Isis 3 Programmer Reference
6/* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */
7#include "Chip.h"
8#include "GruenTypes.h"
9#include "Gruen.h"
10#include "DbProfile.h"
11#include "Pvl.h"
13#include "tnt/tnt_array1d_utils.h"
15#include <cmath>
16#include <iostream>
17#include <sstream>
18#include <iomanip>
20#include <QTime>
23using namespace std;
25namespace Isis {
32 Gruen::Gruen() : AutoReg(Gruen::getDefaultParameters()) {
34 }
47 Gruen::Gruen(Pvl &pvl) : AutoReg(pvl) {
48 init(pvl);
49 }
92 void Gruen::WriteSubsearchChips(const QString &pattern) {
93 m_filePattern = pattern;
94 return;
95 }
111 void Gruen::setAffineRadio(const AffineRadio &affrad) {
112 m_affine = affrad;
113 return;
114 }
128 m_affine = getDefaultAffineRadio();
129 }
156 int Gruen::algorithm(Chip &pattern, Chip &subsearch,
157 const Radiometric &radio, BigInt &ptsUsed,
158 double &resid, GMatrix &atai, AffineRadio &affrad) {
160 m_totalIterations++; // Bump iteration counter
162 // Initialize loop variables
163 int tackSamp = pattern.TackSample();
164 int tackLine = pattern.TackLine();
166 // Internal variables
167 double rshift = radio.Shift();
168 double rgain = radio.Gain();
170 int maxPnts((pattern.Samples()-2) * (pattern.Lines()-2));
171 GMatrix a(maxPnts, 8);
172 GVector lvec(maxPnts);
174 // pattern chip is rh image , subsearch chip is lh image
175 resid = 0.0;
176 int npts = 0;
177 for(int line = 2 ; line < pattern.Lines() ; line++) {
178 for(int samp = 2; samp < pattern.Samples() ; samp++) {
180 if(!pattern.IsValid(samp, line)) continue;
181 if(!subsearch.IsValid(samp, line)) continue;
182 if(!subsearch.IsValid(samp + 1, line)) continue;
183 if(!subsearch.IsValid(samp - 1, line)) continue;
184 if(!subsearch.IsValid(samp, line - 1)) continue;
185 if(!subsearch.IsValid(samp, line + 1)) continue;
187 // Sample/Line numbers
188 double x0 = (double)(samp - tackSamp);
189 double y0 = (double)(line - tackLine);
191 // Discrete derivatives (delta sample #)
192 double gxtemp = subsearch.GetValue(samp + 1, line) -
193 subsearch.GetValue(samp - 1, line);
194 double gytemp = subsearch.GetValue(samp, line + 1) -
195 subsearch.GetValue(samp, line - 1);
197 a[npts][0] = gxtemp;
198 a[npts][1] = gxtemp * x0;
199 a[npts][2] = gxtemp * y0;
200 a[npts][3] = gytemp;
201 a[npts][4] = gytemp * x0;
202 a[npts][5] = gytemp * y0;
203 a[npts][6] = 1.0;
204 a[npts][7] = subsearch.GetValue(samp, line);
206 double ell = pattern.GetValue(samp, line) -
207 (((1.0 + rgain) * subsearch.GetValue(samp, line)) +
208 rshift);
210 lvec[npts] = ell;
211 resid += (ell * ell);
212 npts++;
213 }
214 }
216 // Check for enough points
217 ptsUsed = npts;
218 if(!ValidPoints(maxPnts, npts)) {
219 std::ostringstream mess;
220 mess << "Minimum points (" << MinValidPoints(maxPnts)
221 << ") criteria not met (" << npts << ")";
222 return (logError(NotEnoughPoints, mess.str().c_str()));
223 }
225 // Create the ATA array
226 GMatrix ata(8,8);
227 for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
228 for(int j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) {
229 double temp(0.0);
230 for (int k = 0 ; k < npts ; k++) {
231 temp += (a[k][i] * a[k][j]);
232 }
233 ata[i][j] = temp;
234 }
235 }
237 // Solve the ATAI with Cholesky
238 try {
239 GVector p(8);
240 atai = Choldc(ata, p);
241 GMatrix b = Identity(8);
242 GMatrix x = b;
243 atai = Cholsl(atai, p, b, x);
244 }
245 catch(IException &ie) {
246 QString mess = "Cholesky Failed:: " + ie.toString();
247 return (logError(CholeskyFailed, mess));
248 }
250 // Compute the affine update if result are requested by caller.
251 GVector atl(8);
252 for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
253 double temp(0.0);
254 for (int k = 0 ; k < npts ; k++) {
255 temp += a[k][i] * lvec[k];
256 }
257 atl[i] = temp;
258 }
260 GVector alpha(8, 0.0);
261 for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
262 for (int k = 0 ; k < 8 ; k++) {
263 alpha[i] += atai[i][k] * atl[k];
264 }
265 }
267 try {
268 affrad = AffineRadio(alpha);
269 }
270 catch(IException &ie) {
271 QString mess = "Affine failed: " + ie.toString();
272 return (logError(AffineNotInvertable, mess));
273 }
275 return (0);
276 }
289 Analysis Gruen::errorAnalysis(const BigInt &npts, const double &resid,
290 const GMatrix &atai) {
292 Analysis results;
293 results.m_npts = npts;
295 // Converged, compute error anaylsis
296 double variance = resid / DegreesOfFreedom(npts);
297 GMatrix kmat(8,8);
298 for(int r = 0 ; r < 8 ; r++) {
299 for(int c = 0 ; c < 8 ; c++) {
300 kmat[r][c] = variance * atai[r][c];
301 }
302 }
303 results.m_variance = variance;
306 // Set up submatrix
307 GMatrix skmat(2,2);
308 skmat[0][0] = kmat[0][0];
309 skmat[0][1] = kmat[0][3];
310 skmat[1][0] = kmat[3][0];
311 skmat[1][1] = kmat[3][3];
312 try {
313 GVector eigen(2);
314 Jacobi(skmat, eigen, skmat);
315 EigenSort(eigen, skmat);
316 for (int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++) {
317 results.m_sevals[i] = eigen[i];
318 results.m_kmat[i] = kmat[i*3][i*3];
319 }
320 }
321 catch(IException &ie) {
322 QString errmsg = "Eigen Solution Failed:: " + ie.toString();
323 results.m_status = logError(EigenSolutionFailed, errmsg);
324 return (results);
325 }
327 results.m_status = 0;
328 return (results);
329 }
341 GMatrix Gruen::Choldc(const GMatrix &a, GVector &p) const {
342 int nrows(a.dim1());
343 int ncols(a.dim2());
345 GMatrix aa = a.copy();
346 p = GVector(ncols);
348 for(int i = 0 ; i < nrows ; i++) {
349 for(int j = i ; j < ncols ; j++) {
350 double sum = aa[i][j];
351 for(int k = i-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--) {
352 sum -= (aa[i][k] * aa[j][k]);
353 }
354 // Handle diagonal special
355 if (i == j) {
356 if (sum <= 0.0) {
358 "Choldc failed - matrix not postive definite",
359 _FILEINFO_);
360 }
361 p[i] = sqrt(sum);
362 }
363 else {
364 aa[j][i] = sum / p[i];
365 }
366 }
367 }
368 return (aa);
369 }
383 GMatrix Gruen::Cholsl(const GMatrix &a,const GVector &p, const GMatrix &b,
384 const GMatrix &x) const {
385 assert(b.dim1() == x.dim1());
386 assert(b.dim2() == x.dim2());
387 assert(p.dim1() == b.dim2());
389 int nrows(a.dim1());
390 int ncols(a.dim2());
392 GMatrix xout = x.copy();
393 for(int j = 0 ; j < nrows ; j++) {
395 for(int i = 0 ; i < ncols ; i++) {
396 double sum = b[j][i];
397 for(int k = i-1 ; k >= 0 ; k--) {
398 sum -= (a[i][k] * xout[j][k]);
399 }
400 xout[j][i] = sum / p[i];
401 }
403 for (int i = ncols-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
404 double sum = xout[j][i];
405 for(int k = i+1 ; k < ncols ; k++) {
406 sum -= (a[k][i] * xout[j][k]);
407 }
408 xout[j][i] = sum / p[i];
409 }
411 }
412 return (xout);
413 }
427 int Gruen::Jacobi(const GMatrix &a, GVector &evals,
428 GMatrix &evecs, const int &MaxIters) const {
430 int nrows(a.dim1());
431 int ncols(a.dim2());
432 GMatrix v = Identity(nrows);
433 GVector d(nrows),b(nrows), z(nrows);
435 for(int ip = 0 ; ip < nrows ; ip++) {
436 b[ip] = a[ip][ip];
437 d[ip] = b[ip];
438 z[ip] = 0.0;
439 }
441 double n2(double(nrows) * double(nrows));
442 GMatrix aa = a.copy();
443 int nrot(0);
444 for ( ; nrot < MaxIters ; nrot++) {
445 double sm(0.0);
446 for(int ip = 0 ; ip < nrows-1 ; ip++) {
447 for(int iq = ip+1 ; iq < nrows ; iq++) {
448 sm += fabs(aa[ip][iq]);
449 }
450 }
452 // Test for termination condition
453 if (sm == 0.0) {
454 evals = d;
455 evecs = v;
456 return (nrot);
457 }
459 double thresh = (nrot < 3) ? (0.2 * sm/n2 ): 0.0;
460 for (int ip = 0 ; ip < nrows-1 ; ip++) {
461 for (int iq = ip+1 ; iq < nrows ; iq++) {
462 double g = 100.0 * fabs(aa[ip][iq]);
463 if ( (nrot > 3) &&
464 ( (fabs(d[ip]+g) == fabs(d[ip])) ) &&
465 ( (fabs(d[iq]+g) == fabs(d[iq])) ) ) {
466 aa[ip][iq] = 0.0;
467 }
468 else if ( fabs(aa[ip][iq]) > thresh ) {
469 double h = d[iq] - d[ip];
470 double t;
471 if ( (fabs(h)+g) == fabs(h) ) {
472 t = aa[ip][iq]/h;
473 }
474 else {
475 double theta = 0.5 * h / aa[ip][iq];
476 t = 1.0 / (fabs(theta) + sqrt(1.0 + theta * theta));
477 if (theta < 0.0) t = -1.0 * t;
478 }
479 double c = 1./sqrt(1.0 + t * t);
480 double s = t * c;
481 double tau = s / (1.0 + c);
483 h = t * aa[ip][iq];
484 z[ip] = z[ip] - h;
485 z[iq] = z[iq] + h;
486 d[ip] = d[ip] - h;
487 d[iq] = d[iq] + h;
488 aa[ip][iq] = 0.0;
490 double g;
491 for (int j = 0 ; j < ip-1 ; j++) {
492 g = aa[j][ip];
493 h = aa[j][iq];
494 aa[j][ip] = g - s * (h + g * tau);
495 aa[j][iq] = h + s * (g - h * tau);
496 }
498 for (int j = ip+1 ; j < iq-1 ; j++) {
499 g = aa[ip][j];
500 h = aa[j][iq];
501 aa[ip][j] = g - s * (h + g * tau);
502 aa[j][iq] = h + s * (g - h * tau);
503 }
505 for (int j = iq+1 ; j < ncols ; j++) {
506 g = aa[ip][j];
507 h = aa[j][iq];
508 aa[ip][j] = g - s * (h + g * tau);
509 aa[j][iq] = h + s * (g - h * tau);
510 }
512 for (int j = 0 ; j < ncols ; j++) {
513 g = v[j][ip];
514 h = v[j][iq];
515 v[j][ip] = g - s * (h + g * tau);
516 v[j][iq] = h + s * (g - h * tau);
517 }
518 nrot++;
519 }
520 }
521 }
523 for (int ip = 0 ; ip < nrows ; ip++) {
524 b[ip] = b[ip] + z[ip];
525 d[ip] = b[ip];
526 z[ip] = 0.0;
527 }
528 }
530 // Reach here and we have too many iterations
531 evals = d;
532 evecs = v;
534 "Too many iterations in Jacobi",
535 _FILEINFO_);
536 return (nrot);
537 }
540 GMatrix Gruen::Identity(const int &ndiag) const {
541 GMatrix ident(ndiag, ndiag, 0.0);
542 for (int i = 0 ; i < ndiag ; i++) {
543 ident[i][i] = 1.0;
544 }
545 return (ident);
546 }
556 void Gruen::EigenSort(GVector &evals, GMatrix &evecs) const {
557 assert(evals.dim1() == evecs.dim1());
558 int n(evals.dim1());
559 for (int i = 0 ; i < n-1 ; i++ ) {
560 int k = i;
561 double p = evals[i];
562 for (int j = i+1 ; j < n ; j++) {
563 if (evals[j] >= p) {
564 k = j;
565 p = evals[j];
566 }
567 }
568 if (k != i) {
569 evals[k] = evals[i];
570 evals[i] = p;
571 for (int j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) {
572 p = evecs[j][i];
573 evecs[j][i] = evecs[j][k];
574 evecs[j][k] = p;
575 }
576 }
577 }
578 return;
579 }
608 double Gruen::MatchAlgorithm(Chip &pattern, Chip &subsearch) {
609 // reset();
611 BigInt npts;
612 double resid;
613 GMatrix atai;
614 AffineRadio affrad;
615 int status = algorithm(pattern, subsearch, getDefaultRadio(),
616 npts, resid, atai, affrad);
617 if (status == 0) {
618 // Compute fit quality
619 Analysis analysis = errorAnalysis(npts, resid, atai);
620 if (analysis.isValid()) {
621 return (analysis.getEigen());
622 }
623 }
625 // Error conditions return failure
626 return (Null);
627 }
636 bool Gruen::CompareFits(double fit1, double fit2) {
637 return (fit1 <= fit2);
638 }
681 Chip &fChip, int startSamp,
682 int startLine, int endSamp,
683 int endLine, int bestSamp,
684 int bestLine) {
685 // Set conditions for writing subsearch chip states per call. This code
686 // implementation ensures caller must request it per call to this routine.
687 // See the WriteSubsearchChips() method.
688 m_callCount++;
689 QString chipOut = m_filePattern;
690 m_filePattern = "";
692 // Initialize match point. Ensure points are centered to get real cube
693 // line/sample positions
694 pChip.SetChipPosition(pChip.TackSample(), pChip.TackLine());
695 sChip.SetChipPosition(sChip.TackSample(), sChip.TackLine());
696 MatchPoint matchpt = MatchPoint(PointPair(Coordinate(pChip),
697 Coordinate(sChip)));
699 // Create the fit chip whose size is the same as the pattern chip.
700 // This chip will contain the final image at the last iteration. This
701 // usage differs from the non-adaptive purpose.
702 // It is critical to use the original search chip to create the subsearch.
703 // Copying the original search chip and then resizing preserves established
704 // minimum/maximum value ranges. Then, establish chip convergence
705 // condition for Gruen's affine.
706 fChip = sChip;
707 fChip.SetSize(pChip.Samples(), pChip.Lines());
708 Threshold thresh(fChip, getAffineTolerance());
710 // Set up Affine transform by establishing search tack point
711 AffineRadio affine = m_affine;
712 m_affine = AffineRadio(); // Reset initial condition for next call
714 // Set up bestLine/bestSample position. Do this using the local affine
715 // and not the search chip.
716 Coordinate best(bestLine-sChip.TackLine(), bestSamp-sChip.TackSample());
717 affine.Translate(best);
720 // Algorithm parameters
721 bool done = false;
722 m_nIters = 0;
723 do {
725 // Extract the sub search chip. The algorithm method handles the
726 // determination of good data volumes
727 Affine extractor(affine.m_affine);
728 sChip.Extract(fChip, extractor);
730 // If requested for this run, write the current subsearch chip state
731 if (!chipOut.isEmpty()) {
732 std::ostringstream ss;
733 ss << "C" << std::setw(6) << std::setfill('0') << m_callCount << "I"
734 << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << m_nIters;
735 QString sfname = chipOut + ss.str().c_str() + ".cub";
736 fChip.Write(sfname);
737 }
739 // Try to match the two subchips
740 AffineRadio alpha;
741 BigInt npts(0);
742 GMatrix atai;
743 double resid;
744 int status = algorithm(pChip, fChip, affine.m_radio, npts, resid,
745 atai, alpha);
746 if (status != 0) {
747 // Set failed return condition and give up!
748 return (Status(matchpt.setStatus(status)));
749 }
751 // Test for termination conditions - errors or convergence
752 matchpt.m_nIters = ++m_nIters;
753 if (m_nIters > m_maxIters) {
754 QString errmsg = "Maximum Iterations exceeded";
755 matchpt.setStatus(logError(MaxIterationsExceeded, errmsg));
756 return (Status(matchpt)); // Error condition
757 }
759 // Check for convergence after the first pass
760 if (m_nIters > 1) {
761 if(thresh.hasConverged(alpha)) {
762 // Compute error analysis
763 matchpt.m_affine = affine;
764 matchpt.m_analysis = errorAnalysis(npts, resid, atai);
765 matchpt.setStatus(matchpt.m_analysis.m_status);
766 if (matchpt.isValid()) {
767 // Update the point even if constraints don't pass
768 Coordinate uCoord = getChipUpdate(sChip, matchpt);
769 SetChipSample(uCoord.getSample());
770 SetChipLine(uCoord.getLine());
771 SetGoodnessOfFit(matchpt.getEigen());
773 // Check constraints
774 matchpt.setStatus(CheckConstraints(matchpt));
775 }
777 // Set output point
778 m_point = matchpt;
779 return (Status(matchpt)); // with AutoReg status
780 }
781 }
782 // Not done yet - update the affine transform for next loop
783 try {
784 affine += alpha;
785 }
786 catch (IException &ie) {
787 QString mess = "Affine invalid/not invertable";
788 matchpt.setStatus(logError(AffineNotInvertable, mess));
789 return (Status(matchpt)); // Another error condition to return
790 }
791 } while (!done);
793 return (Status(matchpt));
794 }
804 static Pvl regdef;
805 regdef = Pvl("$ISISROOT/appdata/templates/autoreg/coreg.adaptgruen.p1515s3030.def");
806 return (regdef);
807 }
825 PvlGroup algo("GruenFailures");
826 algo += PvlKeyword("Name", AlgorithmName());
827 algo += PvlKeyword("Mode", "Adaptive");
829 // Log errors
830 for (int e = 0 ; e < m_errors.size() ; e++) {
831 algo += m_errors.getNth(e).LogIt();
832 }
834 if (m_unclassified > 0) {
835 algo += PvlKeyword("UnclassifiedErrors", toString(m_unclassified));
836 }
837 pvl.addGroup(algo);
838 pvl.addGroup(StatsLog());
839 pvl.addGroup(ParameterLog());
840 return (pvl);
841 }
854 PvlGroup stats("GruenStatistics");
856 stats += PvlKeyword("TotalIterations", toString(m_totalIterations));
857 stats += ValidateKey("IterationMinimum", m_iterStat.Minimum());
858 stats += ValidateKey("IterationAverage", m_iterStat.Average());
859 stats += ValidateKey("IterationMaximum", m_iterStat.Maximum());
860 stats += ValidateKey("IterationStandardDeviation", m_iterStat.StandardDeviation());
862 stats += ValidateKey("EigenMinimum", m_eigenStat.Minimum());
863 stats += ValidateKey("EigenAverage", m_eigenStat.Average());
864 stats += ValidateKey("EigenMaximum", m_eigenStat.Maximum());
865 stats += ValidateKey("EigenStandardDeviation", m_eigenStat.StandardDeviation());
867 stats += ValidateKey("RadioShiftMinimum", m_shiftStat.Minimum());
868 stats += ValidateKey("RadioShiftAverage", m_shiftStat.Average());
869 stats += ValidateKey("RadioShiftMaximum", m_shiftStat.Maximum());
870 stats += ValidateKey("RadioShiftStandardDeviation", m_shiftStat.StandardDeviation());
872 stats += ValidateKey("RadioGainMinimum", m_gainStat.Minimum());
873 stats += ValidateKey("RadioGainAverage", m_gainStat.Average());
874 stats += ValidateKey("RadioGainMaximum", m_gainStat.Maximum());
875 stats += ValidateKey("RadioGainStandardDeviation", m_gainStat.StandardDeviation());
877 return (stats);
879 }
891 PvlGroup parms("GruenParameters");
893 parms += PvlKeyword("MaximumIterations", toString(m_maxIters));
894 parms += ValidateKey("AffineScaleTolerance", m_scaleTol);
895 parms += ValidateKey("AffineShearTolerance", m_shearTol);
896 parms += ValidateKey("AffineTranslationTolerance", m_transTol);
898 parms += ParameterKey("AffineTolerance", m_affineTol);
899 parms += ParameterKey("SpiceTolerance", m_spiceTol);
901 parms += ParameterKey("RadioShiftTolerance", m_shiftTol);
903 parms += ParameterKey("RadioGainMinTolerance", m_rgainMinTol);
904 parms += ParameterKey("RadioGainMaxTolerance", m_rgainMaxTol);
906 parms += ValidateKey("DefaultRadioGain", m_defGain);
907 parms += ValidateKey("DefaultRadioShift", m_defShift);
909 return (parms);
910 }
923 ErrorList elist;
924 elist.add(1, ErrorCounter(1, "NotEnoughPoints"));
925 elist.add(2, ErrorCounter(2, "CholeskyFailed"));
926 elist.add(3, ErrorCounter(3, "EigenSolutionFailed"));
927 elist.add(4, ErrorCounter(4, "AffineNotInvertable"));
928 elist.add(5, ErrorCounter(5, "MaxIterationsExceeded"));
929 elist.add(6, ErrorCounter(6, "RadShiftExceeded"));
930 elist.add(7, ErrorCounter(7, "RadGainExceeded"));
931 elist.add(8, ErrorCounter(8, "MaxEigenExceeded"));
932 elist.add(9, ErrorCounter(9, "AffineDistExceeded"));
933 return (elist);
934 }
948 int Gruen::logError(int gerrno, const QString &gerrmsg) {
949 if (!m_errors.exists(gerrno)) {
950 m_unclassified++;
951 }
952 else {
953 m_errors.get(gerrno).BumpIt();
954 }
955 return (gerrno);
956 }
967 void Gruen::init(Pvl &pvl) {
968 // Establish the parameters
969 if (pvl.hasObject("AutoRegistration")) {
970 m_prof = DbProfile(pvl.findGroup("Algorithm", Pvl::Traverse));
971 }
972 else {
973 m_prof = DbProfile(pvl);
974 }
976 if (m_prof.Name().isEmpty()) m_prof.setName("Gruen");
978 // Define internal parameters
979 m_maxIters = toInt(ConfKey(m_prof, "MaximumIterations", toString(30)));
981 m_transTol = toDouble(ConfKey(m_prof, "AffineTranslationTolerance", toString(0.1)));
982 m_scaleTol = toDouble(ConfKey(m_prof, "AffineScaleTolerance", toString(0.3)));
983 m_shearTol = toDouble(ConfKey(m_prof, "AffineShearTolerance", toString(m_scaleTol)));
984 m_affineTol = toDouble(ConfKey(m_prof, "AffineTolerance", toString(DBL_MAX)));
986 m_spiceTol = toDouble(ConfKey(m_prof, "SpiceTolerance", toString(DBL_MAX)));
988 m_shiftTol = toDouble(ConfKey(m_prof, "RadioShiftTolerance", toString(DBL_MAX)));
989 m_rgainMinTol = toDouble(ConfKey(m_prof, "RadioGainMinTolerance", toString(-DBL_MAX)));
990 m_rgainMaxTol = toDouble(ConfKey(m_prof, "RadioGainMaxTolerance", toString(DBL_MAX)));
992 // Set radiometric defaults
993 m_defGain = toDouble(ConfKey(m_prof, "DefaultRadioGain", toString(0.0)));
994 m_defShift = toDouble(ConfKey(m_prof, "DefaultRadioShift", toString(0.0)));
996 m_callCount = 0;
997 m_filePattern = "";
999 m_nIters = 0;
1000 m_totalIterations = 0;
1002 m_errors = initErrorList();
1003 m_unclassified = 0;
1005 m_defAffine = AffineRadio(getDefaultRadio());
1006 m_affine = getAffineRadio();
1007 m_point = MatchPoint(m_affine);
1009 //reset();
1010 return;
1011 }
1019 m_eigenStat.Reset();
1020 m_iterStat.Reset();
1021 m_shiftStat.Reset();
1022 m_gainStat.Reset();
1023 return;
1024 }
1039 double pts = (double) totalPoints * (PatternValidPercent() / 100.0);
1040 return ((BigInt) pts);
1041 }
1055 bool Gruen::ValidPoints(BigInt totalPoints, BigInt nPoints) const {
1056 return (nPoints > MinValidPoints(totalPoints));
1057 }
1067 return (AffineTolerance(m_transTol, m_scaleTol, m_shearTol));
1068 }
1092 // Point must be good for check to occur
1093 if (point.isValid()) {
1094 if (point.m_nIters > m_maxIters) {
1095 QString errmsg = "Maximum Iterations exceeded";
1096 return (logError(MaxIterationsExceeded, errmsg));
1097 }
1098 m_iterStat.AddData(point.m_nIters);
1100 if (point.getEigen() > Tolerance()) {
1101 QString errmsg = "Maximum Eigenvalue exceeded";
1102 return (logError(MaxEigenExceeded, errmsg));
1103 }
1104 m_eigenStat.AddData(point.getEigen());
1106 double shift = point.m_affine.m_radio.Shift();
1107 if ( shift > m_shiftTol) {
1108 QString errmsg = "Radiometric shift exceeds tolerance";
1109 return (logError(RadShiftExceeded, errmsg));
1110 }
1111 m_shiftStat.AddData(shift);
1113 double gain = point.m_affine.m_radio.Gain();
1114 if (((1.0 + gain) > m_rgainMaxTol) ||
1115 ((1.0 + gain) < m_rgainMinTol)) {
1116 QString errmsg = "Radiometric gain exceeds tolerances";
1117 return (logError(RadGainExceeded, errmsg));
1118 }
1119 m_gainStat.AddData(gain);
1122 double dist = point.getAffinePoint(Coordinate(0.0, 0.0)).getDistance();
1123 if (dist > getAffineConstraint()) {
1124 QString errmsg = "Affine distance exceeded";
1125 return (logError(AffineDistExceeded, errmsg));
1126 }
1127 }
1128 return (point.getStatus());
1129 }
1142 Coordinate chippt = point.getAffinePoint(Coordinate(0.0, 0.0));
1143 chip.SetChipPosition(chip.TackSample(), chip.TackLine());
1144 chip.TackCube(chip.CubeSample()+chippt.getSample(),
1145 chip.CubeLine()+chippt.getLine());
1146 return (Coordinate(chip.ChipLine(), chip.ChipSample()));
1147 }
1162 if ( mpt.isValid() ) { return (AutoReg::SuccessSubPixel); }
1164 }
1166} // namespace Isis
Affine basis function.
Definition Affine.h:65
Container for affine and radiometric parameters.
Definition GruenTypes.h:242
Auto Registration class.
Definition AutoReg.h:167
Enumeration of the Register() method's return status.
Definition AutoReg.h:179
@ SuccessSubPixel
Success registering to sub-pixel accuracy.
Definition AutoReg.h:181
@ AdaptiveAlgorithmFailed
Error occured in Adaptive algorithm.
Definition AutoReg.h:189
void SetChipLine(double line)
Sets the search chip subpixel line that matches the pattern tack line.
Definition AutoReg.h:404
double PatternValidPercent() const
Return pattern chip valid percent. The default value is.
Definition AutoReg.h:280
void SetChipSample(double sample)
Sets the search chip subpixel sample that matches the pattern tack sample.
Definition AutoReg.h:393
void SetGoodnessOfFit(double fit)
Sets the goodness of fit for adaptive algorithms.
Definition AutoReg.h:413
double Tolerance() const
Return match algorithm tolerance.
Definition AutoReg.h:290
A small chip of data used for pattern matching.
Definition Chip.h:86
double CubeLine() const
Definition Chip.h:210
int TackSample() const
This method returns a chip's fixed tack sample; the middle of the chip.
Definition Chip.h:176
void SetChipPosition(const double sample, const double line)
Compute the position of the cube given a chip coordinate.
Definition Chip.cpp:643
double ChipSample() const
Definition Chip.h:219
double ChipLine() const
Definition Chip.h:226
void TackCube(const double cubeSample, const double cubeLine)
This sets which cube position will be located at the chip tack position.
Definition Chip.cpp:182
double CubeSample() const
Definition Chip.h:203
int TackLine() const
This method returns a chip's fixed tack line; the middle of the chip.
Definition Chip.h:187
int size() const
Returns the size of the collection.
T & get(const K &key)
Returns the value associated with the name provided.
bool exists(const K &key) const
Checks the existance of a particular key in the list.
void add(const K &key, const T &value)
Adds the element to the list.
T & getNth(int nth)
Returns the nth value in the collection.
Define a generic Y/X container.
Definition GruenTypes.h:53
double getDistance(const Coordinate &pntA=Coordinate(0.0, 0.0)) const
Computes the distance from this point and the point provided.
Definition GruenTypes.h:100
A DbProfile is a container for access parameters to a database.
Definition DbProfile.h:51
void setName(const QString &name)
Set the name of this profile.
Definition DbProfile.h:95
QString Name() const
Returns the name of this property.
Definition DbProfile.h:104
Gruen pattern matching algorithm.
Definition Gruen.h:74
void EigenSort(GVector &evals, GMatrix &evecs) const
Sort eigenvectors from highest to lowest.
Definition Gruen.cpp:556
double getAffineConstraint() const
Returns the Affine tolerance constraint as read from config file.
Definition Gruen.h:95
void WriteSubsearchChips(const QString &pattern="SubChip")
Set up for writing subsearch for a a given registration call.
Definition Gruen.cpp:92
void resetStats()
Reset Gruen statistics as needed.
Definition Gruen.cpp:1018
QString ConfKey(const DbProfile &conf, const QString &keyname, const QString &defval, int index=0) const
Helper method to initialize parameters.
Definition Gruen.h:241
Default constructor.
Definition Gruen.cpp:32
int Jacobi(const GMatrix &a, GVector &evals, GMatrix &evecs, const int &MaxIters=50) const
Compute the Jacobian of a covariance matrix.
Definition Gruen.cpp:427
const AffineRadio & getDefaultAffineRadio() const
Returns default settings for Affine/Radiometric parameters.
Definition Gruen.h:101
void init(Pvl &pvl)
Initialize the object.
Definition Gruen.cpp:967
Coordinate getChipUpdate(Chip &sChip, MatchPoint &point) const
Compute the chip coordinate of the registered pixel.
Definition Gruen.cpp:1141
virtual double MatchAlgorithm(Chip &pattern, Chip &subsearch)
Minimization of data set using Gruen algorithm.
Definition Gruen.cpp:608
virtual QString AlgorithmName() const
Returns the default name of the algorithm as Gruen.
Definition Gruen.h:124
Analysis errorAnalysis(const BigInt &npts, const double &resid, const GMatrix &atai)
Compute the error analysis of convergent Gruen matrix.
Definition Gruen.cpp:289
static Pvl & getDefaultParameters()
Load default Gruen parameter file in $ISISROOT/appdata/templates.
Definition Gruen.cpp:803
int logError(int gerrno, const QString &gerrmsg)
Logs a Gruen error.
Definition Gruen.cpp:948
bool ValidPoints(BigInt totalPoints, BigInt nPoints) const
Determines if number of points is valid percentage of all points.
Definition Gruen.cpp:1055
void setAffineRadio()
Set affine parameters to defaults.
Definition Gruen.cpp:127
virtual bool CompareFits(double fit1, double fit2)
This virtual method must return if the 1st fit is equal to or better than the second fit.
Definition Gruen.cpp:636
GMatrix Cholsl(const GMatrix &a, const GVector &p, const GMatrix &b, const GMatrix &x) const
Compute Cholesky solution matrix from correlation.
Definition Gruen.cpp:383
AutoReg::RegisterStatus Status(const MatchPoint &result)
Returns the proper status given a Gruen result container.
Definition Gruen.cpp:1161
PvlGroup ParameterLog() const
Create a PvlGroup with the Gruen specific parameters.
Definition Gruen.cpp:890
PvlKeyword ValidateKey(const QString keyname, const double &value, const QString &unit="") const
Checks value of key, produces appropriate value.
Definition Gruen.h:323
virtual AutoReg::RegisterStatus Registration(Chip &sChip, Chip &pChip, Chip &fChip, int startSamp, int startLine, int endSamp, int endLine, int bestSamp, int bestLine)
Applies the adaptive Gruen algorithm to pattern and search chips.
Definition Gruen.cpp:680
PvlGroup StatsLog() const
Create a PvlGroup with the Gruen specific statistics.
Definition Gruen.cpp:853
Radiometric getDefaultRadio() const
Returns the default radiometric gain value.
Definition Gruen.h:342
int algorithm(Chip &pattern, Chip &subsearch, const Radiometric &radio, BigInt &ptsUsed, double &resid, GMatrix &atai, AffineRadio &affrad)
Real workhorse of the computational Gruen algorithm.
Definition Gruen.cpp:156
int CheckConstraints(MatchPoint &point)
Test user limits/contraints after the algorithm has converged.
Definition Gruen.cpp:1090
ErrorList initErrorList() const
Creates an error list from know Gruen errors.
Definition Gruen.cpp:922
GMatrix Choldc(const GMatrix &a, GVector &p) const
Compute Cholesky solution.
Definition Gruen.cpp:341
PvlKeyword ParameterKey(const QString &keyname, const T &value, const QString &unit="") const
Keyword formatter for Gruen parameters.
Definition Gruen.h:301
double DegreesOfFreedom(const int npts) const
Returns number of degrees of freedom of points.
Definition Gruen.h:347
virtual Pvl AlgorithmStatistics(Pvl &pvl)
Create Gruen error and processing statistics Pvl output.
Definition Gruen.cpp:824
BigInt MinValidPoints(BigInt totalPoints) const
Computes the number of minimum valid points.
Definition Gruen.cpp:1038
const AffineRadio & getAffineRadio() const
Return current state of Affine/Radio state
Definition Gruen.h:104
AffineTolerance getAffineTolerance() const
Return set of tolerances for affine convergence.
Definition Gruen.cpp:1066
Isis exception class.
Definition IException.h:91
@ Programmer
This error is for when a programmer made an API call that was illegal.
Definition IException.h:146
Structure containing comprehensive registration info/results.
Definition GruenTypes.h:433
Coordinate getAffinePoint(const Coordinate &coord=Coordinate(0.0, 0.0)) const
Return registration offset of a given chip coordinate from center
Definition GruenTypes.h:452
Define a point set of left, right and geometry at that location.
Definition GruenTypes.h:171
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
Definition PvlGroup.h:41
Container for cube-like labels.
Definition Pvl.h:119
A single keyword-value pair.
Definition PvlKeyword.h:87
@ Traverse
Search child objects.
Definition PvlObject.h:158
Store for radiometric gain and shift parameters.
Definition GruenTypes.h:206
double Average() const
Computes and returns the average.
double Minimum() const
Returns the absolute minimum double found in all data passed through the AddData method.
void AddData(const double *data, const unsigned int count)
Add an array of doubles to the accumulators and counters.
double Maximum() const
Returns the absolute maximum double found in all data passed through the AddData method.
double StandardDeviation() const
Computes and returns the standard deviation.
void Reset()
Reset all accumulators and counters to zero.
Compute/test the Affine convergence from given parameters/chip.
Definition GruenTypes.h:348
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16
QString toString(bool boolToConvert)
Global function to convert a boolean to a string.
Definition IString.cpp:211
int toInt(const QString &string)
Global function to convert from a string to an integer.
Definition IString.cpp:93
const double Null
Value for an Isis Null pixel.
long long int BigInt
Big int.
Definition Constants.h:49
double toDouble(const QString &string)
Global function to convert from a string to a double.
Definition IString.cpp:149
Namespace for the standard library.
Container for Affine limits parameters.
Definition GruenTypes.h:319
Error analysis of Gruen match point solution.
Definition GruenTypes.h:383
Struct that maintains error counts.
Definition Gruen.h:166