1#ifndef EquatorialCylindricalShape_h
2#define EquatorialCylindricalShape_h
49 std::vector<double> lookDirection);
Define shapes and provide utilities for targets stored as ISIS maps.
Distance measurement, usually in meters.
Define shapes and provide utilities for shapes stored as ISIS EquatorialCylindrical map.
Distance * m_minRadius
Minimum radius value in DEM file.
Destructor for ISIS Equatorial Cylindrical shape model.
Distance * m_maxRadius
Maximum radius value in DEM file.
EquatorialCylindricalShape(Target *target, Pvl &pvl)
Initialize the ISIS Equatorial Cylindrical shape model.
bool intersectSurface(std::vector< double > observerPos, std::vector< double > lookDirection)
Finds the surface intersection point.
Container for cube-like labels.
This class is used to create and store valid Isis targets.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.