19class QXmlStreamWriter;
22 class ControlDisplayProperties;
This is the GUI communication mechanism for cubes.
This represents an ISIS control net in a project-based GUI interface.
QString id() const
Access the unique ID associated with this Control.
ControlNet * controlNet()
Open and return a pointer to the ControlNet for this Control.
ControlDisplayProperties * displayProperties()
Access a pointer to the display properties for the control network.
QString m_fileName
Project associated with this control.
void deleteFromDisk()
Delete the control net from disk.
Control(QString cnetFileName, QObject *parent=0)
Create a Control from control net located on disk.
bool write()
@description Write control net to disk.
void copyToNewProjectRoot(const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot)
Copies the files of the given Project to the given location.
void setModified(bool modified=true)
@description Sets the modification state of this control.
ControlNet * m_controlNet
A pointer to the ControlNet object associated with this Control object.
bool isModified()
@description Has this control been modified?
Destroys Control object.
void updateFileName(Project *)
Change the on-disk file name for this control to be where the control ought to be in the given projec...
void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project, FileName newProjectRoot) const
Method to write this Control object's member data to an XML stream.
void openControlNet()
Sets the ControlNet from the control net file name provided in the constructor.
QString fileName() const
Access the name of the control network file associated with this Control.
ControlDisplayProperties * m_displayProperties
Contains the display properties for this Control object.
QUuid * m_id
A unique ID for this Control.
void closeControlNet()
Cleans up the ControlNet pointer.
File name manipulation and expansion.
The main project for ipce.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.