Isis 3 Programmer Reference
6/* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */
7#include "Gui.h"
9#include <clocale>
11#include <sstream>
12#include <string>
14#include <QApplication>
15#include <QCoreApplication>
16#include <QDesktopWidget>
17#include <QFont>
18#include <QFrame>
19#include <QIcon>
20#include <QLineEdit>
21#include <QMenu>
22#include <QMenuBar>
23#include <QMessageBox>
24#include <QSplitter>
25#include <QScrollArea>
26#include <QStatusBar>
27#include <QToolBar>
28#include <QWhatsThis>
29#include <QWidget>
31#include "Application.h"
32#include "FileName.h"
33#include "IException.h"
34#include "IString.h"
35#include "Preference.h"
36#include "ProgramLauncher.h"
37#include "PvlObject.h"
38#include "PvlGroup.h"
39#include "Pvl.h"
40#include "SessionLog.h"
41#include "UserInterface.h"
43#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
44#include <X11/Xlib.h>
47namespace Isis {
50 Gui *Gui::p_gui = NULL;
56 // Many users who run xorg compatible servers on windows like to forget to
57 // start their Xhack software before launching X clients.
58 // The standard "cannot connect to X server" message that Qt gives is not
59 // enough to explain what the problem is, because we keep getting bug
60 // reports for this. Hopefully detecting this ourselves and printing the
61 // following message will help. If not then yes, this is the message that
62 // needs changing...
64 #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
65 Display *xDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
66 if (!xDisplay) {
67 std::cerr << "cannot connect to X server...\n\n"
68 "Do you have an X server running?\n\n"
69 "If yes then...\n\n"
70 " If you are trying to run this program remotely using ssh, then "
71 "did you enable X11 forwarding?\n\n"
72 "If the possible causes cited above have been ruled out and this "
73 "problem persists, then check your X settings or contact your "
74 "system administrator.\n\n";
76 abort();
77 }
78 else {
79 XCloseDisplay(xDisplay);
80 }
81 #endif
82 }
84 Gui *Gui::Create(Isis::UserInterface &ui, int &argc, char *argv[]) {
85 // Don't recreate
86 if(p_gui != NULL) return p_gui;
88 // Get preferences
89 PvlGroup &uiPref = Preference::Preferences().findGroup("UserInterface");
90 // Create the application
91 new QApplication(argc, argv);
92 // When QApplication is initialized, it will reset the locale to the shells locale. As a result
93 // the locale needs to be reset after QApplications initialization.
94 setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US");
96 QApplication::setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(true);
97 QApplication::setApplicationName(FileName(argv[0]).baseName());
100 // Qt is smart enough to use the style of the system running the program.
101 // However, Isis supports overriding this with a setting in IsisPreferences.
102 // Here we check to see if this has been done and force the style if needed.
103 if(uiPref.hasKeyword("GuiStyle")) {
104 QString style = uiPref["GuiStyle"];
105 QApplication::setStyle(style);
106 }
109 if (uiPref.hasKeyword("GuiFontName")) {
110 QString fontString = uiPref["GuiFontName"];
111 QFont font = QFont(fontString);
113 if (uiPref.hasKeyword("GuiFontSize")) {
114 int pointSize = uiPref["GuiFontSize"];
115 font.setPointSize(pointSize);
116 }
118 QApplication::setFont(font);
119 }
122 // Create the main window
123 p_gui = new Gui(ui);
124 p_gui->show();
126 return p_gui;
127 }
131 // Create the toolbar and menu and populate them with actions
132 CreateAreas();
134 // Set title
135 QWidget::setWindowTitle(QApplication::applicationName());
137 // Add parameters to the main area
138 for(int group = 0; group < ui.NumGroups(); group++) {
139 for(int param = 0; param < ui.NumParams(group); param++) {
140 p_parameters.push_back(AddParameter(ui, group, param));
141 }
142 }
144 // Load the values from the UI into the GUI
145 for(int p = 0; p < (int)p_parameters.size(); p++) {
146 GuiParameter *param = p_parameters[p];
147 param->Update();
148 connect(param, SIGNAL(ValueChanged()), this, SLOT(UpdateCommandLine()));
149 }
152 // Make the horizontal direction in the scrolling widget non-stretchable
153 p_scrollLayout->addStretch(1);
155 // Setup status bar
156 p_progressBar = new QProgressBar();
157 p_progressBar->setMinimum(0);
158 p_progressBar->setMaximum(100);
159 p_progressBar->setValue(0);
160 p_progressBar->setMinimumWidth(200);
162 p_statusText = new QLabel("Ready");
164 statusBar()->setSizeGripEnabled(true);
165 statusBar()->addWidget(p_progressBar, 0);
166 statusBar()->addWidget(p_statusText, 3);
168 // Setup the current history pointer
169 p_historyEntry = -1;
172 }
176 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < p_parameters.size(); i++) {
177 delete p_parameters[i];
178 }
180 p_parameters.clear();
181 }
183 // Create the main widget, menus, toolbars, status, actions
184 void Gui::CreateAreas() {
185 // Create the main area
186 QSplitter *split = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical, this);
188 // Add a scrolled area for the parameters to the splitter
189 p_scrollArea = new QScrollArea();
190 p_scrollWidget = new QWidget();
191 p_scrollLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
192 p_scrollWidget->setLayout(p_scrollLayout);
193 p_scrollArea->setWidget(p_scrollWidget);
194 p_scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true);
196 // Set the scroll area size
197 int height = QApplication::desktop()->height();
199 // Add the log area to the bottom of the spliter
200 p_log = new GuiLog();
201 p_log->setMinimumHeight(10);
202 p_log->resize(p_log->width(), 250);
204 split->addWidget(p_scrollArea);
205 split->addWidget(p_log);
206 split->setChildrenCollapsible(false);
207 split->setStretchFactor(0, 3);
208 split->setStretchFactor(1, 0);
209 setCentralWidget(split);
210 resize(720, (int)(height / 2) + 350);
212 // Create all the actions for menus, toolbars...
213 p_processAction = CreateProcessAction();
214 p_stopAction = CreateStopAction();
215 p_exitAction = CreateExitAction();
217 p_previousHistoryAction = CreatePreviousHistoryAction();
218 p_nextHistoryAction = CreateNextHistoryAction();
219 p_resetAction = CreateResetAction();
221 p_saveLogAction = CreateSaveLogAction();
222 p_clearLogAction = CreateClearLogAction();
224 QAction *whatsThisAction = CreateWhatsThisAction();
226 // Create the File menu
227 QMenu *fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu("&File");
228 fileMenu->addAction(p_processAction);
229 fileMenu->addAction(p_stopAction);
230 fileMenu->addAction(p_exitAction);
232 // Create the Options menu
233 QMenu *optionsMenu = menuBar()->addMenu("&Options");
234 optionsMenu->addAction(p_resetAction);
235 optionsMenu->addAction(p_previousHistoryAction);
236 optionsMenu->addAction(p_nextHistoryAction);
237 optionsMenu->addAction(p_saveLogAction);
238 optionsMenu->addAction(p_clearLogAction);
240 // Create the Controls Toolbar
241 QToolBar *tb = addToolBar("Controls");
242 tb->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22));
243 tb->addAction(p_processAction);
244 tb->addAction(p_stopAction);
245 tb->addAction(p_exitAction);
246 tb->addSeparator();
248 tb->addAction(p_previousHistoryAction);
249 tb->addAction(p_nextHistoryAction);
250 tb->addAction(p_resetAction);
251 tb->addSeparator();
253 tb->addAction(p_saveLogAction);
254 tb->addAction(p_clearLogAction);
255 tb->addSeparator();
257 tb->addAction(whatsThisAction);
259 QAction *showControls = new QAction(this);
260 showControls->setText("Controls");
261 showControls->setCheckable(true);
262 connect(showControls, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), tb, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
264 tb->installEventFilter(this);
266 // Create the command line toolbar
267 tb = new QToolBar("Command Line");
268 addToolBar(Qt::BottomToolBarArea, tb);
269 tb->setIconSize(QSize(22, 22));
270 tb->setAllowedAreas(Qt::BottomToolBarArea);
271 p_commandLineEdit = new QLineEdit(tb);
272 p_commandLineEdit->setReadOnly(true);
273 tb->addWidget(p_commandLineEdit);
274 QAction *showCommandLine = new QAction(this);
275 showCommandLine->setText("Command Line");
276 showCommandLine->setCheckable(true);
277 connect(showCommandLine, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), tb, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
278 //tb->hide();
280 // Create the view menu
281 QMenu *viewMenu = menuBar()->addMenu("&View");
282 viewMenu->addAction(showControls);
283 viewMenu->addAction(showCommandLine);
284 showControls->setChecked(true);
285 showCommandLine->setChecked(true);
287 // Create the Help menu
288 QMenu *helpMenu = menuBar()->addMenu("&Help");
289 helpMenu->addAction(whatsThisAction);
291 QAction *aboutProgram = new QAction(this);
292 aboutProgram->setMenuRole(QAction::AboutRole);
293 aboutProgram->setText("About this program");
294 aboutProgram->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_H);
295 helpMenu->addAction(aboutProgram);
296 connect(aboutProgram, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(AboutProgram()));
298 QAction *aboutIsis = new QAction(this);
299 aboutIsis->setMenuRole(QAction::NoRole);
300 aboutIsis->setText("About Isis");
301 aboutIsis->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_I);
302 helpMenu->addAction(aboutIsis);
303 connect(aboutIsis, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(AboutIsis()));
304 }
307 // Create the "Begin/Start Processing" action
308 QAction *Gui::CreateProcessAction() {
309 QAction *processAction = new QAction(this);
310 QString baseDir = FileName("$ISISROOT/appdata/images/icons").expanded();
311 processAction->setIcon(QPixmap(baseDir + "/guiRun.png"));
312 processAction->setText("&Run");
313 processAction->setToolTip("Run");
314 QString processActionWhatsThisText = "<p><b>Function: </b> \
315 Runs the application with the current parameters</p> \
316 <p><b>Shortcut: </b> Ctrl+R</p>";
317 processAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_R);
318 processAction->setWhatsThis(processActionWhatsThisText);
320 connect(processAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(StartProcess()));
322 return processAction;
323 }
336 p_processAction->setEnabled(false);
337 ProgressText("Working");
338 Progress(0);
339 p_stop = false;
341 Isis::UserInterface &ui = Isis::iApp->GetUserInterface();
343 // Pull the values from the parameters and put them into the Aml
344 for(int p = 0; p < (int)p_parameters.size(); p++) {
345 GuiParameter &param = *(p_parameters[p]);
346 ui.Clear(param.Name());
347 if(param.IsEnabled() && param.IsModified()) {
348 QString value = param.Value().simplified().trimmed();
349 if(value.length() > 0) {
350 ui.PutAsString(param.Name(), value);
351 }
352 }
353 }
355 // Make sure the parameters were valid
356 // Call the application's main
358 try {
359 ui.VerifyAll();
360 ui.SaveHistory();
361 Isis::SessionLog::TheLog(true);
362 QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
363 (*p_funct)(); // Call IsisMain
364 QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
365 Isis::iApp->FunctionCleanup();
367 // Display the parameters incase the app changed one or more
368 for(int p = 0; p < (int)p_parameters.size(); p++) {
369 GuiParameter &param = *(p_parameters[p]);
370 param.Update();
371 }
373 Progress(100);
374 ProgressText("Done");
375 }
376 catch(IException &e) {
377 QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
378 if(e.toString() == "") {
379 ProgressText("Stopped");
380 }
381 else {
382 Isis::iApp->FunctionError(e);
383 ProgressText("Error");
384 // When the warning is rejected (i.e. Abort), clean up from within qApp's exec event loop
385 if(ShowWarning()) {
386 qApp->quit();
387 }
388 }
389 }
391 p_processAction->setEnabled(true);
392 }
394 // Create the "Exit" action
395 QAction *Gui::CreateExitAction() {
396 QAction *exitAction = new QAction(this);
397 QString baseDir = FileName("$ISISROOT/appdata/images/icons").expanded();
398 exitAction->setIcon(QPixmap(baseDir + "/guiExit.png"));
399 exitAction->setText("&Exit");
400 exitAction->setToolTip("Exit");
401 QString exitWhatsThisText = "<p><b>Function: </b> \
402 Closes the program window </p> <p><b>Shortcut: </b> Ctrl+Q</p>";
403 exitAction->setWhatsThis(exitWhatsThisText);
404 exitAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q);
405 connect(exitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
406 return exitAction;
407 }
409 // Create the "Reset" action
410 QAction *Gui::CreateResetAction() {
411 QAction *resetAction = new QAction(this);
412 QString baseDir = FileName("$ISISROOT/appdata/images/icons").expanded();
413 resetAction->setIcon(QPixmap(baseDir + "/guiReset.png"));
414 resetAction->setText("&Reset");
415 resetAction->setToolTip("Reset parameters");
416 QString resetWhatsThisText = "<p><b>Function: </b> \
417 Resets the application parameters to their default values</p> \
418 <p><b>Shortcut: </b> F3</p>";
419 resetAction->setWhatsThis(resetWhatsThisText);
420 resetAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F3);
421 connect(resetAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ResetParameters()));
423 return resetAction;
424 }
426 // Create the "Stop" action
427 QAction *Gui::CreateStopAction() {
428 QAction *stopAction = new QAction(this);
429 QString baseDir = FileName("$ISISROOT/appdata/images/icons").expanded();
430 stopAction->setIcon(QPixmap(baseDir + "/guiStop.png"));
431 stopAction->setText("&Stop");
432 stopAction->setToolTip("Stop");
433 QString stopWhatsThisText = "<p><b>Function: </b> \
434 Stops the application from running</p> \
435 <p><b>Shortcut: </b> Ctrl+E</p>";
436 stopAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_E);
437 stopAction->setWhatsThis(stopWhatsThisText);
438 connect(stopAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(StopProcessing()));
440 return stopAction;
441 }
443 // Create the "SaveLog" action
444 QAction *Gui::CreateSaveLogAction() {
445 QAction *saveLogAction = new QAction(this);
446 QString baseDir = FileName("$ISISROOT/appdata/images/icons").expanded();
447 saveLogAction->setIcon(QPixmap(baseDir + "/guiSaveLog.png"));
448 saveLogAction->setText("&Save Log...");
449 saveLogAction->setToolTip("Save log");
450 QString saveWhatsThisText = "<p><b>Function: </b> Saves the information \
451 currently in the log area to a file <p><b>Shortcut: </b> Ctrl+S</p>";
452 saveLogAction->setWhatsThis(saveWhatsThisText);
453 saveLogAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_S);
454 connect(saveLogAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), p_log, SLOT(Save()));
456 return saveLogAction;
457 }
459 // Create the "ClearLog" action
460 QAction *Gui::CreateClearLogAction() {
461 QAction *clearlogAction = new QAction(this);
462 QString baseDir = FileName("$ISISROOT/appdata/images/icons").expanded();
463 clearlogAction->setIcon(QPixmap(baseDir + "/guiClearLog.png"));
464 clearlogAction->setText("&Clear Log");
465 clearlogAction->setToolTip("Clear log");
466 QString clearWhatsThisText = "<p><b>Function: </b>Clears all information \
467 from the log area at the bottom of the application screen</p> \
468 <p><b>Shortcut: </b> Ctrl+L</p>";
469 clearlogAction->setWhatsThis(clearWhatsThisText);
470 clearlogAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_L);
471 connect(clearlogAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), p_log, SLOT(Clear()));
473 return clearlogAction;
474 }
476 // Create the "Previous History" action
477 QAction *Gui::CreatePreviousHistoryAction() {
478 QAction *previousHistoryAction = new QAction(this);
479 QString baseDir = FileName("$ISISROOT/appdata/images/icons").expanded();
480 previousHistoryAction->setIcon(QPixmap(baseDir + "/guiPrevHistory.png"));
481 previousHistoryAction->setText("&Previous");
482 previousHistoryAction->setToolTip("Previous parameters");
483 QString previousWhatsThisText = "<p><b>Function: </b>Fills in parameter \
484 values using the previous history entry</p> \
485 <p><b>Shortcut: </b> F5</p>";
486 previousHistoryAction->setWhatsThis(previousWhatsThisText);
487 previousHistoryAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F5);
488 connect(previousHistoryAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(PreviousHistory()));
490 return previousHistoryAction;
491 }
493 // Create the "Next History" action
494 QAction *Gui::CreateNextHistoryAction() {
495 QAction *nextHistoryAction = new QAction(this);
496 QString baseDir = FileName("$ISISROOT/appdata/images/icons").expanded();
497 nextHistoryAction->setIcon(QPixmap(baseDir + "/guiNextHistory.png"));
498 nextHistoryAction->setText("&Next");
499 nextHistoryAction->setToolTip("Next parameters");
500 QString nextWhatsThisText = "<p><b>Function: </b>Fills in parameter \
501 values using the next history entry</p> \
502 <p><b>Shortcut: </b>F6</p>";
503 nextHistoryAction->setWhatsThis(nextWhatsThisText);
504 nextHistoryAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F6);
505 connect(nextHistoryAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(NextHistory()));
507 return nextHistoryAction;
508 }
510 // Create the Whats Action action
511 QAction *Gui::CreateWhatsThisAction() {
512 QAction *action = new QAction(this);
513 QString baseDir = FileName("$ISISROOT/appdata/images/icons").expanded();
514 action->setIcon(QPixmap(baseDir + "/contexthelp.png"));
515 action->setText("&What's This");
516 action->setToolTip("What's This");
517 QString whatsThisText = "<p><b>Function: </b> Use this to get longer \
518 descriptions of button functions and parameter information</p> \
519 <p><b>Shortcut: </b> Shift+F1</p>";
520 action->setWhatsThis(whatsThisText);
521 action->setShortcut(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_F1);
522 connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(WhatsThis()));
524 return action;
525 }
527 // Add a new parameter to this main window
528 GuiParameter *Gui::AddParameter(Isis::UserInterface &ui, int group, int param) {
529 // Create the group box if this is the first parameter in the group
530 QGridLayout *gridLayout = NULL;
531 if(!p_grids.contains(ui.GroupName(group))) {
532 // Create a new groupbox and add it to the scroll layout
533 QGroupBox *groupBox = new QGroupBox(ui.GroupName(group));
534 p_scrollLayout->addWidget(groupBox);
535 groupBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
536 groupBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter);
538 // Create a gridlayout for the new groupbox and save it
539 gridLayout = new QGridLayout;
540 gridLayout->setColumnStretch(0, 0);
541 gridLayout->setColumnStretch(1, 0);
542 gridLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(1, 10);
543 gridLayout->setColumnStretch(2, 10);
544 groupBox->setLayout(gridLayout);
545 p_grids[ui.GroupName(group)] = gridLayout;
546 }
547 // Find the group box for this parameter
548 else {
549 gridLayout = p_grids[ui.GroupName(group)];
550 }
552 GuiParameter *p = GuiParameterFactory::Create(gridLayout, ui, group, param);
554 if (p->Type() == GuiParameter::ListWidget || p->Type() == GuiParameter::ComboWidget ||
555 p->Type() == GuiParameter::BooleanWidget) {
556 connect(p, SIGNAL(ValueChanged()), this, SLOT(UpdateExclusions()));
557 }
559 connect(p, SIGNAL(HelperTrigger(const QString &)),
560 this, SLOT(InvokeHelper(const QString &)));
561 return p;
562 }
565 void Gui::ProgressText(const QString &text) {
566 p_statusText->setText(text);
567 qApp->processEvents(); // Needed when programs run programs
568 }
571 void Gui::Progress(int percent) {
572 p_progressBar->setValue(percent);
573 qApp->processEvents(); // Needed when programs run programs
574 }
580 int Gui::Exec(void (*funct)()) {
581 p_funct = funct;
582 return qApp->exec();
583 }
586 void Gui::LoadMessage(const QString &message) {
587 // Convert newlines to breaks
588 QString m = QString(message).replace("\n", "<br>");
590 // If there is a set of "[]" change everything between them to red text
591 if(message.contains("[") &&
592 message.contains("]") &&
593 (message.indexOf("[") < message.indexOf("]"))) {
595 int indx = 0;
596 while(m.indexOf("[", indx) != -1) {
597 m.insert(m.indexOf("[", indx) + 1, "<font color=#ff0000>");
598 m.insert(m.indexOf("]", indx), "</font>");
599 indx = m.indexOf("]", indx) + 1;
600 }
601 }
602 p_errorString += m;
603 }
607 Isis::UserInterface &ui = Isis::iApp->GetUserInterface();
608 int status = QMessageBox::warning(this,
609 ui.ProgramName(),
610 p_errorString,
611 "Ok", "Abort", "", 0, 1);
612 p_errorString.clear();
613 return status;
614 }
617 void Gui::Log(const QString &text) {
618 p_log->Write(text);
619 }
622 bool Gui::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) {
623 if(e->type() == QEvent::Enter) {
624 if(p_processAction->isEnabled()) {
625 ProgressText("Ready");
626 Progress(0);
627 }
628 }
629 return false;
630 }
634 if(p_processAction->isEnabled()) return;
637 switch(QMessageBox::information(this,
638 ui.ProgramName(),
639 QString("Program suspended, choose to ") +
640 QString("continue processing, stop ") +
641 QString("processing or exit the program"),
642 "Continue",
643 "Stop",
644 "Exit", 0, 2)) {
645 case 0: // Pressed continue
646 break;
648 case 1: // Pressed stop
649 p_stop = true;
650 break;
652 case 2: // Pressed exit
653 p_stop = true;
654 qApp->quit();
655 }
656 }
662 qApp->processEvents();
663 return p_stop;
664 }
668 // Clear the AML to default values
670 for(int p = 0; p < (int)p_parameters.size(); p++) {
671 GuiParameter &param = *(p_parameters[p]);
672 ui.Clear(param.Name());
673 }
675 // Display the updated parameters
676 for(int p = 0; p < (int)p_parameters.size(); p++) {
677 GuiParameter &param = *(p_parameters[p]);
678 param.Update();
679 }
680 }
684 p_historyEntry--;
686 }
690 p_historyEntry++;
692 }
703 if(p_historyEntry < -1) {
704 p_historyEntry = -1;
705 QApplication::beep();
706 return;
707 }
709 if(p_historyEntry == -1) {
711 return;
712 }
714 // Find out if this application has a history file
716 Preference &p = Preference::Preferences();
718 PvlGroup &grp = p.findGroup("UserInterface", Isis::Pvl::Traverse);
719 Isis::FileName progHist(grp["HistoryPath"][0] + "/" + ui.ProgramName() + ".par");
721 if(!progHist.fileExists()) {
722 p_historyEntry = -1;
723 QApplication::beep();
724 return;
725 }
727 Isis::Pvl hist;
729 try {
731 }
732 catch(...) {
733 p_historyEntry = -1;
734 QString msg = "A corrupt parameter history file [" + progHist.expanded() +
735 "] has been detected. Please fix or remove this file";
736 LoadMessage(msg);
737 // When the warning is rejected (i.e. Abort), clean up from within qApp's exec event loop
738 if (ShowWarning()) {
739 qApp->quit();
740 }
741 return;
742 }
744 int entries = 0;
745 for(int i = 0; i < hist.groups(); i++) {
746 if("UserParameters")) entries++;
747 }
749 // If we are past the last entry ring the bell
750 if(p_historyEntry == entries) {
751 p_historyEntry = entries - 1;
752 QApplication::beep();
753 return;
754 }
756 int useEntry = entries - p_historyEntry - 1;
758 try {
759 //When defaults are used they do not get rewritten because they do not
760 //exist in the history file to be written over. Must reset parameters first.
762 Isis::PvlGroup &up =;
763 for (int k = 0; k < up.keywords(); k++) {
764 QString key = up[k].name();
765 QString val;
766 // If the value has more than one element,
767 // construct a string array of those elements
768 if (up[k].size() > 1) {
769 val = "(";
770 for (int i = 0; i < up[k].size(); i++) {
771 QString newVal = up[k][i];
772 if (newVal.contains(",")) {
773 newVal = '"' + newVal + '"';
774 }
775 if (i == up[k].size() - 1) {
776 val += newVal + ")";
777 }
778 else {
779 val += newVal + ", ";
780 }
781 }
782 }
783 // Else, return the value on its own
784 else {
785 QString newVal = up[k];
786 val = newVal;
787 }
788 ui.Clear(key);
789 ui.PutAsString(key, val);
790 }
792 for(unsigned int p = 0; p < p_parameters.size(); p++) {
793 GuiParameter &param = *(p_parameters[p]);
794 param.Update();
795 }
797 }
798 catch(IException &e) {
799 p_historyEntry = entries - 1;
800 QApplication::beep();
801 return;
802 }
803 }
809 // First enable everything
810 for(unsigned int p = 0; p < p_parameters.size(); p++) {
811 GuiParameter &param = *(p_parameters[p]);
812 param.SetEnabled(true);
813 }
815 // Now disable things
816 for(unsigned int p = 0; p < p_parameters.size(); p++) {
817 GuiParameter &param = *(p_parameters[p]);
818 std::vector<QString> excludeList = param.Exclusions();
819 for(int i = 0; i < (int)excludeList.size(); i++) {
820 for(unsigned int e = 0; e < p_parameters.size(); e++) {
821 GuiParameter &exclude = *(p_parameters[e]);
822 if(exclude.Name() != excludeList[i]) continue;
823 exclude.SetEnabled(false, (param.Type()==GuiParameter::ComboWidget));
824 }
825 }
826 }
827 }
831 QString cline = Isis::Application::GetUserInterface().ProgramName();
832 for(int p = 0; p < (int)p_parameters.size(); p++) {
833 GuiParameter &param = *(p_parameters[p]);
834 if(param.IsEnabled() && param.IsModified()) {
835 cline += " ";
836 QString name = param.Name().toLower();
837 cline += name;
838 cline += "=";
839 QString value = param.Value();
840 if(param.Type() == GuiParameter::StringWidget) {
841 if(value.contains(" ")) {
842 cline += "\"" + value + "\"";
843 }
844 else {
845 cline += value;
846 }
847 }
848 else if(param.Type() == GuiParameter::FileNameWidget ||
849 param.Type() == GuiParameter::CubeWidget) {
850 cline += value;
851 }
852 else {
853 value = value.toLower();
854 cline += value;
855 }
856 }
857 }
858 p_commandLineEdit->setText(cline);
859 }
863 for(unsigned int p = 0; p < p_parameters.size(); p++) {
864 GuiParameter &param = *(p_parameters[p]);
865 param.Update();
866 }
867 }
869 // Enter into what's this mode
870 void Gui::WhatsThis() {
871 QWhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode();
872 }
874 // Show help for Isis
875 void Gui::AboutIsis() {
876 Isis::PvlGroup &uig = Isis::Preference::Preferences().findGroup("UserInterface");
877#if defined(__linux__)
878 QString command = (QString) uig["GuiHelpBrowser"] +
879 " >> /dev/null &";
880#elif defined(__APPLE__)
881 QString command = "open -a" + (QString) uig["GuiHelpBrowser"] +
882 " >> /dev/null &";
885 }
887 // Show help for the current app
888 void Gui::AboutProgram() {
889 Isis::PvlGroup &uig = Isis::Preference::Preferences().findGroup("UserInterface");
890#if defined(__linux__)
891 QString command = (QString) uig["GuiHelpBrowser"] +
892 "" +
893 Isis::Application::GetUserInterface().ProgramName() + "/" +
894 Isis::Application::GetUserInterface().ProgramName() + ".html";
895#elif defined(__APPLE__)
896 QString command = "open -a" + (QString) uig["GuiHelpBrowser"] +
897 "" +
898 Isis::Application::GetUserInterface().ProgramName() + "/" +
899 Isis::Application::GetUserInterface().ProgramName() + ".html";
902 }
905 void Gui::InvokeHelper(const QString &funct) {
906 p_processAction->setEnabled(false);
907 try {
910 // Pull the values from the parameters and put them into the Aml
911 for(int p = 0; p < (int)p_parameters.size(); p++) {
912 GuiParameter &param = *(p_parameters[p]);
913 ui.Clear(param.Name());
914 if(param.IsEnabled() && param.IsModified()) {
915 QString value = param.Value().simplified().trimmed();
916 if(value.length() > 0) {
917 ui.PutAsString(param.Name(), value);
918 }
919 }
920 }
922 // Get the helper function and run
923 void *ptr = Isis::iApp->GetGuiHelper(funct);
924 void (*helper)();
925 helper = (void ( *)())ptr;
926 helper();
927 }
928 catch(IException &e) {
929 Isis::iApp->GuiReportError(e);
930 }
932 // Update parameters in GUI
934 p_processAction->setEnabled(true);
935 }
void FunctionCleanup()
Cleans up after the function by writing the log, saving the history, and either sending the log to th...
void GuiReportError(IException &e)
Loads the error message into the gui, but does not write it to the session log.
void * GetGuiHelper(QString helper)
static UserInterface & GetUserInterface()
Returns the UserInterface object.
int FunctionError(IException &e)
Adds the error to the session log, sends the error to the parent if it has one, loads the error messa...
File name manipulation and expansion.
Definition FileName.h:100
QString expanded() const
Returns a QString of the full file name including the file path, excluding the attributes.
Definition FileName.cpp:196
Gui for Isis Applications.
Definition Gui.h:73
void StopProcessing()
The user pressed the stop button ... see what they want to do.
Definition Gui.cpp:633
void ResetParameters()
Reset the parameters fields to the defaults.
Definition Gui.cpp:667
Definition Gui.cpp:175
void InvokeHelper(const QString &funct)
Activate helper buttons.
Definition Gui.cpp:905
int Exec(void(*funct)())
Start the Gui and enter the main loop This routine only returns when the program is ready to exit.
Definition Gui.cpp:580
void Log(const QString &text)
Write text to the gui log.
Definition Gui.cpp:617
void ProgressText(const QString &text)
Change progress text.
Definition Gui.cpp:565
int ShowWarning()
Show an error message and return if the user wants to continue/abort.
Definition Gui.cpp:606
void UpdateParameters()
Update Parameters.
Definition Gui.cpp:862
void NextHistory()
Goto the next history entry.
Definition Gui.cpp:683
void UpdateExclusions()
Grey out parameters that should be excluded for radio buttons and checkboxes.
Definition Gui.cpp:808
void PreviousHistory()
Goto the previous history entry.
Definition Gui.cpp:689
void StartProcess()
The user pressed the go button.
Definition Gui.cpp:335
void Progress(int percent)
Update the progress bar.
Definition Gui.cpp:571
void LoadMessage(const QString &message)
Add more information to the error message.
Definition Gui.cpp:586
bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
Reset the Progress bar when the user moves the mouse onto the toolbar.
Definition Gui.cpp:622
Gui(Isis::UserInterface &ui)
Definition Gui.cpp:130
static Gui * p_gui
Definition Gui.h:101
void UpdateHistory()
Changed the parameters based on the history pointer.
Definition Gui.cpp:702
bool ProcessEvents()
Let the event loop have some time to see if we need to cancel.
Definition Gui.cpp:661
void UpdateCommandLine()
Update the command line toolbar.
Definition Gui.cpp:830
static void checkX11()
check to see if X is available
Definition Gui.cpp:55
void Write(const QString &string)
Add more information to the log widget.
Definition GuiLog.cpp:38
void Update()
Update the value on the GUI with the value in the UI.
virtual std::vector< QString > Exclusions()
Return list of current exclusions.
void SetEnabled(bool enabled, bool isParentCombo=false)
Enable or disable the parameter.
QString Name() const
Return the name of the parameter.
Isis exception class.
Definition IException.h:91
Reads user preferences from a data file.
Definition Preference.h:60
static void RunSystemCommand(QString commandLine)
This runs arbitrary system commands.
QString name() const
Returns the container name.
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
Definition PvlGroup.h:41
Container for cube-like labels.
Definition Pvl.h:119
void read(const QString &file)
Loads PVL information from a stream.
Definition Pvl.cpp:90
@ Traverse
Search child objects.
Definition PvlObject.h:158
Command Line and Xml loader, validation, and access.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16