15#include <QSharedPointer>
65 GisGeometry(
const double xlongitude,
const double ylatitude);
67 GisGeometry(
const QString &gisSource,
const Type t);
80 static Type
const QString >ype);
83 const GEOSGeometry *
110 bool centroid(
double &xlongitude,
double &ylatitude)
113 GEOSGeometry *
const double x,
const double y)
115 GEOSPreparedGeometry
const *
const GEOSGeometry *geom)
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
Encapsulation class provides support for GEOS-C API.
GEOSPreparedGeometry const * makePrepared(const GEOSGeometry *geom) const
Creates a prepared geometry of current geometry.
static QString typeToString(const Type &type)
Returns the type of the Geometry as a QString.
virtual ~GisGeometry()
double intersectRatio(const GisGeometry &geom) const
Computes intersect ratio between two geometries.
bool overlaps(const GisGeometry &target) const
Test for overlapping geometries.
GisGeometry * centroid() const
Computes the centroid of the geometry and returns it as a new geometry.
GEOSGeometry * fromCube(Cube &cube) const
Reads Polygon from ISIS Cube and returns geometry from contents.
bool contains(const GisGeometry &target) const
Test if the target geometry is contained within this geometry.
double area() const
Computes the area of a geometry.
Type type() const
Returns the type (origin) of the geometry.
bool equals(const GisGeometry &target) const
Test if target and this geometry are equal.
bool disjoint(const GisGeometry &target) const
Tests for disjoint geometries.
bool intersects(const GisGeometry &target) const
Computes a new geometry from the intersection of the two geomtries.
GisGeometry * convexHull() const
Computes the convex hull of the geometry.
void destroy()
Destroys the GEOS elements of this geometry object.
GisGeometry * g_union(const GisGeometry &geom) const
Computes the union of two geometries.
Source type of the geometry.
@ IsisCube
An ISIS Cube is used to create the geometry.
@ GeosGis
GEOS GIS. A geometry object cannot be created with this geometry type.
@ None
No geometry. A geometry object cannot be created with this geometry type.
The GEOS library WKB reader is used to create the geometry.
The GEOS library WKT reader is used to create the geometry.
GisGeometry * clone() const
Clones the contents of this geometry to a new instance.
const GEOSGeometry * geometry() const
Returns the GEOSGeometry object to extend functionality.
GisGeometry & operator=(GisGeometry const &geom)
Assignment operator for GISGeomtries.
double distance(const GisGeometry &target) const
Computes the distance between two geometries.
double length() const
Computes the length of a geometry.
GEOSGeometry * m_geom
Pointer to GEOS-C opaque structure.
bool isValid() const
Determines validity of the geometry contained in this object.
const GEOSPreparedGeometry * preparedGeometry() const
Returns special GEOS prepared geometry if it exists.
void setGeometry(GEOSGeometry *geom)
Set the geometry directly taking ownership.
GisGeometry * envelope() const
Computes the envelope or bounding box of this geometry.
GEOSPreparedGeometry const * m_preparedGeom
A prepared geometry from the GEOS library.
int points() const
Get number of points in geometry.
GisGeometry * simplify(const double &tolerance) const
Simplify complex or overdetermined geoemtry.
bool isDefined() const
Determines if the current geometry is valid.
bool isEmpty() const
Tests for a defined but empty geometry.
Type m_type
Geometry type of GIS source.
GisGeometry * intersection(const GisGeometry &geom) const
Computes the intersection of two geometries.
QString isValidReason() const
Returns a string describing reason for invalid geometry.
GEOSGeometry * makePoint(const double x, const double y) const
Create a point geometry.
Fundamental constructor of an empty object.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
QSharedPointer< GisGeometry > SharedGisGeometry
Definition for a SharedGisGeometry, a shared pointer to a GisGeometry.