Isis 3 Programmer Reference
7/* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */
9#include "CrismCamera.h"
11#include <fstream>
12#include <iostream>
13#include <iomanip>
15#include <QString>
17//#include "CrismCameraGroundMap.h"
18//#include "CrismDistortionMap.h"
19#include "CameraFocalPlaneMap.h"
20#include "LineScanCameraDetectorMap.h"
21#include "LineScanCameraGroundMap.h"
22#include "LineScanCameraSkyMap.h"
23#include "Constants.h"
24#include "FileName.h"
25#include "IException.h"
26#include "IString.h"
27#include "iTime.h"
28#include "NaifStatus.h"
29#include "SpecialPixel.h"
31using namespace std;
33namespace Isis {
43 CrismCamera::CrismCamera(Cube &cube) : LineScanCamera(cube), m_lineRates(),
44 m_isBandDependent(true) {
45 m_instrumentNameLong = "Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars";
46 m_instrumentNameShort = "CRISM";
47 m_spacecraftNameLong = "Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter";
51 Pvl &lab = *cube.label();
53 PvlGroup inst = lab.findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);
55 // SensorId = S (VNIR), = L (IR) = J (JOINT)
56 QString sensor = (QString) inst ["SensorId"];
58 // Prepare instrument code
59 QString ikCode(toString(naifIkCode()));
61 // Set Frame mounting. Same for both (VNIR, IR) detectors
65 // Get the start and end time in et
66 double etStart = getEtTime((QString) inst ["SpacecraftClockStartCount"]);
67 double etStop = getEtTime((QString) inst ["SpacecraftClockStopCount"]);
70 // Compute the exposure time of the first line and the line rate. This
71 // algorithm is taken from the CRISM instrument kernel, mro_crism_v10.ti,
72 // at the time of development.
73// double framesPerSec = (double) inst["FrameRate"];
74 int exposure = (int) inst["ExposureParameter"];
76 // calculate seconds for a full frame
77// double frame_time = 1.0 / framesPerSec;
79 // calculate seconds per pixel clock
80// double pixel_clock_time = frame_time / 83333.0;
82 // This is what John Hayes does in the DPU (Data Processing Unit), to write
83 // register to FPU (Focal Plane Unit) specifying how long NOT to integrate,
84 // in pixel clocks [0..83333]
85 int reg = ((480 - exposure) * 83333) / 480;
87 // Actual integration starts 3 line-times later, rounded up to next line
88 // time
89 int start_clocks = reg + (3 * 166);
90 if (start_clocks % 166) start_clocks += 166 - (start_clocks % 166);
92 // integration continues 4 line-times after de-assertion
93// int stop_clocks = 83333 + (4 * 166);
95// double start_time = start_clocks * pixel_clock_time;
96// double stop_time = stop_clocks * pixel_clock_time;
98 // Start of first line exposure time. This is the start time of the
99 // frame time plus the itegration delay start time - constant for all
100 // frames
101// double obsStartTime(etStart+start_time);
102// double obsStopTime(obsStartTime+(stop_time*ParentLines())-start_time);
103// double obsEndTime(obsStartTime+(frame_time*(ParentLines()))-start_time);
105 double frameStartTime(etStart);
106// double frameStopTime(frameStartTime+(stop_time*(ParentLines())));
107// double frameEndTime(frameStartTime+(frame_time*(ParentLines())));
109// double lineTime((etStop-etStart+frame_time)/(ParentLines()));
112 // Compute the sclk and UTC of the specifed line for cropping purposes
113#if 0
114 iTime myLineStartTime(etStart + ((25.0 - 1.0) * frame_time));
115// cout << "\nLine 25 Start Times...\n";
116 SpiceChar sclk[80];
117 (void) sce2s_c(naifSclkCode(), myLineStartTime.Et(), sizeof(sclk), sclk);
118// cout << "UTC@Line 25: " << myLineStartTime.UTC() << "\n";
119// cout << "SCLK@Line 25: " << sclk << "\n";
122 // Setup detector map
123#if 1
124 double jaTime = (etStop-etStart)/ParentLines();
125 new LineScanCameraDetectorMap(this, frameStartTime, jaTime);
126// new LineScanCameraDetectorMap(this, frameStartTime, frame_time);
128 // Have to use variable line scan detector mapping due to how line scans
129 // are performed. This is currently segfaulting...
131 double stime(obsStartTime);
132 double scanTime(stop_time-start_time);
133 m_lineRates.clear();
134 for (int i = 0 ; i < ParentLines() ; i++) {
135 m_lineRates.push_back(LineRateChange(i+1, stime, scanTime));
136 stime += frame_time;
137 }
138 m_lineRates.push_back(LineRateChange(ParentLines()+1,stime-start_time,start_time));
139 double endTime(stime-frame_time+scanTime);
140 new VariableLineScanCameraDetectorMap(this, m_lineRates);
143 int binning = inst["PixelAveragingWidth"];
145 DetectorMap()->SetDetectorLineSumming(1.0); // Line dimension never binned
147 // Setup focal plane map
150 // lines and samples added to the pvl in the order you
151 // call getDouble()
152 double bLine = getDouble("INS"+ikCode+"_BORESIGHT_LINE");
153 double bSample = getDouble("INS"+ikCode+"_BORESIGHT_SAMPLE");
155 fmap->SetDetectorOrigin(bSample, bLine);
156 fmap->SetDetectorOffset(0.0, 0.0);
158 // Setup distortion map
159 //new CrismDistortionMap(this);
160 new CameraDistortionMap(this);
163 // Setup the ground and sky map
164 new LineScanCameraGroundMap(this);
165// new CrismCameraGroundMap(this);
166 new LineScanCameraSkyMap(this);
168 setTime(iTime(frameStartTime));
169 double tol = 0.0; //PixelResolution();
170 if(tol < 0.) {
171 // Alternative calculation of .01*ground resolution of a pixel
172 tol = PixelPitch() * SpacecraftAltitude() / FocalLength() / 1000. / 100.;
173 }
175// cout << "\nCreateCache(" << frameStartTime << ", " << frameEndTime << ")...\n";
176#if 0
177// cout << "CacheSize: " << CacheSize(obsStartTime, obsStopTime) << "\n";
178 createCache(obsStartTime, obsStopTime, ParentLines(), tol);
181// cout << "LoadCache()...\n";
182 LoadCache();
184// cout << "Done.\n";
186 return;
187 }
189 void CrismCamera::SetBand (const int physicalBand) {
190 return;
191 }
194 return (m_isBandDependent);
195 }
198 double CrismCamera::getEtTime(const QString &sclk) {
199 return (getClockTime(sclk, -74999).Et());
200 }
204// Plugin
213extern "C" Isis::Camera *CrismCameraPlugin(Isis::Cube &cube) {
214 return new Isis::CrismCamera(cube);
void SetDetectorLineSumming(const double summing)
Set line summing mode.
void SetDetectorSampleSumming(const double summing)
Set sample summing mode.
Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates.
Convert between distorted focal plane and detector coordinates.
QString m_spacecraftNameLong
Full spacecraft name.
Definition Camera.h:499
int ParentLines() const
Returns the number of lines in the parent alphacube.
Definition Camera.cpp:2836
double PixelPitch() const
Returns the pixel pitch.
Definition Camera.cpp:2772
void SetFocalLength()
Reads the focal length from the instrument kernel.
Definition Camera.cpp:1422
void SetPixelPitch()
Reads the Pixel Pitch from the instrument kernel.
Definition Camera.cpp:1429
double FocalLength() const
Returns the focal length.
Definition Camera.cpp:2762
void LoadCache()
This loads the spice cache big enough for this image.
Definition Camera.cpp:2450
QString m_instrumentNameShort
Shortened instrument name.
Definition Camera.h:498
QString m_spacecraftNameShort
Shortened spacecraft name.
Definition Camera.h:500
QString m_instrumentNameLong
Full instrument name.
Definition Camera.h:497
MRO CRISM camera model.
Definition CrismCamera.h:45
CrismCamera(Cube &cube)
Constructor for the MRO CRISM Camera Model.
bool IsBandIndependent()
This is a band-dependant instrument.
void SetBand(const int physicalBand)
Virtual method that sets the band number.
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
Definition Cube.h:168
Pvl * label() const
Returns a pointer to the IsisLabel object associated with the cube.
Definition Cube.cpp:1708
Container class for storing timing information for a section of an image.
Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates.
Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates.
Generic class for Line Scan Cameras.
LineScanCameraDetectorMap * DetectorMap()
Returns a pointer to the LineScanCameraDetectorMap object.
Convert between undistorted focal plane and ra/dec coordinates.
static void CheckErrors(bool resetNaif=true)
This method looks for any naif errors that might have occurred.
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
Definition PvlGroup.h:41
Container for cube-like labels.
Definition Pvl.h:119
@ Traverse
Search child objects.
Definition PvlObject.h:158
void setTime(const iTime &time)
By setting the time you essential set the position of the spacecraft and body as indicated in the cla...
Definition Sensor.cpp:99
double SpacecraftAltitude()
Returns the distance from the spacecraft to the subspacecraft point in km.
Definition Sensor.cpp:703
virtual iTime getClockTime(QString clockValue, int sclkCode=-1, bool clockTicks=false)
This converts the spacecraft clock ticks value (clockValue) to an iTime.
Definition Spice.cpp:1060
virtual void createCache(iTime startTime, iTime endTime, const int size, double tol)
This method creates an internal cache of spacecraft and sun positions over a specified time range.
Definition Spice.cpp:649
SpiceInt naifIkCode() const
This returns the NAIF IK code to use when reading from instrument kernels.
Definition Spice.cpp:975
SpiceInt naifSclkCode() const
This returns the NAIF SCLK code to use when reading from instrument kernels.
Definition Spice.cpp:985
SpiceDouble getDouble(const QString &key, int index=0)
This returns a value from the NAIF text pool.
Definition Spice.cpp:1046
Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates.
Parse and return pieces of a time string.
Definition iTime.h:65
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16
QString toString(bool boolToConvert)
Global function to convert a boolean to a string.
Definition IString.cpp:211
Namespace for the standard library.