1#ifndef ControlPointEditWidget_h
2#define ControlPointEditWidget_h
13#include "ControlPoint.h"
15#include "SpecialPixel.h"
16#include "TemplateList.h"
49 class ControlMeasureEditWidget;
55 class MdiCubeViewport;
56 class SerialNumberList;
59 class UniversalGroundMap;
128 QString editPointId();
132 void controlPointChanged(QString pointId);
133 void controlPointAdded(QString pointId);
134 void ignorePointChanged();
135 void ignoreLeftChanged();
136 void ignoreRightChanged();
140 void measureChanged();
142 void saveControlNet();
152 bool isGroundSource =
188 void updateGroundPosition();
195 void colorizeAllSaveButtons(QString color);
213 void loadPoint(QString serialNumber =
234 double demRadius(
double latitude,
double longitude);
250 QPointer<QAction> m_showHideTemplateEditor;
274 QPointer<QLabel> m_numMeasures;
275 QPointer<QLabel> m_aprioriLatitude;
276 QPointer<QLabel> m_aprioriLongitude;
277 QPointer<QLabel> m_aprioriRadius;
292 QPointer<QStandardItemModel> m_model;
320 QScopedPointer<UniversalGroundMap> m_groundGmap;
330 QString m_radiusFilename;
331 ControlPoint::RadiusSource::Source m_radiusSourceType;
334 QScopedPointer<Cube> m_demCube;
This represents an ISIS control net in a project-based GUI interface.
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
Widget to display Isis cubes for qt apps.
File name manipulation and expansion.
Serial Number list generator.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
const double Null
Value for an Isis Null pixel.