoord2Distance, m_maxSigmaCoord2PointId, m_minSigmaCoord2Distance, and m_minSigmaCoord2PointId.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computeBundleStatistics().

◆ setSigmaCoord3Range()

void Isis::BundleResults::setSigmaCoord3Range ( Distance minCoord3Dist,
Distance maxCoord3Dist,
QString minCoord3PointId,
QString maxCoord3PointId )

Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 3.

minRadDistThe new minimum sigma radius distance.
maxRadDistThe new maximum sigma radius distance.
minRadPointIdThe new minimum sigma radius point id.
maxRadPointIdThe new maximum sigma radius point id.

Definition at line 845 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_maxSigmaCoord3Distance, m_maxSigmaCoord3PointId, m_minSigmaCoord3Distance, and m_minSigmaCoord3PointId.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::computeBundleStatistics().

◆ sigma0()

double Isis::BundleResults::sigma0 ( ) const

Returns the Sigma0 of the bundle adjustment.

double The Sigma0.

Definition at line 1804 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_sigma0.

Referenced by Isis::BundleAdjust::errorPropagation(), Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputHeader(), save(), setSigma0(), and Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky().

◆ sigmaCoord1StatisticsRms()

double Isis::BundleResults::sigmaCoord1StatisticsRms ( ) const

Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 1.

double The RMS of the adjusted Coord1 sigmas.

Definition at line 1624 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsSigmaCoord1Stats.

Referenced by Isis::JigsawRunWidget::notifyThreadFinished(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ sigmaCoord2StatisticsRms()

double Isis::BundleResults::sigmaCoord2StatisticsRms ( ) const

Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 2.

double The RMS of the adjusted Coord2 sigmas.

Definition at line 1634 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsSigmaCoord2Stats.

Referenced by Isis::JigsawRunWidget::notifyThreadFinished(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

◆ sigmaCoord3StatisticsRms()

double Isis::BundleResults::sigmaCoord3StatisticsRms ( ) const

Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 3.

double The RMS of the adjusted Coord3 sigmas.

Definition at line 1644 of file BundleResults.cpp.

References m_rmsSigmaCoord3Stats.

Referenced by Isis::JigsawRunWidget::notifyThreadFinished(), Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::outputText(), and save().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_bundleControlPoints

QVector<BundleControlPointQsp> Isis::BundleResults::m_bundleControlPoints

The vector of BundleControlPoints from BundleAdjust.

Equivalent to the output control net minus ignored points and measures. The contained points and members hold pointers to the points and measures in the output control net.

Definition at line 311 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by bundleControlPoints(), operator=(), and setBundleControlPoints().

◆ m_bundleLidarPoints

QVector<BundleLidarControlPointQsp> Isis::BundleResults::m_bundleLidarPoints

Definition at line 320 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_converged

bool Isis::BundleResults::m_converged

Definition at line 307 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_correlationMatrix

CorrelationMatrix* Isis::BundleResults::m_correlationMatrix

◆ m_cumPro

StatCumProbDistDynCalc* Isis::BundleResults::m_cumPro

This class will be used to calculate the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|, quantiles of this distribution are used to adjust the maximum likelihood functions dynamically iteration by iteration.

Definition at line 401 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by addProbabilityDistributionObservation(), BundleResults(), cumulativeProbabilityDistribution(), initialize(), initializeProbabilityDistribution(), maximumLikelihoodSetUp(), operator=(), printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation(), and ~BundleResults().

◆ m_cumProRes

StatCumProbDistDynCalc* Isis::BundleResults::m_cumProRes

This class keeps track of the cumulative probability distribution of residuals (in unweighted pixels), this is used for reporting, and not for computation.

Definition at line 406 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by addResidualsProbabilityDistributionObservation(), BundleResults(), initialize(), initializeResidualsProbabilityDistribution(), maximumLikelihoodSetUp(), operator=(), residualsCumulativeProbabilityDistribution(), and ~BundleResults().

◆ m_degreesOfFreedom

int Isis::BundleResults::m_degreesOfFreedom

degrees of freedom

Definition at line 303 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by computeDegreesOfFreedom(), computeSigma0(), degreesOfFreedom(), initialize(), operator=(), and setDegreesOfFreedom().

◆ m_elapsedTime

double Isis::BundleResults::m_elapsedTime

elapsed time for bundle

Definition at line 305 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by elapsedTime(), initialize(), operator=(), and setElapsedTime().

◆ m_elapsedTimeErrorProp

double Isis::BundleResults::m_elapsedTimeErrorProp

elapsed time for error propagation

Definition at line 306 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by elapsedTimeErrorProp(), initialize(), operator=(), and setElapsedTimeErrorProp().

◆ m_iterations

int Isis::BundleResults::m_iterations

The number of iterations taken by BundleAdjust.

Definition at line 325 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), iterations(), operator=(), and setIterations().

◆ m_maximumLikelihoodFunctions

QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions, double > > Isis::BundleResults::m_maximumLikelihoodFunctions

< The maximum likelihood models and their quantiles.

The number of maximum likelihood estimation models. Up to three different models can be used in succession. This class is used to reweight observations in order to achieve more robust parameter estimation, up to three different maximum likelihood estimation models can be used in succession. Quantiles of the |residual| distribution to be used for tweaking constants of the maximum probability models.

Definition at line 385 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), maximumLikelihoodModelQuantile(), maximumLikelihoodModelWFunc(), maximumLikelihoodSetUp(), numberMaximumLikelihoodModels(), operator=(), printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation(), and save().

◆ m_maximumLikelihoodIndex

int Isis::BundleResults::m_maximumLikelihoodIndex

This count keeps track of which stage of the maximum likelihood adjustment the bundle is currently on.

Definition at line 398 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by incrementMaximumLikelihoodModelIndex(), initialize(), maximumLikelihoodModelIndex(), maximumLikelihoodSetUp(), operator=(), and printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation().

◆ m_maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals

double Isis::BundleResults::m_maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals

◆ m_maxSigmaCoord1Distance

Distance Isis::BundleResults::m_maxSigmaCoord1Distance

The maximum sigma latitude distance.

Definition at line 363 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), maxSigmaCoord1Distance(), operator=(), and setSigmaCoord1Range().

◆ m_maxSigmaCoord1PointId

QString Isis::BundleResults::m_maxSigmaCoord1PointId

The maximum sigma coordinate 1 point id.

Definition at line 370 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), maxSigmaCoord1PointId(), operator=(), and setSigmaCoord1Range().

◆ m_maxSigmaCoord2Distance

Distance Isis::BundleResults::m_maxSigmaCoord2Distance

The maximum sigma longitude distance.

Definition at line 365 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), maxSigmaCoord2Distance(), operator=(), and setSigmaCoord2Range().

◆ m_maxSigmaCoord2PointId

QString Isis::BundleResults::m_maxSigmaCoord2PointId

The maximum sigma coordinate2 point id.

Definition at line 372 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), maxSigmaCoord2PointId(), operator=(), and setSigmaCoord2Range().

◆ m_maxSigmaCoord3Distance

Distance Isis::BundleResults::m_maxSigmaCoord3Distance

The maximum sigma radius distance.

Definition at line 367 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), maxSigmaCoord3Distance(), operator=(), and setSigmaCoord3Range().

◆ m_maxSigmaCoord3PointId

QString Isis::BundleResults::m_maxSigmaCoord3PointId

The maximum sigma coordinate 3 point id.

Definition at line 374 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), maxSigmaCoord3PointId(), operator=(), and setSigmaCoord3Range().

◆ m_minSigmaCoord1Distance

Distance Isis::BundleResults::m_minSigmaCoord1Distance

The minimum sigma latitude distance.

Definition at line 362 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), minSigmaCoord1Distance(), operator=(), and setSigmaCoord1Range().

◆ m_minSigmaCoord1PointId

QString Isis::BundleResults::m_minSigmaCoord1PointId

The minimum sigma coordinate 1 point id.

Definition at line 369 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), minSigmaCoord1PointId(), operator=(), and setSigmaCoord1Range().

◆ m_minSigmaCoord2Distance

Distance Isis::BundleResults::m_minSigmaCoord2Distance

The minimum sigma longitude distance.

Definition at line 364 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), minSigmaCoord2Distance(), operator=(), and setSigmaCoord2Range().

◆ m_minSigmaCoord2PointId

QString Isis::BundleResults::m_minSigmaCoord2PointId

The minimum sigma coordinate 2 point id.

Definition at line 371 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), minSigmaCoord2PointId(), operator=(), and setSigmaCoord2Range().

◆ m_minSigmaCoord3Distance

Distance Isis::BundleResults::m_minSigmaCoord3Distance

The minimum sigma radius distance.

Definition at line 366 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), minSigmaCoord3Distance(), operator=(), and setSigmaCoord3Range().

◆ m_minSigmaCoord3PointId

QString Isis::BundleResults::m_minSigmaCoord3PointId

The minimum sigma coordinate 3 point id.

Definition at line 373 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), minSigmaCoord3PointId(), operator=(), and setSigmaCoord3Range().

◆ m_numberConstrainedImageParameters

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberConstrainedImageParameters

◆ m_numberConstrainedLidarPointParameters

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberConstrainedLidarPointParameters

◆ m_numberConstrainedPointParameters

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberConstrainedPointParameters

◆ m_numberConstrainedTargetParameters

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberConstrainedTargetParameters

◆ m_numberFixedPoints

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberFixedPoints

number of 'fixed' (ground) points (define)

Definition at line 280 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by incrementFixedPoints(), initialize(), numberFixedPoints(), and operator=().

◆ m_numberHeldImages

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberHeldImages

number of 'held' images (define)

Definition at line 283 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by incrementHeldImages(), initialize(), numberHeldImages(), and operator=().

◆ m_numberIgnoredPoints

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberIgnoredPoints

number of ignored points

Definition at line 282 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by incrementIgnoredPoints(), initialize(), numberIgnoredPoints(), and operator=().

◆ m_numberImageObservations

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberImageObservations

photogrammetry image coords. (2 per measure)

Definition at line 293 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by computeDegreesOfFreedom(), initialize(), numberImageObservations(), numberObservations(), operator=(), and setNumberImageObservations().

◆ m_numberImageParameters

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberImageParameters

number of image parameters

Definition at line 298 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), numberImageParameters(), operator=(), and setNumberImageParameters().

◆ m_numberLidarImageObservations

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberLidarImageObservations

◆ m_numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations

lidar range constraint equations

Definition at line 296 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by computeDegreesOfFreedom(), initialize(), numberLidarRangeConstraintEquations(), operator=(), and setNumberLidarRangeConstraints().

◆ m_numberObservations

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberObservations

number of image coordinate observations

Definition at line 292 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), and setNumberObservations().

◆ m_numberRejectedObservations

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberRejectedObservations

number of rejected image coordinate observations

Definition at line 295 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), numberRejectedObservations(), operator=(), and setNumberRejectedObservations().

◆ m_numberUnknownParameters

int Isis::BundleResults::m_numberUnknownParameters

total number of parameters to solve for

Definition at line 297 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by computeDegreesOfFreedom(), initialize(), numberUnknownParameters(), operator=(), and setNumberUnknownParameters().

◆ m_observations

BundleObservationVector Isis::BundleResults::m_observations

The vector of BundleObservations from BundleAdjust.

Definition at line 327 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), observations(), operator=(), and setObservations().

◆ m_outLidarData

LidarDataQsp Isis::BundleResults::m_outLidarData

Output lidar data from BundleAdjust.

Definition at line 323 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), outputLidarData(), and setOutputLidarData().

◆ m_outNet

ControlNetQsp Isis::BundleResults::m_outNet

The output control net from BundleAdjust.

Definition at line 321 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), outputControlNet(), save(), and setOutputControlNet().

◆ m_rejectionLimit

double Isis::BundleResults::m_rejectionLimit

current rejection limit

Definition at line 290 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), rejectionLimit(), and setRejectionLimit().

◆ m_rmsImageDECSigmas

QVector<Statistics> Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsImageDECSigmas

< The root mean square image declination sigmas.

Definition at line 358 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), resizeSigmaStatisticsVectors(), rmsImageDECSigmas(), and save().

◆ m_rmsImageLineResiduals

QList<Statistics> Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsImageLineResiduals

List of RMS image line residual statistics for each image in the bundle

Definition at line 337 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), rmsImageLineResiduals(), save(), and setRmsImageResidualLists().

◆ m_rmsImageRASigmas

QVector<Statistics> Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsImageRASigmas

< The root mean square image right ascension sigmas.

Definition at line 356 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), resizeSigmaStatisticsVectors(), rmsImageRASigmas(), and save().

◆ m_rmsImageResiduals

QList<Statistics> Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsImageResiduals

RMS image sample and line residual statistics for each image in the bundle

Definition at line 339 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), rmsImageResiduals(), save(), and setRmsImageResidualLists().

◆ m_rmsImageSampleResiduals

QList<Statistics> Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsImageSampleResiduals

List of RMS image sample residual statistics for each image in the bundle

Definition at line 335 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), rmsImageSampleResiduals(), save(), and setRmsImageResidualLists().

◆ m_rmsImageTWISTSigmas

QVector<Statistics> Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsImageTWISTSigmas

< The root mean square image twist sigmas.

Definition at line 360 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), resizeSigmaStatisticsVectors(), rmsImageTWISTSigmas(), and save().

◆ m_rmsImageXSigmas

QVector<Statistics> Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsImageXSigmas

Definition at line 350 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_rmsImageYSigmas

QVector<Statistics> Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsImageYSigmas

< The root mean square image y sigmas.

Definition at line 352 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), resizeSigmaStatisticsVectors(), rmsImageYSigmas(), and save().

◆ m_rmsImageZSigmas

QVector<Statistics> Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsImageZSigmas

< The root mean square image z sigmas.

Definition at line 354 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), resizeSigmaStatisticsVectors(), rmsImageZSigmas(), and save().

◆ m_rmsLidarImageLineResiduals

QList<Statistics> Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsLidarImageLineResiduals

List of RMS lidar line residual stats for each image in the bundle

Definition at line 344 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), rmsLidarImageLineResiduals(), save(), and setRmsLidarImageResidualLists().

◆ m_rmsLidarImageResiduals

QList<Statistics> Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsLidarImageResiduals

RMS image lidar sample & line residual stats for each image in the bundle

The root mean square image x sigmas.

Definition at line 346 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), rmsLidarImageResiduals(), save(), and setRmsLidarImageResidualLists().

◆ m_rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals

QList<Statistics> Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals

List of RMS lidar sample residual stats for each image in the bundle

Definition at line 342 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), rmsLidarImageSampleResiduals(), save(), and setRmsLidarImageResidualLists().

◆ m_rmsSigmaCoord1Stats

double Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsSigmaCoord1Stats

rms of adjusted Latitude sigmas

Definition at line 376 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), setRmsFromSigmaStatistics(), and sigmaCoord1StatisticsRms().

◆ m_rmsSigmaCoord2Stats

double Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsSigmaCoord2Stats

rms of adjusted Longitude sigmas

Definition at line 377 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), setRmsFromSigmaStatistics(), and sigmaCoord2StatisticsRms().

◆ m_rmsSigmaCoord3Stats

double Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsSigmaCoord3Stats

rms of adjusted Radius sigmas

Definition at line 378 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), setRmsFromSigmaStatistics(), and sigmaCoord3StatisticsRms().

◆ m_rmsXResiduals

double Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsXResiduals

rms of x residuals

Definition at line 286 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), rmsRx(), and setRmsXYResiduals().

◆ m_rmsXYResiduals

double Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsXYResiduals

rms of all x and y residuals

Definition at line 288 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), rmsRxy(), and setRmsXYResiduals().

◆ m_rmsYResiduals

double Isis::BundleResults::m_rmsYResiduals

rms of y residuals

Definition at line 287 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by initialize(), operator=(), rmsRy(), and setRmsXYResiduals().

◆ m_sigma0

double Isis::BundleResults::m_sigma0

std deviation of unit weight

Definition at line 304 of file BundleResults.h.

Referenced by computeSigma0(), initialize(), operator=(), setSigma0(), and sigma0().

◆ m_xmlHandlerBundleResults

BundleResults* Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerBundleResults

Definition at line 413 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerCharacters

QString Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerCharacters

Definition at line 414 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerCorrelationImageId

QString Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerCorrelationImageId

Definition at line 427 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerCorrelationMap

QMap<QString, QStringList> Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerCorrelationMap

Definition at line 429 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerCorrelationParameterList

QStringList Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerCorrelationParameterList

Definition at line 428 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerCumProCalc

StatCumProbDistDynCalc* Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerCumProCalc

Definition at line 425 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerDECSigmasListSize

int Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerDECSigmasListSize

Definition at line 422 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerLineResidualsListSize

int Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerLineResidualsListSize

Definition at line 417 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerRASigmasListSize

int Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerRASigmasListSize

Definition at line 421 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerResidualsListSize

int Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerResidualsListSize

Definition at line 415 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerSampleResidualsListSize

int Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerSampleResidualsListSize

Definition at line 416 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerStatisticsList

QList<Statistics *> Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerStatisticsList

Definition at line 424 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerTWISTSigmasListSize

int Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerTWISTSigmasListSize

Definition at line 423 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerXSigmasListSize

int Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerXSigmasListSize

Definition at line 418 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerYSigmasListSize

int Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerYSigmasListSize

Definition at line 419 of file BundleResults.h.

◆ m_xmlHandlerZSigmasListSize

int Isis::BundleResults::m_xmlHandlerZSigmasListSize

Definition at line 420 of file BundleResults.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: