1#ifndef ControlNetGraphicsItem_h
2#define ControlNetGraphicsItem_h
4#include <QGraphicsObject>
9 class MosaicSceneWidget;
11 class SerialNumberList;
12 class UniversalGroundMap;
45 QRectF boundingRect()
46 void paint(QPainter *,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *,
48 QString snToFileName(QString sn);
50 void setArrowsVisible(
bool visible,
bool colorByMeasureCount,
int measureCount,
51 bool colorByJigsawError,
double residualMagnitude);
57 void clearControlPointGraphicsItem(QString pointId);
70 QMap<ControlPoint *, QPair<QPointF, QPointF> > *m_pointToScene;
72 QMap<QString, UniversalGroundMap *> *m_cubeToGroundMap;
Control Network Display on Mosaic Scene.
ControlPoint * findClosestControlPoint(QPointF locationPoint)
Return the closest control point to the pointLocation.
void setArrowsVisible(bool visible, bool colorByMeasureCount, int measureCount, bool colorByJigsawError, double residualMagnitude)
Enable/disable and configure movement arrows for all CP displays in the network.
void buildChildren()
Call this to re-calculate where control points ought to lie.
Serial Number list generator.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.