49 GEOSGeometry *
const GEOSGeometry *geom)
50 const GEOSPreparedGeometry *
const GEOSGeometry *geom)
53 QString
const GEOSGeometry *geom,
55 QString
const GEOSGeometry *geom,
58 void destroy(GEOSGeometry *geom)
59 void destroy(
const GEOSGeometry *geom)
60 void destroy(
const GEOSPreparedGeometry *ppgeom)
61 void destroy(GEOSCoordSequence *sequence)
62 void destroy(
const unsigned char *geos_text)
63 void destroy(
const char *geos_text)
77 static void notice(
const char *fmt, ...);
78 static void error(
const char *fmt, ...);
This class models GIS topology.
static GisTopology * instance()
Gets the singleton instance of this class.
Enumeration to indicate whether the geometry should be preserved.
@ DestroyGeometry
Destroy the geometry.
@ PreserveGeometry
Preserve the geometry.
GEOSGeometry * geomFromWKT(const QString &wkt)
Reads in the geometry from the given well-known text formatted string.
void geosFinish()
Shuts down the GEOS C API.
static void dieAtExit()
Exit termination routine.
void destroy(GEOSGeometry *geom) const
Destroys the given GEOS geometry.
QString wkt(const GEOSGeometry *geom, const Disposition &disp=PreserveGeometry)
Writes a well-known text string from the given geometry.
static GisTopology * m_gisfactory
A static member variable representing the GIS factory.
GEOSWKTWriter * wktWriter()
Accessor for the GEOS well-known text writer.
GEOSWKTReader * m_WKTreader
A GEOS library parser for well-known text format.
GEOSWKTWriter * m_WKTwriter
A GEOS library writer for well-known text format.
static void notice(const char *fmt,...)
A static method for handling errors.
GEOSGeometry * clone(const GEOSGeometry *geom) const
Clones the given GEOSGeometry pointer.
GEOSWKBReader * wkbReader()
Accessor for the GEOS well-known binary reader.
QString wkb(const GEOSGeometry *geom, const Disposition &disp=PreserveGeometry)
Writes a well-known binary string from the given geometry.
GEOSWKBReader * m_WKBreader
A GEOS library parser for well-known binary format.
void geosInit()
Initializes the GEOS C API.
Destroy the GisTopology object.
GEOSWKBWriter * wkbWriter()
Accessor for the GEOS well-known binary writer.
const GEOSPreparedGeometry * preparedGeometry(const GEOSGeometry *geom) const
Gets a GEOSPreparedGeometry from the given GEOSGeometry.
GEOSWKBWriter * m_WKBwriter
A GEOS library writer for well-known binary format.
Private default constructor so that this class is only instatiated through the instance() method.
GEOSWKTReader * wktReader()
Accessor for the GEOS well-known text reader.
GEOSGeometry * geomFromWKB(const QString &wkb)
Reads in the geometry from the given well-known binary formatted string.
static void error(const char *fmt,...)
A static method for handling errors.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.