1#ifndef ControlMeasureLogData_h
2#define ControlMeasureLogData_h
Statistical and similar ControlMeasure associated information.
static const int MaximumNumericLogDataType
This value must be > the largest enumerated value in this type or convertions to and from Pvl will no...
NumericLogDataType NameToDataType(QString name) const
This converts a string to a log data type and is useful for converting Pvl keywords to Numeric Log Da...
PvlKeyword ToKeyword() const
This converts the log data to a PvlKeyword.
NumericLogDataType GetDataType() const
Get the data type associated with this log data.
Please do not change existing values in this list except the size - it will break backwards compadibi...
@ InvalidNumericLogDataType
This is a placeholder for unset values.
@ WholePixelCorrelation
Deprecated keyword kept for backwards compatability with older Control Networks.
@ MinimumPixelZScore
Control measures store z-scores in pairs.
@ GoodnessOfFit
GoodnessOfFit is pointreg information for reference measures.
@ Obsolete_Eccentricity
Deprecated keyword kept for backwards compatability with older Control Networks.
@ PixelShift
Deprecated keyword kept for backwards compatability with older Control Networks.
@ SubPixelCorrelation
Deprecated keyword kept for backwards compatability with older Control Networks.
@ Obsolete_AverageResidual
Deprecated keyword kept for backwards compatability with older Control Networks.
double GetNumericalValue() const
Get the value associated with this log data.
double p_numericalValue
The actual value of the data.
void SetNumericalValue(double value)
This updates the value associated with a NumericLogDataType.
This creates an empty, invalid (IsValid() will return false), instance.
void SetDataType(NumericLogDataType newDataType)
This changes the type of this log data.
QString DataTypeToName(NumericLogDataType type) const
This converts the log data type to a string and is used internally for convertions to and from Pvl.
void Init()
This is a helper method for the constructor that initializes the data to a default,...
bool IsValid() const
This tests if the log data is complete and valid.
NumericLogDataType p_dataType
Which kind of value are we storing.
QVariant GetValue() const
Get the data type associated with this log data.
A single keyword-value pair.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.